Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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One thing I don't get is why people keep buying and selling their GF1s. There must be at least 3 people on this thread who I've seen buy and sell at least two GF1s. So fickle! :LOL:
With me it's not limited to GF1s'

If I stick with a camera for more than a year my Mrs will think something is wrong...
I'm absolutely loving my GF1 at the moment... Went out with my new 20mm f1.7 (thanks to AndyWest) today and took a few test shots using a little clownfish toy around my city.



Such a versatile piece of kit and handy enough to be able to use to take quick snaps without too many people seeing you balance a wee orange clownfish precariously on ledges.
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i am so curious graham as to why you often double post and delete posts and leave a full stop!!! :D
I really don't know why I keep double posting!! I'm definitely only pressing submit once.

I leave the full stop because I edit to remove the double post, and you have to put something in the text box - I'm too lazy to type 'double post' :)
Evil looking cat!! :)

One from work today...


Holy cow, what manner of fabulous place do you work at? And what is that wonderous looking beastie? 10 strings, 6 courses and no frets.
Thanks Alan.

I'm off to Scotland for a couple of weeks tomorrow and I seem to have lost my bloody 14-45mm. :crying:

Thats a bloody disaster mate:bang:.....hope you find it before you leave.

Now it will be back to starters and the 20mm, anyway do have a nice time in Bonnie Scotland, hope to get up there later on when I can arrange a carer for my partner, two weeks in the Highlands at my Sisters just a few yards from the sea will do me good.
Yup - been missing for a few days but I've had a good look today and can't bloody find it. It's my best landscape lens too. :(

Oh well - the 20mm is still pretty good for landscapes I suppose.
You can take mine if you're anywhere near enough to come and get it. It would like scottishland.
I have a Canon EOS adapter for the GF1 also.
As the EF lenses don't have aperture rings on.. how do you go about changing aperture on these or do you not?

Did you find out anything more on this, Janice?

Just ordered myself an EOS adapter on a whim, but then realised I didn't know the answer to your question above :bonk:

Edit: Just googled it..... you set the desired aperture on the canon, and remove lens whilst holding the DOF-preview button.
Hope this doesn't do any damage to Canon / lens, (breaking the electrical contact whilst camera is powered up) :thinking:
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Is this the longest thread ever on TP.... or maybe the longest thread ever anywhere? :D
Is this the longest thread ever on TP.... or maybe the longest thread ever anywhere? :D

I feel I should to read the whole thread before asking any questions :eek:
Thats a bloody disaster mate:bang:.....hope you find it before you leave.

Now it will be back to starters and the 20mm, anyway do have a nice time in Bonnie Scotland, hope to get up there later on when I can arrange a carer for my partner, two weeks in the Highlands at my Sisters just a few yards from the sea will do me good.

Thanks Oldboy - yeah Scotland is lovely and a great place for pics (especially 14-45mm pics :bang: )
You know you could buy another and then sell it on after your trip. What will it cost you? £30, £40 perhaps. I think I might be tempted, it is quite a nice range for travelling.
You know you could buy another and then sell it on after your trip. What will it cost you? £30, £40 perhaps. I think I might be tempted, it is quite a nice range for travelling.

It is very tempting. The especially annoying thing is that I bought a G1 kit a month or two ago so I had two then - but sold it on as I already had one.

Don't suppose you want to rent me yours? :)
Actually, why don't you let me have the address of where you're staying and I can stick it in the post.
Actually, why don't you let me have the address of where you're staying and I can stick it in the post.

That would be absolutely amazing - thank you!!!

This forum is ****ing great isn't it. I promise to take lots of nice pictures with it!

I'll PM the address to you now.
Not really adding much to this thread apart from saying that I had a look at a GF1 the other day and really want one!

That is all.

Keep up all the good work.

And enjoy scotland Graham.
Received the lens on loan from Darren today - what a star!

Just took the GF1 pancake out biking yesterday - stunning day.

My steed :)



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I can't believe I'm feeling jealous of a lens. It's going to have such a good time. ;)
I can't believe I'm feeling jealous of a lens. It's going to have such a good time. ;)

I'll have to try and look after it better than I did with mine ;)

(I'm still sure mine is in the house somewhere :LOL: )

Cheers Alan - it's not for suspension - it's a remote control adjustable seatpost. When you are going down steep stuff it's good to have your weight right back and the saddle gets in the way. The remote lets you drop it at a moment's notice without stopping - quite a luxury but a bit of a life saver at times.

What a great guy, this forum is superb (y)

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A couple more from my Florida trip with my GF1 and 20mm.


stormclouds at sunset


Sanibel Harbour 8 image vertical pano
double post!
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What can I say. I'm so impressed with the quality of this camera and thread too. I'm currently in the process of selling my D300s because I find it a little advanced for what I am doing but I don't want to stop taking photographs.

The GF1 and 20mm prime seem to be ideal for what I am looking for and the quality of the images on this thread justify this camera.

All I need now is to sell my Nikon kit and find the best deal on a GF1 + 20mm. Any ideas..?
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