Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Another great shot from you Ruth, and the background makes it for me. I can even see sparkles in the water :clap::clap:

And water is something we don't take for granted out here, although why they keep building golf courses which use a massive amount, go figure :shrug: :wacky:
Love the sparkles in the water Ruth - great idea for this weeks theme too!

Nicely set up and taken - the blue card somehow looks very natural!!! :D
Love the sparkles in the water Ruth - great idea for this weeks theme too!

Nicely set up and taken - the blue card somehow looks very natural!!! :D

Ohhh just seen this - an annoying double post :)
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Well nothing profound or insightful this week, just some train lines taken this am.

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I like it - definately fits the theme and the the way the tracks curve lead me into the shot well. The only thing I'd say is that you could perhaps lose a bit of sky. (y)
This is really nice Ruth, Lovely interest in both the sky and foreground. Luvvly :clap: :clap:
I like this Ruth, I dare say there is a bit more drama in that sky but I like how the railway line pull the eye through the pic to that sky.

Good stuff.
I like it - definately fits the theme and the the way the tracks curve lead me into the shot well. The only thing I'd say is that you could perhaps lose a bit of sky. (y)

I'd agree with that - clear crisp and spot on theme - the sweep of the rails is great - I'd just be inclined to reduce some sky space to concentrate on the rails!

Lovely shot nonetheless :)
I'd agree with that - clear crisp and spot on theme - the sweep of the rails is great - I'd just be inclined to reduce some sky space to concentrate on the rails!

Lovely shot nonetheless :)

I've nothing else to say, they have already said it (y)(y)
Now that's a fine looking bit of railway track...and you got more cloud in your sky than me...:clap::clap::clap:

Great minds and all that...:LOL:

Gets my vote...(y)
Just catching up!

Simple, very effective and fits the theme very well.:clap:

Linear, I like it. I think this weeks theme has been harder to do well than last week. Like John I'd be tempted to lose some sky.

Well done and keep going.(y)
Very nice Ruth, the track lines are strong and bold. I do like the sky, but I'm also going to vote for losing a bit of it. (y)
Another train shot, and this one is very pleasing to the eye, I do like how you can see it bend off to the left (y)
Nice colours too, draws my eyes to the railway
I'd agree with that - clear crisp and spot on theme - the sweep of the rails is great - I'd just be inclined to reduce some sky space to concentrate on the rails!

Lovely shot nonetheless :)

That's exactly what I thought as I scrolled down before reading everyone else's comments, just a bit less sky for me but spot on for perspective :clap:
Very nice, Ruth. I think I'd have to say I agree about the composition, if you'd got the horizon on the third it would have been top marks all round!!
Not overly happy with this weeks image but i have failed to get anything better, so here it is.

The idea is watching a soppy movie, not sure i carried it off very well though.

Things i have learn't

1. High ISO only works well if the exposure is perfect
2. My tv is way too small
3. I should learn to like wine
Love those socks Ruth - :)

The only improvement I would have made is perhaps made it evident that the film is a tearjerker - maybe have the case in view or the title screen rolling :)

Oh and that glass of wine!

But I love the concept and its really well composed imho!

Love the 'viewer's eye' view you've given us :) almost as if we're in your shoes socks :)
This really made me smile. Those are the ultimate in 'comfort socks'. The tissues and chocolate are nice touches, too. (y)

I don't recognise the film, so I apologise if it's one everybody else in the whole world would know, so, like John, I would have liked a little visual prompt that it was a tearjerker.

It's a great interpretation of the theme and - btw - I can let you have a few empty wine bottles if you need them. :LOL:

Thanks for the feedback guys

The film is Stand by Me, the box is in the pic but your right i could have made it clearer what the film was, i didnt put the box on the table becasue it looked too staged imo. I fi get time i will reshoot this in the week, am sure i can do it and the ideas from you guys are helping:D

PS am not gonna tell you what Martyn said it looked like but i am sure the boys will know :naughty:
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Works well, comfort socks, chocs and tissues what more could a girl want to watch a soppy movie.

A bigger T.V thats what lol!!!! Im surprised you can see that from where you were sat lol :)

I think it all fits the theme well mate.
Nice one Ruth, I never can tell the Corey's apart, and did wonder at first if this wasn't 'Dream a little Dream'.

I love the socks (do hope they are bright pink!) and the picture is a scene often played out with my own eyes!!

well done :clap: :clap:
lol cool pic

i wonder if selectively colouring the chocolate wrapper would add more giggle factor
don't feel unsure, I like this - a complete different take on theme and it works very well :clap: great composition too! (y)
Works well, comfort socks, chocs and tissues what more could a girl want to watch a soppy movie.

A bigger T.V thats what lol!!!! Im surprised you can see that from where you were sat lol :)

I think it all fits the theme well mate.

Thanks Ant :D

Nice one Ruth, I never can tell the Corey's apart, and did wonder at first if this wasn't 'Dream a little Dream'.

I love the socks (do hope they are bright pink!) and the picture is a scene often played out with my own eyes!!

well done :clap: :clap:

The socks are pink and white strips :D

lol cool pic

i wonder if selectively colouring the chocolate wrapper would add more giggle factor

will be worth a look i do think it is lacking in something tbh, thanks : )

don't feel unsure, I like this - a complete different take on theme and it works very well :clap: great composition too! (y)

Thanks Shorty glad you like :)
Again, you've made me smile and I think the concept works well

This is a better pic than you seem to think it is, It made me laugh and it tells a story, If all my pics would do just one of those things I would be really happy.

Fits the theme really well too.
This is a better pic than you seem to think it is, It made me laugh and it tells a story........

Yep I'd agree with all that Ruthie (y)
Again, you've made me smile and I think the concept works well


This is a better pic than you seem to think it is, It made me laugh and it tells a story, If all my pics would do just one of those things I would be really happy.

Fits the theme really well too.

Yep I'd agree with all that Ruthie (y)

Thanks guys am glad you like it, i guess i was disapointed in the exposure as i had real lighting issues and also the B&W conversion seems to me to be tones of gray but i couldn't get it any different with out losing detail which again is probely due to the exposure issues.
It's pretty good, not sure why you thought it was a poor effort from you...:nono: it's perfect for the theme, and thoose socks were the finishing touch for me...(y)
It's pretty good, not sure why you thought it was a poor effort from you...:nono: it's perfect for the theme, and thoose socks were the finishing touch for me...(y)

Thanks I might have to consider, auctioning them off to the highest bidder :D
Thanks for the feedback guys

The film is Stand by Me, the box is in the pic but your right i could have made it clearer what the film was, i didnt put the box on the table becasue it looked too staged imo. I fi get time i will reshoot this in the week, am sure i can do it and the ideas from you guys are helping:D

PS am not gonna tell you what Martyn said it looked like but i am sure the boys will know :naughty:

I think it works really well... and I knew the film so that helps :D

I love your take on the theme - tear jerky film, fluffy socks and chocolate all make me feel one of two things... all snuggly and comforted or sad and lonely. I think if you added some wine it would be the latter but as you havn't I'm going to go with the positive interpretation which makes me feel good (y)
Very good Ruth, I have to agree with the other comments, it works really well, although I didn't recognise the film (nor spot the box till you mentioned it, not that I can read it anyway) so perhaps a more visual prompt. Although having said that I knew what you were intending to show with it (y)
don't wash them and then the winning bidder can clone you:nuts:

you want 2 of me? :thinking:

Very good Ruth, I have to agree with the other comments, it works really well, although I didn't recognise the film (nor spot the box till you mentioned it, not that I can read it anyway) so perhaps a more visual prompt. Although having said that I knew what you were intending to show with it (y)

thanks, i think your right about the film though :)
ok this week i wanted to show the complex nature of the human body and i wanted to represent this with a nude shot however no one would pose for me :(

So instead i present to you the complex game of cricket

not very good technically but there you have it.

What i have learnt this week:
1. lots of things about cricket
2. Take a lens longer than 105mm to sporting events
3. Dont forget suncream