Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Did you speak to the technical team or just a general customer service person?
Technical support.
.... In my experience with them (you might be horrified to learn how often I am in communication with them since I changed to Olympus in late 2019), if they don't know the answer they will pass it up the line to those who will know, even to Tokyo. Tokyo usually take a long to answer though.

The only other company I know who have as good support service as OMS is Apple. I have experienced Apple support for 24 years < The last time was earlier today to solve an Airdrop problem between all my Apple devices - Now solved! Of course!
lets put this to bed as there seems to be lots of confusion .. and this is ONLY in regard to the 100-400 lens .... there is NO synch between the lens or body on the 1-mk2 1-mkiii or om1 , as long as your firmware is up to date you will however get pitch and yaw enabled ..

this is purely down to the lens specs and there is no way round it ,Gavin hoeys video was made while the lens was pre-release and I dont think he really understood the full concept .

so what you need to do is turn on i.s on the lens , go into cog menu and C2 and turn on LENS I.S PRIORITY .. there is no way round it that is the only setting that will give reliable i.s with that lens .

the i.b.i.s system is designed for shorter focal length lenses up to about 150mm thats why lots of them work without a lens i.s button . and for them turn off lens i.s priority .setting up a custom mode for the 100-400 is probably best if you change lenses a lot
It is strange that we have to do workarounds with an Olympus own lens though. I could just about understand all this palava if it was the pany lens. The other annoyance for me is when comparing Olympus to Panasonic we are talking about the same price lens. The argument that you get what you pay for doesn’t wash there. Currently the 5 year old gh5 and pany 100-400 out of the box is better than the Olympus same price system for ibis. But with tweaks and odd workarounds you can get it close enough.
My other worry is on video it’s really obvious to see the IS jerking if you leave body IS on but in photography it’s not clear and in sequences of photos i am seeing pin sharp, pin sharp then soft then pin sharp for a load then soft. Is that the IS jerking causing that I wonder?

Apart from this I’m extremely happy I moved to Olympus, I would just like this sorted.
I’ll keep this forum updated with what I hear from them on this issue.
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It is strange that we have to do workarounds with an Olympus own lens though. I could just about understand all this palava if it was the pany lens. The other annoyance for me is when comparing Olympus to Panasonic we are talking about the same price lens. The argument that you get what you pay for doesn’t wash there. Currently the 5 year old gh5 and pany 100-400 out of the box is better than the Olympus same price system for ibis. But with tweaks and odd workarounds you can get it close enough.
My other worry is on video it’s really obvious to see the IS jerking if you leave body IS on but in photography it’s not clear and in sequences of photos i am seeing pin sharp, pin sharp then soft then pin sharp for a load then soft. Is that the IS jerking causing that I wonder?

Apart from this I’m extremely happy I moved to Olympus, I would just like this sorted.
I’ll keep this forum updated with what I hear from them on this issue.
O.k I’ll butt out of this , I obviously don’t know what I’m talking about ,have no track record with either olympus or Panasonic bodies and lenses for wildlife , take totally crap photos of wildlife both static and in flight .
It’s down to you now figure out the problem yourself Tara for now …….
It is strange that we have to do workarounds with an Olympus own lens though. I could just about understand all this palava if it was the pany lens. The other annoyance for me is when comparing Olympus to Panasonic we are talking about the same price lens. The argument that you get what you pay for doesn’t wash there. Currently the 5 year old gh5 and pany 100-400 out of the box is better than the Olympus same price system for ibis. But with tweaks and odd workarounds you can get it close enough.
My other worry is on video it’s really obvious to see the IS jerking if you leave body IS on but in photography it’s not clear and in sequences of photos i am seeing pin sharp, pin sharp then soft then pin sharp for a load then soft. Is that the IS jerking causing that I wonder?

Apart from this I’m extremely happy I moved to Olympus, I would just like this sorted.
I’ll keep this forum updated with what I hear from them on this issue.
To be fair to Olympus I don't know of many camera and lens combos that have sync IS, and the fact they don't market the 100-400mm as having sync IS I don't think there is anything to complain about. Setting your camera up in the right way (i.e. IS priority given to the lens) is not a workaround, it's just the correct way of setting the camera up. Sony is the same, if a lens has IS then priority is given to the lens.

Now if you have IS set to lens priority and it's still jerky for video then this is a different matter and something Olympus may have to investigate. Lens IS is 5 stops of stabilisation which is still excellent (y)
It is strange that we have to do workarounds with an Olympus own lens though. I could just about understand all this palava if it was the pany lens. The other annoyance for me is when comparing Olympus to Panasonic we are talking about the same price lens. The argument that you get what you pay for doesn’t wash there. Currently the 5 year old gh5 and pany 100-400 out of the box is better than the Olympus same price system for ibis. But with tweaks and odd workarounds you can get it close enough.
My other worry is on video it’s really obvious to see the IS jerking if you leave body IS on but in photography it’s not clear and in sequences of photos i am seeing pin sharp, pin sharp then soft then pin sharp for a load then soft. Is that the IS jerking causing that I wonder?

Apart from this I’m extremely happy I moved to Olympus, I would just like this sorted.
I’ll keep this forum updated with what I hear from them on this issue.
.... You seem to be overthinking everything but I am curious how you will resolve what you are finding to be an issue.

Surely the solution to your problem is simply to experiment to find the settings combo which suits you the best. It will be different in different shooting situations. What you describe as "better" or "best" isn't necessarily so for someone else.

Is anyone else finding the same issue as you are?
O.k I’ll butt out of this , I obviously don’t know what I’m talking about ,have no track record with either olympus or Panasonic bodies and lenses for wildlife , take totally crap photos of wildlife both static and in flight .
It’s down to you now figure out the problem yourself Tara for now …….
Sorry I don’t think I was discounting your experience there. I was just giving my experience for a fair view of what is going on. I certainly wasn’t arguing or saying you are wrong
To be fair to Olympus I don't know of many camera and lens combos that have sync IS, and the fact they don't market the 100-400mm as having sync IS I don't think there is anything to complain about. Setting your camera up in the right way (i.e. IS priority given to the lens) is not a workaround, it's just the correct way of setting the camera up. Sony is the same, if a lens has IS then priority is given to the lens.

Now if you have IS set to lens priority and it's still jerky for video then this is a different matter and something Olympus may have to investigate. Lens IS is 5 stops of stabilisation which is still excellent (y)
Panasonic and their dual IS.
Yes I do have lens priority set. The workaround I talk about is turning body IS off to get it to work as it should. That is surely not right.
Like I’ve said a m43 lens the same price as the Panasonic lens should have the same specs or extremely similar. Especially when they claim to have class leading ibis. But like I’ve said I’m sure a firmware fix could sort it. Even if the “fix” is if non pro lens connected that has IS then turn off body IS.

The oly 100-400 is 3 stops. It’s the om-1 body that’s 5 stops which makes it an even bigger shame some of that can’t be used.
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.... You seem to be overthinking everything but I am curious how you will resolve what you are finding to be an issue.

Surely the solution to your problem is simply to experiment to find the settings combo which suits you the best. It will be different in different shooting situations. What you describe as "better" or "best" isn't necessarily so for someone else.

Is anyone else finding the same issue as you are?
Yes I’m not overthinking this. I’ve been a photographer for long enough to know when camera equipment isn’t working as it should be.
I’ll have to find people using it for video I suppose but looking on YouTube for balanced opinions seems very difficult with Olympus I have noticed.
Olympus seem to have a lot of “ambassadors” who obviously can’t say anything negative.
But you can clearly see the micro jerks in my testing video I posted.
I’ll send the video to Olympus support. Like you have said they are helpful.
Panasonic and their dual IS.
Yes I do have lens priority set. The workaround I talk about is turning body IS off to get it to work as it should. That is surely not right.
Like I’ve said a m43 lens the same price as the Panasonic lens should have the same specs or extremely similar. Especially when they claim to have class leading ibis. But like I’ve said I’m sure a firmware fix could sort it. Even if the “fix” is if non pro lens connected that has IS then turn off body IS.

The oly 100-400 is 3 stops. It’s the om-1 body that’s 5 stops which makes it an even bigger shame some of that can’t be used.
Ahh OK so having IS set to lens priority does not fix the issue, you have to actually go into the menu and turn the IBIS off when using this lens? If so this does not sound right/ideal to me.
FFS. Lens I.s On … lens i.s priority in cog menu .. hardly bloody complicated is it ..if your still having problems after that send them off to Portugal as there is obviously a problem with the equipment ..
And as has been stated many times olympus menus are complicated have you considered that something may be wrong in your other settings ??
FFS. Lens I.s On … lens i.s priority in cog menu .. hardly bloody complicated is it ..if your still having problems after that send them off to Portugal as there is obviously a problem with the equipment ..
And as has been stated many times olympus menus are complicated have you considered that something may be wrong in your other settings ??
To be fair, reading between the lines I think this is what they’ve done but it’s still causing issue and the only way to stop it is turning IBIS off (I could be wrong though of course ;))

If I’m right it does suggest an issue but it’s then a case of whether it’s a fault or a software oversight from Olympus. If it’s the latter there’s not point sending it in and it needs a firmware update to fix it (y)
Haven't posted here for a while and even though I've had the MKIII for a couple of weeks have been covering for someone at work so not had chance to get out. So here's a few from yesterday, no birds though as I've still not acquired a 75-300mm.

I've passed this stump numerous times even photographed it once or twice but only noticed this time how much it resembles a hand :D

fingers.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

Gave it the B&W treatment

bwfingers.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

The old locks on the abandoned Pocklington canal.

canal.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

Finally I lied about the birds, but this was hardly challenging, even for my 12-50mm :)

ducks.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr
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Haven't posted here for a while and even though I've had the MKIII for a couple of weeks have been covering for someone at work so not had chance to get out. So here's a few from yesterday, no birds though as I've still not acquired a 75-300mm.
.... I got a marketing email from Olympus this morning saying that they have just started a sale on telephoto lenses. Included is the 75-300mm and the 40-150mm F/4 PRO < Each have $100 dollars off. The sale is in the USA but might also be in the EU shop?

.... I got a marketing email from Olympus this morning saying that they have just started a sale on telephoto lenses. Included is the 75-300mm and the 40-150mm F/4 PRO < Each have $100 dollars off. The sale is in the USA but might also be in the EU shop?

They've got £85 off the 75-300mm but having bought the MKIII funds are tight and I need to buy 2nd hand. Besides, the wife's demanding new kitchen appliances!
I often start my day having a coffee out on my porch and had always wanted to get a shot of a backlit bird in that fruit tree early in the morning. It was in low light and low shutter speeds without upping the ISO above 1000, all on my 150-400mm TC PRO + MC-20 at full reach (2000mm equivalent), I knew a tripod would make a big difference and so set it up for about an hour.

The resistance on the Profoto fluid gimbal offered some desirable flexibility and also made it much easier rather than flopping about on a loose gimbal having to lock position. A ballhead would be even worse.

Btw, in my excitement when I saw the opportunity for a good shot I didn't think about my IS settings and so the lens was full IS and the OM-1 was my usual default of IS-Auto. When in the past I have discussed this with OMS Support they have advised that having both lens IS and IBIS enabled when mounted on a tripod shouldn't usually matter. It's only when panning in one plane that it might make a difference but even then, not necessarily and a very slow shutter speed might be the influence.

I would not have managed to get this picture without all of the gear I shot it with.

JUVENILE DUNNOCK by Robin Procter, on Flickr
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FFS. Lens I.s On … lens i.s priority in cog menu .. hardly bloody complicated is it ..if your still having problems after that send them off to Portugal as there is obviously a problem with the equipment ..
And as has been stated many times olympus menus are complicated have you considered that something may be wrong in your other settings ??
Mate there is zero need for that attitude and please don't patronise me.
I really have no idea why you are getting work up over an issue I am pointing out. You clearly aren't coming across it with you not shooting video.
I have said all along. Lens IS on. and yes Lens IS priority is set in the menu. There is nothing wrong with the equipment physically. It just needs a tweak of firmware in my opinion as the om1 is clashing IS wise with the 100-400 IF you leave the body IS settings on Auto.
Haven't posted here for a while and even though I've had the MKIII for a couple of weeks have been covering for someone at work so not had chance to get out. So here's a few from yesterday, no birds though as I've still not acquired a 75-300mm.

I've passed this stump numerous times even photographed it once or twice but only noticed this time how much it resembles a hand :D

fingers.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

Gave it the B&W treatment

bwfingers.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

The old locks on the abandoned Pocklington canal.

canal.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

Finally I lied about the birds, but this was hardly challenging, even for my 12-50mm :)

ducks.jpg by Steve Vickers, on Flickr
I noticed a used one on ffordes the other night steve
I noticed a used one on ffordes the other night steve
.... @jakeblu Steve, if you don't already know, Ffordes are very reliable and are an appointed OMS dealer as well. They are a small family business in bonnie Scotland. I bought my big white supertelephoto from them (thanks to Jeff @the black fox) and have bought from them since.
Mate there is zero need for that attitude and please don't patronise me.
I really have no idea why you are getting work up over an issue I am pointing out. You clearly aren't coming across it with you not shooting video.
I have said all along. Lens IS on. and yes Lens IS priority is set in the menu. There is nothing wrong with the equipment physically. It just needs a tweak of firmware in my opinion as the om1 is clashing IS wise with the 100-400 IF you leave the body IS settings on Auto.
.... The attitude is our pure frustration with you.

Not only is Jeff @the black fox probably the most experienced Olympus 100-400mm user on here, even OMS Support don't seem to be able to satisfy you and you are suggesting that it's an issue which needs a Firmware revision and when I asked you about any other known cases of your issue you have not been able to report any.
.... The attitude is our pure frustration with you.

Not only is Jeff @the black fox probably the most experienced Olympus 100-400mm user on here, even OMS Support don't seem to be able to satisfy you and you are suggesting that it's an issue which needs a Firmware revision and when I asked you about any other known cases of your issue you have not been able to report any.
Are you and Jeff shooting video?
Unless I hav this wrong, that is where the main problem is occuring?
Yep that's exactly where the problem is and therefore it's not clear at this point whether it's a software issue with Olympus or and issue with the individual equipment. My guess is that it's the former as on the first link here there is mention of jerkiness with the 100-400mm, and also the second post in the second link.

Yep that's exactly where the problem is and therefore it's not clear at this point whether it's a software issue with Olympus or and issue with the individual equipment. My guess is that it's the former as on the first link here there is mention of jerkiness with the 100-400mm, and also the second post in the second link.

.... That first link by Mirrorless Comparison is a well written and objective comparison and goes to prove yet again that there is no such thing as a *perfect lens. The individual user is always best advised to choose the lens which suits his/her individual needs best.

The second link doesn't really discuss @peat 's issue and only has 2 comments and no further posts since February 2022.

My earlier post asked @peat whether he knew of other user's instances of the issue he feels he is experiencing in my effort to help him. If there were other instances it would also assist OMS to do something about it. Other than that, if his discussions with OMS Support have resulted in them suggesting he send them his Olympus gear for further investigation, then perhaps he should do so. I have lost track (and interest, not being a videographer) of his story.

* The Olympus 150-400mm TC PRO is perfect - I can find absolutely no fault with it after 12 months and thousands and thousands of photographs and neither have I heard a single criticism of it (except some people not understanding the price) :exit:
.... That first link by Mirrorless Comparison is a well written and objective comparison and goes to prove yet again that there is no such thing as a *perfect lens. The individual user is always best advised to choose the lens which suits his/her individual needs best.

The second link doesn't really discuss @peat 's issue and only has 2 comments and no further posts since February 2022.

My earlier post asked @peat whether he knew of other user's instances of the issue he feels he is experiencing in my effort to help him. If there were other instances it would also assist OMS to do something about it. Other than that, if his discussions with OMS Support have resulted in them suggesting he send them his Olympus gear for further investigation, then perhaps he should do so. I have lost track (and interest, not being a videographer) of his story.

* The Olympus 150-400mm TC PRO is perfect - I can find absolutely no fault with it after 12 months and thousands and thousands of photographs and neither have I heard a single criticism of it (except some people not understanding the price) :exit:
That's why I posted the other links as there is mention of other users experiencing the same (y)
Well I picked up a mint 12-60 (LUMIX) from my local LCE for the princely sum of £130 - you have to love m43 !

The added reach is useful and it’s ridiculously light but I won’t be selling my 12-45. It’s funny how you take things for granted - like fixed aperture for eg !

The 12-60 will be a good walk about lens on a sunny day but the rest of the time I’ll stick with the 12-45 !

Still it’s nice to have options :)
fed up with OPP . so heres one with a new bit of software I have been playing with bit of fun really ,or the stuff of nightmares
castle wrecked by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
.... Is it perhaps time to change your medication, Jeff? :ROFLMAO:

But joking apart there is now an AI software in development (beta version) which can create photographically real looking images merely from the spoken word and its results are mighty impressive! Unfortunately I didn't bookmark the video about it and it's not showing in my browsing history.
They've got £85 off the 75-300mm but having bought the MKIII funds are tight and I need to buy 2nd hand. Besides, the wife's demanding new kitchen appliances!
.... The cost of a secondhand 75-300mm will be a mere trifle compared with the cost of new kitchen appliances! I have to assume that a new all-singing-dancing kettle won't suffice as a new kitchen appliance. At the risk of sounding sexist or whatever, it's always the wives who want new kitchens, very rarely the blokes (who would much prefer to spend money on their hobby addictions).

You'll get one in due course.
.... It's funny because it wasn't so long ago that most photographers, including many on here, were very much disapproving of major digital manipulation.
I still am ;) :p
I still am ;) :p
.... Such heavy digital manipulation isn't my preference either. Jeff @the black fox was probably either bored or wasn't seeing anything new to photograph.

I think that AI in parts of post-processing can beneficially save a lot of time in the workflow. In an attempt to bring that aspect back onto this thread's Olympus title topic, I find that their current modern cameras are really good at capturing colour accurately and that the white balance rarely needs any adjustment.
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