WAMT....what annoyed me today!


The mother of Hannah Jacobs being given a surprisingly large slice of time on the BBC, to blame everyone else for her daughter's death.

I sympathise with her distress but dying from a food allergy is extremely rare - allegedly 10 people per year in the UK according to https://www.allergyuk.org/mp-toolkit/statistics/.

The family knew the child had a serious allergy but it seems they failed to teach their daughter to be hyper-cautious, when eating away from home. Blaming the cafe staff for not being medical professionals, which is effectively what is now happening, is just stupid.
I have a few lenses and cameras up for sale on a French freeads site. Each ad states that if the ad is visible on the site then the item is still available. You won't believe the number of questions I have received asking if the items are available. And when I reply I never hear from them again. :headbang:

The mother of Hannah Jacobs being given a surprisingly large slice of time on the BBC, to blame everyone else for her daughter's death.

I sympathise with her distress but dying from a food allergy is extremely rare - allegedly 10 people per year in the UK according to https://www.allergyuk.org/mp-toolkit/statistics/.

The family knew the child had a serious allergy but it seems they failed to teach their daughter to be hyper-cautious, when eating away from home. Blaming the cafe staff for not being medical professionals, which is effectively what is now happening, is just stupid.
Who buys a hot chocolate on the way to the dentist? Worst of all, epi pen left at home!
Last thing I do every day when going out, check my inhaler is in my pocket.
Who buys a hot chocolate on the way to the dentist? Worst of all, epi pen left at home!
Last thing I do every day when going out, check my inhaler is in my pocket.
She was going to school after dentist and the school policy is not to bring personal epi pens to school, the school have epi pens available if needed. No idea why they have that policy, or why the mother did not also have a pen- perhaps because they are in short supply? Don't know
Report I read blamed poor communication between the barrister and mother as one of the main causes, the mother had an interpreter in the coroners court.
No doubt we will learn from this tragedy :rolleyes: :(
Yes I mostly agree. I suspect that people think the bin is going to be emptied at some point and hope the bin man will pick up all the other bags as well. (Good luck with that, you can almost predict the “not my job” response.) But it should never have got to that stage in the first place…. either it’s been conveniently forgotten about or someone just isn’t doing their job.

My bold. I agree the bins should be emptied, though many councils are strapped for cash, although there are poor spending decisions too. However, in this case the 'someone' is the person leaving a poo bag next to an already full bin.

More robust oversight & scrutinisation of where money is being spent is what’s needed, not necessarily a deviation in what the public already pay.
I agree. Fairly close to me is a large area(about 200 acres) of open land

It is a mixture of football pitches used at the weekend, rough grass, bushes and trees. Lot of people us it for walking, walking dogs, having picnics, impromtu games of cricket and rounders.

The local council have installed large stainless steel metal hoops at a few places arond the edge of the area for people to chain their bikes.

If the council had looked to see what happened before they installed the hoops they would have seen people ride their bikes to where the want to stop and just lie them down. I pass the area fairly frequently and have never seen any bikes chained up.


The mother of Hannah Jacobs being given a surprisingly large slice of time on the BBC, to blame everyone else for her daughter's death.

I sympathise with her distress but dying from a food allergy is extremely rare - allegedly 10 people per year in the UK according to https://www.allergyuk.org/mp-toolkit/statistics/.

The family knew the child had a serious allergy but it seems they failed to teach their daughter to be hyper-cautious, when eating away from home. Blaming the cafe staff for not being medical professionals, which is effectively what is now happening, is just stupid.
This is tragic but I can see your point. If I had a child who was allegic to certain foodstuffs I'd have an epipen with me at all times. I know this would be difficult for a youngster wanting to do all the usual things in life but, given the reaction can be caused by very small amounts of substance, I'd avoid all food outlets.

It seems the dentist offered an epipen but the mother, probably due to distress, did not ake up the offer and went to a pharmacist to buy some antihistamine -

'Hannah tasted the drink on the way to the dentist, where she started to feel unwell, prompting nurses to offer Ms Duyile an epi-pen with 300mg of adrenaline, dentist Iqra Farhad told the court .
Ms Farhad said this could have saved Hannah's life, but Ms Duyile decided to go to the chemist for an antihistamine called Cetirizine instead.

Link -
It's just that when ever this subject comes up there's always this underlying attitude of, " yeah, they all say it's not them" nudge wink.
This time it was even a mod starting it.

The Mod wot started it this time. There are some dog owners here that say they clear up after their animals - I have expressed gratitude, and wished that the rest of the dog-owning fraternity would follow their example. If you would like to read that differently then be my guest, but it would be more helpful if you'd get grumpy with those dog owners that are giving you a bad reputation, and manage to encourage them to change their ways.
This is good behaviour for dog walkers - they're all in one place rather than being distributed around the countryside as they are around here. Sometimes I see the bags tied to fences or hung on bushes, as well as dropped on the path.

Not all, but enough of them. Obviously I never know about the ones that are decent human beings.

That good dog owners exist is an assumption on my part.

If you own a dog and have trained it well, carefully clear up after it and behave responsibly - thank you. I fear you may be exceptional.
The Mod wot started it this time. There are some dog owners here that say they clear up after their animals - I have expressed gratitude, and wished that the rest of the dog-owning fraternity would follow their example. If you would like to read that differently then be my guest, but it would be more helpful if you'd get grumpy with those dog owners that are giving you a bad reputation, and manage to encourage them to change their ways.

I read it differently

The mother of Hannah Jacobs being given a surprisingly large slice of time on the BBC, to blame everyone else for her daughter's death.

I sympathise with her distress but dying from a food allergy is extremely rare - allegedly 10 people per year in the UK according to https://www.allergyuk.org/mp-toolkit/statistics/.

The family knew the child had a serious allergy but it seems they failed to teach their daughter to be hyper-cautious, when eating away from home. Blaming the cafe staff for not being medical professionals, which is effectively what is now happening, is just stupid.
My bold:
It was on the news again today and as we watched it my wife said exactly the same thing. Infact, she went as far as suggesting that the lass shoudn't even be going into one of these coffee shops atall such is the level of risk. It turns out that the server who took the order was from a South American country where Spanish or Portugese is the language. The reason I mention this is that, when asked if she had received allergy training by Costa Coffee in her native language, she..through her defence lawyer, refused to answer on the grounds of possible self- incrimination. Make of that what you will. I find it more than a little disturbing.
The Mod wot started it this time. There are some dog owners here that say they clear up after their animals - I have expressed gratitude, and wished that the rest of the dog-owning fraternity would follow their example. If you would like to read that differently then be my guest, but it would be more helpful if you'd get grumpy with those dog owners that are giving you a bad reputation, and manage to encourage them to change their ways.
You can't help it can you? 'They SAY they clear up after their animals.'
There is only one way to read your comments.
However, I assure you there are actually responsible dog owners. Despite your scepticism.
If anybody on here has ever stood in dog muck, I can assure you it didn't originate in my dog.
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Examined my car today after using Holiday Inn Express car park at Heathrow. Left it for 5 weeks. I parked it in a covered area and left the key in the ‘safety deposit box’. On our return the car had an extra 6 miles on the clock, covered in orange deposits, mud splattered and the dash cam badly repositioned. Obviously moved to some field during our holiday then returned to the car park. So this supposedly reputable company is multi selling reserved car parking places then shifting them to a field. Complaint lodged and I’m threatening to report for ‘ taking without owners consent’, nowhere in the t and cs did they suggest the car would be moved.
Examined my car today after using Holiday Inn Express car park at Heathrow. Left it for 5 weeks. I parked it in a covered area and left the key in the ‘safety deposit box’. On our return the car had an extra 6 miles on the clock, covered in orange deposits, mud splattered and the dash cam badly repositioned. Obviously moved to some field during our holiday then returned to the car park. So this supposedly reputable company is multi selling reserved car parking places then shifting them to a field. Complaint lodged and I’m threatening to report for ‘ taking without owners consent’, nowhere in the t and cs did they suggest the car would be moved.
Thats a bloody disgrace. These scams have been going on for years.
I read it differently
You can't help it can you? 'They SAY they clear up after their animals.'
There is only one way to read your comments.
However, I assure you there are actually responsible dog owners. Despite your scepticism.
If anybody on here has ever stood in dog muck, I can assure you it didn't originate in my dog.

It makes no real difference to me if you read it that way or not. In the end you'll either be a decent human being and clear up, or like many dog owners across the country, you won't. I have no way to tell - it's up to you.
It makes no real difference to me if you read it that way or not. In the end you'll either be a decent human being and clear up, or like many dog owners across the country, you won't. I have no way to tell - it's up to you.
Well, reading your posts it seems it's ok to make inflammatory posts on here now.
A factor that people on both sides of this discussion may wish to consider is that a single irresponsible dog owner can have a significant negative impact on many people every time they go out with their dog.
If 10% of dog owners are irresponsible the impact is massive.
My experience is that since 2019 and covid it's rather more than 10%.
Well, reading your posts it seems it's ok to make inflammatory posts on here now.

If you continue to mis-read my posts then yes, it would seem to be ok. Or you can realise that wasn't what I was saying and move on.

As a moderator I work to uphold the values of the site, but I'm not expected to cease to have an opinion.
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My bold:
It was on the news again today and as we watched it my wife said exactly the same thing. Infact, she went as far as suggesting that the lass shoudn't even be going into one of these coffee shops atall such is the level of risk. It turns out that the server who took the order was from a South American country where Spanish or Portugese is the language. The reason I mention this is that, when asked if she had received allergy training by Costa Coffee in her native language, she..through her defence lawyer, refused to answer on the grounds of possible self- incrimination. Make of that what you will. I find it more than a little disturbing.

I used to run the kitchens on summer camps for a charity with a large youth organisation I volunteered with. One year we had a 16 year old youth who had a number of allergies and health issues and was a fussy eater on top of it, and it was the first time their mother had let them stay away from home. We had to prepare meals at every sitting etc and had needed to check all the ingredients against their allergy list and document it as compliant. The youth then questioned us every meal time to make sure everything complied.

Said youth promptly took the decision to use the opportunity of being away from mum to sample their friends red bull, fairground sweets and similar random stuff on one of their trips into the local town to be cool in front of the others, and ended up in hospital via an ambulance. They then tried to claim we must have contaminated their food in the kitchen....it was only one of their friends telling us the truth that stopped an internal investigation in its tracks.
If you continue to mis-read my posts then yes, it would seem to be ok. Or you can realise that wasn't what I was saying and move on.

As a moderator I work to uphold the values of the site, but I'm not expected to cease to have an opinion.
The point was an inflammatory post, not mis-reading. It was obviously inflammatory or we wouldn't be here now.

Upholding values for others and living by them yourself don't necessarily go hand in hand.
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Examined my car today after using Holiday Inn Express car park at Heathrow. Left it for 5 weeks. I parked it in a covered area and left the key in the ‘safety deposit box’. On our return the car had an extra 6 miles on the clock, covered in orange deposits, mud splattered and the dash cam badly repositioned. Obviously moved to some field during our holiday then returned to the car park. So this supposedly reputable company is multi selling reserved car parking places then shifting them to a field. Complaint lodged and I’m threatening to report for ‘ taking without owners consent’, nowhere in the t and cs did they suggest the car would be moved.
I always book airport parking where you get to take your keys with you. Most of the time I fly from Manchester and use Jetparks,
We’re fortunate that we have a local ‘park n ride’, park the car (free) then get the airport bus direct to the terminal entrance, it runs every 20 minutes and for us is free with our bus pass. Otherwise it would self parking next to the airport at some cost, or family would be doing taxi runs.
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I used to run the kitchens on summer camps for a charity with a large youth organisation I volunteered with. One year we had a 16 year old youth who had a number of allergies and health issues and was a fussy eater on top of it, and it was the first time their mother had let them stay away from home. We had to prepare meals at every sitting etc and had needed to check all the ingredients against their allergy list and document it as compliant. The youth then questioned us every meal time to make sure everything complied.

Said youth promptly took the decision to use the opportunity of being away from mum to sample their friends red bull, fairground sweets and similar random stuff on one of their trips into the local town to be cool in front of the others, and ended up in hospital via an ambulance. They then tried to claim we must have contaminated their food in the kitchen....it was only one of their friends telling us the truth that stopped an internal investigation in its tracks.
These days it is always somebody else's fault. If I had such a condition I think I would provide all food and drink myself.
Today I tried to seperate a 4 pack of Stella Artoise Cans, which are glued together to save the plastic thingy. Ended up being covered in beer as the can ruptured rather than come apart.
I think they need to think again on the glue used.
I used to run the kitchens on summer camps for a charity with a large youth organisation I volunteered with. One year we had a 16 year old youth who had a number of allergies and health issues and was a fussy eater on top of it, and it was the first time their mother had let them stay away from home. We had to prepare meals at every sitting etc and had needed to check all the ingredients against their allergy list and document it as compliant. The youth then questioned us every meal time to make sure everything complied.

Said youth promptly took the decision to use the opportunity of being away from mum to sample their friends red bull, fairground sweets and similar random stuff on one of their trips into the local town to be cool in front of the others, and ended up in hospital via an ambulance. They then tried to claim we must have contaminated their food in the kitchen....it was only one of their friends telling us the truth that stopped an internal investigation in its tracks.

Sorry..I don't see your point. The girl had her mother with her and it was her mother who told the server about the allergy to cow's milk. Costa Coffee have said it was a case of mis-communication. What I think was irresponsible was neither the girl nor her mother had epi-pen with them and when they did get some locally during the incident it was half the dose required for an adult.
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We’re fortunate that we have a local ‘park n ride’, park the car then get the airport bus direct to the terminal entrance, it runs every 20 minutes and for us is free with our bus pass. Otherwise it would self parking next to the airport at some cost, or family would be boing taxi runs.
I don't know what initiated this discussion but we've just booked two weeks at Birmingham airport car park for £100 plus £2 to cover us..'insure us'..should we go over the return time ..ie the plane's late arriving at Birmingham. The reason I've responded is your comment re how expensive it is. Darned right. Wow. My wife does all the bookings because she's good with the online stuff and I'm dismal..Lol .I do all the research re the resort and hotels. On our February holiday this year she just forgot to pre-book . We returned after 10 days and drove to the pay machine. £285. !! We enlisted the help of a very pleasant young man..an empoloyee who just happen to be sitting in his car by the pay machine. He sympathised with us and strongly recommended pre-booking. So..as you see from my opening comment it's costing us just £102 but for two weeks,not 10 days. I'm quite happy with that, it's reasonable. I don't know,though, if it's just that because of pre-booking or because we've booked it so early.

Here's an article on it dated April this year. How can the parking companies justify a 260% increase as stated in the article. I think it's something the CMA..Competition and Markets Authority, should be looking into. A 260% rise is unacceptable. I wonder what rise in costs to them can justify such an increase ?

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Sorry..I don't see your point. The girl had her mother with her and it was her mother who told the server about the allergy to cow's milk. Costa Coffee have said it was a case of mis-communication. What I think was irresponsible was neither the girl nor her mother had epi-pen with them and when they did get some locally during the incident it was half the dose required for an adult.
OK that makes more sense, I hadn't realised the mum was there in the case you were referring to (the point I was trying to get to is sometimes youngsters with such issues occasionally do silly things to try and fit in, and then follow it up with a second to cover up their mistake)
I don't know what initiated this discussion but we've just booked two weeks at Birmingham airport car park for £100 plus £2 to cover us..'insure us'..should we go over the return time ..ie the plane's late arriving at Birmingham. The reason I've responded is your comment re how expensive it is. Darned right. Wow. My wife does all the bookings because she's good with the online stuff and I'm dismal..Lol .I do all the research re the resort and hotels. On our February holiday this year she just forgot to pre-book . We returned after 10 days and drove to the pay machine. £285. !! We enlisted the help of a very pleasant young man..an empoloyee who just happen to be sitting in his car by the pay machine. He sympathised with us and strongly recommended pre-booking. So..as you see from my opening comment it's costing us just £102 but for two weeks,not 10 days. I'm quite happy with that, it's reasonable. I don't know,though, if it's just that because of pre-booking or because we've booked it so early.
First thing I do after booking our flights is to check out the prices for parking..... I tend to use booking agents skyparksecure.com or bookfhr.com who regularly email me with discount codes. I've never paid full price when pre-booking....

Last year decided to start pre-booking fast track at Passport Control as my wife is Thai, so saves us getting stuck in a long queue.... Manchester airport then started sending me discount codes for booking through them....

On our first trip to Thailand after COVID it snowed whilst we drove to the airport.... snow had covered the front number plate and entered the car park by getting a token. On return got to the exit barrier, number plate not recognised so had to use the intercom and explained we had pre-booked..... they found the booking and opened the barrier. I saw a figure of over £500 requested payment come up on the display!!! I had only paid £!00.59 for 22 days!!!
Thanks. I'll pass the links , skyparksecure and bookhr, to my wife. I can't see us getting it any cheaper than £102, though, because those agents will take a cut but we'll try and see what they come up with.
Thanks. I'll pass the links , skyparksecure and bookhr, to my wife. I can't see us getting it any cheaper than £102, though, because those agents will take a cut but we'll try and see what they come up with.

Those agents charge a £2.99 booking fee and that's their cut... I've been using them for over 15 years and never had a problem with a booking... I also use them for bookings for my daughter when she jet off
Those agents charge a £2.99 booking fee and that's their cut... I've been using them for over 15 years and never had a problem with a booking... I also use them for bookings for my daughter when she jet off
I've sent the links to my wife's computer. Our February holiday is three weeks so it will be interesting to see the charges through your links and the one at Birmingham airport.

The mother of Hannah Jacobs being given a surprisingly large slice of time on the BBC, to blame everyone else for her daughter's death.

I sympathise with her distress but dying from a food allergy is extremely rare - allegedly 10 people per year in the UK according to https://www.allergyuk.org/mp-toolkit/statistics/.

The family knew the child had a serious allergy but it seems they failed to teach their daughter to be hyper-cautious, when eating away from home. Blaming the cafe staff for not being medical professionals, which is effectively what is now happening, is just stupid.

I totally agree. If I had several food allergies, I would never eat out. From what I read, both the mother and daughter had epipens - neither of them were carrying one that day.
We had been looking to book a week's holiday in York in a couple of weeks time. Last week I had looked at the train times and costs, plus hotels close to the station, in fact I nearly booked one, fortunately I didn't.
I have just been on National Rail Enquiries and there is going to be industrial action (which didn't show last week) on the dates I want to travel, so that holiday is down the pan. I didn't get away last year. I suppose we will have to go out on odd days, but it isn't quite the same as a proper holiday.

The mother of Hannah Jacobs being given a surprisingly large slice of time on the BBC, to blame everyone else for her daughter's death.

I sympathise with her distress but dying from a food allergy is extremely rare - allegedly 10 people per year in the UK according to https://www.allergyuk.org/mp-toolkit/statistics/.

The family knew the child had a serious allergy but it seems they failed to teach their daughter to be hyper-cautious, when eating away from home. Blaming the cafe staff for not being medical professionals, which is effectively what is now happening, is just stupid.

no personal accountability these days.

Yesterday a story about a 19yo (?) who drove and killed 3 of his mates a couple of years ago. Families blaming him but it was their sons choice to get in the car and to stay in it.
Examined my car today after using Holiday Inn Express car park at Heathrow. Left it for 5 weeks. I parked it in a covered area and left the key in the ‘safety deposit box’. On our return the car had an extra 6 miles on the clock, covered in orange deposits, mud splattered and the dash cam badly repositioned. Obviously moved to some field during our holiday then returned to the car park. So this supposedly reputable company is multi selling reserved car parking places then shifting them to a field. Complaint lodged and I’m threatening to report for ‘ taking without owners consent’, nowhere in the t and cs did they suggest the car would be moved.

The very reason why I NEVER leave my keys!
Trying to book seats on GWR Paddington to Penzance (Apparently you have to book seats for this journey). There are two of us, my wife and I. However when I try to reseve a seat, it doesn't let me have an aisle and window seat. so we won't be sitting next to each other. Example, when I select window it says Coach J, seats 41 and 44. So, the system is fully aware that I want two seats, but it won't let me choose a window and aisle seat. Absolute madness.
Example, when I select window it says Coach J, seats 41 and 44. So, the system is fully aware that I want two seats, but it won't let me choose a window and aisle seat. Absolute madness.
Perhaps the system starts out by assigning single passengers to different pairs of seats and then, if it no longer has an empty pair of seats, allocates couples or groups to the seats nearest to one another?

I'm only guessing here but if I were designing such a system, that would probably be my approach.
Trying to book seats on GWR Paddington to Penzance (Apparently you have to book seats for this journey). There are two of us, my wife and I. However when I try to reseve a seat, it doesn't let me have an aisle and window seat. so we won't be sitting next to each other. Example, when I select window it says Coach J, seats 41 and 44. So, the system is fully aware that I want two seats, but it won't let me choose a window and aisle seat. Absolute madness.
Have you tried not selecting a window seat?
Trying to book seats on GWR Paddington to Penzance (Apparently you have to book seats for this journey). There are two of us, my wife and I. However when I try to reseve a seat, it doesn't let me have an aisle and window seat. so we won't be sitting next to each other. Example, when I select window it says Coach J, seats 41 and 44. So, the system is fully aware that I want two seats, but it won't let me choose a window and aisle seat. Absolute madness.

The system cannot allocate seats that are not available. I have just tried and got the following.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 19.10.13.pngScreenshot 2024-08-21 at 19.10.13.png
Examined my car today after using Holiday Inn Express car park at Heathrow. Left it for 5 weeks. I parked it in a covered area and left the key in the ‘safety deposit box’. On our return the car had an extra 6 miles on the clock, covered in orange deposits, mud splattered and the dash cam badly repositioned. Obviously moved to some field during our holiday then returned to the car park. So this supposedly reputable company is multi selling reserved car parking places then shifting them to a field. Complaint lodged and I’m threatening to report for ‘ taking without owners consent’, nowhere in the t and cs did they suggest the car would be moved.
My bold. Good for you. I'd do that or they'll just keep doing it to other people.