Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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7-14 in B&W

OK Richie, you seem to be making it work . . . in RAW or JPG.

If RAW, how much processing and what operating system?

If JPG, what are your in camera colour setting?

Believe me, I want to do this but not as things stand as 'standard'?


Very little - Mac OSX, Capture One

Never used JPEG

Try setting to under-expose by 1/3 stop
Very nice indeed Richie - love the B+W shot.

CJS - I use RAW files with Lightroom - it's excellent imo. Most of the time I don't have to do much processing at all but I like to have a play sometimes. I've certainly found the jpegs pretty underwhelming in comparison.

Not sure about your windows issue sorry - I'm on a Mac.

Oldboy your flower shot is great too. (y)
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Very nice indeed Richie - love the B+W shot.

CJS - I use RAW files with Lightroom - it's excellent imo. Most of the time I don't have to do much processing at all but I like to have a play sometimes. I've certainly found the jpegs pretty underwhelming in comparison.

Not sure about your windows issue sorry - I'm on a Mac.

Oldboy your flower shot is great too. (y)

OK Grum, I understand where you are coming from. I can open individual pictures in ACR with Elements 7 or 8, I also have light room, but prefer ACR, personal preference. However the ability to view all files in Explorer as a first move is important to me A personal thing that helps my work flow.

I can see you are getting the best from the camera using RAW. Sow, as you say, you use minimum PP, which appeals to me as an old film hand, 'get it right in the camera'. Therefor I presume you must be using colour adjustment presets in camera moving away from Default . . . ? Can you please confirm(y)

It says in the 'cons' quote; 'default setting dont produce the most appealing colours', 'shoot RAW for best results'. It must be that you set the colour menus to your taste, as in fact, I do with my Nikons, half the colection is being sold if I make this move.

All being well, I still want to go the Panasonic rout, light, swivel screen (G1), and 25% less bulk. If you confirm the above, I will to talk to my tame computer man see if we can install Windows 7 . . . with the minimum of fuss . . . provided it does not obsolete all my programs? Big learning curve for me, just getting used to XP, I have a mild form of dyslexia, but hay-ho, onwards and upwards . . . :)

Sorry if it appear that I'm being disruptive . . . not so, its the dyslexia, a side affect is this urge to understand, needing to open more doors than would seem normal? Trying to get to the bottom of what one has to do to get the quality you are displaying . . . ;)

OK Grum, I understand where you are coming from. I can open individual pictures in ACR with Elements 7 or 8, I also have light room, but prefer ACR, personal preference. However the ability to view all files in Explorer as a first move is important to me A personal thing that helps my work flow.

I can see you are getting the best from the camera using RAW. Sow, as you say, you use minimum PP, which appeals to me as an old film hand, 'get it right in the camera'. Therefor I presume you must be using colour adjustment presets in camera moving away from Default . . . ? Can you please confirm(y)

It says in the 'cons' quote; 'default setting dont produce the most appealing colours', 'shoot RAW for best results'. It must be that you set the colour menus to your taste, as in fact, I do with my Nikons, half the colection is being sold if I make this move.

All being well, I still want to go the Panasonic rout, light, swivel screen (G1), and 25% less bulk. If you confirm the above, I will to talk to my tame computer man see if we can install Windows 7 . . . with the minimum of fuss . . . provided it does not obsolete all my programs? Big learning curve for me, just getting used to XP, I have a mild form of dyslexia, but hay-ho, onwards and upwards . . . :)

Sorry if it appear that I'm being disruptive . . . not so, its the dyslexia, a side affect is this urge to understand, needing to open more doors than would seem normal? Trying to get to the bottom of what one has to do to get the quality you are displaying . . . ;)


CJS a lot of what you are concerned about here is nothing to do with the GF1 its processing questions which relate to a PC, maybe try this thread


With regard to the GF1 settings these are all set to default.
What I think you're saying, CJS, is that the Microsoft Powertoys plugin to show RAW images in explorer doesn't work for the Panasonic RAW files. This isn't Microsoft's fault though... Panasonic (I am assuming) defined the file format.


Have a look for RAWshooter in Google, or PICASA, both of which will hopefully be able to display these images.

Alternatively, set your camera to save RAW and JPEG together and then review the JPEGs before processing the RAW.
What I think you're saying, CJS, is that the Microsoft Powertoys plugin to show RAW images in explorer doesn't work for the Panasonic RAW files. This isn't Microsoft's fault though... Panasonic (I am assuming) defined the file format.


Have a look for RAWshooter in Google, or PICASA, both of which will hopefully be able to display these images.

Alternatively, set your camera to save RAW and JPEG together and then review the JPEGs before processing the RAW.
I can see you are getting the best from the camera using RAW. Sow, as you say, you use minimum PP, which appeals to me as an old film hand, 'get it right in the camera'. Therefor I presume you must be using colour adjustment presets in camera moving away from Default . . . ? Can you please confirm(y)


The RAW files don't keep any colour adjustments etc from the camera settings - Lightroom has some standard settings it applies to the RAW files from the GF1 which usually seem to be pretty good, it sometimes requires a little tweaking, or a lot if I fancy playing around but it's very quick to do.
If you need rw2 previews in Windows Explorer then I use Fast Picture Viewer which is free for home use and available in 32/64bit flavours for XP SP3, Vista and W7. It is an alternative to the Pana codec and works very well.

Fast Picture Viewer

Give it a try

Guys, some of the movies I recorded ob GF-1 cannot be played once copied to PC. Did you notice anything similar? I can play them on camera, but not on pc once copied form the camera...
The video looks excellent, pretty much broadcast quality to the untrained eye. I really would like a 14-45 or 45-200 for video, I find the 20mm pancake is too hard to hold still.
Konica Hexanon 50mm 1.7




Yup that video looks really good. Here's a little test I did - was shooting in B+W and didn't realise it would save the video like that.


This was on a MF lens so no IS but I was resting it on my knee, and I ran it through the IS thing on iMovie. The IS definitely helps a lot for handheld video.
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I bought a cheapo adapter off ebay and I can now fit my cheapo x0.42 to my 20mm...


It's wide...it cuts the corners off depending on what I focus on but the centre sharpness seems to be good enough and all in all I Love It!!! I can't wait to get out and use it but until then here's some test shots...




The subject can be touching the front of the lens! I love it! I might leave it on all the time...
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I bought a cheapo adapter off ebay and I can now fit my cheapo x0.45 to my 20mm...


It's wide...it cuts the corners off depending on what I focus on but the centre sharpness seems to be good enough and all in all I Love It!!! I can't wait to get out and use it but until then here's some test shots...




The subject can be touching the front of the lens! I love it! I might leave it on all the time...

I like the look of that!
Is anyone using a x 0.7 adapter with a 20mm f1.7?

If so, does it get in the way as much as my x 0.42 does?


Why... don't you??? lol::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Oh, Yes come to think of it I do !!

Nice one, I'm on my 3rd one too


Is anyone using a x 0.7 adapter with a 20mm f1.7?

If so, does it get in the way as much as my x 0.42 does?

I picked up a 0.45x adaptor for the GF1 which I am using on my 20mm. I've not got that heavy vignetting like you have.


I may be wrong but I think the issue is the size of your adapter. I got one that was 52mm with a 46mm step-down ring - so the glass is bigger and with the 46mm step-down ring you don;t see the edges of the filter on the front.

Still soft at the edges mind you - looks a little like a Lens Baby in some shots
Alan - Interesting about the vignetting, I'll have a look at my ring (oh er...) later but I think that the issue is probably my wide angle adapter as without the stepping ring and when just holding the lens in place is still vignettes on far subjects but not on close ones.

I'll probably be looking for some help on this (please) so I'll post part numbers etc later but even if I'm stuck with the vignetting I still think that it's a fun thing to use.

Weiran - I'll take / post some more pictures when I get home this evening.
I've just ordered a x 0.45, 52-46mm and I'll put my 0.42 back in its box. I originally bought it a few years ago to use on one of my SLR lenses so all this has cost me is the cheap adapter.

Thanks for the help.
Been a bit quiet for a while. Still taking pics.
Things are now somewhat up in the air after being told on Tuesday i have Relapsing/Remitting MS.
Desperately trying to hold things together to keep going with my 365. A few pics from the past 7 days.

Another pic....

Been a bit quiet for a while. Still taking pics.
Things are now somewhat up in the air after being told on Tuesday i have Relapsing/Remitting MS.
Desperately trying to hold things together to keep going with my 365. A few pics from the past 7 days.

sorry to hear your news, hope you are coping ok!

for what its worth, love the 3rd pic, superb dof and composition. what lens did you use? 2nd shot is a cracker as well...
Just a heads-up, I read over at dpreview that these wide-angle converters could cause damage to the lens due to the focusing mechanism, I've lost the link now but I'm sure it will show up on google.
sorry to hear your news, hope you are coping ok!

Just about getting there thanks. lots of suffering after a 180 mile round trip to see the neurologist on Tuesday. But it was well worth seeing him. One of the top Doc's in his field. He confirmed what my local neurologist suspected. I now know, so i can start to move on with things.

for what its worth, love the 3rd pic, superb dof and composition. what lens did you use? 2nd shot is a cracker as well...

Thanks, was a bugger to take, damn dog kept pulling on his lead. Been waiting for the Daff's to show up so i could try taking that shot. Tried it when the snowdrops were out, but the lighting was always too dull.

All taken with the good old 20mm.
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