Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Both very good but I prefer the second one, it just has that bit more impact.

Both very good but I prefer the second one, it just has that bit more impact.

yeah a big crop on that and the last one .so much goes on at one time its hard to pick out individual birds
Just had an email from Olympus (which I'm sure others with an OM-1 MK 1 will have had too), with details of the new firmware update announced today?


Today we are excited to release the firmware update that was announced in February for your OM-1. Update your camera directly from the O.I. Share app now and start enjoying these new improvements!​
  • Enhanced All-Target Mode Autofocus: Improved AF performance in All-Target Mode for both S-AF and C-AF. Optimised tuning of the focus position when the AF area is set to all targets.
  • Improved Menu Operation: The erase/trash button can now be used as a menu access shortcut, allowing for easier operation with the right hand.
  • Enhanced Handheld High-Res Shot: Improved composition algorithm for handheld high-res shot.
  • Operational Stability: Improved stability of certain functions.
Just had an email from Olympus (which I'm sure others with an OM-1 MK 1 will have had too), with details of the new firmware update announced today?


Today we are excited to release the firmware update that was announced in February for your OM-1. Update your camera directly from the O.I. Share app now and start enjoying these new improvements!​
  • Enhanced All-Target Mode Autofocus: Improved AF performance in All-Target Mode for both S-AF and C-AF. Optimised tuning of the focus position when the AF area is set to all targets.
  • Improved Menu Operation: The erase/trash button can now be used as a menu access shortcut, allowing for easier operation with the right hand.
  • Enhanced Handheld High-Res Shot: Improved composition algorithm for handheld high-res shot.
  • Operational Stability: Improved stability of certain functions.
It does seem very much what was described in their February statement of what they were planning to do.

Also being discussed here...

There they also mentioned the mk2 has had an update too.
Ill get this done tonight and will be out tomorrow looking for dragonflies so will be able to report back. Ive been getting quite a few af issues recently with the om1 just ignoring the foreground even when big in the frame and focusing on the background so will see if this update changes anything.
Tell a lie i got it done at lunch. Weirdly the update process removed my aperture settings from my custom settings but all other settings were there.
Anyway i tested all AF points and from my first go it seemed to me like it was finding the things in the foreground and locking on quickly. Defo felt like i was having to push the af button less times to get a focus. But will give it a proper go tomorrow if i can get some dragonflies in flight.
I bought a second hand em1 mk2 from Wex. Got it two days ago. Excellent service.

One little niggle at the moment though is, the front grip is just peeling a tiny amount. It’s at the top and catches my index finger 3/4 of the way down as my finger tip is on the shutter button.
This isn’t a big problem at the moment but it will only go one way (it’s not going to get better by itself)
Yes, I have 45 to return, but this camera looks very good condition with only 7k clicks on it. If I returned for another it might have something worse.

So, as for my options, what would be the best thing to stick the grip down with once it gets worse?

return it ,it will end up costing you money ,they stretch so can't be re-glued . try luton cameras or a.j Johnstone first for a quote . or get wex to send it back to olympus for repair.. this was/is a well known MKii problem .cured on the MKiii . its even worse if you suffer from oily skin mine went back twice in the first year I then replaced it with a MKiii
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The rubber covers on these cameras expand and can't be put back properly. There use to be an Aussie (maybe NZ) who 3D printed replacements, and I can recommend them, but I think he stopped producing them.
Seeing as we are doing dragonflies!

OM-1 300mm + 1.4TC. Had been adjusting Focus Stacking, but the fly was moving too much.

I listen to what was said about the grip on the em1 mk2 and it will be going back tomorrow.
With the money I could have started to save for a mk3, or, buy a very good used Olympus 60mm macro lens from a~z.
Anyway, the lens will be with me by Friday :D. I shall start saving for a mk3. No rush at the moment.

With the grey days ahead I was wondering about a macro ring flash. Can you get a reasonable ring flash for under £100, or do you get what you pay for with those?
I’ve just updated to the new firmware 1.7 on my OM 1. I’m now having to reset all my previous settings, date, custom, button settings etc.
Don’t know if this outcome was stated in the small print somewhere!
Anyone else experienced this?

Not the end of the world, but I’m sure this didn’t happen last time I did a update.
When I did the update it saved the settings first. I’d already saved them anyway, but didn’t need that safety net.
I listen to what was said about the grip on the em1 mk2 and it will be going back tomorrow.
With the money I could have started to save for a mk3, or, buy a very good used Olympus 60mm macro lens from a~z.
Anyway, the lens will be with me by Friday :D. I shall start saving for a mk3. No rush at the moment.

With the grey days ahead I was wondering about a macro ring flash. Can you get a reasonable ring flash for under £100, or do you get what you pay for with those?

If I could afford this, I would. https://studio2cameras.com/products/olympus-om-d-e-m1-mark-iii?_pos=3&_sid=c4b8cbe69&_ss=r

I don't know if it's a good shop, mind... Says based in London but perhaps worth ringing.
@the black fox

Bloody hell Jeff.


Did you use noise reduction software?
Yes Terry but nothing complicated ,given up on topaz to many artefacts , so now just use lightroom de.noise find it works a treat and on even higher I.s.o values than these .. forgot I had increased my minimum shutter speed hence the high values now changed back . But I have total confidence in the OM1 it never misses a beat , get them little green boxes on the eye and when one turns white your bang on
Yes Terry but nothing complicated ,given up on topaz to many artefacts , so now just use lightroom de.noise find it works a treat and on even higher I.s.o values than these .. forgot I had increased my minimum shutter speed hence the high values now changed back . But I have total confidence in the OM1 it never misses a beat , get them little green boxes on the eye and when one turns white your bang on
Very very impressive mate. Wanna buy an EM1X? :banana:
Very very impressive mate. Wanna buy an EM1X? :banana:
Nowt wrong with what you got Terry ,but these om1 sensors are the next level got useable shots at 25,600 iso and handheld .. and the mk1 are now being sold at giveaway prices
Super Alf
Took this 2 nights ago thinking I'd get out and practice with the starry focus feature but didn't seem to work that well, ended up going into manual and doing it the old way. I do think though it's due to the fact that the stars were faint due to the amount of light pollution.

Week 12 - Shadows & Silhouettes by Donnie Canning, on Flickr
A few years ago I bought an EM1when they first came out but it was short-lived as I found the dials too close together and the menu confusing, so sold it on, fast forward 10 years or so mobility rather limited, weight an issue, I decided to try these waters again buying second-hand just in case I repeated my earlier mistake, so I purchased an as new EM-5mk 11 and I'm loving it, just a cheap kit lens to try things out very impressed with-it so far.
For the last two weeks I have scoured MPBs list of lenses for a do it all lens at the moment (if there is such a thing) and have settled on a 12-40 2.8 pro, any thoughts on this lens would be grateful.
A few years ago I bought an EM1when they first came out but it was short-lived as I found the dials too close together and the menu confusing, so sold it on, fast forward 10 years or so mobility rather limited, weight an issue, I decided to try these waters again buying second-hand just in case I repeated my earlier mistake, so I purchased an as new EM-5mk 11 and I'm loving it, just a cheap kit lens to try things out very impressed with-it so far.
For the last two weeks I have scoured MPBs list of lenses for a do it all lens at the moment (if there is such a thing) and have settled on a 12-40 2.8 pro, any thoughts on this lens would be grateful.
It's a great lens, you won't go wrong with that one! Only thing is if you really want one do it all lens it may not have the reach you want, in which case the 12-100f4 pro will be better, you lose a stop but the 12-100 also has lens stabilisation whereas the 12-40 doesn't.
It's a great lens, you won't go wrong with that one! Only thing is if you really want one do it all lens it may not have the reach you want, in which case the 12-100f4 pro will be better, you lose a stop but the 12-100 also has lens stabilisation whereas the 12-40 doesn't.
The 12-100 may make the smaller EM5 Mk2 a little front heavy compared to the 12-40.

I have the 12-40 and it's superb.