Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Wahey - congratulations.

From me and Zoidberg's bike ride today


First time I've been out on a bike in about 6 months and it was great fun.
opps i've done it now some how i ended up in Mathers and asked for a GF1.........well waiting for the battery to charge.

Well done...And Welcome..... got all my GF1 gear from them....good service & prices.

Charging the battery only takes just under 2 hours....it will seem like a week though.
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Wahey - congratulations.

From me and Zoidberg's bike ride today


First time I've been out on a bike in about 6 months and it was great fun.

Sounds like you had a great day out.......and that picture is superb.:clap:

Give us some details please ie lens etc.
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Well done...And Welcome..... got all my GF1 gear from them....good service & prices.

Charging the battery only takes just under 2 hours....it will seem like a week though.

Thanks and it will take years for me to learn it and photography, well to get any decent images always shot on auto with compact previous to this.
oooo, i got one just like that ;)

click to zoooooooom

Exposure: 0.003 sec (1/400)
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 20 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV

twas a good day and good to put a face to a name.
Wahey - congratulations.

From me and Zoidberg's bike ride today


First time I've been out on a bike in about 6 months and it was great fun.

Fantastic - really beautiful.
Thanks and it will take years for me to learn it and photography, well to get any decent images always shot on auto with compact previous to this.

Nadeem use auto on the GF1 for a while, results will astound you, and don't forget to put them up here for us to see.....then you can venture into Aperature Priority trial and error ...

Anyway welcome to the GF1 Club
I don't like landscapes particularly in colour but..........................I like that one. Well done.

oooo, i got one just like that ;)

click to zoooooooom

Exposure: 0.003 sec (1/400)
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 20 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV

twas a good day and good to put a face to a name.

Oi stop copying me! ;) Yup good to meet you as well - hopefully do it again sometime if we are feeling up to it. Interesting how ours look quite different in terms of colours etc - did you process it much?

Thanks Oldboy, mine was ISO 100, F16, 1/125 with the 20mm

Thanks Brian.

Nadeem - I don't know what I'm doing and came from a compact too but I still think I have taken some pretty decent pics - it's very easy with the GF1. :)

Played with it a bit more


And who was it said the GF1 couldn't do action?



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Oi stop copying me! ;) Yup good to meet you as well - hopefully do it again sometime if we are feeling up to it. Interesting how ours look quite different in terms of colours etc - did you process it much?


Tweaking as follows:

WB: Daylight
Preset : General - Punch
Highlight Tones +33
Light Tones +2
Dark Tones -10
Shadow tones -33
Sharpen 98
Radius 0.6

May have another go at some point, play with the Grad filter effect to bring out the clouds more.
Graham, please , please don't play with this picture the original is just fine.

Preset : General - Punch
Highlight Tones +33
Light Tones +2
Dark Tones -10
Shadow tones -33

Well known for being thick but it seems to me that you are decreasing contrast i.e -punch, then increasing it again. Am I missing something or is there a reason? Did either of you take a straight default shot or one using in-camera settings? A comparison would be very interesting

In fact looking at your figures again I just can't work them out...Are these figures being used on a raw file or a Jpeg, are you setting the raw file to default, in fact that goes for Jpeg as well. Take your figure for sharpening, you don't quote a threshold figure I'm just wondering what software you are using? You mention preset, is this in-camera? Sorry for all the questions. Just remember, if it was an ordinary shot I would have ignored it.

I do so wish you had taken one in my favourite idiot mode, just to see what the camera could do unaided

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Mathers are really good but why are they so expensive for the 7-14mm? £1019 against £850 from York cameras.

Hi all, Despite the doom & gloom about the price I ordered one earlier this week and picked it up today. The price announcement last month said £1109.99(minus £100). The Panasonic Eshop now has it at £1085.99(minus £100). I got mine through a dealer in York at £850 - that's £949.99(minus £100).

Thanks Alan for the info.

Can't see me rushing out to buy one of the new models though, touch screen..................I always try to avoid fingerprints on mine.

Sorry I didn't notice this was dated June 2009.But I note that the £100 off scheme has kicked in again so perhaps £ 879.90 from York £919 from Mathers.

Hi all, Despite the doom & gloom about the price I ordered one earlier this week and picked it up today. The price announcement last month said £1109.99(minus £100). The Panasonic Eshop now has it at £1085.99(minus £100). I got mine through a dealer in York at £850 - that's £949.99(minus £100).

Maybe I should start backing horses.

Which model of Cybershot is that one? There's dozens of them...

But only one matching the specifications I outlined previously, DSCR1.
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Hello all. As someone who has been considering a GF1, this thread is fantastic. I have wanted to enter the world of DSLRs and photography for a long time, but my concern was always "will I actually take the camera with me?". I love the feel of the Nikons and Canons, but I'm not convinved I'll be accompanied by them wherever I go. However I can see the GF1 being with me more often than not. I watched the launch of the G2 and G10 with interest, but the GF1 still appears to have the edge when it comes to portability (correct me if I'm wrong).

So... it's time to abuse the bank account and make a purchase. Are Mathers still the vendor of choice for price and service?

Hello all. As someone who has been considering a GF1, this thread is fantastic. I have wanted to enter the world of DSLRs and photography for a long time, but my concern was always "will I actually take the camera with me?". I love the feel of the Nikons and Canons, but I'm not convinved I'll be accompanied by them wherever I go. However I can see the GF1 being with me more often than not. I watched the launch of the G2 and G10 with interest, but the GF1 still appears to have the edge when it comes to portability (correct me if I'm wrong).

So... it's time to abuse the bank account and make a purchase. Are Mathers still the vendor of choice for price and service?


Welcome Super Squirrel, for what its worth.......
I sold all my Nikon D90 gear for this GF1, and am sure I did the right thing, it goes every where with me. whereas the D90 stayed in the Wardrobe.

I bought all my GF1 equipment from Mathers think there prices are pretty good usually.

Go on Abuse your Bank Account you know you want to.
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Hello all. As someone who has been considering a GF1, this thread is fantastic. I have wanted to enter the world of DSLRs and photography for a long time, but my concern was always "will I actually take the camera with me?". I love the feel of the Nikons and Canons, but I'm not convinved I'll be accompanied by them wherever I go. However I can see the GF1 being with me more often than not. I watched the launch of the G2 and G10 with interest, but the GF1 still appears to have the edge when it comes to portability (correct me if I'm wrong).

So... it's time to abuse the bank account and make a purchase. Are Mathers still the vendor of choice for price and service?


It might be worth hanging on a month and seeing what effect of the launch of the G2 and G10 has on prices of the GF1 - sometimes retailers try to bolster sales of the incumbent cameras, when new ones are released, with discounts.

Also check out the E-PL1 and E-P2 - they also fit the right sort of form factor for you and have better EVFs if you want to connect one of those too.

For ultimate image quality, certainly at higher ISOs, the GH1 can't be beat. It is a match for the Nikon D300s and betters the Canon 7D in some areas for dynamic range and noise control. It's more expensive, but don't jump before a bit of research.


Thanks guys. I had a quick play with the Olympus models, but for some (completely unscientific) reason they didn't have the same appeal :shrug:.

As for the GH1, it's an amazing camera but the small form factor of the GF1 is the key feature for me. I want whichever camera I choose to be with me as much as possible, and the GF1 appears to be the best choice for that.

I'll keep Mathers lined up as my vendor but will continue hunting for any outstanding Quidco, voucher code, sale etc offers for a bit longer. If anyone finds one I'd be most grateful if they post it here.

There is something about the GF1 versus the Olympus range. Not sure what, but the GF1 seems like a 'future classic', I hope I'm not proven wrong by saying that, but it has a feel of something special.

If you log on to the Panasonic web site you can download a voucher. Best thing is it's not a rebate the retailer deducts the £100 at the point of sale

Graham check their site, I think it's end of April.

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If you log on to the Panasonic web site you can download a voucher. Best thing is it's not a rebate the retailer deducts the £100 at the point of sale

Graham check their site, I think it's end of April.


Apologies, but I've had a look and can't find the £100 voucher. Could you please post the link?

Squirrel the three year warranty and 50 quid off runs until 5th April as i have the calim form and only bought my camera from Mathers yesterday.

539.00 for GF1 with 14-45mm lens minus 50 is not a bad price Instore price isn 549 but just checek web site and say the price you saw on the web

I doubt you get any cheaper by 5th April but off course i could be wrong but i too the plunge Off course if you get the £100 voucher that might help you but you probably won't get 3 years warranty.

You also get 50 quid off the G1 as well.

The reason i went for the gf1 even with the bigger lens is like everyone else has said i'm more liley to take that out with me and use then a bigger DSLR as i did look at the D90 and no viewfinder was putting be off the GF1 but i'm happy i can get the pictures i'll most likely shoot with screen only
Guys, I need to ask you all GF1 users - do you miss viewfinder? Is it hard to use lcd screen only? Every time I use my Sony A300 lcd to choose the shoot indoors it does my head it, horrible compared to optic viewfinder. Light, colors, nothing is like through OVF.
Would that lcd on GF1 be similar and hard to use indoors? Outside is another issue when there's strong sun light and its hard to see anything on the screen.
How do you cope with that? Is that EVF for GF1 any better? Did you find out after a while that you must buy that?
Indoors is no trouble whatsoever, it's got an excellent resolution screen.

I went out and about yesterday (no EVF, too pricey at the moment). It was very sunny, and a little too bright to make out the screen on a couple of occasions, but I wouldn't say it's completely unusable.
I have no problem either, even with the sun behind me it was ok...not brilliant but fine for framing the shot. I really can't justify £160 for something i may only use every now and then.
Well, looks like its double resolution compared to my A300 2.7" lcd - I don't know - would this make a big difference? I think I will have to go to shop and try it in hands.
How fast is it? Is it "realtime" 24fps, does it smear when you move it in low light?
You really do need to go and try one for yourself. It's a camera that works really well for lots of people but it won't do for all. In fact, there is nothing that other cameras don't do better than the GF1. Where it is a bit out of the ordinary is that it would score average or better in any catagory you can think of. So whilst it won't excel at anything, it is very versatile for its size.
You will have to try the GF1 LCD yourself. In my opinion, and that opinion is mine and not a subject for debate, in sunshine the LCD is very close to being totally useless. Not only useless but again it is my opinion that holding a camera up in some supplication to the gods attitude is something not to be indulged in.

The EVF isn't fantastic but worth putting up with bearing in mind how good the camera is. In fact my only criticism of the GF1 is that it is the only camera I have owned that constantly I feel that I am on the verge of dropping, as I said once before it reminds me of handling a wet fish. I have never understood those who profess loving such a thing as a camera but I do seem to have formed an attachment not felt since the good old film and Leica times.

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My sister tried my GF1 and she dropped it but caught it at knee level. I think I'll get a wrist strap.
Probably a good idea Woof. I normally wrap a camera strap round my wrist sort of tight to the camera but with the GF1 it all seems slippery.
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