"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

I'm normally in the uv filter camp with my DSLR's, but with my panny lenses I've never bothered. The 14mm lens front element is absolutely minuscule!

I use Hoya Pro-1D's on my DSLR lenses, they're quite highly thought of but will still give poor results when there's a strong light source in frame. They're not cheap, but given that the filter thread on the 14 is so small, the price hopefully won't be too silly! Assuming they do one that small (46mm?).

Cheers, certainly given me some food for thought on boxing day!
Tried a couple of the Panasonics out today at Currys and it has put me off of them for life!! lol. Seemed very slow and didnt like those evf's. Holding the camera up to view focus with the LCD seemed abnormal to me too!! So, going to stick with a DSLR. Thing is, i had a play with a Nikon D90 and loved how it felt!
intel86 said:
Tried a couple of the Panasonics out today at Currys and it has put me off of them for life!! lol. Seemed very slow and didnt like those evf's. Holding the camera up to view focus with the LCD seemed abnormal to me too!! So, going to stick with a DSLR. Thing is, i had a play with a Nikon D90 and loved how it felt!

My Gf1 is fast, not a great deal of difference between it and both my d3100 and d700.
Tried a couple of the Panasonics out today at Currys and it has put me off of them for life!! lol. Seemed very slow and didnt like those evf's. Holding the camera up to view focus with the LCD seemed abnormal to me too!! So, going to stick with a DSLR. Thing is, i had a play with a Nikon D90 and loved how it felt!
Each to their own I guess. I thought the same thing however now I really don't find it an issue just using the LCD screen. In fact I might even prefer it to using a DSLR.
Been kinda interested in m4/3 cameras, so I find this thread interesting. I don't live near camera shops so haven't seen any panasonics yet. For macro photos, does the "MF Assist" feature work well? ie does it allow sufficient detail to focus correctly using the zoomed-in view? And once you've taken a photo, does MF Assist stay at that same setting for the next photo?
Tried a couple of the Panasonics out today at Currys and it has put me off of them for life!! lol. Seemed very slow and didnt like those evf's. Holding the camera up to view focus with the LCD seemed abnormal to me too!! So, going to stick with a DSLR. Thing is, i had a play with a Nikon D90 and loved how it felt!

I'm not a great fan of using the back screens myself which is why I use my G1 more than my GF1.

I really don't understand all the comments about slowness and DSLR's being faster. I suppose the first thing is what lens are you using? Gotta remember that the 14-xxmm's are really just "kit lenses" and comparing them to a super duper DSLR lens costing many times more just isn't a valid thing to do, compare them to a kit lens, like for like, and I don't think they'll seem so bad. Granted my 5D and 20D are getting on a bit and may not be lightening fast but they do their job IMVHO and my G1 and GF1 don't seem to lose anything to them speed wise.
Been kinda interested in m4/3 cameras, so I find this thread interesting. I don't live near camera shops so haven't seen any panasonics yet. For macro photos, does the "MF Assist" feature work well? ie does it allow sufficient detail to focus correctly using the zoomed-in view? And once you've taken a photo, does MF Assist stay at that same setting for the next photo?

I find that the magnifed view works well and I can focus with my f0.95 with a good degree of accuracy. It doesn't stay on, once you half press the shutter button it goes and you have to call it back up again.
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intel86 said:
Tried a couple of the Panasonics out today at Currys and it has put me off of them for life!! lol. Seemed very slow and didnt like those evf's. Holding the camera up to view focus with the LCD seemed abnormal to me too!! So, going to stick with a DSLR. Thing is, i had a play with a Nikon D90 and loved how it felt!
Interesting... I've not tried an evf camera since my old Fuji s5xxx and didn't like it then, but I accept the compromise of rear screen composition on my GF2 versus portability and image quality. Sometimes it's about the after, rather than the during ;)

I also have a D90 as my main camera with some nice (but non-pro) glass, and since I got my GF2 it's barely had an airing except for some sports shooting... Horses for courses, as at the moment I couldn't see myself without a DSLR, indeed I'm planning on getting a D7000 in the next few months, but the portability and discretion of the wee panny just fits so well for me... when I'm not on a mission :)

In the future m4/3 might be a goer for me, who knows!
intel86 said:
Tried a couple of the Panasonics out today at Currys and it has put me off of them for life!! lol. Seemed very slow and didnt like those evf's. Holding the camera up to view focus with the LCD seemed abnormal to me too!! So, going to stick with a DSLR. Thing is, i had a play with a Nikon D90 and loved how it felt!

Funny you say that, my experience of the g3 is that it focuses much, much faster than my d90 with a modern 50mm afs lens. The d90 is annoyingly slow by comparison - I may even sell it.

Wonder if the shop somehow had a dodgy setting on their demo kit? I sold my g3 a couple of days back. Miss it so much i have another on the way!
Wonder if the shop somehow had a dodgy setting on their demo kit?...

To make a valid comparison you really have to use similar lenses in the same conditions. For eg. a MFT with a kit lens at f3.5-5.6 in a dingy shop shouldn't really surprise anyone if it's slower focusing than a DSLR with a fast prime in good light :D
To make a valid comparison you really have to use similar lenses in the same conditions. For eg. a MFT with a kit lens at f3.5-5.6 in a dingy shop shouldn't really surprise anyone if it's slower focusing than a DSLR with a fast prime in good light :D

I also tried a bog standard 1100 canon with its kit lens and to me it was snappier.
Dunno then.

There can't be much in it and it certainly isn't a factor at all for me, although I do use a manual lens on my G1. Certainly with the right body and lens combo you simply will not find a faster focusing changeable lens camera, and that includes anything Canon or Nikon can produce unless Panny and Oly are fiddling the figures :D

I suppose one thing that is an advantage is that with MFT is that you focus with the sensor that takes the image and not with something that only receives some of the light and is located somewhere other than directly behind the lens.
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Well, i do like the look of the G3 and how it felt in the hand. I have an active 5yr old and was wondering if it would be able to keep up with her!
I find that the magnifed view works well and I can focus with my f0.95 with a good degree of accuracy. It doesn't stay on, once you half press the shutter button it goes and you have to call it back up again.
Thanks woof woof(y)
Just got back from giving my newly converted G1 a good workout and I have to say I am impressed with this. I usually prefer switching the colour channels in photoshop but I only gave this a slight increase in contrast and tweaked the levels and sharpen.
[/url] P1040188 1 Tweedmouth Infra Red 720nm by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]

Simple mono conversion of the above no tweaks.

P1040188 1 Infra red converted to mono
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The original is very nice indeed, it's my pick of the three. The highlights & contrasty areas seem to "pop" in a most satisfying way.

Not sure if that's like swearing to an IR lover, but I likes what I likes ;-)
After my thoughts about flogging off my mkIV and going M4/3 only I have now moved even closer to thinking I will probably do just that!

I like my GF2 but if I end up with a M4/3 camera as my only camera I think I might try and get something with a bit of a better sensor for high ISO noise. Anyone want to recommend me one? I think the options are GH2, GX1 or maybe wait and see what comes in the next six months or so. What I really want is for them to make one with a high res screen on the back. The only on my mkIV is really nice to look at and judge focus from whereas the one on the GF2 seems pretty crappy in comparison. As they don't seem to be mentioning this for future models I might be tempted with a GX1 as it seems to have all the good bits of the GF2 (size, build etc) but with better IQ.
Looking good, I'll be sending my G1 to ACS next week ;)

Hi Julian, I just love the G1 so much I am now thinking of replacing the GF1 for something better for the more run of the mill stuff:).

I prefer the original. All very good indeed though

Cheers (y)

The original is very nice indeed, it's my pick of the three. The highlights & contrasty areas seem to "pop" in a most satisfying way.

Not sure if that's like swearing to an IR lover, but I likes what I likes ;-)

Ron, thanks, I will take all of that as a compliment:)
After my thoughts about flogging off my mkIV and going M4/3 only I have now moved even closer to thinking I will probably do just that!

I like my GF2 but if I end up with a M4/3 camera as my only camera I think I might try and get something with a bit of a better sensor for high ISO noise. Anyone want to recommend me one? I think the options are GH2, GX1 or maybe wait and see what comes in the next six months or so. What I really want is for them to make one with a high res screen on the back. The only on my mkIV is really nice to look at and judge focus from whereas the one on the GF2 seems pretty crappy in comparison. As they don't seem to be mentioning this for future models I might be tempted with a GX1 as it seems to have all the good bits of the GF2 (size, build etc) but with better IQ.

G3 has the same sensor as the GX-1 so have a look at it if you want a built in viewfinder and the artiiculated display. Keep in mind that apparently the GX-1 is supposed to be using a newer/different processing engine / algorithms so you might still get different results from the two despite them having the samesensor.

On the other hand the G3 can be had for so little brand new it is almost a steal. The GX-1 is for suckers like me that would rather give up a viewfinder and an articulated display, pay an extra 150£ more and for all that get instead an essentially identical camera in an aluminum as opposed to plastic body.

I would also check the EP3 as well mainly for its built in IS but the sensor is now a bit old and it is considerably more than the GX-1 and even more so than the G3...
After my thoughts about flogging off my mkIV and going M4/3 only I have now moved even closer to thinking I will probably do just that!

I like my GF2 but if I end up with a M4/3 camera as my only camera I think I might try and get something with a bit of a better sensor for high ISO noise. Anyone want to recommend me one? I think the options are GH2, GX1 or maybe wait and see what comes in the next six months or so. What I really want is for them to make one with a high res screen on the back. The only on my mkIV is really nice to look at and judge focus from whereas the one on the GF2 seems pretty crappy in comparison. As they don't seem to be mentioning this for future models I might be tempted with a GX1 as it seems to have all the good bits of the GF2 (size, build etc) but with better IQ.

Andy, something at the back of my mind tell me I should take a lead from you, I was out today with a G1, GF1, 20mm, 14-45, a 45-200 and a Velbon Luxi F tripod somewhat smaller and lighter than the Manfrotto I have.

It was soooooo relaxing!!!
Andy, something at the back of my mind tell me I should take a lead from you, I was out today with a G1, GF1, 20mm, 14-45, a 45-200 and a Velbon Luxi F tripod somewhat smaller and lighter than the Manfrotto I have.

It was soooooo relaxing!!!
I wouldn't want to persuade anyone one way or the other. :D

Over the last month or so I think I have got to the bottom of why I wasn't enjoying my photography that much these days. It is that I was trying for perfection as I have always thought about doing photography as a job. I have now worked out that in all honesty I don't think I do want to do it as a career (even if it is possible to make it a career these days). Once I had come to that realisation the M4/3 camera really starts to shine and photography is starting to become fun again. The reason being that I can now take shots I like and to hell with the rules. If you want to get the very best shots possible get a pro body. If you are just doing it for yourself to have some nice images to look at and memories of holidays etc then the M4/3 cameras are the top of the pile imo.

I keep having thoughts of what hell am I doing giving up all this lovely gear. But then I think about the fact that I can have a few grand to put into other hobbies and STILL have a great camera, so in fact I don't really lose much. Yeah I won't be able to take shots of a few of the things I can with the mkIV but at the end of the day they only amount to maybe 5% of my Lightroom library so I can live without them.
G3 looks tempting everytime i see one! Wish i could borrow one for a month to try!
I'm struggling to know what to do, love my G3 with 14mm and 20mm (hate the kit lens), but then I'm thinking of getting a 7D to go with my 5D2. Then there is the nex-7, arrrgghhh

I'm probably just going to keep it all ;)
I wouldn't want to persuade anyone one way or the other. :D

Over the last month or so I think I have got to the bottom of why I wasn't enjoying my photography that much these days. It is that I was trying for perfection as I have always thought about doing photography as a job. I have now worked out that in all honesty I don't think I do want to do it as a career (even if it is possible to make it a career these days). Once I had come to that realisation the M4/3 camera really starts to shine and photography is starting to become fun again. The reason being that I can now take shots I like and to hell with the rules. If you want to get the very best shots possible get a pro body. If you are just doing it for yourself to have some nice images to look at and memories of holidays etc then the M4/3 cameras are the top of the pile imo.

I keep having thoughts of what hell am I doing giving up all this lovely gear. But then I think about the fact that I can have a few grand to put into other hobbies and STILL have a great camera, so in fact I don't really lose much. Yeah I won't be able to take shots of a few of the things I can with the mkIV but at the end of the day they only amount to maybe 5% of my Lightroom library so I can live without them.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I spent a good part of this year convinced that I wanted to do photography as a career and that I needed a 'better' kit. I spent the rest of last year nagging my husband into submission to let me buy a D7000 and a 50mm, 17-50 and 55-200 lens. I have already noticed that I don't take my camera out as much because of it's size and how conspicious I look with it. I still have my G1 body and I am extremely grateful that it didn't sell on the forums. When the realisation hit that I probably don't need my 'improved' kit it was a bit of a suprise - not added by your goodself on this thread!!!! I am now going to slowly re-acquire my panny lens, hopefully persuade my husband into selling my Nikon and in time will invest in a new Panny body. I feel that it is the way forward. Sarah
EMA747 said:
After my thoughts about flogging off my mkIV and going M4/3 only I have now moved even closer to thinking I will probably do just that!

I like my GF2 but if I end up with a M4/3 camera as my only camera I think I might try and get something with a bit of a better sensor for high ISO noise. Anyone want to recommend me one? I think the options are GH2, GX1 or maybe wait and see what comes in the next six months or so. What I really want is for them to make one with a high res screen on the back. The only on my mkIV is really nice to look at and judge focus from whereas the one on the GF2 seems pretty crappy in comparison. As they don't seem to be mentioning this for future models I might be tempted with a GX1 as it seems to have all the good bits of the GF2 (size, build etc) but with better IQ.

Screen resolution is one of my bugbears with the gf2, it has around half the pixels of my D90 and I find it hugely noticeable. Wonder if this is somehow tied in with touchscreen tech, maybe hi Res touchscreens are hideously expensive? Plenty of mobile phones have them I suppose, but there's not a lot of phones with a 3" screen. Hmmm...

Bugbear number two is the speed at which updated m4/3's bodies are coming out, and the lack of speed of lens development... concentrate on the glass please, and make a body that's good for more than six months use before being superceded!
and make a body that's good for more than six months use before being superceded!

They are, it's just the power of the marketing men. The changes are so incremental it's incredible anyone is upgrading at the the rate we do. I've now decided to stop chasing and concentrate on photography; my D90 and GF1 do me fine and will suffice until a really significant change comes along.
davek said:
They are, it's just the power of the marketing men. The changes are so incremental it's incredible anyone is upgrading at the the rate we do. I've now decided to stop chasing and concentrate on photography; my D90 and GF1 do me fine and will suffice until a really significant change comes along.
I didn't word that too well, I'm all for sticking with slightly older kit and am not suckered by the same old sensor in a different body, which seems to be the way of these things, with Panasonic at least ;) Curious that they like to remove features then sell the "new" product at a higher price tho!
Love my GF1 to bits. GX1 body price has now dropped on Amazon. Have just read a very favourable review comparing it against the GF1. Have just ordered two 16GB SDHC cards. I think I know where this is heading. :D
Ok, the 20mm is a lovely lens but it is expensive! Add that to the cost of a decent Panny body and it soon adds up to quite a bit of money.
intel86 said:
Ok, the 20mm is a lovely lens but it is expensive! Add that to the cost of a decent Panny body and it soon adds up to quite a bit of money.
I'd say that depends entirely what you're comparing to!

I reckon my gf2 with 14mm is an utter bargain compared with my DSLR gear, 85% of the image quality for a fraction of the cost... plus there's that little annoyance that Nikon (or Canon I reckon, but wouldn't swear to it) just don't produce fast, wide-angle primes for their crop-sensor bodies. I reckon if I could have had a compact, 20mm-ish f1.8 dx af-s for my Nikon's I'd never even have tried m4/3's. If such a lens existed, I'd expect it to cost about what the panny 20mm does.
Anybody got the Olympus 45mm f1.8 prime? Tempted in this, half the price of the Panasonic 45mm f2.8 Leica lens too