Show us yer film shots then!

Having had a couple of issues trying 510-Pyro as a developer, an email exchange with Zone Imaging led me to give the Ross Ensign 820 a rare outing with a 2012 roll of HP5+. I might be starting to get the hang of it, but the stain is very variable even on the same roll, since these were all scanned as colour negs, rather than b&w.

#1 Floating Island, UHI Campus.


#2 Hay bales between UHI and Retail Park


#3 New home for bad guys under construction

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I'm impressed by the image stabilistation on the Tamron lens. I was shooting these at around 35mm focal length and getting shutter speeds of between 1/10sec and 1/30sec on the Delta 100. I was expecting camera shake, but they're all sharp. There's a bit of drop off in focus on the shot of the altar, but I think some of that is DOF as I was shooting it wide open.

Nikon F80
Tamron 28-300mm F/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD
Ilford Delta 100
Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 @ 20° 10.5mins

Inside King's Lynn minster by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

Inside King's Lynn minster-2 by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

Inside King's Lynn minster-3 by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

Inside King's Lynn minster-4 by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Any big format people here?
I need some help.
Sorry for the samey post but, I took this picture without using any technical movements (tilt. shift, rise/fall).
At f32 I was expecting to see the entire tower in focus but the top and bottom are OOF.
The camera was pointing upwards slightly. other than that I am clueless.

Here it is again.

Any big format people here?
I need some help.
Sorry for the samey post but, I took this picture without using any technical movements (tilt. shift, rise/fall).
At f32 I was expecting to see the entire tower in focus but the top and bottom are OOF.
The camera was pointing upwards slightly. other than that I am clueless.

Here it is again.

View attachment 437008
Well I am not a large format person, but I think you have answered your own question. If the camera was pointing slightly upward, then the film plane was not parallel to the tower. Surely, having the film plane parallel (i.e. vertical) and using some shift to get the whole tower in the frame, would render it all in focus.

However, I can't zoom your image, so I am not entirely clear what you are saying is OOF. If it is the water in the foreground then, in addition to the shift referred to, I would also think you want some downward tilt and move the focus distance to "something a bit nearer". But I have exceeded my pay grade now!
After much head scratching the problem transpires to be operator error.

I could not find the correct manual for my camera so just unfolded it in the same manner as my Toyo 45.
On closer inspection I found there is a slot in the verticals of the front standard. Looking at the brass assembly that holds the lens board, there is a tang that should be fitted to the slot before cenetring the rise.

This is what was causing the front and rear standards to be not parallel.

I feel like and idiot now.
After much head scratching the problem transpires to be operator error.

I could not find the correct manual for my camera so just unfolded it in the same manner as my Toyo 45.
On closer inspection I found there is a slot in the verticals of the front standard. Looking at the brass assembly that holds the lens board, there is a tang that should be fitted to the slot before cenetring the rise.

This is what was causing the front and rear standards to be not parallel.

I feel like and idiot now.

Built in tilt-shift. Nice!
"De-Donging Th'Iron Donger"

A local cast-iron bridge on my local walk route (and fav photo spot) was having its cast iron facade removed. This was the bit that made a nice dong sound if hit by a stone etc.
It's in an unsafe condition and has been strapped up for a while until this team arrived to remove it.
Locally known as "Th'iron Donger", it has had its dong removed.

Loads of the roads in the centre of King's Lynn have double-yellow lines so, as long as you waited for any traffic to pass, it's quite easy to get shots of empty streets.
Ah, King's Lynn (I can see too from your subsequent and earlier posts, which I'd missed). I keep meaning to go there, I almost did so a couple of weeks ago, but something got in the way.
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Ah, King's Lynn (I can see too from your subsequent and earlier posts, which I'd missed). I keep meaning to go there, I almost did so a couple of weeks ago, but something got in the way.

It's the first time I've ever been. I had the week off work and decided to take a day trip to somewhere new that looked like it may be good for some photography. It's over two hours away by car for me, but otherwise easy enough to get to.
Tony, this has a heavy colour cast! It is very magenta.

I hope you don't mind but this looks more neutral to me? (I will remove the edit if you want me too BTW)


It's a really nice pic IMO; well done!
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Tony, this has a heavy colour cast! It is very magenta.

I hope you don't mind but this looks more neutral to me? (I will remove the edit if you want me too BTW)


It's a really nice pic IMO; well done!
It probably does.
It's more down to my scanner and the fact I do not have much in the way of photo editing software. In fact I'm using a free copy of canon DPP.
I calibrated the scanner using the Xrite system with a 4x5 target but, the Silverfast 9.0 software uses it's own system called Negafix (I think) which does not appear to agree with it8 standards.
I have also noticed that my uploaded images look nothing like they do on my computer.
It probably does.
It's more down to my scanner and the fact I do not have much in the way of photo editing software. In fact I'm using a free copy of canon DPP.
I calibrated the scanner using the Xrite system with a 4x5 target but, the Silverfast 9.0 software uses it's own system called Negafix (I think) which does not appear to agree with it8 standards.
I have also noticed that my uploaded images look nothing like they do on my computer.
Hi Tony,

I have Silver fast 9 and have also calibrated my scanner using the itc8 target.

The Negfix then is used to remove any masks dependant on film type these have been specifically created by Silver fast.

It is working correctly, if you are left with a colour cast it is down to incorrect processing.
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I do so wish I could have a weekly Dartmoor photowalk. Annual will have to do.
That's what retirement has done for me Toby now with planning the walk on Monday, doing it on Tuesday and processing the shots on Wednesday it's like having a part time job. (y)
A few from me - took my TLR and Nikon FE with me to Croatia as I didn't want to lug my SLR all over the place with me and it was quite a nice challenge. Only just scanned the film as I haven't sat properly at my desk since March...

Tried scanning with the negatives on the glass, and a piece of the anti-newton ring glass behind the negative and it's loads better. Seems the contracts and colours are much better, with less digital noise.

Croatia by S8, on Flickr

Croatia by S8, on Flickr

Croatia by S8, on Flickr
Croatia by S8, on Flickr
Croatia by S8, on Flickr

Croatia by S8, on Flickr

Croatia by S8, on Flickr

And a random london street shot to use up the last of the film

London by S8, on Flickr
Hi Tony,

I have Silver fast 9 and have also calibrated my scanner using the itc8 target.

The Negfix then is used to remove any masks dependant on film type these have been specifically created by Silver fast.

It is working correctly, if you are left with a colour cast it is down to incorrect processing.

Fair enough.

It is still not related to temperature control though.
Too cold and we get thin negatives and too hot we get dense negatives and a marked increase in grain size.

If there is a colour cast it is still either my scanning or chemical contamination.
I've been absent from here for too long! Here's some colour from the Lake District, earlier this year...

a) The walker

000063000029 Walker.jpg

Phoenix 200 in my Pentax LX, SMC Pentax-M 28mm f/2 lens, dev/scan by Filmdev

b) Slater's Bridge

000062990009 Slaters Bridge.jpg

Superia 400 XTRA, otherwise same as above

c) Little Langdale Valley

000062990018 Little Langdale.jpg

As above.

d) Stock Ghyll Force

000062990032 Stock ghyll.jpg

Also as above, LX, 28/2, Superia
A very small scale twitch, but some genuine excitement about a Striped Grey Shrike(?) which was apparently only the second record in Scotland. A kind twitcher showed me the bird on his big Canon digi, as he said my "box camera" wouldn't have a long enough lens. :rolleyes: Rolleicord Vb, HP5+ in HC110 dil B.

I feel it's been a while since I posted in this thread so here's a couple from a Minox EC 8x11mm negs on FP4+. I am aware of a keen following for sub miniature cameras and so I am always self conscious that I may not be doing the format and the cameras justice.
SDIM0377 (3).jpgSDIM0382 - Copy.jpg


  • SDIM0383 - Copy.jpg
    SDIM0383 - Copy.jpg
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