Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Just been playing around with the dreaded HDR in Photomatix - sorry Brian!

Rather than using exposure bracketing I used a few shots with different weather in them from a set of time lapse pics. Dunno why, just wanted to see if it would work. Originals were taken with long exposures and the B+W 10 stop ND - again just playing around really.

One of the original pics


HDR'd version


What do you reckon? I know there are a few marks as I was shooting through a window - might 'shop them out if I can be bothered.

And here's a special extra treat for all you HDR lovers out there. :LOL:

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I'm all for playing about,as long as it's legal....................well I don't know

Been doing the same thing, that is playing about, not HDR though for the enclosed snap it might have helped


Anyway the wide angle thing re the GF1 is bugging me. This is the Nikkor 12-24mm on the GF1 Effectively a 24mm, very big, like twice the size of the 7-14mm . But apart from size it's a G lens so I reckon a waste of space on the GF1.

So I think an option might be. Forget GF1 and wide angle. Then get shot of the D200 and D300 plus the prime lenses...............reckon M/F is a waste of time Then buy a D90 as a lighter wide angle alternative for special occassions.............like when I can get further than the end of the drive if the knee/heel/back ever improve.

Then of course an Olympus 9-? is on the horizon, or instead of the D90 wonder if they are giving the G1 away yet

In fact with the G1 I'm miffed. Two weeks ago I bought an ex kit 14-45mm from Mathers £219 another £200 I could have bought the lens and the body, how b.........y stupid can you get?

I think the 9-18, when it comes out, will be great for UWA on the GF1 at a reasonable price - 18mm effective is pretty wide and the lens is quite small. Even using a mFT->FT adapter, the fourthirds version of the 9-18 is very nice and sharp and also pretty small.

Trouble is Andy I need a retail therapy fix. Being almost housebound at the moment idsdoing my f.....g head in.
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Trouble is Andy I need a retail therapy fix. Being almost housebound at the moment idsdoing my f.....g head in.

Getting an mFT->FT adapter would be no bad thing anyway - opens up a whole new set of things to quench the retail lust!
Go on Andy tell all. Bearing in mind an effective focal length of 90mm is plenty for me.
, please.

All this HDR thingy got me thinking..............always a first

Anyway I usually use the idiot mode shown here as a easy way out


Can't move far at the moment but. Straight sun streaming through kitchen window, micro wave and kettle polished aluminium, scales etc white. Taken in idiot mode with the 14-45mm. Never seen so many green rectangles appearing in the viewfinder. Straight out of the camera just re-sized..
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Go on Andy tell all. Bearing in mind an effective focal length of 90mm is plenty for me.
, please.

There is plenty under the efl 90mm to make your bank manager sigh! The 25mm f1.4 PanaLeica is a peach, ZD 14-35, ZD 7-14 (no in-camera distortion correction needed for that lens!), the siggy 30/1.8 or the 50/1.4 to name a few...
No point in buying for the sake of it. The problem is the two Olympus lenses are huge, both of them weigh more than my 12-24mm Nikkor.

So I suppose the bank manager can breathe again............actually, do they still exist?

No point in buying for the sake of it. The problem is the two Olympus lenses are huge, both of them weigh more than my 12-24mm Nikkor.

So I suppose the bank manager can breathe again............actually, do they still exist?


Yes, very much so! I think virtually any online retailer I can think of sells them!

The 7-14 is about the only way you can get the quality and width of your Nikkor on FT or mFT - no software correction. I agree the 7-14 or the 14-35 would look silly on the GF1!

I went into a high street bank on Saturday intending to open an ISA but when I got to the counter I was told "there's no one here who can help you with that." So I went home again.

Having thought about it maybe putting money in the bank is silly as the best you can hope for is 3.5% but inflation is what? 6 or 7% at least? In the real world that is, it's certainly not what the politicians say it is. So, I'd imagine that you'll actually be better off buying cameras and lenses as if you stick your money in a bank eventually it'll be worthless.
couple of questions re the GF1 - ive just sold my LX3 as i never really got on with it! - I'm tempted by the GF1 but ia also have an SD9 Video Camera - question - has anyone compared the 2 side by side in video format? Also what is the best lens to use the 20mm or the 14-45mm
Bit of time to kill while waiting for my son to finish at a party.
Bloomin cold on the prom, hence no one else daft enough to be out.

Yes, very much so! I think virtually any online retailer I can think of sells them!

What? Bank Managers.

Which is the best lens? Very difficult to answer that one. Both are very competent, the 14-45mm a great all rounder but a bit slow although the IS makes up for a lot. The 20mm pretty fast but some would say a little limited.

I have both and although people rave about the 20mm if I had to choose just one it would be the zoom..........and that I find surprising.

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I've found myself using the 14-45 more on this trip, as I am mainly shooting landscape stuff in the daytime.

I've gone a little HDR crazy - somebody stop me!!! :LOL:

"ive just sold my LX3"

That might have tempted me, I have an LX2 and I've fancied a 3 for a while. I might take a look at the 4 if / when it comes out.

No idea about your vid question though.
Graham if playing about is your thing. Please note that is "is" not "with", who can criticise you.

Lovely shot, in fact very very lovely shot but apart from mucking about, why HDR?? Was there a reason, no that's a silly question. The lighing is gorgeous.

Good use of toning, could be stepped back a tad to make it warm rather than Sepia, there again that might be a monitor issue.

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Graham I have an Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society in pictorial photography and I would have included this one in my panel.

And for what it's worth I can't remember ever saying that.

Still waiting for the heel/knee/back to mend.................wonder why they haven't flown me off to Finland yet.

Until then a railwayscape.


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When you have as much dosh as Beckham or should I say the Milan FC they will fly you to Finland First Class.(y)

I was offered an operation on my spine on the NHS after loads of scans etc, consultant said the success rate would be 50/50...... Operation would take 4/6 hours with a 50% success and 50% Wheelchair......I told them No Thanks, and my GP agreed with my decision.....now I just pop the pills to keep the pain down.
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I've found myself using the 14-45 more on this trip, as I am mainly shooting landscape stuff in the daytime.

I've gone a little HDR crazy - somebody stop me!!! :LOL:


Callenash (sp?) sooo beautiful and powerful ;)
Graham I have an Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society in pictorial photography and I would have included this one in my panel.

And for what it's worth I can't remember ever saying that.

Still waiting for the heel/knee/back to mend.................wonder why they haven't flown me off to Finland yet.

Until then a railwayscape.



Thanks Brian, you're too kind. :)

Love the railwayscape - looks almost real. Used to love model trains - I'm quite jealous actually. Hope your medical situation picks up by the way.

I have been feeling a little better lately and my long suffering gf is driving me around all the pretty spots on Lewis and Harris. :LOL:

Callenash (sp?) sooo beautiful and powerful ;)

Yup it's an amazing place. Just 5 mins down the road from where I'm staying so I can nip down there when the light is good.
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This is a massive thread with over 1700 posts and I have a had a go at reading them but please excuse me if i ask the following, which has probably been done to death somewhere on here.:)

I have read other threads about upgrading DSLRs and there is always the enticement of upgrading to the next (or next but one) body above the one that one owns - but then there is the concern that is the extra money worth it for a hobbyist like me. But then to get a 'pocket' camera that will do much of what a DSLR will do is possibly a better option as a second camera that would be easier to carry about in situations where I have not gone out to deliberately take photos. Of particular use would be holidays when the cheapo airlines really only want you to carry a toothbrush.:)

I have a Canon Ixus 950IS as a second camera but it does not have anything like the manual control that is useful, particularly in low light, and I can get some pretty poor results from it. Consequently, the GF1/micro 4/3 looks like a good alternative. Accepting that no camera is perfect, I am still not sure which road to choose. Many reviews setting the GF1 againnst the Olympus E-P1 point out that the GF1 has better AF, better LCD, better RAW but that the E-P1 performs better in JPEG - which is all I use as I have no experience of RAW - and I am not sure if I want to spend the time with RAW files.

Cameralabs, DPReview and even Thom Hogan make these points.

One point, I have never printed above 10x8 with the Ixus

One other option would be a Canon G11 but this only seems to take me back to a small sensor.

I would be pleased to know what you users of the GF1 think of these issues
This is a massive thread with over 1700 posts and I have a had a go at reading them but please excuse me if i ask the following, which has probably been done to death somewhere on here.:)

I have read other threads about upgrading DSLRs and there is always the enticement of upgrading to the next (or next but one) body above the one that one owns - but then there is the concern that is the extra money worth it for a hobbyist like me. But then to get a 'pocket' camera that will do much of what a DSLR will do is possibly a better option as a second camera that would be easier to carry about in situations where I have not gone out to deliberately take photos. Of particular use would be holidays when the cheapo airlines really only want you to carry a toothbrush.:)

I have a Canon Ixus 950IS as a second camera but it does not have anything like the manual control that is useful, particularly in low light, and I can get some pretty poor results from it. Consequently, the GF1/micro 4/3 looks like a good alternative. Accepting that no camera is perfect, I am still not sure which road to choose. Many reviews setting the GF1 againnst the Olympus E-P1 point out that the GF1 has better AF, better LCD, better RAW but that the E-P1 performs better in JPEG - which is all I use as I have no experience of RAW - and I am not sure if I want to spend the time with RAW files.

Cameralabs, DPReview and even Thom Hogan make these points.

One point, I have never printed above 10x8 with the Ixus

One other option would be a Canon G11 but this only seems to take me back to a small sensor.

I would be pleased to know what you users of the GF1 think of these issues

The AF of the GF1 is better, but the E-P1 is much better after its firmware upgrade - most of the reviews were prior to this. As far as RAW goes, the E-P2 and E-PL1 seem to just edge the GF1 in RAW tests now, but you'd need to really look hard. Unfortunately the E-P1 can't use the excellent EVF attachment, which is the best available on the mFT format at present (E-P2 and E-PL1 can).

Best RAW performance of all comes from the GH1, but there is a stiff price premium! (The sensor in all mFT cameras is more or less the same, save for different anti-alias filters and the panasonic and olympus have different processing engines, except for the GH1, which has a rather special multi-aspect-ratio sensor which also has more read-out channels on it - which is what gives it the noise and dynamic range edge)

Thanks Graham. I think photography and railway modelling both require " an eye".. I have only indulged in RM for a couple of year. Since my wife died I haven't touched it but it would be nice to get back into it.

I have two layouts the first was my Bavarian layout with the little Glassehausen this one is Southern UK with a "Terrier" sitting steaming quietly outside the warehouse.


Re the knee/back/leg thing I reckon the excercises are working, managed a stagger round ASDA yesterday without too much discomfort.


Buy either. Go and check them out, in the end the difference is aesthetics. Both are highly capable cameras more than able to achieve very high standards of performance. Stop reading reviews it'll do your head in and stunt your growth. And do not read about Jpegs/raw, with either camera set up properly the latter is only for those who enjoy playing.

And remember, to paraphrase JFK, " Ask not what your camera can do for you ,ask what you can do for yuour camera".

In other words most cameras are far more capable than the majority of the people using them whatever the reviewers and ad men would have you believe.

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Buy either. Go and check them out, in the end the difference is aesthetics. Both are highly capable cameras more than able to achieve very high standards of performance. Stop reading reviews it'll do your head in and stunt your growth. And do not read about Jpegs/raw, with either camera set up properly the latter is only for those who enjoy playing.

And remember, to paraphrase JFK, " Ask not what your camera can do for you ,ask what you can do for yuour camera".

In other words most cameras are far more capable than the majority of the people using them whatever the reviewers and ad men would have you believe.



Despite my last post, the differences are not great enough that it won't be instantly overridden by the 'feel' of the camera. Go and try both!
But, here's a bit of a complication.................have a look at a G1 whilst you are in the shop.

The swivelling LCD is great. well if you want to take snaps without the subject knowng anything about it.


This was taken on a Canon G3, 5Mp and six year old technology..

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Buy either. Go and check them out, in the end the difference is aesthetics. Both are highly capable cameras more than able to achieve very high standards of performance.

I agree with this. (y)

Love those last couple of pics Brian. If I ever move into a bigger house I might have to have a go at some RM. :)

I must say if I wasn't such a fashion victim I would probably have got the G1 - I just loved the look/feel of the GF1 so much (and wanted video capability).

Decent EVF and tilting screen would be very handy.

RE the low light performance - this was shot in a very dimly lit church. Both with the 20mm lens wide open, ISO 500 and 1/30. It was shot in RAW though. As Brian says it is more for people who like fiddling around - but for me the combination of GF1 RAW plus Lightroom 2 seems very powerful.



By the way I just saw this...

Yesterday we noticed a price drop on the Panasonic DMW-LVF1 External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1. This made us suspicious. We asked around a little bit and that is what we got:

According to infos we received from Japan the Panasonic DMW-LVF1 is going to be replaced!

ANother japanese source sent us following t0xte:
“Sales clerks at several major retailers around Tokyo (Bic Camera, Yodobashi Camera) have confirmed that the LVF1 is no longer being manufactured by Panasonic, and most places are either out of stock or “on order” with no estimated arrivals.”

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That's just unfair David.

I've just been playing a little guitar after zoid's post and then I come back to that. And not a single cashew to be had in the house. :crying:
A pun too far certainly :LOL:

Nice pic though - what guitar is it? It's very clean compared to my guitars. :)

Mmmmm.... cashew nuts........

Tis a 1993(i think) Yamaha SG1000.
Belongs to some one at work.
They wanted some pics taking of it.
Brian...That old woman with a hot pot is an outstanding picture.
Thanks Woof. I only posted it in an attempt to underline what I said previously about how good cameras are and also the advantages of the swivelling LCD as per the G1.

I do find that there are so many on this and other forums who associate their photographic advancement as being the ability to remember a Pin number.

It might also be a middle finger jobbie for HDR.:)

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