Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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The thing I cant understand is... if it get scratched etc and you want to sell the gf1 you would obviously want to take that off prior to selling so you sell with a mint screen. But you cant take it off, is that right??

Didn't you ask that once before and it got answered thus?

You can remove them with a piece of dental floss, slide it under the corner and work it along until the screen comes off. Any residue (and there probably wont be any) can be removed with lighter fluid or similar.

Which one of us is going mad? :)
Didn't you ask that once before and it got answered thus?

Which one of us is going mad? :)

its me.. its me!!!! i have a terrible short term memory and i had a feeling in the back of my mind that i had asked it but then thought i had just wondered it! sorry folks! :confused:
This is turning into the deja vu thread :cautious::D
Twilight Zone & Groundhog Day!!!:LOL:

Has anyone got a GF1??

Panasonic have just introduced a 4/3rds camera called the GF1 and... er.. hang on....I've been here before..........
Two of us already have, in response to your earlier request; see posts 3190 and 3191

I know but I have a secret obsession with screen protectors.....

I just wanted to see the installation that's all.
I know but I have a secret obsession with screen protectors.....

I just wanted to see the installation that's all.

I don't understand, we posted pics of the screen protector fitted to the camera, what do you want to see?
I know but I have a secret obsession with screen protectors.....

I just wanted to see the installation that's all.
There you go......

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I don't understand, we posted pics of the screen protector fitted to the camera, what do you want to see?

I mean I wanted to see how well he fitted his.

There you go......



Thanks Allan,
Looks a good fit.
If you click on the original pic it will give you the full size
Has it made the screen more matt and less reflective>

Has it made the screen more matt and less reflective>

No, its clear glass, looks just the same as it not being there, if you get my drift. My last clear protector did that and I didnt like it.
Couple of more from tonight until I get out and about with it (girlfriend got taken in to hospital today so had to find something to amuse myself :( )

Really do love this wee camera(y)

Walking back to my car and GF1 slung around neck and camera about waist high, just clicked the button and this is the result.....must try it taking street candids could even fool the "Old Bill" !

Hoorah, The postman has just arrived with my new GF1 Twin kit. I am now patiently?? waiting for the battery to charge. It says 3 hrs - that's an eternity. Oh well - good things are worth waiting for.(y)

Well done! 3 hours is plenty of time to read the manual and draw up your list of things you don't understand ;)
Hoorah, The postman has just arrived with my new GF1 Twin kit. I am now patiently?? waiting for the battery to charge. It says 3 hrs - that's an eternity. Oh well - good things are worth waiting for.(y)

And we are waiting for your first pictures:)

This was my first picture with GF1 when it arrived....

Well done! 3 hours is plenty of time to read the manual and draw up your list of things you don't understand ;)

That would be most of the manual for me then. One of the worst I've ever read.
Hoorah, The postman has just arrived with my new GF1 Twin kit. I am now patiently?? waiting for the battery to charge. It says 3 hrs - that's an eternity. Oh well - good things are worth waiting for.(y)

Congratulations on the purchase.

Daft question though, where are you seeing 3 hours indicated?
Shouldn't take that long, mine came with a good bit of charge on it and it only took around 90 mins for the green light to go out.
Any suggestions for best case to hold EITHER 14-42 lens or 20 pancake lens. I will only be carrying one with me attached to camera in this bag. I already have a bag that will carry both. Criteria - smallest, lightest, least bulk, not too expensive, and shoulder type bag.
Is there a manual with it ....no wonder I have problems at times:bonk:

I would read the manual if I were you.... I remember just after I bought the GF1 on here I sent Neenee a pm asking something about the pressing of the rear wheel to change from aperture setting to shutter setting etc. and he didnt even know you could press it!! :D

WOOOOO 11,000th post!!
I was so excited at the prospect of getting one I read the manual last week. Mind I am known as a manualolich. :D

Great, I'll go and find my list of things I didn't understand and ask you.....:D

That would be most of the manual for me then. One of the worst I've ever read.

I totally agree, I used to write technical manuals for a living but I barely understood a word of the GF1 instructions.
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