The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

they will be under £1.5 k in the summer mate ;-) you can get a Nikon af adapter as well ;-)

I always set my target for 1.4-1.5k for this camera. I think they wouldve done more damage if they marketed it at a launch price of around £1.8-£2k to drop. At the current prices they are up against to many excellent cameras and systems. A fairly new system with holes in its line up needs to come in under the competition to entice imo.
yeah totally agree with the price point ....same with the master g lenses........... I'm having a shuffle around of my kit in the summer as just won a lucrative football contract so watch the classifieds lol ;-)
The rumour site reports that in Germany Sony sold more FF cameras than Nikon or Canon. That's nice for them :D

Wonder when Canikon will begin to take mirrorless seriously. It'll be interesting to see what they can make when and if they do.
The rumour site reports that in Germany Sony sold more FF cameras than Nikon or Canon. That's nice for them :D

Wonder when Canikon will begin to take mirrorless seriously. It'll be interesting to see what they can make when and if they do.

Sony always has been very popular in Germany, would be interesting to see the official figures. Yes, I hope they start looking into it, the new Nikon 1" compacts are looking sweet, hopefully thats an indicator of them taking smaller cameras more seriously.
yeah totally agree with the price point ....same with the master g lenses........... I'm having a shuffle around of my kit in the summer as just won a lucrative football contract so watch the classifieds lol ;-)

Bye bye Sony hello 1dxii?
I suppose Nikon could do a FF CSC but Canon may want to use their own sensor and if so they'll be limited by their own production technology and I can't see them competing with the A7 for image quality unless they spend a lot of money or give up and buy someone elses sensor.

I may be wrong but I think that doing a competitive top end FF CSC may be difficult for Canon... but Leica did it with Panasonic although with limited lenses do far.
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I suppose Nikon could do a FF CSC but Canon may want to use their own sensor and if so they'll be limited by their own production technology and I can't see them competing with the A7 for image quality unless they spend a lot of money or give up and buy someone elses sensor.

I may be wrong but I think that doing a competitive top end FF CSC may be difficult for Canon... but Leica did it with Panasonic although with limited lenses do far.

The sensor in the 1dxii has been improved which puts it more level with Nikony stuff. So if they do release a FF mirrorless it would likely have a sensor based on the new tech. I think Canon could do very well, they own the biggest market share and if they continue to use EF they will be onto a winner IMO. I personally hope Canikon will do what Sigmas done and retain existing mount for the sake of the minor reg distance.
Bye bye Sony hello 1dxii?

well I have preordered the 1dxii as obv getting into sports photography a lot more prob going to get rid of the a72 or the a7r2 the wife uses the a7s2 a lot and loves it .. I never heavily invested in the sony system as used metabones mainly with my canon stuff..... I love the sony for everyday use and even weddings so going to stick with at least one body of sony but the a7r3 might be out by then lol
The rumour site reports that in Germany Sony sold more FF cameras than Nikon or Canon. That's nice for them :D

Wonder when Canikon will begin to take mirrorless seriously. It'll be interesting to see what they can make when and if they do.
Haha this time it's you starting the debate and using the N and C words ;)

I think they are taking it seriously - look at the smaller bodies they are puttign out in response.

The fact is that they ahve a large range of FF lenses that are suited to the current mounts, which rely on a large flange distance between lens and sensor - a CSC would still ned this to be compatible with the current lens lineup and therefore the size benefits of a Canon/Nikon CSC would be diluted if not entirely negated. We've already seen that mirrorless FF lenses are not smaller than DLSR FF lenses - physics always wins!

Basically I don't see it happening at FF any time soon, maybe APS-C.
Interesting to see that the new Sigma CSC keeps the larger registration distance and this may not be a problem size wise with a compact prime and I think this is when CSC's make the most sense.

Even if Canon make a less than great FF CSC it may sell as people do like the Canon badge and there is maybe still a little snobbery against the playstation and TV makers Sony and Panasonic let alone poor Samsung :(
if canon make a decent ef mount mirrorless ff camera that focuses fast etc then they are onto a winner as there lens lines up is already popular amongst pros and hobbyists
depends what your using at the time johnny if you use your 5d3 a lot then you need to keep it... I had the 5dsr hardly being used so sold that and added a few £££ to get the 1dxii....... I have to wait but its cool as still have a 6d 5d3 and the a72 bodies with all my canon glass.... if you can do everything you need to with your a7r2 and wont miss the 5d3 get rid if not keep it and enjoy it ..........
if canon make a decent ef mount mirrorless ff camera that focuses fast etc then they are onto a winner as there lens lines up is already popular amongst pros and hobbyists

imagine if the 5d4 was mirrorless! wow or even the 6dmk2?
Interesting to see that the new Sigma CSC keeps the larger registration distance and this may not be a problem size wise with a compact prime and I think this is when CSC's make the most sense.

Even if Canon make a less than great FF CSC it may sell as people do like the Canon badge and there is maybe still a little snobbery against the playstation and TV makers Sony and Panasonic let alone poor Samsung :(

lol, poor Samsung. Shouldnt have priced than NX1 so high. Was beginning to be a decent option.
Told you to sell a while ago If its not seeing the use. Its pointless hanging onto gear as it devalues.
yep I actually got rid of my 5dsr after realising the same ........... totally agree twist

imagine if the 5d4 was mirrorless! wow or even the 6dmk2?

No chance the 5div will be mirrorless, or the 6d imo. It will be a new designation. Canon has decent on sensor phase but its still nowhere near DSLR speed. To make the 5Div mirrorless would be a huge step backward when Nikons turning out D5/D500/DXxx stupidly good AF systems. Its gone up another notch.
i think we are a few generations away until we see 5d and dxxx cameras go mirrorless. eventually it will happen i guess?
yeah eventually it will .. I think canon and a lot of manufacturers still see mirrorless as inferior systems at the mo still though
i think we are a few generations away until we see 5d and dxxx cameras go mirrorless. eventually it will happen i guess?

Yes, eventually, but the performance isnt there yet, users demand a certain level of performance with these models. For manufacturers it makes the most sense to be mirrorless, they save money. Thats why mirrorless cameras were brought to market in the first place. Less moving parts = less warranty claims, less moving parts = less cost to the manufacturer = higher profit.
It will happen when autofocus is as fast/accurate on sensor as it is with a dedicated AF unit I guess?
It will happen when autofocus is as fast/accurate on sensor as it is with a dedicated AF unit I guess?

IMO on these specific models, yes. The thing is though, as on sensor improves, so does traditional phase, it'll take a while to break that cycle but at the same time they obvs want to cut their costs and increase profits.
It will happen when autofocus is as fast/accurate on sensor as it is with a dedicated AF unit I guess?
so thats all it is missing?

in terms of IQ, sensor size etc its pretty much same as a dslr?

So if they get the AF to be as good if not better then DSLR, we good to go?

i think Sony will be the ones that reach that point first as they are focused on mirrorless tech at the monent.

Once sony come out with a mirrorless camera that AF as fas as a DSLR, we may see canon and nikon jumping on it too.
Sony are certainly winning the mirrorless race imho at the mo and I see it continuing until Nikon/Canon release a "game changing" camera
so thats all it is missing?

in terms of IQ, sensor size etc its pretty much same as a dslr?

So if they get the AF to be as good if not better then DSLR, we good to go?

i think Sony will be the ones that reach that point first as they are focused on mirrorless tech at the monent.

Once sony come out with a mirrorless camera that AF as fas as a DSLR, we may see canon and nikon jumping on it too.

You should know that the IQ is now even. Other than AF, the only other thing if manufacturers stick with existing mount is ergonomics (mirrorless doesnt have to be small). Make a DSLR body mirrorless and you automatically improve ergonomics, battery life, big lens issue etc etc.
Believe you me if you thought last year was exciting for GAS, this year we are all going to go bankcrupt

1dxmk2, d5, d900, 5d4, possible sony a9?, maybe a new 50mm f1.2 mk2 canon prime plus whatever nikon lenses need upgrading?

i love the photography game!
You should know that the IQ is now even. Other than AF, the only other thing if manufacturers stick with existing mount is ergonomics (mirrorless doesnt have to be small). Make a DSLR body mirrorless and you automatically improve ergonomics, battery life, big lens issue etc etc.

i brought a a7r2 battery grip on amazon and it improved the ergonomics . plus more battery life :)

Anyone know how the Leica mirrorless is like? pretty much near same size as a dslr
Believe you me if you thought last year was exciting for GAS, this year we are all going to go bankcrupt

1dxmk2, d5, d900, 5d4, possible sony a9?, maybe a new 50mm f1.2 mk2 canon prime plus whatever nikon lenses need upgrading?

i love the photography game!

Plus Fuji, Pentax, Olympus and no doubt Panasonic.

i brought a a7r2 battery grip on amazon and it improved the ergonomics . plus more battery life :)

Anyone know how the Leica mirrorless is like? pretty much near same size as a dslr
Leica is a different game I have some leica glass and have use of a leica mf body ( not mine unfortunately) it is awesome but it is also a deposit on a house lol
so thats all it is missing?

in terms of IQ, sensor size etc its pretty much same as a dslr?

So if they get the AF to be as good if not better then DSLR, we good to go?

i think Sony will be the ones that reach that point first as they are focused on mirrorless tech at the monent.

Once sony come out with a mirrorless camera that AF as fas as a DSLR, we may see canon and nikon jumping on it too.
The other thing is EVF lag. EVF has benefits but also drawbacks so I can se DSLR and mirroless coexisting for quite soem time yet.
i brought a a7r2 battery grip on amazon and it improved the ergonomics . plus more battery life :)

Anyone know how the Leica mirrorless is like? pretty much near same size as a dslr

Yes it would do with bigger lenses but battery life is still 'poor' in terms of the competition they are going against.

Im sure the Leica is very good. But its also ugly and incredibly expensive as a system so I wont touch it.
You should know that the IQ is now even. Other than AF, the only other thing if manufacturers stick with existing mount is ergonomics (mirrorless doesnt have to be small). Make a DSLR body mirrorless and you automatically improve ergonomics, battery life, big lens issue etc etc.

Totally agree.
It's now clear that pro level glass is similar size to dslr glass. Therefore I imagine sonys a7riii or whatever it will be may be similar or larger in size than the a72. A mirrorless system in a mid range dslr body would tick many boxes. Imo Sony would go with this idea first.
TBH, I think as new cameras are coming out were kind of hitting the limits of what we can achieve in terms of sensor performance these days. Technology is going to have to change before we start seeing serious jumps in performance instead of incremental updates. Sure its nice to buy new stuff but tbh I could probably as a photographer get away with what I currently have for quite a few years. The AF is excellent, I never go above ISO 12800 and even then the quality is decent and performance at that ISO isnt going to be at ISO 800 levels for example for a very long time.

GGGGGAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS is the real problem. Most of our gear outperforms our actual requirements by a huge margin.
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I can totall see in a few years Canon or Nikon doing both mirrorless and DSLR and letting the market choose.

Sony have a development advantage in that they can focus resources solely on mirrorless, so it will be interesting to see whether the traditional firms can do a high performing mirrorless model. Maybe they will have to partner with Olympus/Panasonic/Fuji to get some expertise in that area and compete with Sony.
TBH, I think as new cameras are coming out were kind of hitting the limits of what we can achieve in terms of sensor performance these days. Technology is going to have to change before we start seeing serious jumps in performance instead of incremental updates. Sure its nice to buy new stuff but tbh I could probably as a photographer get away with what I currently have for quite a few years. The AF is excellent, I never go above ISO 12800 and even then the quality is decent and performance at that ISO isnt going to be at ISO 800 levels for example for a very long time.

GGGGGAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS is the real problem. Most of our gear outperforms our actual requirements by a huge margin.
It's like smartphones.

I remember early smartphones, I couldn't wait to get a new one every year because the improvement was so great. The iPhone 4 was miles ahad of the 3G. Nowadays people are happy with their old iPhones as technology is not advancing as quickly, still see loads of 4, 5 even though the 6S has come out.
I can totall see in a few years Canon or Nikon doing both mirrorless and DSLR and letting the market choose.

Sony have a development advantage in that they can focus resources solely on mirrorless, so it will be interesting to see whether the traditional firms can do a high performing mirrorless model. Maybe they will have to partner with Olympus/Panasonic/Fuji to get some expertise in that area and compete with Sony.

Take a look at Canikons on sensor phase and I think youll find its very advanced, they just need to port it over to the bigger sensor sizes. The 1 series AF is ridiculously good for mirrorless, Canons also got dual pixel which also looks very good. I think they are using their own current mirrorless as test beds, they are losing money but their DSLR sales keep that afloat and interestingly Canon is using DP in the 70/80d DSLRs and the upcoming 1dxii. Nikon need to start implementing on sensor AF in their DSLRs.
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