
It is poor, most people can't make it work as it is supposed to work ... my best tip, forget it. :(
I wanted it for the GPS, rather than the image transfer, and it is very hit and miss, both in getting and keeping a connection, and I don't think it updates the location too often. I think I read somewhere it updates every 15 minutes. :( Even I could walk a fair distance in 15 minutes. :rolleyes:
Think I posted this somewhere else ... using Snapbridge to transfer with WMU.
I haven't fully tested it and it will still depend on a reliable connection but in theory it will transfer RAW files just like in the D7200.

Open snapbridge, pair D500 with bluetooth on iPhone
Once paired, click camera icon at bottom -> download selected pictures
click yes on the pop up, then manually go to wifi settings and choose D500
DO NOT return to snap bridge, instead open WMU app and click the little wifi icon in the upper left, you are now connected.
Download files using WMU, including RAW much more quickly.
Just arrived on the forum - and just a new D500 owner. Previously (and still own) a D700 FX and lenses - experimenting with Olympus M4/3 as well.. just saying hi!
It was partly my fault oppssss
Trouble maker :LOL:

My post was only pulling Rookies leg really, I know it's because of his enthusiasm with the D500 ;)
Does it work quicker if you shoot jpeg to one card and raw to another, then use SnapBridge to transfer a few jpegs over, only browsing the jpeg card slot?
Does it work quicker if you shoot jpeg to one card and raw to another, then use SnapBridge to transfer a few jpegs over, only browsing the jpeg card slot?
Snapbridge will only work with jpeg, unlike the D7200 ... the issue is the flaky connection for most people.
As the other thread was all about birding.. the whole point of this one is to show everyone what the camera can do as a allrounder.. No one is saying you have to follow this thread the choice is your ...
The other thread is most definitely not just about birding, it is about anything to do with the D500 as there are threads for other popular cameras.

When I saw this thread I hoped there would be more images, as that was the intention, but few pics so far, and discussions that could have been in the other thread. I will watch this thread, and may even post again, but however well intentioned, there doesn't need to be two very similar threads imho.
But it's reading the raw files, wondered if it would read jpegs better, mine connects fine but then takes years to load any images if it does at all, but I've only shot raw so far, need to try some jpegs
But it's reading the raw files, wondered if it would read jpegs better, mine connects fine but then takes years to load any images if it does at all, but I've only shot raw so far, need to try some jpegs
You can't transfer RAW, won't happen, it's jpeg only either processed from RAW in camera or shot as jpeg.
Sorry, not making my self clear, I know it's not transferring the raw, I thought it creates a jpeg from the raw and transferred that, hence asking would it be quicker if it was looking at jpegs in the first place
Ok folks will archived thread
I'm not bothered really as it was a gimmick I used infrequently on the 7200.just curious to see Nikon fit something so hit and miss
Can't do it will notify mods
Have requested my thread be closed and get back to this one. Love see images folks like other owner threads do
It would be nice if SnapBridge gave us a basic remote shutter release over bluetooth for iphones, I don't need live view over a dodgy wifi connection, just something simple to trigger the shutter.
Can't they merge the threads?

we CAN, but the posts are interleaved on "time stamps" and things generally don't make a lot of sense when they're merged...

but if you're happy with that @rookies, just rtm this post, and add the post url of the other thread by means of confirmation to your RTM (so we don't merge the wrong threads...)
we CAN, but the posts are interleaved on "time stamps" and things generally don't make a lot of sense when they're merged...

but if you're happy with that @rookies, just rtm this post, and add the post url of the other thread by means of confirmation to your RTM (so we don't merge the wrong threads...)


Trouble is this thread had come alive with different kind of images. But I want everyone to be happy. What do u all think pls?

Trouble is this thread had come alive with different kind of images. But I want everyone to be happy. What do u all think pls?
Hi Andy, I hope you realise I was only pulling your leg before? ;) But it would make sense to me to just have the one thread as it can be a bit confusing flicking from one thread to the other and easy to forget where you saw a particular post. Maybe just make sure you start posting lots of different images in the other one (y)
Sorry, not making my self clear, I know it's not transferring the raw, I thought it creates a jpeg from the raw and transferred that, hence asking would it be quicker if it was looking at jpegs in the first place

Ah okay, no it doesn't create a jpeg, you have to make a jpeg in camera if you are not shooting jpeg or RAW + jpeg.
Does it make any difference runnning two?
It doesn't per se no, but it is a bit odd having two threads basically covering the same thing. Some people will tend to stick to one thread and may miss out on something useful on the other. Just my opinion though, and I'm only gatecrashing as I'm not part of the gang ;)
Keep both running, either one will die or both will continue to provide interest :)

Trouble is this thread had come alive with different kind of images. But I want everyone to be happy. What do u all think pls?
seems daft having two, and there is only one pic on this page, hardly come alive now is it. id achieve it. one great thread is better than two watered down threads
The idea was to produce shots that weren't wildlife/birds, showing the versatility of the D500 ... would be interesting to see if others have used it in that way.
The idea was to produce shots that weren't wildlife/birds, showing the versatility of the D500 ... would be interesting to see if others have used it in that way.
But why not just post those shots in the other thread?
Why not close this and rename other??
After some advice on memory cards, I'm lucky enough to be getting a d500 for Christmas so have ordered a xqd card - Lexar. I plan to have raw pics and video go to this card and would like to use the sd slot for jpg backup pics.

My question is will my existing sd cards - prob about 80mb/s speed - slow down the camera significantly - I don't think I will ever need a burst of 100 pics but a few bursts of say 20 shots would be great.

The fast sd cards are so expensive, say 50 for 32gb, only want to get one if essential
After some advice on memory cards, I'm lucky enough to be getting a d500 for Christmas so have ordered a xqd card - Lexar. I plan to have raw pics and video go to this card and would like to use the sd slot for jpg backup pics.

My question is will my existing sd cards - prob about 80mb/s speed - slow down the camera significantly - I don't think I will ever need a burst of 100 pics but a few bursts of say 20 shots would be great.

The fast sd cards are so expensive, say 50 for 32gb, only want to get one if essential
I use a Sandisk Extreme Pro 95MB/s SD card and it doesn't slow anything down however I don't save to both cards at the same time ... that is what would slow things but I really don't think it would slow it so much that you would notice, IIRC from a test report I saw elsewhere, I (my card), would get something like a burst of 60 shots before the buffer started to complain.