The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Good for you if you love it. It's still not worth the money to me personally. If I don't get the 18-55 anytime in the near future I may pick up a used 18m for the right price. Since you mention it, Ireland beat the All blacks recently :p
So they did, I'd forgotten about that, oh yeah and Australia :rolleyes: My voice is just coming back after the game at the Aviva yesterday, a few cold pints of Guinness were required to ease my damaged throat !
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At the moment Julian Savea is one of the weaker players in the All blacks squad, doesn't make him a bad player ! It's all relative, I love my 18mm, a very under rated little lens.

I see the point you are making, but I would hardly say Savea is one of the weaker All Blacks, what with him being the highest try scorer in the 2015 world cup and 12th on the all time try scorers list after only 4 seasons of International rugby - i'd argue he's probably the best wingers in world rugby!
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I thought this is a reasonably unbiased and interesting video
Not finished watching this yet but something's not right if he's getting less "side to side" accuracy than far to near, or "forward" focus testing. I've not been able to watch this with sound though so maybe he mentions it? Near to far focus tracking is more demanding a test on the AF system then panning at the same subject distance so can't help but think there's user error, which then makes me question the rest of the test? The D500 is supposed to have a better AF system than my D750 and I can get 99% accuracy/hit rate shooting runners at f2.8 both side to side and coming towards me :confused:
@ASH Just FYI, my Adobe sub ran out today and I was able to reactivate with my Amazon code, no interruption to service or need to download anything...
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I see the point you are making, but I would hardly say Savea is one of the weaker All Blacks, what with him being the highest try scorer in the 2015 world cup and 12th on the all time try scorers list after only 4 seasons of International rugby - i'd argue he's probably the best wingers in world rugby!
I was speaking in the context of the Chicago game, Julian Savea is a great player, but he was poor against us in Chicago,but then Aaron Smith was worse. Even the mighty All blacks have bad days.
Visited the LCE show today in Southampton and played with pretty much everything on the Fuji stall :D

Some thoughts:

1. I have stronger will power than I thought :D
2. The X-Pro 2 has a cool picture in picture function (in the OVF) and is exactly as I expected it to be, a faster version of the X-Pro 1 ;)
3. The X-T2 is very similar to the X-T1, other than the obvious new features (joystick, dual card slots etc.)
4. I absolutely love the X100T! The OVF is fantastic (and also has the picture in picture thing going on), but the aperture ring is a little hard to get to
5. The X70 is tiny (!) and also has a somewhat fiddly aperture ring
6. The 18-135mm and 10-24mm look OK size size...tempting!
7. Silver lenses look naff on black bodies
8. I want an X100T :eek:
9. The Olympus OM-D5 II in silver is a sexy looking camera :eek: :eek:
Visited the LCE show today in Southampton and played with pretty much everything on the Fuji stall :D

Some thoughts:

1. I have stronger will power than I thought :D
2. The X-Pro 2 has a cool picture in picture function (in the OVF) and is exactly as I expected it to be, a faster version of the X-Pro 1 ;)
3. The X-T2 is very similar to the X-T1, other than the obvious new features (joystick, dual card slots etc.)
4. I absolutely love the X100T! The OVF is fantastic (and also has the picture in picture thing going on), but the aperture ring is a little hard to get to
5. The X70 is tiny (!) and also has a somewhat fiddly aperture ring
6. The 18-135mm and 10-24mm look OK size size...tempting!
7. Silver lenses look naff on black bodies
8. I want an X100T :eek:
9. The Olympus OM-D5 II in silver is a sexy looking camera :eek: :eek:
Are you saying the x100t is better than the XT2? I'm lost.
Visited the LCE show today in Southampton and played with pretty much everything on the Fuji stall :D

Some thoughts:
1. I have stronger will power than I thought :D
9. The Olympus OM-D5 II in silver is a sexy looking camera :eek: :eek:
Having owned both the XT1 GSE is sexier :p
:wave::wave::wave::wave::wave: am hear watching :banana::banana:
What have you decided Andrew, I thought you had an XT2 on pre order. Then I saw your comments on a fuji facebook page asking if anyone had switched from Sony to Fuji and we're thinking of staying Sony. I'm lost!!!
What have you decided Andrew, I thought you had an XT2 on pre order. Then I saw your comments on a fuji facebook page asking if anyone had switched from Sony to Fuji and we're thinking of staying Sony. I'm lost!!!
:facepalm: :LOL:
What have you decided Andrew, I thought you had an XT2 on pre order. Then I saw your comments on a fuji facebook page asking if anyone had switched from Sony to Fuji and we're thinking of staying Sony. I'm lost!!!
Haha ........ he's sticking with the Sony system :D
Lost?? LOST... I think Rookies is lost (in a wilderness of indecision :D:D)

Does this help ?
I have seen a fair few reviews where some have given up Nikon & Canon professional bodies to move to the XT-2.
Also seen a couple of Sony A7II / A7RII users doing the same for various reasons.
Ultimately no system is perfect, with the current Fuji double cash back offers now would be a good time to move to Fuji, I ended up getting my lenses a very good prices, can't complain really. :)
I have seen a fair few reviews where some have given up Nikon & Canon professional bodies to move to the XT-2.
Also seen a couple of Sony A7II / A7RII users doing the same for various reasons.
Ultimately no system is perfect, with the current Fuji double cash back offers now would be a good time to move to Fuji, I ended up getting my lenses a very good prices, can't complain really. :)

Agree no system is perfect, but all are capable of taking great pictures (obviously there are technical differences notably in Sensor, AF and glass), how they handle is a personal choice. My advice is if you are going to swap, then commit, because until you've used a camera system for a decent period, you really won't understand it.
A couple of recents with the X-T2



Just a quick off-topic question regarding a purchase of a Fuji lens from Amazon UK to take advantage of the double cash back offer (25th Nov until 1st Dec).

Ordered via Amazon on the 25th (Nov) but they are currently out of stock, since Amazon UK only take payment once its been dispatched, they will invoice then and not when I ordered it.
This means my invoice date will fall after the 1st of December missing the double cash back offer from Fuji, my question is, does Fuji base the cash back on the invoice date or when you ordered the lens? :confused:
Just a quick off-topic question regarding a purchase of a Fuji lens from Amazon UK to take advantage of the double cash back offer (25th Nov until 1st Dec).

Ordered via Amazon on the 25th (Nov) but they are currently out of stock, since Amazon UK only take payment once its been dispatched, they will invoice then and not when I ordered it.
This means my invoice date will fall after the 1st of December missing the double cash back offer from Fuji, my question is, does Fuji base the cash back on the invoice date or when you ordered the lens? :confused:

Think its order date Riz, I've had to do the same in the past
Just a quick off-topic question regarding a purchase of a Fuji lens from Amazon UK to take advantage of the double cash back offer (25th Nov until 1st Dec).

Ordered via Amazon on the 25th (Nov) but they are currently out of stock, since Amazon UK only take payment once its been dispatched, they will invoice then and not when I ordered it.
This means my invoice date will fall after the 1st of December missing the double cash back offer from Fuji, my question is, does Fuji base the cash back on the invoice date or when you ordered the lens? :confused:

I'm pretty certain the invoice date is the important part not the order date.
Are you saying the x100t is better than the XT2? I'm lost.

No, what I'm saying is that playing with an X-T2 didn't give me a sudden urge to race out and replace my X-T1. The X100T grabbed my attention as it's a nice pocketable size with an amazing OVF - a completely different camera which would complement an ILC nicely ;)
No, what I'm saying is that playing with an X-T2 didn't give me a sudden urge to race out and replace my X-T1. The X100T grabbed my attention as it's a nice pocketable size with an amazing OVF - a completely different camera which would complement an ILC nicely ;)
I agree, the x100t is a fantastic camera and if I didn't have young, hyperactive kids, I wouldn't be selling mine! The XT/XPro and X100/70 series really do complement each other, it's not at all crazy to want to own one from each type! I'm sure that I'll be looking to replace the x100 in a year or so if finances allow.
I have the GSE now, but the Olympus is a nicer silver imo and the prism looks awesome! Much rather have my X-T1 though!
Agree about the silver, I do prefer the silver of the Olympus over the graphite on the XT1. Overall I prefer the XT1 GSE though, although both very sexy cameras imo. I still think my sexiest camera is the OM1 though ;)

I have I really just been talking about cameras being sexy????? o_O:wacky::wideyed::runaway:
Agree no system is perfect, but all are capable of taking great pictures (obviously there are technical differences notably in Sensor, AF and glass), how they handle is a personal choice. My advice is if you are going to swap, then commit, because until you've used a camera system for a decent period, you really won't understand it.

^^^ this and ^^^ this (y)
Just a quick off-topic question regarding a purchase of a Fuji lens from Amazon UK to take advantage of the double cash back offer (25th Nov until 1st Dec).

Ordered via Amazon on the 25th (Nov) but they are currently out of stock, since Amazon UK only take payment once its been dispatched, they will invoice then and not when I ordered it.
This means my invoice date will fall after the 1st of December missing the double cash back offer from Fuji, my question is, does Fuji base the cash back on the invoice date or when you ordered the lens? :confused:
The offer isn't just on Amazon I would cancel and buy elsewhere.
The offer isn't just on Amazon I would cancel and buy elsewhere.

You are 100% correct but I managed to order the 50-140mm f2.8 + 1.4x TC for £1319 which is considerably less than other places which are selling it for £1469.

Other dealers:- £1469 - double cash back @ £250 = £1219
Amazon UK:- £1319 - single cash back @ £125 = £1194

So I am still better off sticking with the Amazon order and if I manage to get the double cash back offer based on the order and not invoice date it would effectively cost me £1069 :D
I thought this is a reasonably unbiased and interesting video

Not finished watching this yet but something's not right if he's getting less "side to side" accuracy than far to near, or "forward" focus testing. I've not been able to watch this with sound though so maybe he mentions it? Near to far focus tracking is more demanding a test on the AF system then panning at the same subject distance so can't help but think there's user error, which then makes me question the rest of the test? The D500 is supposed to have a better AF system than my D750 and I can get 99% accuracy/hit rate shooting runners at f2.8 both side to side and coming towards me :confused:

OK so I've watched this properly now, and I take this review with an even bigger pinch of salt than I did before. I'm still not convinced by the D500 side to side tracking. If I can get 99% with my D750 I'm sure you can with the D500. Next thing is he's comparing high ISO but with jpeg. Tells me very little about the noise performance, all it tells me is that Fuji applies far more NR as can be seen by the softening and artefacts. Next thing is the images comparing sharpness at different ISO on the models and how he shows the Fuji is sharper. No s*** sherlock as he's missed focus on the D500 IMO (In fact initially I thought it looked like he'd added blur in PS for the 3200 ISO test ;)). Maybe he needs to calibrate the AF fine tune (One of the big downfalls of DSLR).

Now I'm not disputing that they are both stunning cameras, and every review you see show how great the XT2 is, especially the AF system. All I'm trying to point out is that we have to be careful when looking at reviews etc online. I'm sure there will be people that make their choices based purely on reviews like this :eek: However, neither am I saying that my comments are right, or right for everyone. I just think that it's important to question the integrity of reviews (y)

What is interesting is that of the 13 pictures I preferred, 9 were from the XT2 and 4 from the D500. Of course, I've questioned the integrity of the other tests so I'd have to question this too, but certainly interesting.
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