
i only use SD cards and its fine, as Gramps says youll get close to 60 before it grumbles, and honestly does anybody shoot 60+ ive always wondered.
yeah.... think Rob will have an awesome combo :) happy with the 200-500 d500 combo though, and think Stef will be very happy with the 300f4 vr d500 combo - looking forward to some sunshine.
Anyone here with the 70-200 2.8 vr2 pls how is it on the d500 bet it fast with the AF it got
Anyone here with the 70-200 2.8 vr2 pls how is it on the d500 bet it fast with the AF it got
You know how fast it is on the D750, it's going to be at least as fast as that. In other words faaaaaaaaassssst (y)
Anyone here with the 70-200 2.8 vr2 pls how is it on the d500 bet it fast with the AF it got
i have both the 24-70 None VR version, and the 70-200 F2.8 VR the one thats a couple of years old, its not the new one...

i find it ok, but i dont tend to use it much to be honest, I'm either using the 18-140 and the 150-600 I'm never in between. Its a lot of cash to drop on a lens, but if your gonna use it then sure buy one, i think your money would be best spent on a 50-100 and 600mm though :), thats unless your gonna need the F2.8 for something fancy indoors..
Much as I loved the 300 f4 it was traded against my d500 along with other gear, I kept the tamron 150-600 as I can't fault it, just got another 80-200 f2.8 for versatility instead of a 300 again.
Jeez that older glass is outstanding, you can really save some money by listening to those that have experience, I also traded my d700 and that is another purchase that is def' happening soon.
Well I have had a go at High ISO tonight and it was dark daughter wouldn't have the iPad any brighter on her so I have up the shadow a bit..

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

This one just for fun, not too sure if it ok or not can't make me mind up.. As it was what I saw to naked eye no other lights was on in the room

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr
You know how fast it is on the D750, it's going to be at least as fast as that. In other words faaaaaaaaassssst (y)

Toby you got the Tamron 150-600 do you like it as I am torn between that and the Sigma 150- 600 C for zoo and a fun lens
Toby you got the Tamron 150-600 do you like it as I am torn between that and the Sigma 150- 600 C for zoo and a fun lens
I really like the Tamron, but from what I hear it's swings and roundabouts with the Sigma. Actual reviews I've seen say the Tamron is better at the long end, but I've heard conflicting things from users. Trouble is with lenses like this it's very difficult to get the maximum performance hand held, and there's also sample variation so it's no wonder there's differing views. I don't think you can go wrong with either TBH.

Tamron have brought out a new version but haven't seen much about this yet.
I really like the Tamron, but from what I hear it's swings and roundabouts with the Sigma. Actual reviews I've seen say the Tamron is better at the long end, but I've heard conflicting things from users. Trouble is with lenses like this it's very difficult to get the maximum performance hand held, and there's also sample variation so it's no wonder there's differing views. I don't think you can go wrong with either TBH.

Tamron have brought out a new version but haven't seen much about this yet.

Is the new version out now or been announce only
I really like the Tamron, but from what I hear it's swings and roundabouts with the Sigma. Actual reviews I've seen say the Tamron is better at the long end, but I've heard conflicting things from users. Trouble is with lenses like this it's very difficult to get the maximum performance hand held, and there's also sample variation so it's no wonder there's differing views. I don't think you can go wrong with either TBH.

Tamron have brought out a new version but haven't seen much about this yet.

I'm going to have a try of the nik' 200-500 next time I meet up with someone who has it (local fellow) and see if it's any different the way I shoot, it'll either confirm that my Tammy is suffice or be another tick in the other halves reasons for divorce list....(I see you all nodding in agreement or empathy)
I'm going to have a try of the nik' 200-500 next time I meet up with someone who has it (local fellow) and see if it's any different the way I shoot, it'll either confirm that my Tammy is suffice or be another tick in the other halves reasons for divorce list....(I see you all nodding in agreement or empathy)
Again going by reviews only the Nikon is supposedly better at the short end, but the Tammy better at the long end. Here's another kicker though, the Tamron is noticeably better at 550mm than 600mm and if it's already better than the Nikon at 600mm I can only assume it's noticeably better if you compare it at 550mm vs 500mm on the Nikon. The other thing is the Nikon weighs 500g more, and again according to reviews the AF on the Nikon is not as good.

Now this is not gospel and you will hear people defend the Nikon to the hilt, which may be true or may be people justifying their purchase.

This is purely an assumption on my behalf as I've not tried all the lenses but I would imagine they're all pretty much of a muchness and you're splitting hairs between them. Technique will play a much much bigger part over which lens is technically sharper than which. Don't get me wrong I'd like to try them all and run tests, but even then it wouldn't necessarily be conclusive due to sample variation.
I always pull back a touch with the Tamron to about 550 but i'm much the same with any zoom (coming from using scopes in birding, fixed were always best and zooms never great at max)
I'm going to have a try of the nik' 200-500 next time I meet up with someone who has it (local fellow) and see if it's any different the way I shoot, it'll either confirm that my Tammy is suffice or be another tick in the other halves reasons for divorce list....(I see you all nodding in agreement or empathy)

Just received the Nikon 200-500 for hire over the xmas period. Will be testing it against my Tamron 150-600 to see the difference :)
Just received the Nikon 200-500 for hire over the xmas period. Will be testing it against my Tamron 150-600 to see the difference :)
Good man, I look forward to the results
Just received the Nikon 200-500 for hire over the xmas period. Will be testing it against my Tamron 150-600 to see the difference :)
As above, will be interesting to hear your thoughts (y)
Well only had my 200-500 a couple of weeks but it seemed as sharp as my 300f4 with tc at 500mm and I'm very happy.
Gave up on reviews, What is evident, is that all 3 have copy variation, therefore unless someone compares 20 copies of the sigma, tamron and Nikon side by side in all situations of heat haze, focal length, subject distance and anything else, currently 99% of reviews are worthless info, just try one.