The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I wish I lived near the sea! I have pondered some filters, don't know 'exactly' what ones I want for sure yet though. I'd probably keep it budget with some circular ones to start. I had ND filters in the past that gave horrible brown-ish colour cast, but they were cheap Chinese offerings
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As fuji's jpegs are so good should they start offering jpeg2000 also as a option? If they did would you use it?
Post some images, create some discussion then lads ... I think people meander off topic because many here have probably discussed just about everything Fuji related in depth already. It's ok to say you don't like the flow of conversation so long as you're involved and actually keeping it back on topic. But there is complaining just for the sake of it IMO

I partly agree but we should remember that there doesn't have to be new posts all the time. Some model specific threads go days or even weeks without new posts so we don't need to post constantly to keep it going as such.

I'm sure the models covered here provide enough talking points to keep us going :)
New topic

As fuji's jpegs are so good should they start offering jpeg2000 also as a option? If they did would you use it?

What's the difference with jpeg2000? I mostly shoot Raw but will try anything once
Better compression, more scope for editing with higher dynamic range.

Sounds good. It would be useful for those in the middle ground. Who don't want the hassle of RAW files, don't prossess much etc, but would like a little more leeway on the Jpegs when they have to. I would certainly give it a go.
Sounds good. It would be useful for those in the middle ground. Who don't want the hassle of RAW files, don't prossess much etc, but would like a little more leeway on the Jpegs when they have to. I would certainly give it a go.
Yeah its kind of where i am at the moment which is why it appeals so much. Its a mystery why no one has adapted it.
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I'm not really clued up with flickr it says it belongs to 42 groups. Do you tag it to those groups when you upload it?
Absolutely, you can add to groups similar to adding tags. I didn't know there were that many groups! [emoji1]
I agree the banter gets a bit overwhelming at times. Here's a recent image. It's noisy and the focus isn't spot on, but I don't really care. Despite being a stitch of two images (the existence of a fence meant I couldn't stand where I would like to, as I had to shoot through the bars) it won't print really big. But the only way I'd get something exhibition quality would be to go the Brassai route: bring a tripod and get some friends to stand very still while I smoke a Gaulois :)

Moon over Bridge of Sighs
by David Hallett, on Flickr
I'm not really clued up with flickr it says it belongs to 42 groups. Do you tag it to those groups when you upload it?

I always add photos to groups - architecture ones mainly for this type of shot and it got invites to add it to others - I was more interested in the fact that it had pottered along since last week steadily heading to around 250 views and then randomly in the last 24 hours shot up to over 600
I have no idea how many groups there actually are on flickr, but I imagine it's a staggering number in total - for example type "street" into the groups search and start scrolling, you'll be going for a long time before you reach the bottom!
You're probably right. I've only ever searched on my phone app and usually stop after I've added one or two for any given search to be honest!
So not exactly sure what's happened, but a photo I uploaded last week has gained something in the region of 400 views in the last 24 hours!

One Canada Square by Ash Smith, on Flickr

It's a very cool image with great perspective. People probably enjoy it messing with their eyes as they scroll it up and down repeatedly! :)
I agree the banter gets a bit overwhelming at times. Here's a recent image. It's noisy and the focus isn't spot on, but I don't really care. Despite being a stitch of two images (the existence of a fence meant I couldn't stand where I would like to, as I had to shoot through the bars) it won't print really big. But the only way I'd get something exhibition quality would be to go the Brassai route: bring a tripod and get some friends to stand very still while I smoke a Gaulois :)

Moon over Bridge of Sighs by David Hallett, on Flickr

I am not sure that any one expects the highest quality detail in the half light. so it works for me.....
What is unfortunate is the banding near the moon and that the two shots you stitched, were not equally sharp.
A not unusual problem with hand held stitching.
Yes, looked in the usual places. Silly prices for the most part.

Are you going to use it on a Nikon or Fuji? If just for Fuji I would get the 60 2.8D, I've heard it's sharper, and for F it would work better I think
Just checking everything working on my new camera before I head off on holiday. Even though I am familiar with Fuji interfaces and buttons, quite a bit left to learn on the X-T1.

I connected up the X-T1 with the Android remote phone app.

I walked out of my home, and could still control the X-T1. The Wi-Fi strength is stronger than my Virgin Media super hub. Were you guys surprised by the cameras Wi-Fi range?

This opens up some fantastic opportunities to shoot wild life. Well done FUJI for making a simple controllable remote interface.
Just checking everything working on my new camera before I head off on holiday. Even though I am familiar with Fuji interfaces and buttons, quite a bit left to learn on the X-T1.

I connected up the X-T1 with the Android remote phone app.

I walked out of my home, and could still control the X-T1. The Wi-Fi strength is stronger than my Virgin Media super hub. Were you guys surprised by the cameras Wi-Fi range?

This opens up some fantastic opportunities to shoot wild life. Well done FUJI for making a simple controllable remote interface.

I have been playing with the app yup :) You don't need actual wi-fi to use it afaik? It's more like a blue tooth connection between camera and phone. You only need internet if you want to upload the pics returned from camera to phone.

It's a useful app either way. I used it to take some birds in the garden shots recently. They would scatter if I came close to the window, so I set up the XT-1, with a 55-200 lens on a mini tripod, pointed at a feeder, I had left out [pretty much an old bread board with some nuts and stale bread on] I was able to sit at the table across the room, and monitor the scene using the app on the phone. I could adjust focus, shutter speed and ISO and shoot away, and the birds weren't bothered :)

Could be useful for people who do videos too, if only to use as a selfie-framing guide, and to start stop. Don't think you can control anything else while it's recording?
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Has anyone here tried the Meike branded AF extension tubes yet? I've ordered some for wifey for Christmas. Which is handy. I think they are 10mm and 16mm.

I ordered these ones just yesterday:

I saw the Meike ones there too, but I think they are all about the same. Hopefully will have them soon, depending on Amazon ... they've fluffed up a few orders on me recently.

I plan to use them with the 35 1.4 to test the AF, and an adapted Helios for little more reach, maybe with both rings, see what i can get :)
I have been playing with the app yup :) You don't need actual wi-fi to use it afaik? It's more like a blue tooth connection between camera and phone. You only need internet if you want to upload the pics returned from camera to phone.

I connected by clicking the Wi-Fi button on the camera. My phone displayed a Wi-Fi connection, the Bluetooth icon did not appear.

I didn't know there was also a Bluetooth option as well. You would need to be in line of sight, and close to the camera, for Bluetooth to work. I wonder if there is any advantage to that?

It's a useful app either way. I used it to take some birds in the garden shots recently. They would scatter if I came close to the window, so I set up the XT-1, with a 55-200 lens on a mini tripod, pointed at a feeder, I had left out [pretty much an old bread board with some nuts and stale bread on] I was able to sit at the table across the room, and monitor the scene using the app on the phone. I could adjust focus, shutter speed and ISO and shoot away, and the birds weren't bothered

That's the type of use I'm thinking along the lines of. Should have some fun with this :)
I am not sure that any one expects the highest quality detail in the half light. so it works for me.....
What is unfortunate is the banding near the moon and that the two shots you stitched, were not equally sharp.
A not unusual problem with hand held stitching.
Thanks Terry. But I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Can you explain a bit more? Which way are you assuming it was stitched, for one thing?

The moon is shining through thin clouds, if that helps. I'm seeing a bit of a glow around the buildings, but that may actually be real. Don't have LR open at the moment.

Apparently uneven sharpness may also be due to shooting at about f/2. Or are you seeing camera shake in one part but not another?
I wish I lived near the sea! I have pondered some filters, don't know 'exactly' what ones I want for sure yet though. I'd probably keep it budget with some circular ones to start. I had ND filters in the past that gave horrible brown-ish colour cast, but they were cheap Chinese offerings
I used to live by the Sea for a while but wasn't into photography then and now really regret it, I love seascapes. OK so the Peak District isn't a bad fallback, but I do love the sea. The grass is always greener and all that.

Santa's bringing me a new filter holder and filters this year, hopefully they'll have less cast and vignetting than my current ones.

New topic

As fuji's jpegs are so good should they start offering jpeg2000 also as a option? If they did would you use it?
Didn't even know there was a difference :oops: :$

This is a favourite of mine from Saturday's wedding. The bride having a quiet moment with her son....

katierossrainsp2wm by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr

Shot with X-T2 and 23mm lens at 1.6.

Lovely nice personal moment captured there.
Bokehlicious (y) I've not noticed the onion ring bokeh before though, will have to test mine now.

yeah some onionisation occurring :D I will have to try some more, some stopped down tests also. I did some with the Helios too and I think the bokeh was cleaner on that wide open

I connected by clicking the Wi-Fi button on the camera. My phone displayed a Wi-Fi connection, the Bluetooth icon did not appear.

I didn't know there was also a Bluetooth option as well. You would need to be in line of sight, and close to the camera, for Bluetooth to work. I wonder if there is any advantage to that?

That's the type of use I'm thinking along the lines of. Should have some fun with this :)

I meant wireless not blue-tooth sorry. The app can communicate with the camera wirelessly without internet as far as I'm aware. So even up a mountain you could use it as your shutter release. I could be wrong, will have to test this out some time properly. As any time I have used it my phone would have been connected to 4G
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Are you going to use it on a Nikon or Fuji? If just for Fuji I would get the 60 2.8D, I've heard it's sharper, and for F it would work better I think
For using on a fuji that would be the sensible option. I have been looking for a while for one of these lenses but can't find a decent one for a decent price
Thought It was about time I posted a image here taken with XF 100-400mm & X T1 cropped jpg

Lovely image, that burst of red, would make a great print. We have to click through the link to see it though .

For using on a fuji that would be the sensible option. I have been looking for a while for one of these lenses but can't find a decent one for a decent price

I had the 2.8D version for my Nikon a few years back. The one thing I didn't like was the AF noise, as a manual focus lens it would be great though, I imagine. Would get one myself, as I have an adapter already, if I could find a really good price.