Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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What size were you doing the prints Graeme? Also it would be of interest to know what printer you would recommend.

and the difference in the images is unbelievable

Examples would be nice...............please. Why is it so good? Go on, tell us, we promise to believe you. :)

Just had a look at the free download thing. Sorry I got bored filling the wretched form in, must admit the selection of jobs was a bit of a joke.

Although to be honest I don't think , I know that I haven't got the experience to get the best out of either.

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Thanks Andy and woofwoof :)

I have been messing about with a demo of Lightroom also, and to my untrained eye the pics look a LOT better than in Silkypix. Does it do the correction though?
I was going to get this very same lens as it looked perfect, small, light and superb image and build quality. They fit fine on the GF1 with Leica M adapter.

Here is a pic of one nailed to an EP1. He did have up plumbed into his GF1:

Check out the guy's photostream. There is a pic of a dog lying on the floor which shows how good this lens is!!

I can't afford one so i plumbed for a Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f1.7 which although not quite as fast, still has superb image quality and a decent focal length for the GF1. Can't wait to use it!! I'll prob use it at f2 and have f1.7 in reserve!!

Get one and enjoy. If the Ultron is as good as i think it's going to be then i'll be back for more! :D

Cheers Andy - does look good. Do you have any examples you've taken with the Ultron? Also, I'm still a bit confused about the adaptor bit - the Panny website says that the M adaptor works with the G1/GH1/GF1, but the text of the adaptor doesn't seem to make sense (implies only G1/GH1 compatibility), and there are other sources which imply the same. I'm not sure therefore if the Panny one works with the GF1 (might give them a call, but trouble is I expect them not to know the answer).

Is there a good 3rd party one, and if so where did you get that? Are there any disadvantages to using a 3rd party one?

Sorry for all the questions!
Thanks Andy and woofwoof :)

I have been messing about with a demo of Lightroom also, and to my untrained eye the pics look a LOT better than in Silkypix. Does it do the correction though?
Sorry, what do you mean 'does it do the correction'?

Lightroom is the daddy if you can't afford Photoshop!
Cheers Andy - does look good. Do you have any examples you've taken with the Ultron? Also, I'm still a bit confused about the adaptor bit - the Panny website says that the M adaptor works with the G1/GH1/GF1, but the text of the adaptor doesn't seem to make sense (implies only G1/GH1 compatibility), and there are other sources which imply the same. I'm not sure therefore if the Panny one works with the GF1 (might give them a call, but trouble is I expect them not to know the answer).

Is there a good 3rd party one, and if so where did you get that? Are there any disadvantages to using a 3rd party one?

Sorry for all the questions!

As far as i'm aware (i may be wrong on this!) all micro 4/3 fitting are the same including Olympus Pen EP-1.

I have not received the lens yet so have no examples. Take a look on Flickr and search in 'groups' for the lens you want. I was very impressed with all the Voigtlander images.

I buy my adapters from the bay and so far they have been of very high quality. When i get home i'll send you the link to the adapter i bought but my lens is M39 screw fitting and most NOKTON's are Leica M fitting. There are loads of good adapters on the bay ranging from £40 to £150! As long as it says GF1 on the ad then you should be ok. If the bottom of the lens protrudes below the base of the adapter then you may have problems as the lens may hit the sensor.

Hope this helps.
have been messing about with a demo of Lightroom also, and to my untrained eye the pics look a LOT better than in Silkypix. Does it do the correction though?

Then Graham you ask

I thought there was some kind of lens distortion with the GF1 that was automatically corrected by Silkypix? Or have I made that up?

If your piccies look better in Lightroom does it matter?

And surely the lens correction is done in camera.

I also fail to see how anyone can decide on a lens by looking at an image posted in Flickr.

M adaptor works with the G1/GH1/GF1,

But the lens to sensor distance isn't the same between the G1/GH1 and GF1 so is there a removable extension tube included with the adapter?

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I've not read the instructions but Silkypix does seem to correct some distortion, as do the in camera JPEG's.

When I first got my GF1 I opened some pictures in Rawtherapee and the difference was quite obvious. Although it could be my eyes...

Does anyone have any definite information on possible in camera and Silkypix corrections?
But the Nokton 50mm is a very good lens. As to build quality the Lens mounted on my M6 is also Viogtlander, I think it speaks for itself

This is a 100% crop. Jpeg no PS adjustments other than re-size

Re the corrections. Obviously a file opened in any editing software from Jpeg has been corrected in the camera. However how you can see an unopened raw file without opening it in order to check if the camera has done the correction I don't know.Bit like opening the fridge door to check the light is going off.

No I guess not, was just wondering if there was something that I am missing now that I might notice later though.

But Graham you can't save a raw file do as I do................leave them unprocessed on the card.
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I'd guess that the camera produces corrected JPEG's and that Silkypix either incorporates corrections or shows the image with corrections that the camera has already incorporated. Rawtherapee seemed to show more distortion than either JPEG or Silkypix presented RAW files.

I have no idea if the camera corrects the RAW images and presents them to Silkypix already corrected or if Silkypix does correction itself. I'd guess, or hope, that the RAW file is just that, RAW, and that Silkypix then does corrections but you can't take anything for granted these days.

I suppose that if the camera does produce corrected RAW images it's possible that other packages, like Rawtherapee, somehow don't recognise the corrections. Or maybe they aren't there and it is actually RAW.
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Well whatever, why worry something sure does a hell of a good job.:)

OK here's two versions of the same pic.

One a jpeg straight from the camera, and one is a raw file exported from Lightroom. Apart from one being quite a bit darker, I can't see any other difference.


GH1 arrived two hours ago.....this is my very first pic taken with it , bright back light and no flash and no adjustments. Looks a good camera, now to practice with it ..

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Graham, I know nothing about Lightroom but many raw converters have default settings so even thought it has imported a raw file it does it's best to correct them, so you have to knock them off.

Re the two piccies, I thought we were talking about " lens corrections" so the flower shots might not be the best examples.

I have been messing about with a demo of Lightroom also, and to my untrained eye the pics look a LOT better than in Silkypix. Does it do the correction though?

One a jpeg straight from the camera, and one is a raw file exported from Lightroom. Apart from one being quite a bit darker, I can't see any other difference.

So are you saying that Jpegs are better than raw converted with Silkypix?

Lightroom 2 does have lens correction. It's one of the last box's on the right under Vignette i think. You may have to get it put in there by going to view and ticking the right box. I'm at work at the mo so can't give better detail but it is there. I have never used the lens correction!! Never seen the need as images always look fine to me!
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I must admit I'd prefer a nice leather strap for mine, however I had the op/tech one left over from my G9/G10 so....:shrug:

The covering comes from Aki Asahi $19 delivered.

Ordered one, looks easy enough to fit and easy enough to remove if it looks pants, so we will see. In fact looking at it I might only fit the grip side :)

Question for those in the know - there are some nice looking Voigtlander lenses in M-mount. Particularly interested in the 40mm f/1.4 Nokton. Can anyone confirm that it is actually possible to use this lens on a GF1, and that it would require the Leica-M to m4/3 adaptor? Better yet, anyone have the combo that can post pictures/experiences?

Have a look at this website which is specifically for micro 4/3rds cameras and has a section on adapted lenses: http://www.mu-43.com/forum.php

Also there are several groups on Flickr, especially this one: http://www.flickr.com/groups/seriouscompacts/

The Panasonic M-mount adapter looks particularly expensive at £199 but I am aware there are others on the market at under £50 esp on eBay.

Nice shot - but I think you had better resize & repost that photo before the mods get hold of you - maximum 800 pixels wide for this forum!
That's sweet

get it!

Had delivery of my new (to me) Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f1.7 lens. I'm still waiting for the adapter so no example shots yet :( but here it is with my GF1.

I have never felt such good quality in a lens! Lets hope the pics are as good as the lens quality!!!! In real life it is about half the size of the Olympus that's on the camera!

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I've also had a play.20mm @ f2.5 200 ISO


It is usual to show crops at 100%, however let's try at 200%.


As always Jpegs straight from the camera apart from re-sizing

Glad you are pleased with the new baby Andy. yes they are beautifully built as I tried to show in my earlier picture, but sorry the engraving is far better displayed on the chrome versions. :)

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Pretty good there Brian! Nice and clear.

The Chrome lens you have is a beaut!
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Excellent camera indeed and an interesting step to take. You will be pleasantly surprised to know that Olympus will be catering for the professional photographer in the m 4/3rd's market this year. The EP1/2 was a testing ground for the EVIL format. Rumor of a Leica type body is in the works.
I actually saw one of these in Northern Ireland yesterday :eek:

Usually it means a trip to England to handle camera stuff (cannot find an LX3 anywhere here :() so was surprised and pleased to see a GF-1 at Moores in Ballymena when I called in to see Sammy yesterday.

I can see what all the fuss is about now... what a beautiful bit of kit! It had the 20mm lens on it and took some great shots in the store, really intuative to use too.

Won't be buying one, as much as I loved it, but am jealous of all those of you that have ;)
Or even a Slate Quarry which I happen to have in my back garden.:) Anyway I thought you were going to buy me a drink ?

Yes Andy, I have owned every Voigtlander apart from the F1.1..........I would address that omission if the manual do da was better on the GF1. I hve always rated them in general terms only beaten by the very latest Asph design Leica lenses at 20% of the price.

They are nice, no, they are bloody lovely.

Brian who promises not to go on about the chrome versions.
See what I mean Andy.



Leica IIIG 28mm f1.9 The classic Leica of all time and certainly the best.


Leica IIIF 50mm f1.5. and Voigtlander Exposure meter

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Barney I do wish you would refrain from interupting :)

See yours..

BrianT, Did you have the 12mm wide? What did you think of it?
No Andy the 12mm was a step too far. I tried one on an M6 and the vignetting was pretty dire. But bearing in mind the acceptance angle hardly surprising. Keeping one's fingers out of shot was quite difficult.

But I know where you are coming from, the idea had crossed my mind . I should love to be proven wrong but even though the frame/sensor size is so reduced because of inherent problems with angles, light paths etc I still thiink the 12mm might not be suitable, fringing I think might be rather nasty.

My favourite full frame lens is the 21mm Super Angulon which means for the GF1 a 10mm, what choice? Zilch. I've said it time and time again but, quite what section of the market Panaonic are aiming to corner sure beats me. This lack of a wide angle is spoiling the GF1 for me, I thought it would solve a problem instead it has dangled a carrot just out of reach.

Re this market thing looking through the sort of stuff that the GF1 is being used for I think the majority are buying it as an up market point and shoot. Makes you think, the snaps of the M6, Voigtlander etc I have posted above were all taken on a Canon G3...............now we have the what G11? Mmmm.

Makes you think.;)

I seem to remember the G3 was about 4/5 Mp with a sensor 6/8 x smaller than the $/3 and 7/8 years ago, as I say, makes you think.


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