Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Yes those aircraft pics were good, forgot about them...

£250 burning a hole in my pocket, temptation may get me in the end.

Can cover a lot of ground with 45-200mm from the same spot.

Yes those aircraft pics were good, forgot about them...

£250 burning a hole in my pocket, temptation may get me in the end.

Can cover a lot of ground with 45-200mm from the same spot.


Glad you liked the aeroplanes, here's another I posted a few pages back with the 45-200 at 200mm. Wouldn't use it without the EVF though.

"I can recommend this one Optech Cam Strap QD"

Yes, I might order one off the net rather than struggle into town to Jessops. Thanks.
Now I'll have to save or beg £169 for the EVF.....spending never stops in this hobby :LOL:

Suppose I could sell the 45mm to fund it......oh god my mind hurts :lol
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Using auto focus on it would be no problem..

The problem isn't focusing, it's framing in bright light and my inability to stabilise the camera enough holding it out in front of me. I need to shoot in the conventional 'elbows in' position to get a crisp shot
Yes I can see what you mean, would be problem to me I think on a fast moving object
Sorry to hear about the Lupus/Arthiritis.
I changed to the GF1 from a D80 due to problems in my arms thanks to the possible impending threat from MS. Just getting too painfull to lug it around all day, unless some one came out with a left handed dSLR:thinking:

I love the GF1, got my interest back and also helped with the psychological side in that it helps as a distraction.

I too am sorry to hear about the MS, and I'm glad the GF1 reignited your interest.
I totally agree about the psychological side and distraction. I find photography, or any other interests helps with both the pain side of an illness and the depression a long term illness inevitably leads to!
Take care :)
Know how you feel wellyboot, I have a serious mobility problem ...walk more than 50m or stand for more than 10minutes and I'm in agony, hence my Photographic excursions are indeed limited.....my latest was from the back door in the dull damp light of day yesterday , when I go out I have to look a parking place for the car so the pic taking requires little walking..

Am I glad I changed from Nikon D90 to this superb GF1, so much lighter to carry.

Sorry to hear about your mobility problems. I think photography helps to keep us sane! ;)
I too have mobility problems, stagger around it just takes time and to cap it all I now have " Planters something or other" in my left foot/heel.

Moral is; don't get old..............Mind you the alternative is a trifle drastic. :)


Sorry to hear you too have problems Brian.
I too am sorry to hear about the MS, and I'm glad the GF1 reignited your interest.
I totally agree about the psychological side and distraction. I find photography, or any other interests helps with both the pain side of an illness and the depression a long term illness inevitably leads to!
Take care :)

For me buying this camera and really getting into photography has actually given me something to get out of bed for.

Over the last few months as the doctors have become more convinced that I have ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I had become very bitter and deeply depressed. I used to be very active and my life used to pretty much revolve around mountain biking and climbing etc, which I have had to basically give up as a result of the illness. 8 months ago I was doing a downhill bike race from 3300m up in the Alps. Right this second I would struggle to walk to the shop.

Kind of couldn't see the point of life any more tbh and was quite suicidal at times until very recently. But since I bought this camera I have been excited about something in life again for the first time in a good while. At least now I have a hobby/passion that is kind of compatible with my illness.

Sorry for the lengthy navel-gazing post. :wacky:
Chin up mate.....glad to hear that the GF1 is having such a good effect on you...

Keep those pics coming on here , good or bad, or we will all be chasing you ..

I was having a bad day here weather peeing down and my partner who has severe dementia has been giving me a bad time:bonk:, so what have I gone and done?, ordered the 44-200mm lens from Mathers but it won't arrive here till Friday as they are out of stock and new supply arrives on Thursday....Made me feel better anyway ......EVF can wait till next month

By the way Mathers was the cheapest around @ £249
I must admit....

I had a sneaky Google and a look at the EVF today. I think that the EVF might improve the handling for me if I got a zoom lens.

I originally thought that I'd just get the GF1 and the 20mm f1.7 and that would be it, a modern replacement for my 35mm cameras, but now I'm thinking about a new fast wide angle, a zoom and an EVF.

You lot are a very bad influence. :nono:
I must admit....

I had a sneaky Google and a look at the EVF today. I think that the EVF might improve the handling for me if I got a zoom lens.

I originally thought that I'd just get the GF1 and the 20mm f1.7 and that would be it, a modern replacement for my 35mm cameras, but now I'm thinking about a new fast wide angle, a zoom and an EVF.

You lot are a very bad influence. :nono:

Yer know the feeling, I too thought a GF1 with the one lens (20mm) was going to be a delight......now by the weekend I will be back 3 lenses ....What a great little camera the GF1 is though !

I too have mobility problems, stagger around it just takes time and to cap it all I now have " Planters something or other" in my left foot/heel.

Moral is; don't get old..............Mind you the alternative is a trifle drastic. :)


Plantar fasciitis??

Ask your friendly quack to inject it for you.....

No, I'm not kidding (y)

Anyone know what it's like using a viewfinder whilst wearing glasses?

The EVF has a dioptre adjustment and a rubber eyepiece so wering glasses is no problem. I sometimes wear varifocal contact lenses, which aren't great for close up to be honest but I can adjust the EVF to get a clear, sharp image.
For me buying this camera and really getting into photography has actually given me something to get out of bed for.

Over the last few months as the doctors have become more convinced that I have ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I had become very bitter and deeply depressed. I used to be very active and my life used to pretty much revolve around mountain biking and climbing etc, which I have had to basically give up as a result of the illness. 8 months ago I was doing a downhill bike race from 3300m up in the Alps. Right this second I would struggle to walk to the shop.

Kind of couldn't see the point of life any more tbh and was quite suicidal at times until very recently. But since I bought this camera I have been excited about something in life again for the first time in a good while. At least now I have a hobby/passion that is kind of compatible with my illness.

Sorry for the lengthy navel-gazing post. :wacky:

Don't be sorry at all. Coming to terms with a chronic illness takes time as I have found over the past 13 years, and I do understand what you are going through, even more so because my son suffered with ME when he was at Middle School.
But you've done exactly the right thing in finding a hobby that gets you excited. It helps so much to take your mind off things.
I hoe you make a swift recovery too.
Take care
I am staggered by the number of people on here who have health issues. Just goes to show that you don't really know a person on an Internet forum!
Makes me realise just how lucky I am to be healthy. You should all be very proud that you manage to overcome your limitations and still take amazing pictures.
Keep the posts coming!
Is this a bad time to mention that I have a certificate in gymnastics? That was some time ago though :LOL:

Best wishes to all.
Plantar fasciitis??

Steve is that right.. All he does is give me cream and boxes and boxes of pain killers. I'm sure he thinks it funny but living alone with no family apart from the dog ain't funny. He says rest but dog walking, housework, shopping etc fat chance.

Is there any chance that you know what I should ask him to inject it with.

I am staggered by the number of people on here who have health issues. Just goes to show that you don't really know a person on an Internet forum!
Makes me realise just how lucky I am to be healthy. You should all be very proud that you manage to overcome your limitations and still take amazing pictures.
Keep the posts coming!

I used to be "Healthy" until I gave up smoking 6 years ago and then the rot set in...now its pain killers and inhalers !

Dont know if anyone is interested but on the micro four thirds site on dPreview there is a guy who has created a profile for the GF1 on LR2, see here

I am wondering if I am the only GF1 user who is perfectly satisfied with the quality that the camera can produce.............all by itself without all this fiddling around.:bonk:


I think it is fair to say you are in the minority :)
I have taken the liberty of setting up a dedicated GF1 forum - I'm not sure how much longer this thread will remain intact as it will likely be closed due to the number of pages and TP doesn't have a section specifically for the GF1 or even M43 cameras at the moment.

If you're interested in joining, please visit GF One

Mods - I still intend to participate in the TP forum as I'm sure others who may join will do. This new forum is in no way affiliated with TP.

Hopefully see you over there (y)(y)

Three new lenses coming.

100-300mm, 8mm fish eye and 14mm prime. If I remember correctly. Contact at a photo show in Germany rang me earlier. Had them in his hands. Nice.

Thanks for the head's up Pete. Any super-wide angle that is cheaper than the 7-14 will be very interesting. Hopefully there will be some longer primes coming out - a 50mm 1.5 would be nice.
I have taken the liberty of setting up a dedicated GF1 forum - I'm not sure how much longer this thread will remain intact as it will likely be closed due to the number of pages and TP doesn't have a section specifically for the GF1 or even M43 cameras at the moment.

If you're interested in joining, please visit GF One

Hopefully see you over there (y)(y)

Nice one fella!! When i get home i'll join for sure :)
How much did you pay? (can't see ebay from work :( ) The Helios 44/2 is a cracking lens with good sharpness and colour/contrast.

It was £20 delivered from the Russian Federation. :)

Could maybe have got it a little cheaper but £20 isn't a lot for a lens especially if it's nice and sharp.

I found the Canon FD 50mm 1.8 really good for gig shots so I reckon this should be too.
I paid £6 for one and £10 for the other, both in good usable condition. They are a really good lens and i don't know why they are so cheap.
I have 2x 44/2 although one is an earlier version with a different focus ring.

Hurry up and get your adapter!! :D
The most important question re the promised 14mm is the speed.. I would suggest if this lens is any slower than the anticipated f2.8 it won't be very tempting to 14-45mm owners. Surely the OP contact must have told him if indeed that person had the lens in his hand. In fact at f2.8 as a 14-45mm owner I will not be tempted unless it is a pancake.

Brian - on the 14mm prime, what would you use it for that the 14-45mm can't do? The latter is F3.5 at the wide end, and produces great results. Don't forget that with OIS, you gain about 3 stops at the wide end as well, so you can shoot at about 1/10th and easily get shake free images. What would the 14mm 2.8 bring to the party, other than slightly sharper corners and possibly a bit less distortion, which unless you're printing massive, you wouldn't really see.

Would you be shooting wide open with it? If so, surely it would be sharper stopped down a little, in which case you may as well use the 14-45.

I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here - I'm genuinely interested in what one would use the 14mm 2.8 prime for, that the 14-45 can't achieve.
Dave I did in fact say that it wouldn't be of interest unless it was another Pancake design

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