Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Yeah that would be cool - you can show me how to use this thing :)

By the way do you post on STW under another name by any chance? There was someone on there with a GF1 round Lancaster who I think posted a pic of those same office near Burton.
@ Woof

They were all taken on Auto, going the easy way at the moment !

Some great shots on here now

What a great Little camera this GF1 is.
Yeah that would be cool - you can show me how to use this thing :)

By the way do you post on STW under another name by any chance? There was someone on there with a GF1 round Lancaster who I think posted a pic of those same office near Burton.

yep, Shoei on STW. the joys of not making usernames the same across countless forums.

WOW, look at those clouds!! Great effect.
Nice one Andy...raining hard here so no outdoor pics for me don't want to get my new toy wet do I?
My GF1 has landed
Superb service from Mathers
Am eagerly waiting for the battery to charge


Doesn't the iPhone camera suck !
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A couple from today.

Dof at 1.7 with the 20mm

Lightroom lomo on the next one.

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick


Waiting to see your first pic ....please tick faster:LOL:
Yawn.... it must be charged by now????????

Perhaps he's out taking pics?

Sorry guys, been busy at work all afternoon!

So, initial impressions (well apart from reading a gazillion reviews and playing with one in the camera shop for 2mins)....

Well built
Zippy operation
20mm lens looks like it will be awesome
Perfectly (jacket) pocketable with the 20mm

Things to do/investigate

Firmware for lens & body is 1.0 - so will be updating later
Decrease 'review' time as it seems to hamper the next picture on the current setting
Get out and take some shots

Took these 2 at my desk just messing around



And this one on the way home


All 3 straight out of the camera.

Am just getting changed, picking up my Gorrilapod and heading out to take some more (y)(y)
Cracking!!! Isn't it funny how a lot of people take piccies of the lens cap as the 1st image!! i know i did! :D
I usually keep to the lowest possible ISO but someone mentioned that ISO 400 was their ISO of choice so I thought that I'd take a quick look.

This is my usual test subject :LOL: and it's a little shaky as the light was low as was the shutter speed so please ignore the blur. ISO 400 at f1.7. Straight RAW to JPEG with no NR or anything else, maybe WB, I can't remember...

I think that as a whole image it's perfectly acceptable and even at 100% noise isn't that bad, I'm sure that the noise could be reduced but I haven't bothered for this test.

All in all I think that I wont be too worried about using mid ISO levels.

What ISO are others happy to use both without and with NR?


I ALWAYS use to shoot at ISO100 as i wanted the best quality but recently have found that i can take better pics with faster shutter speeds if I up the ISO so I have put the camera on Auto ISO and am going to see what 'it' thinks is right. If there is enough light it does stay at ISO100 or a tad higher so far.

After a while i will go for manually choosing the ISO to see if the shutter speed can be increased. My camera is kept on A (Aperture priority) 99% of the time!

I have heard that above ISO400 it starts to get a bit noisy so i'll be keeping it to 400 max although i may experiment a little!
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I'm baaack!
Cold but, damn am I excited about the GF1 (y)

Took some more shots, not really fiddled in menu apart from setting ISO at Max 400 and reducing 'review' time to 1sec - much more responsive for lining up the next shot.

I am starting a set on my Flickr for the GF1 with the 20mm attached - all EXIF will remain intact

But here are a few quick shots from tonight to get you in a frenzy :LOL::LOL:





For my next outing tomorrow I may take the 7D with me for some comparisons

I'm off to read the manual ! i mean fiddle with the menus (y)
Well considering you have only had the camera 5 mins....... they are bloody great!!!!!! Well done! (y)

How do you keep the exif data on Flickr?
Well considering you have only had the camera 5 mins....... they are bloody great!!!!!! Well done! (y)

How do you keep the exif data on Flickr?

Cheers, loving the little thing!

Exif data is read from the image file when you upload it - unless the photo editing/organising software on your pc/mac has stripped it out - I believe Aperture for example, has issues with Exif if you don't choose the 'Save' properties carefully

I use Flickr Uploadr from my pc and the Exif stays intact

What software or method of uploading are you using Andy?
Cheers, loving the little thing!

Exif data is read from the image file when you upload it - unless the photo editing/organising software on your pc/mac has stripped it out - I believe Aperture for example, has issues with Exif if you don't choose the 'Save' properties carefully

I use Flickr Uploadr from my pc and the Exif stays intact

What software or method of uploading are you using Andy?

I go to my Flickr main home page and click on the link 'Upload Photo's and Video' and go from there. Would it be better to download the up loader?
I go to my Flickr main home page and click on the link 'Upload Photo's and Video' and go from there. Would it be better to download the up loader?

Have you got a pc or mac?
What have you used to edit/save the photos before to uploading them?

The Uploadr is a free util that allows you to upload in bulk and set tags etc but I reckon something is happening before you upload them to strip out the Exif
I go to my Flickr main home page and click on the link 'Upload Photo's and Video' and go from there. Would it be better to download the up loader?

I don't use an uploader and chose to keep exif in tact. Photoshop 'safe for web' strips it (altho CS4 haas n option to retain), whilst Photoshop 'save as' keeps it all in tact. :)
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I don't use an uploader and chose to keep exif in tact. Photoshop 'safe for web' strips it (altho CS4 haas n option to retain), whilst Photoshop 'save as' keeps it all in tact. :)

Exactly, I wonder if Andy is saving the files before he uploads and the exif is getting stripped out - I use Photoshop or Picasa and neither of these strip out the Exif

Where as MS Paint for example strips out everything !
I process all my files in Lightroom 2.5 then I export from Raw to jpeg on my Mac. I then go to flickr and upload from my home page.

So what do you think is stripping the data? I always thought it was Flickr.
Andy you've set your flickr prefs to not show the images properties

>You >Your Account>Privacy&Permissions>Hide your EXIF data [?] - Uncheck
Ahh thanks mate.

Will this allow ONLY future images to show exif data or will it show ALL images exif data?
Pretty true in my case. Bought my GF1 to give me something else to do while recovering from post viral fatigue. Not been on my bike in months. :(

GF1 is doing a good job of cheering me up though. :)
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