Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Why angry Dave, I was merely pointing out via the photo posted previously (tongue in cheek) that Robin isn't exactly Mr universe :rolleyes:

Personally I couldn't see anything wrong with the couple at all.

Because you could of just quoted his image and not said what he did about my image, never mind though.
You could NOT make this up, just had an email showing the iban I sent that was wrong, and the correct one in the photo, they are having a laugh as BOTH ARE THE SAME.
Are you certain it’s not confusing a zero and the letter O?
It is something that used to happen frequently when I was a computer programmer. That and spaces where there should have been a null field were a pain in the bottom :ROFLMAO:
Are you certain it’s not confusing a zero and the letter O?
It is something that used to happen frequently when I was a computer programmer. That and spaces where there should have been a null field were a pain in the bottom :ROFLMAO:

They are zero's so they must of made the mistake on their part, but I will be glad when it is all sorted out.
Just got back from picking up my new glasses, sadly YET another email asking for my IBAN so sent that along with yet another photo of it. Sadly I don't think these people will honour the cashback.

I sent them a screen grab from my banking app clearly showing the IBAN number. I’m really hoping that does the trick!
couple of shots from the deck of the ferry as we left Liverpool on Saturdays cruise

PLEASE NOTE : no ibans were harmed taking these photos so hopefully fuji Dave will get his payout LOL

iron man by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
.... WTF is that UFO on the beach? I bet the local residents are pleased about whatever that is.
It’s at Crosby Robin , the centre figure in the water is one of Anthony gormleys iron men ,the others are probably submerged
It’s at Crosby Robin , the centre figure in the water is one of Anthony gormleys iron men ,the others are probably submerged
Wow is that a new addition? I used to windsurf at Crosby Marina many years ago. I last visited a few years back and walked along the front and saw the Gormley statues. I don’t think this flying saucer was there then.
Wow is that a new addition? I used to windsurf at Crosby Marina many years ago. I last visited a few years back and walked along the front and saw the Gormley statues. I don’t think this flying saucer was there then.
Been a lot of changes in the last few years . You wouldn’t recognise Liverpool these days
I should have been braver!
I had an evening and morning session booked at the osprey hide at the trout farm at Rutland water on Tuesday and this morning. Aware that I wouldn't do this too often I was keen to get a "shot in the bag" before taking any chances. The evening session was pretty good with around 3 passes of the Osprey. I decided to play safe and put the 40 - 150 lens on hoping that the Osprey would dive towards the front of the lake but confident that I would at least get a shot with the bird in. Of course the Osprey dived towards the rear of the lake meaning that the bird needed a good bit of cropping in PP. Undeterred I decided to to put a 1.4 extender on for the morning session but sods law came into play which is more than the osprey did! One pass before the light got decent and nothing afterwards - don't you just love nature!! At least I saw a distant woodpecker, a happy heron and a fishless Kingfisher. Still a pleasant way to spend an few hours.
Happy heron by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
osprey with catch by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
kingfisher by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
osprey with catch by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
osprey fishing by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
Superb Gordon
Anyone here tried the Panny 8-18 on an Olympus body ? I have the 8-25 and it’s one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.

But it’s a little heavy for a M43 lens so I’ve been thinking about trying the 8-18 - I know it’s only 100g lighter but 100g is quite a bit in M43 world !

Also notice it doesn’t extend like the 8-25 ?
Anyone here tried the Panny 8-18 on an Olympus body ? I have the 8-25 and it’s one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.

But it’s a little heavy for a M43 lens so I’ve been thinking about trying the 8-18 - I know it’s only 100g lighter but 100g is quite a bit in M43 world !

Also notice it doesn’t extend like the 8-25 ?
I used the 8-18 on an E-M1 ii with no issues whatsoever, it was only the much older 7-14/4 that had flare problems.
Never thought about getting the 8-25 when it came out, I dislike those extending lenses.

Just watched a review from Red35 using the new Panasonic 9mm on an Olympus body and that was fine too.
I do have this lens, but only have Panasonic bodies now, can't see why he would say it was ok if it wasn't.
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Customer Service - I requested if it was possible to get a hard copy of the EM1 mkIII manual on Tuesday night, had an email first thing asking confirmation of serial number and address where it was to be sent. Said manual landed in the post this morning. Great service, thank you Pete at OMD Customer service (y)
Anyone here tried the Panny 8-18 on an Olympus body ? I have the 8-25 and it’s one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.

But it’s a little heavy for a M43 lens so I’ve been thinking about trying the 8-18 - I know it’s only 100g lighter but 100g is quite a bit in M43 world !

Also notice it doesn’t extend like the 8-25 ?
I noticed that the 8-25 is in fact heavier than the FF new Canon RF 15-30 f/4.5-6.3. Only by a small margin, 21g, and they are not equivalents, but it occurred to me how the boundaries are blurring. The Canon is cheaper too.
I noticed that the 8-25 is in fact heavier than the FF new Canon RF 15-30 f/4.5-6.3. Only by a small margin, 21g, and they are not equivalents, but it occurred to me how the boundaries are blurring. The Canon is cheaper too.
True but it’s 16-50 f4 v 15-30 f4.5-6.3 - imagine how big a FF 16-50 constant f4 would be !!

I would guess the 8-25 is also built better and is optically superior !
True but it’s 16-50 f4 v 15-30 f4.5-6.3 - imagine how big a FF 16-50 constant f4 would be !!

I would guess the 8-25 is also built better and is optically superior !
Yes I realise it's not like for like, but if you're looking for the wider end for landscape, I was a bit shocked to find it was lighter and cheaper. I already have a 16-35 f/2.8 Canon lens that is big and heavy and I was just looking at lighter alternatives. Working towards possibly abandoning Canon, but can't quite bring myself to do it :)

I would guess the 8-25 is also built better and is optically superior !
I would hope so. The RF 14-35 f/4 which may be a better comparison optically is considerably more expensive and about 100g heavier.

In the meantime I am revisiting my 9-18mm Oly lens trying to stop any GAS... although I'm still not mobile again yet, so opportunities are limited :rolleyes::)
Anyone here tried the Panny 8-18 on an Olympus body ? I have the 8-25 and it’s one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.
.... I have recently bought an OM 8-25mm F/4 PRO and it is OM System's first lens since the restructuring of Olympus. I only buy Olympus PRO lenses - For good reasons!

- PRO lenses are sharper.
- PRO lenses are weatherproof and can be rinsed under a gentle shower. I frequently do this after shooting surfers. Yesterday I rinsed the coal dust etc off my OM-1 + 8-25mm after a long steam locomotive footplate ride.
- PRO lenses are superior in both their internal optical specs and build quality.

But it’s a little heavy for a M43 lens so I’ve been thinking about trying the 8-18 - I know it’s only 100g lighter but 100g is quite a bit in M43 world !
.... Thank goodness camera designers and manufacturers don't restrict themselves to this notion that just because the sensor is m4/3 then ALL their products have to be small and lightweight!

Achieving certain standards of quality within the m4/3 'system' should not be compromised for the sake of weight and size. Otherwise the tail is wagging the dog.

Besides, Olympus offer smaller bodies and lenses in their system anyway don't they?

Yesterday I spent some time riding on the footplate of a Bulleid Pacific steam locomotive hauling a passenger train full of holidaymakers. Sometimes with one foot on the engine's footplate and one foot on the tender which is independently connected - It's a real rock-n-roll ride at times and I was so pleased to be shooting with a camera with some decent weight and seriously good grip and ergonomics - OM-1 + HLD-10 Battery Grip + 8-25mm PRO. It's seemingly small attention to details which matter too - The lens hood is securely attached and not about to fly off if bumped.


Incidentally the Oly PRO gear is very heat proof too! Temperatures in that loco's firebox reach about 400C / 750F. My camera was almost getting too hot to hold! When I first had Olympus I subjected it to laying down in snow up a mountain in Bulgaria photographing wildlife. So for my photography, only OM PRO spec will always do the job reliably.

Also notice it doesn’t extend like the 8-25 ?
.... The amount which the OM 8-25mm PRO extends is minimal and necessary to achieve its optical performance - Reading about this lens in depth will give you that information. You can easily lock it closed for travel or when you prefer. Zoom travel is undesirable on telephoto lenses, such as the Olympus 100-400mm for example.

But the bottom line is that you buy the tools which suit your particular photography best and it's different for different people.
But the bottom line is that you buy the tools which suit your particular photography best and it's different for different people.
True bottom line is a great photographer uses what is to hand to the best of his ability. ;)
Incidently, most of my cherished photos these days are taken with my phone, how crazy is that?
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True bottom line is a great photographer uses what is to hand to the best of his ability. ;)
Incidently, most of my cherished photos these days are taken with my phone, how crazy is that?
.... All serious photographers use what is to hand to the best of their ability - Just like you do with a phone! But that doesn't necessarily make someone a great photographer, just as having the best gear for the job doesn't make someone a great photographer either.

So your posted bottom line and my posted bottom line are equally valid as each other.
But the bottom line is that you buy the tools which suit your particular photography best and it's different for different people.
.... I didn't say that which tools you buy makes someone a great photographer - I talked about different camera tools SUITING different photographers. As my quote above and in the context of my Reply # 26,911.
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Anyone here tried the Panny 8-18 on an Olympus body ? I have the 8-25 and it’s one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.

But it’s a little heavy for a M43 lens so I’ve been thinking about trying the 8-18 - I know it’s only 100g lighter but 100g is quite a bit in M43 world !

Also notice it doesn’t extend like the 8-25 ?

No the 8-18 doesn't extend like the 8-25 the front element moves back and forth inside the front of the lens.
The 8-18 is superb and mine is available at a good price. It was my go to lens for years. I am happy with the extra weight and the MF clucth of the 8-25mm.
.... All serious photographers use what is to hand to the best of their ability - Just like you do with a phone! But that doesn't necessarily make someone a great photographer, just as having the best gear for the job doesn't make someone a great photographer either.

So your posted bottom line and my posted bottom line are equally valid as each other.

.... I didn't say that which tools you buy makes someone a great photographer - I talked about different camera tools SUITING different photographers. As my quote above and in the context of my Reply # 26,911.
I equally didnt say buying the right tools makes you a great photographer either, as you suggest ability is the greatest tool one can own as I said also. I was stating if you have an eye for a great shot you will take a great shot whether it is on a phone or an expensive bit of kit. I've seen some stuff taken on low end cameras that to be honest has blown me away before knowing on what was used to take the image. I've also seen some amazing stuff taken with a paint brush and that is real ability if you get my drift Robin. ;)
Hi folks I hope all is well. What are people's thoughts on the M1X as the used prices seem to be pretty good right now?
I've never owned the MX1 but I have owned the E-M1 MK3, they are great cameras for sure, i much prefer the smaller form of the mk3 but lots on here like the larger form or use an added grip. All olympus top end cameras from the e-m1 mk2 up are really good with lots of functions, more then youwill ever need i'm sure. Not sure if the Olympus/om system test drive program is still going but someone might know more so you can test one out free.
Hi folks I hope all is well. What are people's thoughts on the M1X as the used prices seem to be pretty good right now?
It's a great camera, if you don't mind the bulk
Hi folks I hope all is well. What are people's thoughts on the M1X as the used prices seem to be pretty good right now?
.... I have owned a pair of E-M1X since November 2019 when I switched from Canon to Olympus. I have sold one of them and bought an OM-1 + Battery Grip in early March this year and not used my remaining E-M1X since and so am going to sell it.

Everything you read about it is true - It's a great camera. Some photographers prefer smaller camera bodies but I shoot mostly on telephoto lenses and anyway I much prefer the physical balance which it offers. Also, the integrated battery grip makes portrait orientation shots very much easier and of course the value of the extra battery onboard should not be underestimated on thirsty mirrorless cameras.

I haven't advertised it yet (I'm lazy about selling things!) but would do so in TP Classifieds. I suggest you PM me if interested so I can inform you when advertised, in which case I could offer you first refusal depending on your offer.