WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Not all, but enough of them. Obviously I never know about the ones that are decent human beings.
That's always the problem: good behaviour is quiet and not obvious, whereas bad behaviour blows a big horn very loudly...

Busker with drum and long horn London E-20P P2100002.jpg
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This is good behaviour for dog walkers - they're all in one place rather than being distributed around the countryside as they are around here. Sometimes I see the bags tied to fences or hung on bushes, as well as dropped on the path.

Not all, but enough of them. Obviously I never know about the ones that are decent human beings.
Ah, thought you were painting everyone with the same brush
That good dog owners exist is an assumption on my part.
That good mods exist is an assumption on my part
Dog mess left by lazy owners is a pet hate of mine too
Most are OK but there’s a significant minority that just don’t bother to clean it up
I’ve mentioned on here a while ago that it got so bad that the warden at one of the nature reserves I go to sprayed each poo he found with purple paint to try to shame them into doing something
I spend the spring and summer watching and photographing insects and often have to lay on the ground to get a good angle so dog crap is an occupational hazard, I carry a spare set of clothes in the car
As I said most are decent but a few spoil it for everyone else and give dog owners a bad name
As I said most are decent but a few spoil it for everyone else and give dog owners a bad name

It has got a lot worse where I live since the Covid lockdowns. It would seem the 'new generation' of dog owners just don't care at all.

If I catch them doing it, I let them know in no uncertain terms what selfish, inconsiderate barstewards they are and if I can, I'll take a picture of them and threaten to report them if they don't clear it up. If more people took this approach, I'm sure it would decrease the number of offenders.

The trouble is everyone's scared of their own shadow nowadays and don't want to get involved - they just look the other way and pretend not to notice.
The trouble is everyone's scared of their own shadow nowadays and don't want to get involved - they just look the other way and pretend not to notice.
Decades of the courts' lost sight of Peel's dictum that "The police are the public and the public are the police", has created fear in many people, who believe that if they "interfere" with bad behaviour, they'll be arrested, rather than supported, by the police.
If you own a dog and have trained it well, carefully clear up after it and behave responsibly - thank you. I fear you may be exceptional.
It has got a lot worse where I live since the Covid lockdowns. It would seem the 'new generation' of dog owners just don't care at all.

If I catch them doing it, I let them know in no uncertain terms what selfish, inconsiderate barstewards they are and if I can, I'll take a picture of them and threaten to report them if they don't clear it up. If more people took this approach, I'm sure it would decrease the number of offenders.

The trouble is everyone's scared of their own shadow nowadays and don't want to get involved - they just look the other way and pretend not to notice.

A big issue is dogs not on a lead in nature reserves, all our local ones specifically say that dogs must be on a lead but it’s mostly ignored
The reserves in Norfolk that I have visited all ban dogs I wish that policy was nationwide
Again a posted on here before is my local favourite place, Whixall moss has rare birds such as Curlew the centre area a few years ago was closed to dogs to protect the birds
Unfortunately the Kennel club threatened court action saying it was discrimination against dog owners so that Natural England had to close the centre areas to everyone, which was extremely annoying as the actions of a few irresponsible dog owners meant that we lost access to a large part of an amazing wildlife site
I’m not anti dog a relative has a lovely dog and is always kept under control and poo picked up
If you own a dog and have trained it well, carefully clear up after it and behave responsibly - thank you. I fear you may be exceptional.

Yes I wish all dog owners were like that, I do find most are but unfortunately a significant minority couldn’t care less
The thing lately seems to be phone zombies with a dog who walk along with their face in their phone screen with no idea what their dog is doing
The thing lately seems to be phone zombies with a dog who walk along with their face in their phone screen with no idea what their dog is doing
I may have imagined it but wasn't there a person who was using a portable horn to blare at phone zombies in his path?
It saddens me to say it but, unfortunately my overwhelming experience of dog owners is negative. I do a lot of walking and I come across uncontrolled and/or aggressive dogs every day.

There are many people who believe that shouting while their dog ignores them as they chase wildlife is somehow being in control.

There is s*** everywhere. How thick do you have to be to believe that sealing it in plastic and dumping it is better?

I feel sorry for the many responsible dog owners, and they are the majority I'm sure. It just doesn't seem that way.
It saddens me to say it but, unfortunately my overwhelming experience of dog owners is negative. I do a lot of walking and I come across uncontrolled and/or aggressive dogs every day.

There are many people who believe that shouting while their dog ignores them as they chase wildlife is somehow being in control.

There is s*** everywhere. How thick do you have to be to believe that sealing it in plastic and dumping it is better?

I feel sorry for the many responsible dog owners, and they are the majority I'm sure. It just doesn't seem that way.
I think having a dog in the family is one of the most enjoyable and delightful things you can have and although my overwhelming experience with dogs is not the same as yours, I agree with a lot of what you have said.

There are people who appear to think if they call their dog and it comes back to them eventually, they have it under control. Many times when this happens there is no problem, but I do not think that is good enough.

Some people do not relate to/like dogs and no one should feel, even if there is no justification, threatened/upset by a dog.

I cannot agree more about the sh*t. The thinking(if thinking is involved at all) that leads to bagging the poo and then dropping the bag, or FFS, hanging it on a bush, is beyond me.

I think having a dog in the family is one of the most enjoyable and delightful things you can have and although my overwhelming experience with dogs is not the same as yours, I agree with a lot of what you have said.

There are people who appear to think if they call their dog and it comes back to them eventually, they have it under control. Many times when this happens there is no problem, but I do not think that is good enough.

Some people do not relate to/like dogs and no one should feel, even if there is no justification, threatened/upset by a dog.

I cannot agree more about the sh*t. The thinking(if thinking is involved at all) that leads to bagging the poo and then dropping the bag, or FFS, hanging it on a bush, is beyond me.


My bold. I agree. We had two retrievers..not at the same time,though. We got another ..well, my wife did... when the first one..Hamish had to be euthanised. The usual with them..back legs but he did have a cancer,too. Yes, great to have around, despite the hairs but Mr Dyson built a vacuum cleaner to specifically address that problem. When the second one had to go I managed to persuade my wife not to get another retriever pup because I'd have to look after it as she was still working then and I wasn't. The two we had took no notice of me when I called them to me when I thought we'd walked far enough. I also had all sorts of plans..mainly re photogrpahy. I used to take the second one out when I had my camera but it got very frustrating as he frightened off the birds as he ran ahead of me.

When my wife retired we'd planned on visiting National Trust stately homes (we're members) which would include sometimes a night away and going abroad for several holidays a year which we're doing. It's not fair on the dog to keep putting it in kennels. We did it once with Hamish and he caught a skin complaint. When we collected him he was excited for 5 minutes but when we got home he wouldn't 'speak' to us for an hour or so..lol. They have to be taken out all weathers,too and any long-haired dog is difficlut to clean and dry so, an owner has to be really dedicated. I keep reading about the horrendous vets bills these days,too. Even those with insurance, which is very expensive, have to pay a very high excess. Manyn veterinary surgeries are owned by companies rather than a vet partnership. We do miss having a dog..a retriever,though. When my wife comes across one she just has to stop and say hello to it. Retrievers love that..lol.

Re poo bags. When I took our dogs out I'd always pick up a disgarded poo bag ,epsecially ones hanging on a tree/bush branch and drop them in a dog poo bin as I knew where they all were locally. We have a wide grass verge opposite the house on the far side of the road and people walk their dogs along it and I've never seen anyone leave dog poo there. They always have a poo bag with them. Infact, we had a load of them left and just last week I went to a dog walker and gave them to her. She had a Lab.
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Just let us know when you've finished p***ing off all the dog owners on here.
That WAMT.
Are responsible dog owners not p***ed off about all the irresponsible dick heads giving them a bad rep?
Yes. But from some comments, you wouldn't expect to find any. We're a real rarity. If we exist at all.
Are responsible dog owners not p***ed off about all the irresponsible dick heads giving them a bad rep?

Doesn’t bother me tbh, I just go about my business. What does bother me though is tiny yapping aggressive dogs with owners who immediately think that my dog is somehow threatening because it’s bigger, or is half-husky. Especially those who ask that I put mine on the lead as theirs is scared, then continue to walk with theirs off-lead :headbang:

And whilst I’m ranting about little dogs, the owners who walk their dogs in areas of nature reserves where dogs are banned are ALWAYS small-dog owners in my experience, with the excuse they’re small so it can’t possibly hurt anything.

Yes. But from some comments, you wouldn't expect to find any. We're a real rarity. If we exist at all.

No not a rarity as I said, I find most dog owners are decent, the bad ones are a minority my wife and I had a bad experience last year when two aggressive big dogs not on a lead ran at us barking, the owners did nothing
I’ve had some nice chats with people walking their dogs they sometimes ask what I’m doing laying on the ground along the river bank so I explain and show that I’m photographing a damselfly
Doesn’t bother me tbh, I just go about my business. What does bother me though is tiny yapping aggressive dogs with owners who immediately think that my dog is somehow threatening because it’s bigger, or is half-husky. Especially those who ask that I put mine on the lead as theirs is scared, then continue to walk with theirs off-lead :headbang:

And whilst I’m ranting about little dogs, the owners who walk their dogs in areas of nature reserves where dogs are banned are ALWAYS small-dog owners in my experience, with the excuse they’re small so it can’t possibly hurt anything.

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Nice dog he looks a big softie :)
Just let us know when you've finished p***ing off all the dog owners on here.
That WAMT.

Was that comment directed at me, Brian ? My post 15,457. If so, I have no idea why. I've looked through my post carefully .Was it my reference to me picking up any dog poo bags I came across ? It was just the odd one and yes, as someone mentioned, you can sometimes see one hanging on a tree branch but the vast majority of dog owners around here bag the poo and place it in the council dog-poo bins. I'm sure most people are responsible re this and do the right thing.

Re the photo of a pile of poo bags underneath a full bin ? Well, as Toni said,better there than discarded along the sand dunes. The council should have ensured the bin was emptied. That's cuts for you. The dog walkers wouldn't want to have carried it home. They'd assume the person emptying the bins would have had a large bag to drop the excess ones into. I did say that the people who walk their dogs along the grass verge opposite our house always bag the poo and take it off with them, I assume to the nearest poo bin which is about 200m further along the verge. All dogs on the footpath are on leashes so no problems there.Of course, I can only speak for what I see where I live but from what I see there are no issues with dog-walkers.

We had our two Retrievers over 25 years,no break in-between bar a couple of weeks to sort of mourn the first one....Hamish. When we wanted go somewhere where we weren't able to take them my parents would come and house/dog sit but after they died we had no-one to do that and that was fine. It's just that we decided it would be better not to get another so we could travel after my wife retired ( that's now) and maybe when we'd done it all and got into our 80's then, yes we'd get another one. I can tell you I was more upset when each Retriever had to be let go than when my elderly parents died. It's often the way, they say.

Meet Hamish.

Been staying in Lossiemouth, (Scotland, UK) very impressed with how clean and tidy everything looks, then I go for a walk on West Beach and come across this

Now I am expecting lots of "disgusting" and "how could they" and "I never do that replies" but could a dog walker or walkers who do think this is OK (obviously there are a few and I have seen scenes like this elsewhere) please reply on here to explain their logic/thinking as I'd really like to know how this is OK

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The problem here ^ isn’t down to dog owners, as everyone has been responsible and bagged up their dog poo instead of leaving it for someone to tread in. But where are they supposed to put it? The bin is full to overflowing and has obviously not been emptied for a long time…. that’s a council issue.
The problem here ^ isn’t down to dog owners, as everyone has been responsible and bagged up their dog poo instead of leaving it for someone to tread in. But where are they supposed to put it? The bin is full to overflowing and has obviously not been emptied for a long time…. that’s a council issue.

Whenever I’ve come across this I simply take it home or find another bin, there’s no excuse really, and to be fair during the summer holidays it happens a lot in tourism hotspots, seemingly the council do not cater for increased footfall which is a bit of an oddity :thinking:
Agree with Neil it’s the dog owners responsibility to deal with their dogs poo, if there’s a bin then use it if not just take it home, that’s what our in laws do with their dog mess
The council can only do so much
Round our way, if the Dog bins are full, they say to put the bags in a normal waste bin, if you can find one of those.
Could be that the people that left their bags on the ground are holiday makers who do not know where the next bin is.

Could we now bash the Cat owners
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Agree with Neil it’s the dog owners responsibility to deal with their dogs poo, if there’s a bin then use it if not just take it home, that’s what our in laws do with their dog mess
The council can only do so much
My bold. The council are doing nothing though. If they provide the facility, they should at least maintain it. That bin looks like it hasn’t been emptied in weeks! I get that councils are under the cosh financially, but that’s a health hazard.
They'll probably end up doing what the local council did with the dog **** bin at the bottom of the road here - simply remove it. Too many of the people who used to use it now leave their bags where it used to be...
Was that comment directed at me, Brian ? My post 15,457. If so, I have no idea why. I've looked through my post carefully .Was it my reference to me picking up any dog poo bags I came across ? It was just the odd one and yes, as someone mentioned, you can sometimes see one hanging on a tree branch but the vast majority of dog owners around here bag the poo and place it in the council dog-poo bins. I'm sure most people are responsible re this and do the right thing.

Re the photo of a pile of poo bags underneath a full bin ? Well, as Toni said,better there than discarded along the sand dunes. The council should have ensured the bin was emptied. That's cuts for you. The dog walkers wouldn't want to have carried it home. They'd assume the person emptying the bins would have had a large bag to drop the excess ones into. I did say that the people who walk their dogs along the grass verge opposite our house always bag the poo and take it off with them, I assume to the nearest poo bin which is about 200m further along the verge. All dogs on the footpath are on leashes so no problems there.Of course, I can only speak for what I see where I live but from what I see there are no issues with dog-walkers.

We had our two Retrievers over 25 years,no break in-between bar a couple of weeks to sort of mourn the first one....Hamish. When we wanted go somewhere where we weren't able to take them my parents would come and house/dog sit but after they died we had no-one to do that and that was fine. It's just that we decided it would be better not to get another so we could travel after my wife retired ( that's now) and maybe when we'd done it all and got into our 80's then, yes we'd get another one. I can tell you I was more upset when each Retriever had to be let go than when my elderly parents died. It's often the way, they say.

Meet Hamish.

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Not aimed at anybody in particular John.

It's just that when ever this subject comes up there's always this underlying attitude of, " yeah, they all say it's not them" nudge wink.
This time it was even a mod starting it.
I get that councils are under the cosh financially, but that’s a health hazard.
I think that councils would be delighted to be able to deal with things like that.

That will happen only when Parliament allows the councils to get more money in. The only practical way to do that is by allowing the councils to set council tax, according to the catchment area's needs.

I expect to see such a sensible change, when the next aerial pig migration occurs. :naughty:
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Been staying in Lossiemouth, (Scotland, UK) very impressed with how clean and tidy everything looks, then I go for a walk on West Beach and come across this

Now I am expecting lots of "disgusting" and "how could they" and "I never do that replies" but could a dog walker or walkers who do think this is OK (obviously there are a few and I have seen scenes like this elsewhere) please reply on here to explain their logic/thinking as I'd really like to know how this is OK

View attachment 431216
Yes, it is disgusting and in my opinion there is never an excuse to leave a poo bag(or other litter) by a bin because the bin is full. The owner is responsible for collecting and disposing of the poo(or other litter) properly.

I too would like those who do this to explain why, but I doubt you will get anyone to say, "Yes, I do this."

I find a lens pouch useful. I bought one from Ebay which clips on my belt loops and it holds the bag(s) until I get home.

My bold. The council are doing nothing though. If they provide the facility, they should at least maintain it. That bin looks like it hasn’t been emptied in weeks! I get that councils are under the cosh financially, but that’s a health hazard.

Yes agree that it should be emptied but just throwing poo bags onto the floor if the bin is full is wrong , I wouldn’t thrown my litter onto the floor if the bin was full I’d take it home
An interesting observation I've made when visiting Thailand is that despite there being a lot of feral dogs one thing I have noticed is a noticeable lack of dog poo on the streets...... Compare that to the UK and you still can easily find dog poo on the pavements caused by dog owners to lazy to pick it up and even dog poo bags discarded on pavements cos there too lazy to put it in a bin.
The only practical way to do that is by allowing the councils to set council tax, according to the catchment area's needs.

That’s quite a dangerous precedent, we’ve seen the maximum council tax rise for years and yet to see any real benefit, instead we see lots of money wasted on other ventures and not the needs of the area.

More robust oversight & scrutinisation of where money is being spent is what’s needed, not necessarily a deviation in what the public already pay.

Sorry in advance if I’ve misunderstood what you said
More robust oversight & scrutinisation of where money is being spent is what’s needed, ...
I agree with you. However, even if we do manage to control the wastage in councils, we still need to put more money into them, to pay for the basic services they are expected to supply.

Personally, I'd prefer to see local income tax, levied as part of the national income tax collection. Any tax levied on the notional value of a property is bound to be unfair to many and so will always be an easy target.
Yes agree that it should be emptied but just throwing poo bags onto the floor if the bin is full is wrong , I wouldn’t thrown my litter onto the floor if the bin was full I’d take it home
Yes I mostly agree. I suspect that people think the bin is going to be emptied at some point and hope the bin man will pick up all the other bags as well. (Good luck with that, you can almost predict the “not my job” response.) But it should never have got to that stage in the first place…. either it’s been conveniently forgotten about or someone just isn’t doing their job.