The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

I've never found shutter lag in my A6K but haven't used an A7 series. The delay I've seen is where the AF hasn't locked on fully so the shutter won't fire leading to annoying stabbing to get it lock! I shot a wedding with the A6K and a D750 a few weeks ago and even in the lower light of the Reception meal/speeches I found the A6K locked on with no problem so it's definitely an intermittent issue depending on the scene.

Every EVF has lag, some shooters wont notice it though. The A6k is still a very capable camera and afaik has better AF than the A7rii. I think the A6300 will be very impressive in that regard.
Come on Twist, it's a safety precaution. If Jonny doesn't spend the copious amount of cash in his pocket he might get swamped by it eventually ;0)

I guess Im the same to an extent but the Batis just doesnt seem a better lens for intended purpose imo.
I've never found shutter lag in my A6K but haven't used an A7 series. The delay I've seen is where the AF hasn't locked on fully so the shutter won't fire leading to annoying stabbing to get it lock! I shot a wedding with the A6K and a D750 a few weeks ago and even in the lower light of the Reception meal/speeches I found the A6K locked on with no problem so it's definitely an intermittent issue depending on the scene.
I use back button focussing, so when I press the shutter it should release, which it does, except that when I need it to do so immediately I get the feeling that it thinks about it first lol!

Edit, Twist beat me to it, he feels my pain with it!
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I can't understand shutter lag being an issue. Maybe the problem is either a delay due to focusing or even metering? Can't say I've ever had shutter lag as such and even when shooting at night the shutter fires what seems like immediately assuming I've set the metering and focus.
Im not sure it is shutter lag, the A7 is pretty good for that, it could be slower focus acquisition or EVF lag imo.
I've never found shutter lag in my A6K but haven't used an A7 series. The delay I've seen is where the AF hasn't locked on fully so the shutter won't fire leading to annoying stabbing to get it lock!
I haven't had an A6000 for a while but the menus are 99% the same as the A7 cameras. There's probably an AF priority setting in there where you can choose between AF priority (wait for a confirmed lock), shot priority (take the shot even in focus isn't perfect), or balanced (whatever that is). Have you tried changing that?
The problem was that I could see the couple of shots weren't in focus in the viewfinder because the camera hadn't locked so even if I'd have overridden the shutter and just fired, I'd still have had an out of focus result.
i remmber awhile ago i found some odd thing about shutter lag in certain conditions with a7 series
If you can remember the circumstance it may be a help.

I do find this strange as it doesn't seem to be something I've encountered. My A7 can be slow to focus in low light but that's a completely different thing to shutter lag.

The slowest "quality" cameras I've had are the Panny LX series but even those fire almost instantaneously when the focus and metering is done for them. basically they fire as fast as I can press the button and the camera can clear its buffer. Never encountered shutter lag with my MFT or A7.
I've had no issues tracking and focusing on fast moving planes at a Airshow or the fast cyclists at the Tour de France.
I'd say technique has a big part to play along with lighting conditions.
i think it was manual focus with af lens, and maybe something like water splashes where timing is key, and it didnt fire instantly in that particular set of conditions, when it should have, theres no practicle reason for its delay, when it can do it just fine in other modes but not in the setup the guy needed.

you can also get video delay in the feed to the evf, which may show up when tracking cars at a race track where they arent at constant speed, using a external site solves that problem, and u get no blackout or flickering like u would do with a viewfinder ovf or evf.

day to day its rarely a issue, but its a big difference when at the race track.

the external site also lets me use sigma dp3m to shoot sports, which is amusing :)
@pingu666 to be honest with all the information available nowadays with research a csc is not the best to use as a camera for fast motion sure it keeps up a bit but there are much better cameras for the job................ I use mine for weddings portraits etc and have canon for sports, wildlife and cars

I'm sure in time there will be a mirrorless monster that will do 20fps fast focus and 1 million iso clean but at the moment imho there is no perfect camera that does everything fantastic BUT the A7R2 is damn close lol
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don't forget in the menu you can have differing combos of what the button does release on press, release on release. and also what behaviour the camera takes when in focus, shoot when in focus shoot when out of focus overrides etc...
Have a play with them
Sweet. The d750 paired with any of the a7 is good.

What you using along with your main camera? Fuji?

Nothing at the mo mate, been undecided with all the new releases approaching, probably going to be Fuji because of the lenses though. Been nice to use my DSLR, I put a 50g on it and its pretty small and delivers such nice results (not as nice as my ARTs though). Hard to believe when you consider the combo costs so little.
i think the big release ill be in the next few weeks, I'm hoping canon do something major and Olympus...
canon wont release anything until the summer now mate 1dxii and 80d are in pipeline for may ... the only thing is a mirrorless camera and then the 5d4 although 5d body traditionally is up to 6 months after a 1d
Yeah can't see it will be released so close to the 1dx2 even though they will be different cameras a lot of people would go for the 5ds based on £££
Yeah can't see it will be released so close to the 1dx2 even though they will be different cameras a lot of people would go for the 5ds based on £££
Agreed. Hopefully the new Nikons are announced Sept.
2k is still a lot of money for a camera body isn't it?

The original A7r is now about £800 used so the depreciation will still be massive at two grand as well
You tempted? If it drops to say 2k?

No way mate, greys are at 1850 ish. Still to expensive imo but it is dropping.

2k is still a lot of money for a camera body isn't it?

The original A7r is now about £800 used so the depreciation will still be massive at two grand as well

Agreed, it is a lot of money. Ive had enough Sonys to know they depreciate ridiculously quickly thats why Im very cautious with their gear. I think you can get a new A7r for £900!
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@JYC I think 2k is comparative to the others though to be fair ... it depends if you actually make money with your camera I know people who spend 25k on medium format bodies etc but it is comparative to what they earn with the bodies .... obv if it is a hobby abnd your just finding your feet etc then yes 2k is a lot of money but I think it depends on individual circumstances.......

the a7r is a fine camera and a bargain at £800 its defo not a7r2 though