Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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I'm slow today...1

Yes it's an Apple..lol
I'm slow today...1

Yes it's an Apple..lol
Standard Buchaille Etive Mor shot :)

Made possible thanks to the 14-45 loan

That's a bit classy graham, did you do any less schmoove as well?
I like that look. I wonder what it would it would like with your processing from the first one. :whistle:

I'll get the lens posted back to you tomorrow btw
I've just booked a little trip for the 18th, so no great rush, any day your passing a P/O this week is brilliant. :)
As if by magic...

Now that is just great. For me, I see more movement in the shot when you can see the energy in the water. Might just be imagining it but the sky looks a tad more defined too.

Off to Spa for a couple of days. No real reason other than I had a hankering for a really good trappist ale and there's nowhere better to sit and drink one. :D
Thanks you two - thinking about it I prefer the one with the faster shutter too so thanks for the feedback. I'm kind of addicted to the 10 stop filter - must learn when to leave it off :LOL:

Have fun in Belgium - I fancy Bruges after watching the film set there :)
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Damn you all to hell for showing me this camera will undoubtedly meet my needs!
First attempt :(

Just straight out the box.

Guess my computer..?


I had a Sinclair ZX81 with an aftermarket keyboard that looked like that in the 80s :LOL:

Good shot though (y)
Just for you


I'll get the lens posted back to you tomorrow btw (y)

Hi mate, fantastic shot..!

Can I ask what settings you had, what's the data for the shot and how did you take this shot inc where did you focus on?

Also, what level of PP did you have to do?

Many thanks

I had a Sinclair ZX81 with an aftermarket keyboard that looked like that in the 80s :LOL:

Good shot though (y)

I think I know what you mean..lol

Thanks anyway.
Hi mate, fantastic shot..!

Can I ask what settings you had, what's the data for the shot and how did you take this shot inc where did you focus on?

Also, what level of PP did you have to do?

Many thanks


Cheers :)

OK - it was taken with the G1 and 14-45 on a gorilapod style tripod - and a Hoya circular polarizer. Also a small ball head which made getting the portrait position easy. The tiltable screen on the G1 was handy for this but you could easily do it with the GF1 too as long as you were happy to lie on the floor!


Exposure 0.4
Aperture f/22.0
Focal Length 14 mm

Used the timer mode to reduce movement from pressing the shutter

Not much PP done on the colour version (which is rare for me :) ) - the other is just a simple B+W conversion with a little sepia tinting. Done in Aperture trial as my trial of LR ran out :(

Oh and btw - Whinlatter is pretty good - not sure I'd bother travelling from Wales for it though. There is lots of great riding in the Lakes on bridleways - I usually prefer it to trail centres. If you are heading up this way give us a shout and I will show you around if you like. :)
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Cheers mate.

Thanks for the offer, I might take you up on that and possibly bring the camera and you could show us how you took that shot..?

I'm not in Wales, I'm J16 of the M6 so the lakes are around 1 1/2 hours from me.


Cheers mate.

Thanks for the offer, I might take you up on that and possibly bring the camera and you could show us how you took that shot..?

I'm not in Wales, I'm J16 of the M6 so the lakes are around 1 1/2 hours from me.


So...how about a long-termer review of the GF-1? :)

I had an E-P1 for a while after it came out, but didn't get on with it. No flash, 14-45 lens was too chunky, and AF was staggeringly useless. My 5D2 is being criminally under-used at the moment, I can't just leave it sat on the shelf and am thinking of selling it all and getting a GF1. Couldn't get used to using the display to compose, so would probably get the EVF, how do people get on with that?
I tried the GF1 yesterday at Silverstone during a car show. It was very sunny and in some instances the view finder was difficult to see. Tried the EVF in the shop and although it can be usefull in sunny conditions, I wouldn't spend the money on it as I thought it was over priced and the quality of the view was not very good IMO.
Nice shots Grum. How was the 14-45? Think that'll be on my list of lens to buy if i get my critical illness payout (along with an iPad + Camera connector)

Got 2 weeks worth of pics from GF1, LX3 and iPhone to go through. Doesn't help that my shutter finger is slowly going the same way as my right thumb :shake:

Need to add a 10 stop ND to the list as well, along with a small compact tripod and remote shutter release.
I just can't believe how much this thread has inspired me to stop thinking I was useless and think about things differently.

What I'd really like and appreciate is buddying up with someone and being shown photography techniques etc. I'm all for reading but strongly believe in a working level experience.

May I ask when someone posts a pic they have taken they add the EXIF data as this really helps understand the image.

I thought there was a dedicated GF1 picture thread but for some reason I am struggling to find it again.
So...how about a long-termer review of the GF-1? :)

I had an E-P1 for a while after it came out, but didn't get on with it. No flash, 14-45 lens was too chunky, and AF was staggeringly useless. My 5D2 is being criminally under-used at the moment, I can't just leave it sat on the shelf and am thinking of selling it all and getting a GF1. Couldn't get used to using the display to compose, so would probably get the EVF, how do people get on with that?

I dunno - if you don't like composing on the screen perhaps the GF1 is not for you? I've not tried the EVF though.

I got a G1 too which has a really good EVF, but isn't much smaller than a small DSLR.

RSMarco - just give us a shout if you fancy it. Bear in mind I am still not 100% well/fit so often have to take it fairly easy on bike rides.

Oh and thanks Robb - I really like the 14-45 - I have/had one of my own but I'm damned if I can find it. You're welcome to try/borrow my 45-200mm as well if you like. Sorry to hear you are having troubles with shooting.

For a small compact tripod I can recommend the Gorillapod SLR Zoom style thing I got for a tenner off dealextreme. Paired with a small ball head it's a great compact setup imo.
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I thought there was a dedicated GF1 picture thread but for some reason I am struggling to find it again.

I know there is one over on AVForums (G1 / GH1 / GF1 etc), but cannot recall one on here.

If there isn't, perhaps there should be?
RSMarco - just give us a shout if you fancy it. Bear in mind I am still not 100% well/fit so often have to take it fairly easy on bike rides.

For a small compact tripod I can recommend the Gorillapod SLR Zoom style thing I got for a tenner off dealextreme. Paired with a small ball head it's a great compact setup imo.

If I was to meet up I'd rather just use the bikes as a mode of transport but probably take advantage of what you know about the camera and get some shots etc..?

Have you got any pic's of your set up inc tripod etc?

I have tried reading through this whole thread, but may have missed the answer to this question :)

How is everyone processing their images from the GF1? I'm finding the jpegs look great but can't seem to replicate the look of the jpegs when starting from raw in LR2. I've seen mention of some custom GF1 dcp profiles for lightroom but trying to contact the author has proven unfruitful for now.
Good honest review mate.
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