Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Hello all,

I've been going over and over in my head about getting a GF1 as a second camera.........is it really that good and worth the price with the pancake lens?

I've seen people saying they will replace their DSLR with one..........is it seriously that good?

I've read online that the body has no stabalisation, does this have a big effect in actual use?


I replaced a D80, plus grip, 18-70, 30mm f/1.4, 70-200 f/2.8 plus flash for a GF1 & 20mm lens. Love it. Carry it everywhere.
Though i changed to the GF1 due to health issues with the D80 becoming a pain, not just in lugging all the kit around but how it affected my arm.
Well, I have been to the local Panasonic camera Emporium this morning . . . Dilemma, I have a thing about low angle shots . . . Getting 'down and dirty' is hard these days, getting up again . . . !!! even harder, so undignified:whistle: . . . and the weight of even a simple DSLR kit after an hour or two gets hard work. Then there is the bulk, hence the often best left at home syndrome!

I went to look at the GF1, the shop keeper also showed me the G1 . . . Its small, not as small as the GF1 but 'small and light'. I started to realise, much of the 'weight and bulk problem' in a DSLR kit, is in the lenses . . .

The GF1 has a tilting EVF, but the G1 has a swivel screen and a built in EVF. GF1 is a 'shoe horned' G1, so essentially they are the same beast, so I'm lead to understand . . . G1 is considerably cheaper, + a £50 cash back from Panasonic :thinking:

And I have been offered a very good deal on the trade in DSLR kit, money in pocket:)

Present thinking, G1, 14-45mm lens, despite its slightly larger dimension, the small lens proportions and overall light weight and swivel screen, its a runner? Keep my much loved D40x/18x70mmDX combination as a back stop DSLR.

National Geographic do a 'man bag' style camera bag billed as; 'designed to take a small DSLR in a divided off area, plus every day item as one would use'. I have yet to see if a D40x/18-70mm fits the 'small' description . . . I think not?

So tracking down a 'NG' stockist close by? Back to the shop on Tuesday armed with a couple of SD cards to take some sample shots?

So you see my dilemma . . . CJS
The G1 is so cheap now it's tempting to get one as a second body and flog the kit lens - probably would work out about the same as buying the EVF.

First impressions of the 45-200 - pretty good but not amazing. Seems very sharp up to 100 ish but gets softer at full extension. AF also seems not as good as the other lenses I've tried. Still well worth having though I reckon.

Robb - it is quite heavy compared to the other lenses I've used (obviously)





Graham, is it only the TP forum that is posting twice for you, or all of them ?
Had a play with the 45-200 today. I'm actually quite impressed. A 90-400 in reality, it was nice and crisp and sharp. OK so it's a bit slow at 5.6, and I'm used to nice Canon f/2.8 L telephotos, but for a little diddy thing I did like it.

I did try it in continuous focus mode (AFC) and it seemed fine. A bit sluggish compared to the Canon L's but not bad at all for slow moving subjects. Colour & contrast looked fine as well.

Compared to the 20mm and 14-45, it's obviously quite bulky, but compared to a normal DSLR lens it's relatively teeny. Good value at £290 or so from LCE Guildford.

The G1 is so cheap now it's tempting to get one as a second body and flog the kit lens - probably would work out about the same as buying the EVF.

please dont say things like that ;)
Robb - it is quite heavy compared to the other lenses I've used (obviously)

Having walked round Chester zoo all day with a 70-200 f/2.8 glued to the D80+grip im hoping the 45-200 is an "easy all day" lens

P.S may be up for an easy ride along cycle track to Glason Dock. Havent done that for about 13 years!! as long as its not blowing a gale on sunday.
Can't say I'm blown away with mine but I think it was a good buy. I'm going to go on that TP big cats thing in August so it will be very handy for that.

Only £234 from ABC Digital and it came the day after ordering. ;)

I think I am gonna attempt a little bit of mountain biking on Sunday if the weather's good.

please dont say things like that ;)

£379 from Jessops with the code from camerapricebusters plus cashback = £329 for the kit with 14-45

Could flog the 14-45 for say £150 - that's £179 for the body - about the same as the EVF :)
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I think I am gonna attempt a little bit of mountain biking on Sunday if the weather's good.

Where abouts you thinking of going?

I fancy the 45-200 for school stuff. Having IS means it should be good for school plays and sports days.
Probably to Whinlatter with a friend of mine - good place to go as there are a few different loops you can do starting from the same spot. Some are quite short but it's good fun.
Amazed by the image quality so am picking up a GF1 and 20mm lens (with view to getting a reasonable zoom in time) to replace my Canon S90 - really looking forward to it.
A bit of PP on this one but the detail is still there. OOOOH i'm SO glad i kept my GF1 :D:nuts::LOL:

Got a GF1 (with 20 and 14-45) about a month ago thanks to this thread and have fallen in love with the little beauty! (y)
After seeing all these high quality shots, I've convinced myself I actually need one of these! Does anybody have any recommended online retailer? I've seen it on buyacamera.co.uk for £615 with the 20mm pancake lens. Is this good?
After seeing all these high quality shots, I've convinced myself I actually need one of these! Does anybody have any recommended online retailer? I've seen it on buyacamera.co.uk for £615 with the 20mm pancake lens. Is this good?

Have a look at Mathers £599

Bought all my GF1 and lens from them excellent service...

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Thanks, definitely looks good for under £600! Can you recommend any protective cases? Looks like the Panasonic one is £65.......any cheaper alternatives?
Thanks, definitely looks good for under £600! Can you recommend any protective cases? Looks like the Panasonic one is £65.......any cheaper alternatives?

Sorry I don't use a case for it just a Muffin Top 5500 Bag for the Body and lenses...

Somebody on here might be able to help with a case for the GF1.
Okay, cheers. Also, I only want to get one lens for it, would it be wise to go for the pancake 20mm? How does it compare with the 14-45? I would like to use it for video as well, would the lens make any difference for this?
Video without a tripod with the 20mm is pretty shaky - the IS on the 14-45 really helps.

First efforts with my wide angle convertor and the 14-45 - the vignette I added in the first one. Probably not the best examples - will try it on some street shots or indoor stuff at some point. Pretty good for a tenner though imo.


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Thanks oldboy for pointing me to Mathers.....ended up driving down to Bolton and picking it up today! First impressions, very impressed with the camera and pancake lens especially the size, can fit it in my jacket pocket! Now just need to go out and play.

Grum, those landscapes look nice, what wide angle convertor is it you used? Is one available for the 20mm?
Thanks oldboy for pointing me to Mathers.....ended up driving down to Bolton and picking it up today! First impressions, very impressed with the camera and pancake lens especially the size, can fit it in my jacket pocket! Now just need to go out and play.

Grum, those landscapes look nice, what wide angle convertor is it you used? Is one available for the 20mm?

Pleased to have been of service mate(y), sure you will enjoy it too.

I look forward to seeing some results.
Cool enjoy the new camera. The wide angle adapter is an olympus one - I think I posted a link a few pages back but I'll try and dig it out ;)

You could put it on the 20mm I suppose - you'd need a 46-49mm step up ring though.

Playing about with some PP using the 'Dave Hill' tutorial I saw on here...


Great pictures Grum.

Is that last one you when you've had a drink? :LOL:
I like the idea of a wide angle adaptor but my Bower x0.42 really distorts. Do they all or have I just got a crappy one?
O'dear, how disappointed can one be? I looked at the sample pictures this morning for the G1 and D5000, used as a control . . .

These are untouched JPG taken at the shop:

Panasoni G1 in full Auto JPG:

Panasonic G1 full Auto JPG

Nikon D5000 in full Auto JPG:

Nikon, 5000 in full Auto JPG

Reviews on G1 and the GF1 all seem to say shoot RAW, JPG is nowhere near as good, with which I concur on the strength of the sample shots above, I have no problem with this, I shoot RAW most of the time these days with the D40x/D90. However, Windows XP will not view the Panasonic RAW file in Explorer, referring me to a Panasonic downloadable plug-in for Explorer. Referring to the windows requirements only as Vista or Windows 7, I use and wish to continue using XP. Elements v.7, views Panasonic RAW.

So problem one, JPG on the Panasonic does blow the highlights it would appear?

Two, Windows 7 seems to be a requirement to view in Explorer?

Pushing me into the reason for the change to a G1 . . . ? Cant get 'down and dirty' for low angle shots these days, need a flippy screen. Size and weight have to be ignored . . . D5000 :| It then begs the question, D5000 . . . there is a lot of the D90 in there, PX the D90 as well, I dont need two DSLR bodies so close in spec?

Any comments . . . :thinking:

CJS :|
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Just listed the Panasonic Leica 45mm in the for sales if anyone is interested.
O'dear, how disappointed can one be? I looked at the sample pictures this morning for the G1 and D5000, used as a control . . .

These are untouched JPG taken at the shop:

Panasoni G1 in full Auto JPG:

Panasonic G1 full Auto JPG

Nikon D5000 in full Auto JPG:

Nikon, 5000 in full Auto JPG

Reviews on G1 and the GF1 all seem to say shoot RAW, JPG is nowhere near as good, with which I concur on the strength of the sample shots above, I have no problem with this, I shoot RAW most of the time these days with the D40x/D90. However, Windows XP will not view the Panasonic RAW file in Explorer, referring me to a Panasonic downloadable plug-in for Explorer. Referring to the windows requirements only as Vista or Windows 7, I use and wish to continue using XP. Elements v.7, views Panasonic RAW.

So problem one, JPG on the Panasonic does blow the highlights it would appear?

Two, Windows 7 seems to be a requirement to view in Explorer?

Pushing me into the reason for the change to a G1 . . . ? Cant get 'down and dirty' for low angle shots these days, need a flippy screen. Size and weight have to be ignored . . . D5000 :| It then begs the question, D5000 . . . there is a lot of the D90 in there, PX the D90 as well, I dont need two DSLR bodies so close in spec?

Any comments . . . :thinking:

CJS :|

Sorry CJS totally confused as to what you are asking.

I was asking , but not very clearly, what if any dodge around the inability of Explorer in XP to display the Panasonic RAW files. I wondered if anyone else has had and got around the problem? I did not want to try to download and mess up my XP!!!

However, I have just tried it, having set a recovery point first! Sure enough it got halfway through, 'support systems not installed on this computer, exit download'. A case of MS calling the shots? again, 'Vista/Windows 7' or nothing . . . :thinking:

Looking at the pictures, Panasonic highlights are blown out in JPG, as indicated by on line reviews, even going through ACR via Elements, the colours are lacking vitality IMHO. Life is to short to have to view every picture individually in ACR. In any case, this is a glorified compact, one expects a half decent picture to be presented in 'iAuto' mode.

The Nikon D5000 picture is perhaps a tad the other way . . . ? but preferable . . . IMHO.

So those are the problems, anyone got any answers, was my question . . . :shrug:

Quote; Digital Camera Review G1
Conclusion, pros and cons
'a con':
■Steep tone curve (JPEG) and approximately 0.5 EV less dynamic range in the highlights than the competition can lead to clipping.

Quote; Digital Camera Review GF1:
Conclusion, pros and cons
'First three, cons':
■Dynamic range and high ISO output not quite as good as best in class (including Olympus E-P1)
■JPEG output nowhere near as good as it could be - shoot raw for best results
■Default settings don't produce particularly appealing (JPEG) color

This is what I'm seeing in my samples, are you overcoming these problems?

The other question, how to view Panasonic RAW in Windows XP, Explorer?

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