Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Thanks Woof. I only posted it in an attempt to underline what I said previously about how good cameras are and also the advantages of the swivelling LCD as per the G1.

I do find that there are so many on this and other forums who associate their photographic advancement as being the ability to remember a Pin number.

It might also be a middle finger jobbie for HDR.:)


A much overlooked feature - my E-3 has it. Very useful for taken shots at a very low level without lying in the mud or high-up over people's heads. Live-view on DSLRs is nowhere near as good without it, although the screen area tends to be smaller.
Well, I've joined the manual lenses brigade (y)(y)



David, don't like the colour of your nuts ;)


And for those contemplating the kit 14-45mm lens



150% crop

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Strewth!! Ok how many images did you use to stitch that lot together?

I must get a wider screen iMac!!!

Think there was eight in total - very easy to stitch it together with ptgui.

Only problem is I only have a 13" screen on my laptop so I can't really look at it properly at all. Would cost a fortune to print to any decent size too I guess.
I went to Jessops on Saturday but they'd sold out of the nice wrist straps that were mentioned here some pages ago so I had to get a slightly crappy and not too flexible one for £5. When I get a better one I'll put the cheapo one on something else.
I went to Jessops on Saturday but they'd sold out of the nice wrist straps that were mentioned here some pages ago so I had to get a slightly crappy and not too flexible one for £5. When I get a better one I'll put the cheapo one on something else.

I got my OpTech QD Wrist strap from Crooked Imaging on Ebay last week.


They're not listing it specifically at the moment, but might be worth asking via 'email the seller' button if they have any more.
Yes Graham it is. For a mass produced model it's quite spectacular.

Nice one rich - great picture. Wonder if that's a first magazine cover for the GF1 or Micro Four Thirds cameras?

I've been messing around with high ISOs today - while the results aren't amazing by any means I think the seeming consensus that anything above 800 ISO is useless is a bit wrong.

Nothing done to them apart from adding some contrast in Lightroom.

All at 3200 ISO





Nice one rich - great picture. Wonder if that's a first magazine cover for the GF1 or Micro Four Thirds cameras?

Hi Graham, thanks. I'd wondered the same.
Graham. Yes it's larger than 1/43, I think it's 1/18 ( not marked) it's nearly 12" long. don't know where it came from it was a present, I seem to think they are around £150/£200.. Wonderful model though and well worth it. Oh nearly forgot " Minichamps" made in China printed underneath.



PS just Googled them. It looks like the Barnato car is discontinued but the straightforward 4.5 ltr is £190 and 1/18th scale.
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grum - What are those? Are they straight from the camera JPEG's? Or do you shot RAW?

bl0at3r - Thanks for that. I think that Jessops do the same one, at least I think that I saw the same one on their web site which is why I went to the shop. I definitely get a better one and then this £5 one will go on another camera.
Jpeg resized.


It must be one of those days. Bloody cold, dull threatening to rain, the doggies sulking, another 50 minutes to heartbeat/ Ballykiss Angles/ Poirot......SAD REALLY.

But. Your never alone with a HAM..........GF! Oh the above is 1600ISO I chickened out.

Just got a Lowepro Apex 60 AW bag - looks like the perfect thing for walking/climbing/biking - perfect fit for the GF1 and 20mm, fairly well padded, sits nicely on a rucksack chest strap, and has a stow away waterproof cover
That's interesting.

I have a similar one for my smaller LX2 and it looks like you could drop it and your camera off a cliff and be ok.

Any chance of a picture of it with your GF1?
To put it mildly, been having a crap week. Fatigue levels have increased and pain in my right arm is getting worse.
Finally got round to processing some pics from the last few days.

Nice little cam bag, may have to purchase me one of them for putting in the bike bag.
I have an e-620, but really considereing chopping it in for a GF1 as I want a nice compact package with a nice fast prime!
Graham can you buy the fronts seperately or do you have to get the complete thing one for the 20mm and 'tother for 14-45mm?

Due to a pressing need to acquire some additional kit for my sports photography, I'm selling my Voigtlander 40m 1.4 and m4/3rds adaptor - it's in the for sale section at the mo. Shame really as I really like the combination of the GF1 with the wide aperture Voigtlander. It was good while it lasted etc...
Due to a pressing need to acquire some additional kit for my sports photography, I'm selling my Voigtlander 40m 1.4 and m4/3rds adaptor - it's in the for sale section at the mo. Shame really as I really like the combination of the GF1 with the wide aperture Voigtlander. It was good while it lasted etc...

Would absolutely love that - would be perfect for my gig photography I reckon. No way I can afford it at the mo though. :(

Been trying out some macro today - with an old MF lens with extension tubes


And with the 20mm with a Raynox DCR 250 attached (via step up ring)



The 20mm has less reach but it's soooo much sharper.
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Cheers - variation on the theme...

Don't suppose you caught the very brief period of amazing sunset this evening? I failed. It was drizzling pretty much all day but there was a brief period of bright pink bursting through at one point that looked lovely.
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