WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Long scratch on side of car, no note on windscreen, :muted: neighbours!

Good news that they've owned up though? Hopefully they'll pay up too.

I once pulled out of the drive then realised I'd left my wooly hat and gloves in the kitchen (it was a cold day and I was in my MX5 with the roof down) so I left the car on the front to run in and get them, taking literally just a minute or even less and when I came back there were two large dents in my car. Neighbours CCTV confirmed it was done by the guy opposite when he backed his car out of his drive and he only admitted it when told he'd been caught on CCTV. He did pay up but ever since I've been off his Christmas card list.

Good luck getting them to pay for the repair.
Good news that they've owned up though? Hopefully they'll pay up too.

I once pulled out of the drive then realised I'd left my wooly hat and gloves in the kitchen (it was a cold day and I was in my MX5 with the roof down) so I left the car on the front to run in and get them, taking literally just a minute or even less and when I came back there were two large dents in my car. Neighbours CCTV confirmed it was done by the guy opposite when he backed his car out of his drive and he only admitted it when told he'd been caught on CCTV. He did pay up but ever since I've been off his Christmas card list.

Good luck getting them to pay for the repair.
No, no-one has owned up, suspect it is a neighbour as the proficiency of parking on our road is pretty poor. My own car has the largest footprint of any car on it, it's over 5m and fairly wide (it's not a 4x4) and I am still able to get into a space quite easily......

I will hold up my hands and admit that 9 years ago I did hit a neighbour's car in my OH's old Golf. Given that I scraped the driver's door and there was minimal damage to ours I said I'd take car of this by cash, then came an estimate for £2500. The neighbour's car was an 7 year old Golf, and insisted on a 'guaranteed' repair only that when I reviewed the quote there was other damage being repaired at the same time (on the sill and on the rear door - the giveaway marks on his car told me that this damage was not caused by me) so I said to him I will pay for repair to the damaged front door, repainting and blending, this should be way less than £800, come back with another quote. The prang was July 2015, last comms about it was 2016, he's changed his car since, we get on ok.
Sorry. I read that as "note on windscreen." Sorry. Don't know how I missed that. Sorry. How annoying for you.

I'm lucky enough to have off road parking and my cars only stay out for minutes as I shuffle them about or load / unload (I have three cars) to avoid damage.

Could you look at getting CCTV?
A speed limit annoyance.

On a road quite near me that I rarely use these days the limit goes from NSL to 50, 40, 30, and then back up to 50 and then NSL. One stretch of the 40mph limit area lasting a few miles has recently been reduced to 30mph and I just can not see why. There are no houses on the road, the nearest being set back and separated by a wide grass verge and an access road. There are turn offs but no obvious dangers and the road is pretty straight and well lit and in general no different to other 40mph limits in the area which still exist although I do expect some of these to be reduced to 30mph as speed reductions seem to be becoming the norm in the area.

The reduction of the speed limit is one thing but my main gripe is that every speed limit sign on both sides of the road in this section has been removed. There are none now, I know this because I deliberately looked when I dove this section. At one end of this stretch of road there is now a 30 limit sign painted on the road but from the other direction there's nothing going back miles and anyone who hasn't driven this road for a while might be tempted to up their speed from 30 to 40 at the point it used to change. As I rarely use this road I don't know when these changes were made but I did wonder if someone somewhere thought that removing the signs could be a nice little money earner in the early days of this change. Depending on where you join and leave this section it's highly likely that you wont see any speed limit signs at all. The nearest in one direction is miles away now and in the other the only one is the one painted on the road.

The trend of reducing speed limits does seem to be to eliminating 40mph stretches in the area but given the power the first thing I would do is reduce one section from 30 to 20mph as 30mph is and has been for some time pretty much impossible and irresponsible. Next thing I'd do is phase the lights better as some of it seems to be deliberately set to increase congestion and journey times.
If there are street lights the limit is 30 by default, unless otherwise stated.

It was clearly stated until all the signs were removed.

I thought that the trend was for more signage these days. I thought the reasoning was that multiple signs could make people more aware and cause those speeding to slow down. Removing multiple speed limit signs just seems an act of stupidity to me.
Miles of traffic queues, caused by the "upgrading" and "dualling" of the A47 in East Norfolk. Not a workman or work vehicle in sight. Cone hell!
Just the AA and their car insurance.

I paid £440.64 last year and I've just received an email which went straight to junk so lucky I caught it saying it'll auto renew at £991.28. What?!?! Actually the first annoyance was the auto renew as I always tell insurers not to do this but I suppose I could have forgotten.

So I went to a comparison site and was quoted £407.78 with another insurer.

I rang AA to cancel the auto renew and the lady asked why and when I fed her the numbers she said "That doesn't sound right can I look into this and see if I can apply a discount?" She then started reading out the usuals but when she stated the value of my car I told her she was stating thousands more than they valued it at last year. At this point I decided enough was enough and quietly backed away to go with the new people.

I suppose the valued take away is watch those auto renews and look out for vast increases which "don't sound right."
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My car developing yet another issue.
Not long had the thermostat and secondary coolant pump replaced, two weeks pass and all my coolant has disappeared.
Hmmm... I was sitting at a set of temporary traffic lights, in a queue of 4 when a car came past us all at a rate of knots, straight through the red light. WAM most was that had it been a minute earlier, he would have run into the big truck that had come through from the other side.
Just the AA and their car insurance.

I paid £440.64 last year and I've just received an email which went straight to junk so lucky I caught it saying it'll auto renew at £991.28. What?!?! Actually the first annoyance was the auto renew as I always tell insurers not to do this but I suppose I could have forgotten.

So I went to a comparison site and was quoted £407.78 with another insurer.

I rang AA to cancel the auto renew and the lady asked why and when I fed her the numbers she said "That doesn't sound right can I look into this and see if I can apply a discount?" She then started reading out the usuals but when she stated the value of my car I told her she was stating thousands more than they valued it at last year. At this point I decided enough was enough a quietly backed away to go with the new people.

I suppose the valued take away is watch those auto renews and look at for vast increases which "don't sound right."

Next time, take a look on the reverse side of the policy and along with other such info it will probably say that 'you have signed up to..or chosen to..and whatever fancy name they have,these days for auto-renewal. They use any term other than auto-renewal which everyone knows, by now, to avoid , so that those who see that don't realise it's auto-renewal..It's important to check each time..they're buggers. Before someone posts...yes, it is useful for some people who are forgetful but my oh my, do they pay for it.
Another annoyance.

In my area we are plagued by balaclava wearing quad and motorbike riders. Maybe you have some in your area but if not you're lucky. We have oodles of them and sadly they're bringing their kids up to do the same. Due to the almost total lack of policing these guys can do whatever they want with impunity. They speed and I do mean speed and at ridiculous speeds wherever they want, they pull wheelies on public roads, they ride on the pavements and footpaths and they've probably scarred the local landscape forever.

Todays masked bandit was in the local high street and turned right at traffic lights by going the wrong side of the lights and into any oncoming traffic. Why he'd do this I just don't know a what did he save? Not even ten yards. More like five. As he pulled this unbelievably stupid manoeuvre I had no care what so ever for his safety and my only thoughts were for anyone who might hit him, never forget it and also suffer the financial loss that would follow.

If only there was a professional body who could put a stop to this. We could call them, oh I don't know, "Law Enforcement Officers."
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Hopefully, after Labour has promised more PCSOs we'll all see some around but I'd rather see warrant-card carrying officers. PCSO's have limited powers and are more for re-assurance. They do have a role to play..ears and eyes for instance but anything looking half-serious and they have to call up for regular officers..
I was cleaning our pond this morning when I heard the doorbell ring. My wife was out. It's just too hard to get out of the pond and go to the door ..anyway, I'm not going to walk on the carpets treading in mud ,so I just carried on .

After a while I did get out and happen to look down the side passage to see a parcel there at the far end by the gate, . It was a Royal Mail delivery and postie had just thrown it over an 8' high solid, wooden gate. Sometime later my wife came home and said there was a note in the hallway by the door. "Parcel left in side passage" it read. As it turns out there were no breakables in it but would that have happened with a heavier parcel ..maybe with an Edinburgh Crystal or Waterford glass in it ?
I was cleaning our pond this morning when I heard the doorbell ring. My wife was out. It's just too hard to get out of the pond and go to the door ..anyway, I'm not going to walk on the carpets treading in mud ,so I just carried on .

After a while I did get out and happen to look down the side passage to see a parcel there at the far end by the gate, . It was a Royal Mail delivery and postie had just thrown it over an 8' high solid, wooden gate. Sometime later my wife came home and said there was a note in the hallway by the door. "Parcel left in side passage" it read. As it turns out there were no breakables in it but would that have happened with a heavier parcel ..maybe with an Edinburgh Crystal or Waterford glass in it ?
He must have worked for Evri in the oast ;)
Yesterday actually. went to my local nature reserve hoping to get some pictures of the GCGs with their chick and the egrets. I got there at opening time and not a soul about, went to the hide where the grebes hang around and it was already nearly full, yes that damn kingfisher is attracting the same crowd daily.
I did manage to get the last seat and waited, didn't take long for the grebes to arrive, in the meantime those waiting for the kingfisher treated me to political views about kicking out immigrants etc due to the riots which I did try to point out is nothing to do with them, followed by a detailed account of someone's eye peration that had gone wrong !!!,
As soon as the kingfisher did land everyone jumped for their cameras and of course it flew straight off :D
Someone came in and said it had been at another hide and they mostly went off to find it.
I left at that point as another bird I was after had flown off and I had a good idea where they were going, I was right and got some great pics
I do wish people in hides would respect others and not talk so loudly so we all have too listen to them prattle on and certainly not on politics and not go back day after day get the same bird on the same stick
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Had an email and phone conversation from my solicitor or rather someone else at the company regarding ongoing issues with an obstructive executor after my mother died. One area of contention is I'm told a technical one with only minor differences between the two options.

"What are these minor differences?" I asked.

What followed was hesitation and waffle adding up to "I have no idea" followed by telling me to wait two weeks until someone comes back from holiday.

Ye Gods :rolleyes:

What annoyed me wasn't that she didn't know but that she hadn't prepared for the likelihood of being asked. Why didn't she anticipate being asked and find out? How much an hour? :oops: :$
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Had an e-mail on Monday to tell me an order was on its way, with a link to track it. Even Evri (who are very good here) can manage that but the Royal Mail link keeps telling me to try again tomorrow. If I'm lucky, it'll tell me they have picked it up just after it's been delivered (if past performance is anything to go by!)

I'm annoyed by this and I think it's possibly rather sinister.

I watch a lot of stuff on Youtube, photography, cars, camping, music, far eastern TV and fixing stuff are the main things but in the last few days and especially today a lot of political stuff is appearing and I'm having to repeatedly use the "don't recommend this channel" option.

I can't think of anything I've watched that would lead to this. Just an internet coincidence or a part of some nudge unit agenda? Anyone else seeing political stuff that their viewing history doesn't seem to warrant?
I can't think of anything I've watched that would lead to this. Just an internet coincidence or a part of some nudge unit agenda? Anyone else seeing political stuff that their viewing history doesn't seem to warrant?

It could be a rising trend in wider society that the algorithms just see as 'trending' and so they're saying "here's something a lot of others are watching" or it could be google is tracking you on threads like this or any news-channel surfing and is following that trend. I'm not seeing that, though I have ghostery and a bunch of ad blockers installed, so they may prevent so much information about me seeping into google/youtube.
Nice message from the bank....we're reducing interest rates on your savings account...

Only wish the petrol forecourts would be as quick to drop the price of fuel in line with the price of oil...
It could be a rising trend in wider society that the algorithms just see as 'trending' and so they're saying "here's something a lot of others are watching" or it could be google is tracking you on threads like this or any news-channel surfing and is following that trend. I'm not seeing that, though I have ghostery and a bunch of ad blockers installed, so they may prevent so much information about me seeping into google/youtube.

I didn't click on any of the youtube offerings but I did google some as most were organisations I'd not heard of before and they were all pushing the same political viewpoint. I can't think of anything I've watched which would have lead to these being targeted at me. I don't how many I blocked yesterday, must have been 20-30, they just completely swamped what I normally see. Oh, some that I "blocked" yesterday are back today to be blocked again. Six so far. :mad:
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Nice message from the bank....we're reducing interest rates on your savings account...

Only wish the petrol forecourts would be as quick to drop the price of fuel in line with the price of oil...

I've been getting these too. I think it was only a week or two ago I was reading that interest rates were due to rise.
Garden refuse burning just after we get the washing out to dry! :rolleyes:
Like, I spoke to some like kids yesterday. One had like fallen off his bike and like cut his knee, like it was like bleeding. I like helped him to like clean it and like put a plaster on the like cut for him. Then he was like OK, and said like 'thanks mister' and then like rode off.

I like wonder if it's like possible, that we could like pick up bad like habits from other people when we like talk to them?
Like, I spoke to some like kids yesterday. One had like fallen off his bike and like cut his knee, like it was like bleeding. I like helped him to like clean it and like put a plaster on the like cut for him. Then he was like OK, and said like 'thanks mister' and then like rode off.

I like wonder if it's like possible, that we could like pick up bad like habits from other people when we like talk to them?

In some parts of the Middlesbrough the locals wouldn't understand you if you didn't put "like" at the end of every sentence.

"Ow ya doin like?"
"Am or right like. Ow R U like?"

A while back I spent a lot of time on the phone and when a senior company guy visited for a while he took "By By Now" away with him :D Which reminds me, when I worked in Bracknell a Belgian colleague had to translate my order at the bar as the local bar staff couldn't understand.
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Oh dear.

I've been watching a series of vids on Youtube about a woman and her dog in the far east. I've really enjoyed them but then... Her dog died.

Don't get into true life things on Youtube :(
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Ebay purchase of an item (book and CD) that was supposed to be in stock at a UK supplier, for delivery withing 3 days. Ordered 1st August, hadn't arrived 5th August, contacted and told despatched, arrived today and it is a later version with a link to a download (no CD). I actually wanted the one with the CD for a reason! Returned straight away. Waste of time! Grrr!
U2 - Songs of Innocence appearing in my music library and auto-playing after yet another iOS update.

Must’ve deleted it a thousand times, and it just keeps coming back, to the point I now absolutely can’t stand U2.
A bit irritating this morning, it’s not possible to scan a document on HP 2800 printer without setting up an account with HP which involves signing up to an ink cartridge subscription
Can print easily enough but there’s no scan button on printer, our old Epson you just put sheet on top and pressed a button, can’t do that with this HP one , a bit frustrating I ended up photographing the document with my phone
I post a lot in this thread but I'm mostly a happy person :D

Todays annoyance was my MX5 battery was definitely duff so I went to the local place which does things quickly :D I've been there lots of times and it's my default place for batteries, exhausts and tyres. When I told the guy what I wanted he looked it up on the computer and said "£265." "That doesn't sound right" I said. "It should ne about £100." "Some of these Japanese cars have narrower and taller batteries so you're limited what'll fit" He said. I decided to give up but said the following "The car's 23 years old and it's had batteries before but I've never heard of any of this so I'll just leave it thanks." I walked out thinking I'd take it to my local garage but the guy came running after me... "I wasn't being funny" He said. "Can I just have a look at the battery?" I opened the boot and he said "We can do you one of those for £95." In the end they did it for £90 cash.
A bit irritating this morning, it’s not possible to scan a document on HP 2800 printer without setting up an account with HP which involves signing up to an ink cartridge subscription
Can print easily enough but there’s no scan button on printer, our old Epson you just put sheet on top and pressed a button, can’t do that with this HP one , a bit frustrating I ended up photographing the document with my phone

My windows pc automatically detects our hp printer/scanner over the WiFi and allows scanning via the windows scan and fax utility
Been staying in Lossiemouth, (Scotland, UK) very impressed with how clean and tidy everything looks, then I go for a walk on West Beach and come across this

Now I am expecting lots of "disgusting" and "how could they" and "I never do that replies" but could a dog walker or walkers who do think this is OK (obviously there are a few and I have seen scenes like this elsewhere) please reply on here to explain their logic/thinking as I'd really like to know how this is OK

Been staying in Lossiemouth, (Scotland, UK) very impressed with how clean and tidy everything looks, then I go for a walk on West Beach and come across this

Now I am expecting lots of "disgusting" and "how could they" and "I never do that replies" but could a dog walker or walkers who do think this is OK (obviously there are a few and I have seen scenes like this elsewhere) please reply on here to explain their logic/thinking as I'd really like to know how this is OK

View attachment 431216

This is good behaviour for dog walkers - they're all in one place rather than being distributed around the countryside as they are around here. Sometimes I see the bags tied to fences or hung on bushes, as well as dropped on the path.
This is good behaviour for dog walkers - they're all in one place rather than being distributed around the countryside as they are around here. Sometimes I see the bags tied to fences or hung on bushes, as well as dropped on the pat
Wow, didn’t realise all dog walkers behaved like that.