The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I found the XF 18-135mm to be a great all round lens and the quality is better than other lenses covering that focal range or longer from other manufactures :)
The beauty of having this lens first is you will be able to check your exif data to see what your most used focal length is and if the urge should get you to buy a faster prime In the future you will have a good idea what to go for :)
Enjoy your new purchase look forward to seeing some images in the future :fuji:
Hmmm, might be worth a punt. So ... take my Helios 58/2, a LTII would have this behave like a true 58mm 1.4? Is there any affect on IQ?

That's the only MF lens I have for now, but I do plan on getting some more.

That's the other issue though. atm I have a Nikon --> FX, and an M42 ---> FX. And could easily get more for cheap for other lens mounts. Choosing a Lens turbo II, you have to stick with one mount type?
Reports seem to agree that central sharpness is no worse. Possibly even slightly better for obtuse technical reasons. The edges, it's harder to say, as you have to compare something like an A6000 with focal reducer vs an A7. But if the edges are worse, they aren't usually a lot worse. But for landscape work where edge-to-edge sharpness is critical, it's probably not the right tool.

Do you have to pick one mount type? Well yes, but if you pick EOS, as I have, many other lens will adapt to that, e.g. Nikon, PK, Olympus, M42...
Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?
My favourite has to be the 18-55 kit. I have lenses that take more "interesting" pictures, but it's such a versatile tool. I'm not a long lens person, and it does everything else so well. Even wide angle if I stitch!

If I could have one FX lens for free, I would pick the 10-24, just the thing for landscape. Can't afford it right now, but one day, perhaps... :)
My favourite has to be the 18-55 kit. I have lenses that take more "interesting" pictures, but it's such a versatile tool. I'm not a long lens person, and it does everything else so well. Even wide angle if I stitch!

If I could have one FX lens for free, I would pick the 10-24, just the thing for landscape. Can't afford it right now, but one day, perhaps... :)

The Samyang 12mm is a nice alternative. Manual focusing wide angles is pretty simple
Anybody here use Manfrotto tripod heads that take a 200PL release plate?
Long story but WEX have ballsed up an order and sent me one of these by mistake.
They have told me to keep it and deal with it as I wish. I'm on Arca so it's no use to me.
They retail at approx £15. Anyone want it?
Still in it's packet and totally unused. "Mint or minty" as the saying goes.
I'll post it to you on condition that you drop at least a fiver (preferably a bit more - it's Xmas!) into a charity box somewhere.
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Someone's in that Xmas spirit already. A generous token. May karma return the spirit (or beer) :beer:
Thank you. But what else could I do? Wex don't want it back and I don't use that system.
My conscience won't let me sell it and pocket what few £££££ it would realise. If Doc can get some use out of it and some charity benefits then I'm happy.
£226 from eglobal after topcashback. I'm tempted.

I seen the eglobal site pop up here and there, anyone every ordered fro them? Are they one of those slow boat from China companies or UK based? That is a nice price indeed. Can't decide between that or saving some more for a Laowa 60mm macro. Also a manual focus lens, but that's how to do macro best. I hear it's a killer portrait lens also. I'm not used to wide angles, but wanting to try it out, I think Samyang is the best bet for me in that area.

Anyone tried the 55-200mm?

Yes, I've posted images shot using it in here, a few pages back. Traded it for a 35 1.4 though, and the 50-230. Not bad direct trade. I can tell you, it's a LOT better than the 50-230, which is ok at best in good light. The 55-200 is really good quality all round and the OIS is brilliant.
The Samyang 12mm is a nice alternative. Manual focusing wide angles is pretty simple
Yes, that's why I bought it about nine months ago :) I don't use it quite as much as I thought I would, but it's a good lens. The gap between 12 and 18 isn't huge, so the 10-24 would be a considerable indulgence.
Yes, that's why I bought it about nine months ago :) I don't use it quite as much as I thought I would, but it's a good lens. The gap between 12 and 18 isn't huge, so the 10-24 would be a considerable indulgence.

Would you sell it dave?
Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

Favourite lens is the 16-55 which is my only lens after selling quite a number of lenses.

I have a decent bonus coming my way in a weeks time so I've been looking at various lenses. I'm thinking the 50-140 to compliment the 16-55 but may pick up a 55-200 and 56 instead.
Would you sell it dave?
Oh no, I think I just have yet to explore its real potential :). I haven't been spending that much time in environments needing a serious wide angle lens. But it's come in very handy when I've needed it. If I lived somewhere with less light pollution, I think I would have used it for astro a lot more, but that's something else I'm not quite getting around to yet...
Well... I kept it for a while until the lure of the bells and whistles that the X20 offered was too great so I sold it to help fund the X20. When the X30 appeared, it was actually a proper upgrade to the X20 rather than just having a few bells and whistles so I bought that as well. Then the buyer of the X10 decided that his wife needed the slight upgrade and we did a swap with a bit of cash to me as well as the X10! So, cutting a long story short, yes I still have it, albeit with an 18 month gap in my ownership! My wife now uses it since I prefer the X30 but the X10 does all she wants it to.
Which lens people preferring 27mm or 35mm f2
I seen the eglobal site pop up here and there, anyone every ordered fro them? Are they one of those slow boat from China companies or UK based? That is a nice price indeed. Can't decide between that or saving some more for a Laowa 60mm macro. Also a manual focus lens, but that's how to do macro best. I hear it's a killer portrait lens also. I'm not used to wide angles, but wanting to try it out, I think Samyang is the best bet for me in that area.

Yes, I've posted images shot using it in here, a few pages back. Traded it for a 35 1.4 though, and the 50-230. Not bad direct trade. I can tell you, it's a LOT better than the 50-230, which is ok at best in good light. The 55-200 is really good quality all round and the OIS is brilliant.
It's where I got my 27mm they are Chinese but have warehouses in Europe. My 27mm was shipped UK Dpd within 3 days for free. You can pay for next day. Cashback was 3.9% it's now 2.85% so more than the £226 I quoted. Just open a topcashback account and go through their site for the cashback.
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The Samyang 12mm is a nice alternative. Manual focusing wide angles is pretty simple

You'd think so wouldn't you? I've lost count of how many shots I've ruined because my finger got in the picture from manual focussing as its such a tiny little lens.
You'd think so wouldn't you? I've lost count of how many shots I've ruined because my finger got in the picture from manual focussing as its such a tiny little lens.
I've not had that one yet! But on a sunny day, not getting your shadow in the picture can be a very tricky challenge...
You'd think so wouldn't you? I've lost count of how many shots I've ruined because my finger got in the picture from manual focussing as its such a tiny little lens.
I've not had that one yet! But on a sunny day, not getting your shadow in the picture can be a very tricky challenge...

Ah, this shows up my lack of handling wide angles even more then :D

I'll bear that in mind when I get one [because I think I might, for wide angle funz]
I've not had that one yet! But on a sunny day, not getting your shadow in the picture can be a very tricky challenge...
Bane of my life when using wide lenses on a sunny day. Sometimes even if I lower my tripod and use a remote shutter I still get a shadow of the camera/tripod :banghead:
Ah, this shows up my lack of handling wide angles even more then :D

I'll bear that in mind when I get one [because I think I might, for wide angle funz]

Well if you really want the full fun effect, I could flog you a Samyang fisheye! Not just your fingers and shadow you have to watch out for with that, feet, belly, belt, errant camera strap all conspire to photobomb you with that beastie!
Well if you really want the full fun effect, I could flog you a Samyang fisheye! Not just your fingers and shadow you have to watch out for with that, feet, belly, belt, errant camera strap all conspire to photobomb you with that beastie!

Ha, I'll take a baby step first :D 12mm even on crop will be as wide as I've ever shot tbh
Well if you really want the full fun effect, I could flog you a Samyang fisheye! Not just your fingers and shadow you have to watch out for with that, feet, belly, belt, errant camera strap all conspire to photobomb you with that beastie!

That's where having an easily horizontilisable (!) centre column comes in handy!
It seemed such a nice morning that I thought I'd take a walk down the River Hamble



There's quite a bit of history here as well as some serious fibreglass


My companion, as always, and probably the reason why I never have time to stop snapping and take more 'artistic' images - but hey ho, I wouldn't be without him


Nice, from Warsash as well :)