Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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I've got that Optech wrist strap - I like it. Also the SGP skin guard makes it a bit grippier.

I don't think the LCD is that bad apart from in really glaring sunshine, but I got the Clearviewer and it's a good cheap solution imo.
You're not wrong in seeing larger sensor coming out - just look at the Leica X1 and the Samsung NX10, but the Leica is a fixed lens camera and Samsung, I think, have missed the point while at the same time alienating all their previous customers (would you buy into a Samsung system now afetr they turned their back on the previous one so quickly?)

Although I'm pretty much sold on the GF1 (had a play with one today), I'm still checking out the competition including the NX10. What was the previous Samsung system you mentioned?

I've got that Optech wrist strap - I like it. Also the SGP skin guard makes it a bit grippier.

I don't think the LCD is that bad apart from in really glaring sunshine, but I got the Clearviewer and it's a good cheap solution imo.

Which SGP Skin Guard did you opt for seems worth the money, Do you have to buy from USA or have link to where you brought from
Yup that's where I got mine too.

Just tried out my USSR made Helios 44/2 lens - wow this thing is sharp.


Crop from the first pic - no sharpening

I have no problem either, even with the sun behind me it was ok...

But at least with the sun behind you the LCD is in a shadow. Whereas through roughly 180' the other way all I can see is a reflection of me................not a pretty sight.
I find the LCD near impossible outside in bright light, like Brian I just get a big reflection of me - I think Grum was saying he had some success with a Clearviewer on his - I'm using the point and hope approach and cropping the mistakes afterwards.
hey Graham what adapter do you have there, I've got the same lens and a couple of wide angles, err, I'll have to dig them out! old glass is one of the reasons I got the GF1 but I'd like to find the best adapter out there! cheers A
I suppose one could say it's like trying to use a medium format camera without a hood or a large format without either a hood or a darkcloth.

Maybe Nutt the sun's different in Wales and Yorkshire.

I have a Novaflex adapter, at £160 odd I don't think it's quality is great, in fact the lens release pin is shoddy. The adapters on Ebay seem to be a fraction of the price and might well be worth a gamble. Cameraquest have a huge selection at a sort of middle price, I have bought Voigtlander from them and rate the product highly.

A crop from a shot, 20mm at f1.7 and auto ISO chose 320.

Standard shot of the Midland Hotel in Morecambe, only this time, its 7 exposures from -2 to +2 combined in Photomatix and then cropped/sharpened in LR. Really need a better tripod than the Gorilla pod. Used to have a Manfrotto 051 with stonking great ball head but it'd be over kill for the GF1.

Might have to have a decent play with HDR at some point. tis handy how easy its to do on the GF1.
That can't be HDR, it doesn't look hideously unrealistic :p

Will have to give this a go at some point.

Another night shot from last night...

Cant stand the "over tweaked HDR". This way just bought out Hotel since the light was naff.

Nice panorama over lancaster btw.
Think focus is a trade show going on at the mo - I suppose if you asked nicely someone might get you one (not me, I'm at the other end of the country)
A trade show in name only I don't actually think the saving worth putting up with the crush.

And as for the EVF being rubbish it is but it's the only rubbish that makes the GF1 work. IMO.....................never been humble, not my style. It's funny in another forum I notice all those who have the EVF find it useful, those who don't, find it rubbish. It certainly isn't as much rubbish as the LCD is in anything approaching sunshine.

In fact if the EVF hadn't been available I would not have bought the camera......................No I don't like it but I feel very much that way about doctors.

Zoidberg.....................is that really your name? I do so like using proper names it seems so much more polite.............probably an age thing.


A Zoidberg.

That HDR shot. Whilst it's the last thing in the world I would indulge in.............well nearly, bunji jumping and photographing flowers might give it a run. I would be very interested to see what a straight correctly exposed image looks like for comparision I feel your example to be somewhat meaningless as there is nothing to judge it against.
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i was at the focus show today & checked out the viewfinder....i think it's far from rubbish & perfectly usable for £99 but wouldn't pay £180 for it.....gotta say i liked the new G2 very nice i'm tempted to sell my GF1 & buy one
Zoidberg.....................is that really your name? I do so like using proper names it seems so much more polite.............probably an age thing.

Zoidberg dates back from my online gaming days. Go by Robb usually.

BrianT said:
That HDR shot. Whilst it's the last thing in the world I would indulge in.............well nearly, bunji jumping and photographing flowers might give it a run. I would be very interested to see what a straight correctly exposed image looks like for comparision I feel your example to be somewhat meaningless as there is nothing to judge it against.

Here is Image 0 from the sequence, since i had it set to 0/-/+


And the 7 images combined, (i know the crop is wrong, but it was a quick LR job to gett he image 0 sorted)


Thanks for posting that Robb. But would it not be easier tweak the standard exposure shot?

I have taken the liberty of loading your standard exposure picture into Elements and clicked the auto adjust contrast on the bottom bit and a brightness/contrast thingy on the sky. No other adjustments . Actually the camera has the controls built in and I think a straight shot would have worked just as well. But there again, digital photography can be used in many ways tailored to suit the users enjoyment.


Just to see what happened. Reckon sombody who unlike me knew what they were doing in Elements 5, yes sorry, Elements 5 could do better. I refuse to pay for all this complicated CS whatever software, E 5 came with something , can't remember what. Although come to think 'ont. How many actually do part with cash, I know a few months ago I ditched editing software from PS 6/7, CS, CS2 and whatever came next all of which had cost ..........?

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Guys, quick question: does G2 have OIS build-in or is it in lens as usual?
DPreview says somewhere that it has build-in.
If not.. do you think there is posibility that Panasonic will make pancake with OIS? How big is that mechanism?
Thanks for posting that Robb. But would it not be easier tweak the standard exposure shot?

Probably would have been easier to chuck it into an editor and tweak, but the GF1 has the option for "auto-bracketing" and thought it was time to have a play.
Need to go out and find some where that would really benefit from using the function, that as i said was a quick play.

Need to go out and find some where that would really benefit from using the function,

I think that's a good idea Robb I do hope you didn't mind me playing about but the subject you had chosen I wouldn't have thought needed HDR thingy.

I would dearly love to see a demonstration of this process as I said before I would rather have hot nails driven into my eyeballs but it doesn't stop me being interested.


The Panasonic LUMIX G2 will come equipped as part of its kit, with the newly announced LUMIX G VARIO 14-42mm/F3.5-5.6 ASPH/MEGA O.I.S. lens.

Does that answer your first question?

Re your second, hardly likely
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HDR is good (about to be really obvious here...) for scenes with high dynamic range. DSLRs (and mFT cameras) typically have a range of around 10 to 13 stops - interior shots with outdoor elements are often a lot bigger. I've used it most for church interiors - so I can get the detail in the shadows and see the stained glass.

Think I shall stick to the f1.4 Nikkor and turn the ISOup a bit. But I am sure they will be queuing up for the Nokton.

Andy, coming back down to reality The new Micro 9-18mm lens, is it fully compatible with the GF1 to your knowledge. When I say fully compatible I know the IS thing doesn't work but so what The important thing for me is the " Idiot" sorry " intelligent mode", the former was made for yours truly.

Did anyone notice this Nokton guys hood for the LCD, maybe he should buy a EFV.:)

Just loved the guy who wrote that the lens captured the circles of confusion beautifully.

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As it is a micro-FT lens rather than a FT lens, it will be compatible.

Actually so is the FT version via the adapter as it optimized for contrast AF.

Actually so is the FT version via the adapter as it optimized for contrast AF.

I think it's wait and see which way to go On one hand the Micro will be smaller. Don't know about price but I see the Macro version at £399 then what, £170 ish for an adaptor. So anything under £600 pounds makes the Micro favourite if, the reduction in sizehasn't reduced the outstanding performance But the 9-18mm range is perfect as far as concerns me

It's a pity Panasonic can't do the same instead of virtually duplicating their already competent kit zoom.

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The FT 9-18 isn't up to the 7-14 standards, but it is very good. Easily much better than the other alternative in that range, the sigma 10-20. DPReview gave it a good workout: http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/olympus_9-18_4-5p6_o20/. Even though it isn't in the same league as the 7-14, you only need to look at the test results to see it's sharper than a lot more expensive zooms at the same equivalent range on an APS-C body. It does suffer from a bit of lateral CA - but that is reliably removed in post processing.

I would expect that the mFT lens is smaller by virtue of a less retrofocal design (used when the focal length is smaller than the flange-sensor distance), so that bodes well for the performance.

Thanks for the info Andy... The 7-14mm would be wasted on me-well the 7-9mm would.
would be completely wasted on my snaps It's also one hell of an outlay for what would end up a 10-14mm.

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I have 2 of the Zuiko Super High Grade/Top-Pro lenses (the hand-made 300/2.8 and the 14-35 SWD). They are in a different league of quality from anything else I have used. I don't do enough wide-angle to justify the 7-14 either. It is also very heavy and cannot except filters. The 9-18, on the other hand, is tiny, very light, can take standard 72mm filters (doesn't need to be the slim ones) and performs extremely well.
It is also very heavy and cannot except filters. The 9-18, on the other hand, is tiny, very light, can take standard 72mm filters (doesn't need to be the slim ones) and performs extremely well.

I agree that the 7-14's limitation is not being able to accept filters but to say it is 'very heavy' is taking it a bit far ;)


Heavy is relative and this entire kit weighs 2 kilos or 4 1/2 lbs for those of us still using old money

Glenn - you misunderstand me - I was referring to the ZD 7-14, not the Panasonic 7-14!

guys, did you see rumors of GF-2 with built-in EVF? Sounds fun...
guys, did you see rumors of GF-2 with built-in EVF? Sounds fun...

The fun was had by the originator.

I think to be realistic it ain't gonna happen. Just look at the size of the EVF it's quite a lump to squeeze into a GF1 body and the Olympus finder I think is somewhat larger

But of course never say never.


P.S Listening to Radio 4 as I write, anyone gonna volunteer to shoot that wretched Robert Preston, Jesus his voice is worse than that dreadfull Grossman chap
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