Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Well the 2 main reasons are that it is quite uncomfortable to hold and I don't like the 2x crop factor either, it bugs me! Also there is very limited AF lens support. The few that are available really are way over priced or just damn expensive! Canon have far more to choose from and you know how I love my lenses! Apart from that I really think the GF1 is a superb camera especially with the 20mm.

The Konica will be up for grabs with the adapter as i can't find an adapter for eos.

I'll keep most of the rest of my MF lenses and there are a couple more i want to get.
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Sorry about that Andy.

I can see the appeal of the GF1 as a system camera but I still see mine as a modern alternative to a quality 35mm compact or rangefinder. In fact, a GF1 with the 20mm f1.7 is smaller (but possibly a little heavier) than something like my Olympus Trip, Cononet Q17 or Bessa.

I may get another lens in the future but I don't think that I'll ever end up with anything like the 8 I have for my DSLR.
I do know what you mean about the expensive lenses - I sort of think the fact that there aren't loads available is probably a good thing for me though, means I just concentrate on learning to use the ones I've got rather than lusting after new ones all the time.

Yeah right! :)

I seem to remember reading somewhere the Konica lenses won't adapt onto an SLR, can't remember why. Unfortunately though I already bought an adapter off ebay. I'll happily give you the £10 you paid for the lens back though ;)

I suppose one day I may end up getting an SLR as well, but for now I am very happy with the results I'm getting with the GF1 and can't see that it's really holding me back in any way.

The only thing I'm not sure about is if I wanted to get more into taking biking action shots with multiple off camera flashes etc.
Hi Graham

I'll have a go at selling the Konika with adapter on the bay, if I'm not successful I'll pop you a PM.


Me too! Got mine a couple of days ago. Went for a little walk with it around where I live.

Here are a few of my first shots;






Really nice and small. Had to go for the 20mm after what everyone has been saying about it - love the shallow DOF, have failed to get the updated lens firmware onto the memory card though.
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Did you get the firmware to work walsh?

Also a Q for Lowepro LC 10 owners - does the camera strap squeeze in as well? It looks like the one to go for.
Been away for a few days to Delamere Forest with the family. Nice to get away from things and sorta relax. Done a bit of riding round the forest trails with my son, who'se getting a lot more confident now on his bike, but here's a pic.

Did you get the firmware to work walsh?

Also a Q for Lowepro LC 10 owners - does the camera strap squeeze in as well? It looks like the one to go for.

yep managed to get it, turns out everything was up to date.

great shot zoidberg! (y)
Half a dozen with the new Olympus EP2. Nice camera, nice feature set, but the GF1 still has the crown. The art modes on the Oly are excellent however, despite a slow refresh rate. This is the grainy film option. V. nice @ 6 x 6. I could walk about for hours taking pictures like these....





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nice set of shots, i was wondering when you were going to get the oly...
i went to look at a GF1 yesterday and got a bit sidetracked by the G1, its tiny with the 20mm lens on...
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Half a dozen with the new Olympus EP2. Nice camera, nice feature set, but the GF1 still has the crown. The art modes on the Oly are excellent however, despite a slow refresh rate. This is the grainy film option. V. nice @ 6 x 6. I could walk about for hours taking pictures like these....

New firmware is due next week for the E-P's too address AF speed. In what way do you feel the GF1 is still king?
New firmware is due next week for the E-P's too address AF speed. In what way do you feel the GF1 is still king?

Slightly more intuitive and the high res screen much better. Can't believe oly did not update the screen really. Both excellent machines however. I'd take the art modes of the oly on a panny though....
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I'm not sure if this had been commented on before but to save me trolling through all the posts on this thread can anybody tell me their opinion of the 14-45mm Pany lens.

I would like to get the 20mm but nowadays I find I need the benefit of IS as my hands are getting a bit on the shaky side (through age not drink, worse luck);):LOL:
I'm not sure if this had been commented on before but to save me trolling through all the posts on this thread can anybody tell me their opinion of the 14-45mm Pany lens.

I would like to get the 20mm but nowadays I find I need the benefit of IS as my hands are getting a bit on the shaky side (through age not drink, worse luck);):LOL:

I have the 20mm lens which I got with the camera , and recently bought the 14-45mm kit lens, fantastic in my opinion, not as good as the 20mm in low light, but would not expect it to be....in a nut shell I am well pleased with the 14-45mm(y)
I've got both the 20mm and the 14-45. Both are in my opinion excellent lenses. If I could have only one....very difficult choice. I'd probably go for the 20mm as it has enables you to produce a lovely blurred background at wide apertures, and gives the camera an overall smaller size.

The 14-45 is fab as well and obviously you get the flexibility of the zoom and the IS, but you lose out in both background blur and low light capability. You can still get quite pleasing background blur at longer zoom lengths at the widest aperture but not as cool as the 20mm.

Personally, I'm waiting for 10mm and 40mm wide aperture primes from Panasonic.
just collected a G1 this morning. initial feeling is that it is a real breath of fresh air. real quality in such a tiny package...
sorry to invade the GF1 thread, it was this discussion that got me interested in the m43 idea, i just wanted the viewfinder...
whats the general consensus of the 45-200 for the GF1?

I'm not sure if this had been commented on before but to save me trolling through all the posts on this thread can anybody tell me their opinion of the 14-45mm Pany lens.

I would like to get the 20mm but nowadays I find I need the benefit of IS as my hands are getting a bit on the shaky side (through age not drink, worse luck);):LOL:

Coming from a history of using good glass for my work shooting, be it on a canon, mamiya or 5x4 camera, both of those lenses really impressed me. I'm not trying to say that these little plastic jobbies costing a couple of hundred quid are like using glass up to ten times the cost but they are both sharp, render decent colour and focus fairly well in bright light.

The 45-200 particularly caused some jaw dropping when I first used it. I have used some really nasty cheap zooms on a canon before (siggy 28-300 type affairs) and this is miles beyond that entry level quality.
Thats good to know about the 45-200. May pick one up this summer, could prove usefull for sports day at school plus on holiday.

click to big
Thats good to know about the 45-200. May pick one up this summer, could prove usefull for sports day at school plus on holiday.

Really, for the cost you can't afford not too. The amount of range you get and how low you can go on the shutter speed to get it with the IS is brilliant. (y)
Got myself a GF1 with 20mm from the For Sale section from overexposed.

Not had much time to play with it but here's my first image messing around at home trying it out. Shot at 1/60 1600iso f2


Let sleepings dogs lie !

Nice and sharp though, looking forward to seeing how it fares against my L glass.

Got myself a GF1 with 20mm from the For Sale section from overexposed.

Not had much time to play with it but here's my first image messing around at home trying it out. Shot at 1/60 1600iso f2


Let sleepings dogs lie !

Nice and sharp though, looking forward to seeing how it fares against my L glass.


Well sharp, keep up the good work with the GF1
Nice set of pics from Grum .....better put some of mine up that I took this am.
Nice shots Grum.
Ive had a "lack of motivation problem" recently. All most came close to jacking in the 365 im doing.

Seadog99, nice pic of the mutt :)

This afternoons walk with my mad mutt.

nicely done with the daffodils. lighting is brilliant...
OK well I couldn't stand it anymore and this afternoon I gave in and bought myself a GF1 + the 14-45mm lens +the viewfinder.:)

I've only taken a few shots indoors so far but I;m very impressed. The colours considering I took the shots late evening with no flash are IMHO outstanding.:clap:

Hopefully we will have some decent weather this week just to see what GF1 can do.

I now have to start saving for some extra lens.(y) Anybody want to buy a redundant D300s?;)
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