Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

.... Such heavy digital manipulation isn't my preference either. Jeff @the black fox was probably either bored or wasn't seeing anything new to photograph.
Too much Wincarnis?
I think that AI in parts of post-processing can beneficially save a lot of time in the workflow. In an attempt to bring that aspect back onto this thread's Olympus title topic, I find that their current modern cameras are really good at capturing colour accurately and that the white balance rarely needs any adjustment.
I found I did less PP of the results from my E-M5 III & 12-100mm of our recent week in Brixham than I would have done if I'd used my RX10 IV. I've a strong feeling the extra DR helped.
.... It's funny because it wasn't so long ago that most photographers, including many on here, were very much disapproving of major digital manipulation.
Off to the film section then…

Or maybe the cave painting sub-board?
This is an image I have seen and been after capturing for quite a while. It's on my porch while having a morning coffee as the sun rises. I shot it on a tripod, with my new Profoto fluid gimbal head. Usually it's House Sparrows but a Dunnock is slightly better.

JUVENILE DUNNOCK by Robin Procter, on Flickr

I could easily start an album of photos of wildlife from my front porch!
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This is an image I have seen and been after capturing for quite a while. It's on my porch while having a morning coffee as the sun rises. I shot it on a tripod, with my new Profoto fluid gimbal head. Usually it's House Sparrows but a Dunnock is slightly better.

JUVENILE DUNNOCK by Robin Procter, on Flickr

I could easily start an album of photos of wildlife from my front porch!
:thinking: had I seen this before......?

Yes, I have ;)

But worth repeating:)
:thinking: had I seen this before......?

Yes, I have ;)

But worth repeating:)
.... Ooops!! I'm sorry, I lose track sometimes of what I post where! I better remove it soon-ish.
.... Ooops!! I'm sorry, I lose track sometimes of what I post where! I better remove it soon-ish.
I know the feeling........all too easy to 'lose the plot' :LOL:

PS I also follow the funnies thread and seeing some repeat or duplicate posts makes it feel like "ground hog day" !
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One I know I haven't posted before! And it's another from my 'early-morning-coffee-on-my-porch' sessions :

COLLARED DOVE PREENING by Robin Procter, on Flickr
That has a lovely elegance to it..........but for the metal pole in the BG :(

A candidate for cloning that out and one or two crops/tweaks to strengthen the composition;)
That has a lovely elegance to it..........but for the metal pole in the BG :(

A candidate for cloning that out and one or two crops/tweaks to strengthen the composition;)
.... Thanks, "elegance" is a very good way to describe the captured action.

The wooden post perch is supporting the aluminium pole - They are cable tied together. It's a regular bird perch and doesn't bother me as I always prefer not to use the clone tool except for removing blemishes. It-is-what-it-is reality is the way I roll.
.... Thanks, "elegance" is a very good way to describe the captured action.

The wooden post perch is supporting the aluminium pole - They are cable tied together. It's a regular bird perch and doesn't bother me as I always prefer not to use the clone tool except for removing blemishes. It-is-what-it-is reality is the way I roll.
Too much Wincarnis?

I found I did less PP of the results from my E-M5 III & 12-100mm of our recent week in Brixham than I would have done if I'd used my RX10 IV. I've a strong feeling the extra DR helped.
Na bad back so not getting out much
For anyone here with an OM-1 I very highly recommend watching OM's David Smith's 60min live video (Reply #27,135). It's now available to watch at any time.

Inevitably someone asked about OM-1 supply and were told it had improved. When someone asked about availability of the flagship 150-400mm TC PRO David said that if ordered now it would be expected "in 10-12 months".
If any one is wanting a big white one 150-400
Nice pics, I initially thought wow they're soft but I then looked at them on flickr and they're nice and sharp. I say it all the time but it is a real shame a photo forum can't render photos properly most of the time :(

Thanks Toby, it is a shame about the forum software and this 45mm is so small it's unreal.
The first one tends to look a bit like a peeping Tom photo . Not sure that I like these type of photos TBH
I have done a few shot like the first one before, it was for a theme called Framed.
The point I’m making is did the lady know you were taking it ,the same with the lady with the pint ?
The Oly and my 12-100f4 weren't really up to the dark platforms and speed of the transition; I took Oly 1Mk3 because my shoulder wasn't in the mood for my heavier Canon set up; this one is from the 1m springboard preliminaries in the morning.
COMM gs DIVER.jpeg
The Oly and my 12-100f4 weren't really up to the dark platforms and speed of the transition; I took Oly 1Mk3 because my shoulder wasn't in the mood for my heavier Canon set up; this one is from the 1m springboard preliminaries in the morning.
View attachment 362782

Cracking shot and well timed.
To my way of thinking street photography is fine IF it’s a large gathering of people or they are in the view as your shooting a building . But the type of shots your taking here close ups of strangers taken in secret goes against the grain of privacy , I’m amazed you have never had to remove your teeth from your anus !!! Or your camera for that matter
To my way of thinking street photography is fine IF it’s a large gathering of people or they are in the view as your shooting a building . But the type of shots your taking here close ups of strangers taken in secret goes against the grain of privacy , I’m amazed you have never had to remove your teeth from your anus !!! Or your camera for that matter

Jeff for my street shots I am always very careful and the person would never know I even took their photo at all, plus I can swing my camera to protect my self if need be on a bloke.

Have a look in the Street photography thread many women and men in that.
The first one tends to look a bit like a peeping Tom photo . Not sure that I like these type of photos TBH
I’m a bit ‘naive/innocent’ with things like that and so the thought never crossed my mind but I understand where you’re coming from with this tbh. I have no issue with the other two though.

I would guess most of the street photography I’ve seen is candid and I prefer this over posed stuff. In my mind posed photos are portraits rather than street photography.

There are some street togs such as Bruce Gilden where I can’t believe they’ve not had their lights punched out, not that anyone deserves that of course.
In street photography the subject can be anyone to me, my only big NO is I will never photograph a child.
Well, that's about you. Why do you think it might be that photographing women without their consent might not be a comfortable thing?
close ups of strangers taken in secret goes against the grain of privacy
There can be no expectation of privacy in a public place, by its very nature it isn't private ... in a typical city CCTV would capture not just a single image but footage of your every movement!
That having been said, some street photos might appear voyeuristic to the viewer, maybe if the lady in the 'framed' photo had her knees together the impression would be different, I know it would make a difference for me, but that's just perception.