Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

No! Not a 100%, I thought it was a bit too small for a rat!. So do you think it's a rat?
It looks like a young Rat to me but of course I see it out of context for size etc.
No! Not a 100%, I thought it was a bit too small for a rat!. So do you think it's a rat?

We've decided to remove all the bird feeders in the hope that the mice/rats go away. It's a great shame as we enjoyed watching the birds, and my wife had got particularly fond of a robin which comes!!

Thanks for all the responses.

It is a rat. If you look online you can find traps that are contained inside a box so they are out of sight and safe from cats, kids and other creatures. Put one of those out permanently if you continue to feed the birds.
Bristol Harbour Festival - They had a security check to get into the Amphitheatre stage area and the guard said 'sorry you cannot take that camera in' - I said 'it's definitely not a professional camera so surely ok?' then his colleague came and looked at my camera (a Canon 1Ds) and said 'has it got a removable lens?' and I said 'no it's fixed' and he looked more closely and said 'so it can't be removed?' - I said 'no - it's a fixed 28mm' and he then waved me in. I have never actually removed the lens and it's the only lens I own so there is some truth in the 'fixed' claim luckily
Hi Keith, some weeks ago you posted a similar image and wondered where it was (am I correct?), did you find out and what the building on the hill is. From my years in Bedfordshire I can't remember such a building.

Hi Howard
I was on the roof of my office on Manton Lane a couple of weeks back and it may well that building, I can clearly make out where I'm taking he photos from on the other side of the valley. Looking behind, I cant see how any other building can sit higher on the skyline. The problem is, the areas to the left and right of our office don't look right from the photos. It's very possible it's further back on the hill behind Mowsbury Golf Club leading out to the water tower, I need to drive out there and have a look.
leica Q 28mm - big crop - f2
