Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Cheers - will have a look, thought it might be down at that end. Might do another rip-off of one of your shots. :LOL:

bradders - I'd be interested to hear how you get on snowboarding with the GF1. One of the attractive things about it for me was the size for taking out biking/snowboarding etc, though sadly my health has meant I can't really at the mo - but hopefully I will again one day.

Canvas was from a link here - http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=206978

£55 delivered for a 36x10 inch one - seems quite cheap from looking at other places.
Thanks, here's a side shot taken just after christmas.


I know its "wonky" but would crop/rotate in LR any way.
Thanks Zoidburg - was wondering what it looked like in the full, so to speak. Very odd, but very striking indeed.

No worries Graham - hopefully will have something decent to post when I get back. Will only get 3 slope days, as heading back home on the Wednesday. Can't decide at this point how to carry it mind you. Choices appear to be the inside "goggle" pocket, outside pocket or slung around my neck/under arm underneath the jacket. Edited to add, all with the 20mm on it - may take the 14-45 out in it's pouch in another pocket.
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I saw something about this, can't remember if it was on here or not. It seems it will be MF only and there was speculation it's just an existing lens rebadged with a M4/3 adaptor. Still could be a good thing though.
Here we go, link to the GF1 firmware and lens firmware


Dang! Update on both the body and the 14-45 lens. 20mm was already at the latest version. Still the same problem.

With the 20mm on @ F1.7, auto ISO set to 800. AP mode, shutter speed sets fixed at 1/30 - auto ISO registering at 160 on half press of the button.

When fixing the ISO to 100, pointing at the same subject, @ F1.7, in AP mode, the shutter jumps to 1/40.

So, in conclusion, there is something in AP mode that is fixing the shutter at 1/30, regardless of there being more "give" on the auto ISO. Unless of course, I am missing something - which is highly likely!

Now, you might be wondering why this is important to me - well, what I'd like to do is set the shutter to a min 1/40 for example on the 20mm lens, when the ISO still has "give" - bad technique is possibly the reason, but I get some pretty soft pics under 1/40 on this lens.
So, in conclusion, there is something in AP mode that is fixing the shutter at 1/30, regardless of there being more "give" on the auto ISO. Unless of course, I am missing something - which is highly likely!

Now, you might be wondering why this is important to me - well, what I'd like to do is set the shutter to a min 1/40 for example on the 20mm lens, when the ISO still has "give" - bad technique is possibly the reason, but I get some pretty soft pics under 1/40 on this lens.

I'm sure I saw a GF1 video on Youtube that mentioned it too. It does seem mad that you can't set it to what you want it to be... I think it works in shutter priority mode?
See where you are coming from on using the manual mode - not a problem at all, if you are shooting scenes that allow you the time to setup the camera for each shot.

I could even take the half way ground, and use AP mode to fix the creative side, and set the ISO manually to suit as necessary - but that seems to defeat the point of having autoISO.

Say next week, I am facing the open piste, sunny aspect ahead taking a shot, and then spot something in the shade - in both cases I would be fixed at 1/30 if I have the autoISO set, which is not ideal - especially given my stability on a snowboard!

Don't get me wrong, it's a cracking piece of kit - and there are always ways to work around. It just looked like I was missing something in the setup - hence the question.
WOW! Cool!Thanks:)
Looks like nice chinese wok vegie mix with... what is that? cannot see...

If you like corgette, I tell you waht to do - cut them in half along, take out a bit from the center, then make a nice paste: feta cheese smashed and mixed with shredded and fried mushrooms. Cook shredded mushrooms on a wok or pan with butter, then drain the butter, put it hot in some bowl and throw smashed feta cheese (one brick). Stuff those corgett halves and put to the oven for 10 minutes... THEN make a photo of you gf after trying it.. of course you can use GF to make that photo:D
Corgette will look similar to these...
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Noktor HyperPrime 50mm f0.95 for Micro Four Thirds

Isn't this a Sony TV lens?

Thinking, Thorpe Lane to Batley, can't be more than ten minutes in the car...........very tempting. :)

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Haha - hope the food shots don't get a demand - I can only imagine the slap I will get for pestering the g/f every time she makes some food!

Cheers for the recipe Phinix. I will pass it on.... The stuff in the stir fry was scallops - so much for my camera skills!

Brian, I will ask her to make you a plate full next time - if you don't hear from me ever again, then the request has been met with a response of epic proportions ;-)
Don't know if anyone here uses Aperture, but a RAW update was just released that now supports the GF-1. Haven't tried it yet though.
Brian, I will ask her to make you a plate full next time - if you don't hear from me ever again, then the request has been met with a response of epic proportions ;-)

Just remind her of northern hospitality and duck. No, on second thoughts duck first, Batley lasses are renowned for their right hooks.

Here is the Skopos museum still open?

Just wondered if any were interested in the GF1 replacement?


If only.

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Do hope they don't bring out the GF2 to quickly:nono:, I've only had my GF1 for a month and I love it. Better than sex, well what I can remember about it :LOL:
Do hope they don't bring out the GF2 to quickly:nono:, I've only had my GF1 for a month and I love it. Better than sex, well what I can remember about it :LOL:
I can't remember that far back! :(

The picture quality in the night mode is quite good but some picture looks as they have ben tempered
The picture quality in the night mode is quite good but some picture looks as they have ben tempered

Were you referring to my 'night' shots?

If so - can you elaborate on what you mean by tempered? (Assuming you mean tampered.....tempering photos would melt them I believe :LOL:)
I wish I hadnt found this thread! I'm contemplating changing my LX3 for someting a little less fiddly . I like the Lumix range but find them a little fiddly compared to my DSLR, that said i find the DSLR to be a pain in the ass when out skiing hence my interest in the GF1- mainly for skiing and Hols! Question: how does the GF1 with the 20m prime compare to the LX3 in lowlight?
Im a nit stick between the 14 -45 and the 20mm - most of my stuff is informal people and landscapes the 20 mm appeals but would i miss the zoom? the budget dioesnt extend to both at the moment!!
If you are going to get one lens I would get the 20mm and maybe pick up the 14-45 at a later date. Both are great but the 20mm just makes a really good fit on the GF1.

You can always use 'digital zoom' - the IQ is so good that you can easily crop pics heavily from the 20mm and they will still look pretty damn good.
I went with the 14-45 instead of the 20mm as my first lens as I thought it would be that bit more flexible, especially at the wider end for landscapes.

Today I just bought a 2nd hand 40mm f/1.4 Voigtlander lens with the M-mount adapter thing. Looks rather lovely so far. Manual focus and aperture is pretty easy as long as the subject isn't moving especially at f/1.4. An an effective 80mm lens it should be rather useful for portraits. Will post some pics when I find someone willing to pose :D.
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I like the Lumix range but find them a little fiddly compared to my DSLR
I find the GF1 far less fiddly that my DSLR which i sold to get the GF1. Now the GF1 is set up how i like it, it's a breeze to use.
I went with the 14-45 instead of the 20mm as my first lens as I thought it would be that bit more flexible, especially at the wider end for landscapes.

Today I just bought a 2nd hand 40mm f/1.4 Voigtlander lens with the M-mount adapter thing. Looks rather lovely so far. Manual focus and aperture is pretty easy as long as the subject isn't moving especially at f/1.4. An an effective 80mm lens it should be rather useful for portraits. Will post some pics when I find someone willing to pose :D.

Sweeeeet - definitely interested in seeing some pics using that combo. Where did you get them from, and did you get the official Panny adapter, or a 3rd party one? I've been looking out for someone selling both together, but no luck so far, so am resigned to having to hunt both down separately.
I got lucky and found a mint 40mm 1.4 Voigtlander in Aperture in London for £290 (normal price £400ish), and got the Voigtlander adaptor from Classic Camera just around the corner. There's a little cornucopia of cool camera shops in that area - worth a nosey if you are around.

I just dropped into Aperture for a look-see and found the 40mm sitting there - it hadn't gone on their website and the guy said they could sell as many as they could get their hands on. The chappie in Classic Camera said the same - they are selling loads of 40mm Voigtlanders to GF1 owners.

He also confirmed the 8mm fisheye and the 14mm 2.8 pancake prime had been announced.

Oh - the Voigtlander adaptor was an astonishing £150, but that's £50 cheaper than the Panasonic one. I didn't feel too bad as I'd saved on the lens, but FFS that's still a pile of cash. You can get both the lens and the adaptor from Classic Camera.
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I got lucky and found a mint 40mm 1.4 Voigtlander in Aperture in London for £290 (normal price £400ish), and got the Voigtlander adaptor from Classic Camera just around the corner. There's a little cornucopia of cool camera shops in that area - worth a nosey if you are around.

I just dropped into Aperture for a look-see and found the 40mm sitting there - it hadn't gone on their website and the guy said they could sell as many as they could get their hands on. The chappie in Classic Camera said the same - they are selling loads of 40mm Voigtlanders to GF1 owners.

He also confirmed the 8mm fisheye and the 14mm 2.8 pancake prime had been announced.

Oh - the Voigtlander adaptor was an astonishing £150, but that's £50 cheaper than the Panasonic one. I didn't feel too bad as I'd saved on the lens, but FFS that's still a pile of cash. You can get both the lens and the adaptor from Classic Camera.

Cheers Tobers, will look them up. Now, let's see some pics !!

Firstly, and perhaps expectedly, manual focus on what is effectively an 80mm lens at f/1.4 is quite tricky with the razor-thin depth of field. Doing it at night with slow shutter speeds and without a tripod is even harder.

Here's one I took whilst waiting at the station for my son to get back from London.

The Voigtlander 40mm feels very nice. Beautifully made. It's actually lovely to turn a ring on the lens and see the aperture blades move. Being mainly metal & glass, it's actually heavier than you'd expect - sort of dense.

There's a little sticky-out bit on the focus ring which falls naturally where your left index finger holds the lens, and that is what you use to move the focus ring. The focus goes from infinity to closest in about 1/4 of a turn.

I remember reading somewhere that if you always leave the lens focused to infinity, when you come to use it you only turn it one way, thus speeding up the focus action.

I've not really taken enough pics to convince myself of the lens sharpness yet, or experimented stopping it down. More of that later...

In the meantime, here are some pics of the lens and the camera. I think that it looks really darned good on the camera TBH. Kind of retro yet techno. The first pic shows the lens with the Voigtlander adaptor compared to the 14-45. You can see that the adaptor is quite thin - it's the 6-7mm band at the base of the lens with the red dot on.



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Guys, can I ask you for a small favour? Could you please post some video sample using 14-45 and zooming? how is the AF during video recording? Did you find it slow?

Why I need it? See, my missus wants to buy HD video cam corder, which costs about £500 anyway. So, I came up with incredible idea - I said I could sell my DSLR and buy GF-1, which can record videos! This is only way to make her agree on changing my camera;)
I don't think mono sound is that huge disadvantage, what do you guys think? Also 720p is great anyway. Do you think I would get better videos from HD cam corder than GF-1? I think GF-1 and 14-45 would be great for video shoting, later on I would get myself 20mm and be happy all the way!:)
Looks very pretty, thanks for taking the time to post those.

Noob question - do you use M or A (mode)? If in A, and when you select (in the camera) the aperture that you've set the lens to, does the camera automatically select the shutter speed, or does it fall over? If it does, can it also use the Auto ISO? Just trying to figure out if it's a purely manual state of affairs (both exposure and focus), or whether you can get away with having the camera do most of the exposure leg work while you concentrate on focus only.
That Voigtlander is on my shopping list. I have the 35mm f1.7 but have my eye on the 40mm. One day!
Guys, can I ask you for a small favour? Could you please post some video sample using 14-45 and zooming? how is the AF during video recording? Did you find it slow?

Why I need it? See, my missus wants to buy HD video cam corder, which costs about £500 anyway. So, I came up with incredible idea - I said I could sell my DSLR and buy GF-1, which can record videos! This is only way to make her agree on changing my camera;)
I don't think mono sound is that huge disadvantage, what do you guys think? Also 720p is great anyway. Do you think I would get better videos from HD cam corder than GF-1? I think GF-1 and 14-45 would be great for video shoting, later on I would get myself 20mm and be happy all the way!:)

Try this

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