The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread


I guess some of you may know that business wise we've been changing over to the X-T2 and Battery Packs for all our Motor Sport work, mainly because of how impressed with these cameras I have been at several F1 events this year.

For me these units are easily and I really do mean easily up to the job of Motor Sport work and any other photography that requires a fast operating camera. The last F1 we covered was the final race for 2016 at AD and was a particularly good test for the X-T2 units as not only did I have all of our three staff photographers plus myself covering the event for the first time without any DSLRs around, it also being a twilight event gave us a good chance to use these cameras in a low light situation with fast moving subjects. Well all I can say is we are all very very pleased with how the Fooj gear performed under these conditions compared to the DSLRs we've been using.

So that's it then the last of our company Nik's (body's only) bid us farewell this morning and we are now 100% Fuji and at the moment everyone is very happy with the decision to change and has no complaints whatsoever. And to boot we've ended up financially quite a bit better off as the sale of all our DSLRs sold for more than I paid for all the Fuji gear. "RESULT"

I've still got some DSLR stuff of my own which I'll keep as I just don't ever sell my own gear, but to be honest I can't see it getting much if any use. Probably just store it together with all of my old film gear that I've never parted with.

Hopefully now that the hectic part of our photography year is over I can leave the studio based Promo and any Rally work that we cover to someone else and get on with my main source of income (not photography based) and maybe spend some time photographing a few things just for the pleasure & fun of it. :)

Finally we'll probably be running some more workshop weekends in 2017 as the ones we have run this year have been very popular (nothing's set in stone as yet) but if any of you are interested then drop me a PM at some point to let me know. If we decide to go ahead then they'll be at our base in Northamptonshire and will include Studio Photography (products etc), Motor Sport (techniques etc) and one or two other things.

Hope this has not been too boring to read.,(y)

Yes pressing the button, maybe just need to use it more thanks, shutter i did set to mechanical will leave it at that.
Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

Too many to pick but I like the 16-55mm f2.8
Next on my Fuji GAS attack list....

Fujinon 80mm f2.8 macro

And under extreme GAS attack....
90mm f2.0
16mm f1.4

Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

:)Gosh that's a tough one ! It depends on what I'm shooting I guess.
If I could only own one lens I think it would be my Nikon AFD 60mm f2.8 macro.
It's so versatile on FX or DX
I think I have almost completed my lens purchases only thing left to add is the XF 2x converter to my Fooj system :)
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Well it been quite a week I've added the Fuji XF 16mm f1.4 the XF 50-140mm f2.8 and on Wednesday mid day my Fuji XT2 and battery grip arrived All curtesy of Chris Mithcell and the TP classifieds.
Cheers Chris & TP

:fuji: & :nikon: but love photography more what ever gear I'm using
Well it been quite a week I've added the Fuji XF 16mm f1.4 the XF 50-140mm f2.8 and on Wednesday mid day my Fuji XT2 and battery grip arrived All curtesy of Chris Mithcell and the TP classifieds.
Cheers Chris & TP

:fuji: & :nikon: but love photography more what ever gear I'm using

That sounds like a good "RESULT" to me Phil, "ENJOY"(y)

That sounds like a good "RESULT" to me Phil, "ENJOY"(y)

I can't wait to be back up and out but I've had virus for the last two weeks and I struggling to shake it off :(
I haven't even shot a frame of my dog which just isn't me when I have new gear to try out !
Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?
70-200mm f2.8 VRII, super fast AF and renders stunning images. Wish list is the 85mm f1.4.

Of course I'm being facetious as I'm sure you meant Fuji lenses ;) Probably the 18-55mm is my favourite as it fits what I bought the Fuji for perfectly in that it's light and small, plus it has really nice IQ. 18-135mm is great though and hard to split them. As for wish list, I'm not really hankering over another Fuji lens, but if I was then I'd probably say the 100-400mm
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Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?
At the moment, for me its the 23mm F2, followed by the 10-24mm, I'd love the 100-400mm but for all the use it would get it's hard to justify the £1K plus price tag :( Also the 18-135mm it's a great all in one travel lens.
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Santa has come early..... new Fujinon 10-24mm f4 has landed :D
A shout out to Digital Depot for the cheap pricing on Black Friday ;)

That's a result Riz, a truly "Excellent" lens if you can work with a maximum aperture of F4.(y)

Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

I don't have experience with a lot of them, but so far I love this 35mm f/1.4. It just feels so nice, it's tack sharp and wide open it's dreamy. I may in future trade for the newer model, but I think this lens is much better looking and having 1.4 is just nice. The only con really for me is it would be crap for video because of the AF chatter, even when manual focusing. That is where the F2 version shines IMO, also it apparently has much nippier AF. So it's a choice between that, or having 1.4. Tough one.

On my wish list atm is the 90mm F2 and the 100-400 OIS, more realistically for now I'd like to try the 23mm F2 and also have an eye on a Laowa 60mm 2:1 macro, and Samyang's 12mm
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My favourite lens is probably the 35mm f1.4. it's close between that and the 56mm f1.2 though.

Next up might be the Samyang 12mm. I'm putting purchases on hold though while I go over my Canon and Fuji setups. I'm going to be trying out a 5Dmk4 which if I like I'll scale back my Fuji setup. I'll keep the X-T1, 35mm f1.4, 18-55mm and 50-230mm for a smaller kit and sell the rest. Kind of back to where I started really!
Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

XF23mm F1.4 love the FOV, it's super sharp and has a nice bokeh when required (but you all know I'm an F8 shooter!!), but the colour rendition of the XF90mm is also a lovely thing!!, but favourite is the 23mm

but none of the lenses I have I can see me getting rid of, XF14mm, XF18-55mm, XF23F1.4, XF56mm and XF90mm, I've already offloaded the lenses that I didn't use much.
Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

It depends on the body I use to be honest.

My favourite lens for me XPro2 is the 23 f1.4. It's just a gorgeous bit of kit and has that perfect 35mm focal length. I'm also fond of the 18f2 and the 27f2.8 as they all sit in and around that area but you don't get the same quality of bokeh and sharpness out of them when compared to the 23. Their compact nature does prove very useful at times though!

If I use the XT1 I like to use the 18-135. It literally covers everything and you honestly can't fault its sharpness. I tend to use f5.6-11 99% of the time so not having the f2.8 I had on the 18-55 doesn't bother me. Primes aren't really my thing on the XT1 either, they some how just don't feel right to me unlike the XPro2 where the zooms have a similar affect.

14, 16, 18, 23, 27, 35, 56, 60, 90 and 18-135

The 14, 16 and 60 rarely get a look in.
The 35, 56 and 90 come out a little more often.
The 18 pretty much lives on the Xpro1
The 27 pretty much lives on the XE1
The 23 hasn't come off the XPro2 in 4weeks or more.
The 18-135 hasn't come off the XT1 in a couple of weeks either.

If I had to choose and bin everything off bar a single body and lens, I think I'd live with the XPro2 and the 23f1.4 just as happily as the XT1 and 18-135 but would want the XPro2 and 23 because of how special they both feel and the sense of occasion they bring when I use them.
If I had to choose and bin everything off bar a single body and lens, I think I'd live with the XPro2 and the 23f1.4

This ^ but in my case X-T2 +XF23mm f1.4, and before some says get an X100 series camera (I actually have an X100), there is a huge difference between the lenses, the XF23mm F1.4 at F2, is sharper than every aperture on the X100.
23mm f2 for me also.
Next year when there is some sort of deal around.

It's the only focal length I don't have among my prime line up but saying that it's never been a focal length I ever used much.
I find the XF 27mm f2.8 suits me better as it falls nicely between the XF 18mmf2.0 and my 35mm f1:1.4

But my zooms cover that focal length should I ever need it :)
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Whats everyone's favourite lens and why and what lens is next on everyone's wish list?

All depends on what I'm likely to be shooting! As a general walk around, the 18-135 is the tool of choice and is all but welded to the front of the X-T1. For landscapes that I want wider than the 18-135 can offer, the 10-24 (on the X-Pro1 since it's more than capable for static things and the flip screen/fast EVF isn't needed) and for telephoto use, the 100-400 with a teleconverter (usually!) on the X-T2 since it offers a few extra pixies for cropping should it be needed. Since that's pretty much every eventuality catered for, there's nothing on the wish list.
I'm being a bit of a body snob here but I am so tempted to get the 100-400 for my T-10 and despite loving my T-10 body, I can't help feel the 100-400 would be overkill on it, or is that just me?

I would love the T2 but it has to be one or the other at the moment. I have just one XF lens, the 18-135 and 2 XC lenses. Lenses are a bit like speakers, your hifi is only as good as what you plug into it so I am leaning to invest in glass rather than a new body.
I'm being a bit of a body snob here but I am so tempted to get the 100-400 for my T-10 and despite loving my T-10 body, I can't help feel the 100-400 would be overkill on it, or is that just me?

I would love the T2 but it has to be one or the other at the moment. I have just one XF lens, the 18-135 and 2 XC lenses. Lenses are a bit like speakers, your hifi is only as good as what you plug into it so I am leaning to invest in glass rather than a new body.
Apart from the balance why would the 100-400 be overkill? It wouldn't be any different to sticking one on the XT1 (again, except for the balance).
Yeah I was about to ask did Dale mean physical size-wise? or image quality wise? The only way an XT10 would be lacking for a lens like that would be slower AF than an XT2

Whichever body you're using with the 100-400 you'll be holding the lens over the body, and attaching a strap to the tripod collar, not the camera.
Apart from the balance why would the 100-400 be overkill? It wouldn't be any different to sticking one on the XT1 (again, except for the balance).

Yeah I was about to ask did Dale mean physical size-wise? or image quality wise? The only way an XT10 would be lacking for a lens like that would be slower AF than an XT2
I thought the same re: the 10-24mm on my X-T10. Dismissed purely on the size until I tried it and yeah it's a bit bigger but surprisingly light still.

I'd guess that though the 100-400 is bigger again, it still wouldn't be bad to hold and a longer lens requires a slightly different way of holding also. You wouldn't hold that setup the same as say your X-T10 and a 27mm.
I'm probably being daft. My T-10 cost £499, it was the first one that Calumet in Glasgow had in stock. The 100-400 is almost 3 times that, so overkillish in that sense.

I'm quite happy with the tracking on the T-10 although I have no doubt the T-2 is more capable.
I thought the same re: the 10-24mm on my X-T10. Dismissed purely on the size until I tried it and yeah it's a bit bigger but surprisingly light still.

I'd guess that though the 100-400 is bigger again, it still wouldn't be bad to hold and a longer lens requires a slightly different way of holding also. You wouldn't hold that setup the same as say your X-T10 and a 27mm.

It's a fab lens no matter what body it's fitted to even my X A1 or X A2 it gives you great images:)
I have now completed my Fuji lens line up apart from the 2x converter and at the moment haven't really found a need as I'm not shooting wildlife this time of the year.
I'm probably being daft. My T-10 cost £499, it was the first one that Calumet in Glasgow had in stock. The 100-400 is almost 3 times that, so overkillish in that sense.

I'm quite happy with the tracking on the T-10 although I have no doubt the T-2 is more capable.

Up till now the XT10 and XA2 have been my most used bodies and I really enjoy using the two XC lens on them along with 27mm f2.8
Took delivery of the 23mm f1.4 today which I purchased from the classifieds. Certainly not the quietest lens I've owned, but it is a focal length I prefer...

A few test shots of my dogs.... as they were the only willing victims..


I'm probably being daft. My T-10 cost £499, it was the first one that Calumet in Glasgow had in stock. The 100-400 is almost 3 times that, so overkillish in that sense.

I'm quite happy with the tracking on the T-10 although I have no doubt the T-2 is more capable.
Ahh I see. Yes you are being daft ;) :p
Yesterday I got my new kit, courtesy of Park Cameras. I felt they really offered a great price with the X-T1, an 18 - 135mm Lens and a 32Gb Extreme card for £749.

I traded in my X10 to get £100 off. When they looked up the list price they said £30. I was like I'd rather keep it thanks. Subsequently worked out they were actually offering £30 on top of the £100 trade in value. Amazed. Great service by those guys, and was glad to put money into a physical UK camera shop, rather than some Internet trading post. I like to walk in and handle. I think business must be hard for shop fronts.

There's two lenses I'd like to get before I disappear off Wednesday. Time is running out, so seems unlikely. I think the 18 - 135mm will do for most general cases. Just not so good to slip into the pocket for night time candid action in town. Now where's the X10 when I need it.. Doh!
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Great service by those guys, and was glad to put money into a physical UK camera shop, rather than some Internet trading post. I like to walk in and handle. I think business must be hard for shop fronts.

Good on you. I'm another who prefers to use real shops rather than the internet when shopping, although I'll happily buy from the internet when it's a matter of just ordering something (like memory cards, spare batteries etc.) rather than getting hands on. It may cost a couple of quid extra but IMO the advice you get makes the extra cost worth it, as well as keeping the high street alive so we can pick something we need urgently up rather than having to wait for a delivery.

I think the 18 - 135mm will do for most general cases.

Yup, if I'm out with one body and lens, chances are that it'll be the 18-135 that's the lens of choice.
Hi Nod :wave:

Wow you still frequenting the forums. Good to hear from you. Yes I agree on that urgent pick up point - part of the deal included free next day delivery, but I declined and picked up instead.

Are you still using the X10 or has it been retired?