Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Don't suppose you caught the very brief period of amazing sunset this evening? I failed.

What with one of those complete with bluebells and tombstones I really would have been reaching for the Hemlock. :thumbsdown:

Cheers - variation on the theme...

Don't suppose you caught the very brief period of amazing sunset this evening? I failed. It was drizzling pretty much all day but there was a brief period of bright pink bursting through at one point that looked lovely.

missed it. Usually get to see the sunsets from my house but wife had taken kids out and i was busy driving myself potty with Photomatix.
No, I'm not a miserable bugger ( well perhaps I am, if truth be told I am) but there are some photographic subjects which have almost become a cliche , bit like the three flying ducks from the fifties. And I haven't mentioned photographs of water swirling around rocks with long exposures.......yet.

But whatever, thank God we are all different. However, imagine a graveyard full of bluebells sweeping down to a rocky beach, photographed against a huge red sunset, and so far I haven't mentioned Macro photography.
Zoidberg I really like your churchyard images. Love the large sweep of colour from the purple crocuses (or should that be croci?) in the first, and the second one with the view of the church and the purple across the corner, then the splash of red and yellow against the stormy clouded sky is really thought provoking I think.
Only 49 Brittany doggies were registered last year. Wesson did his best, 5 were his offspring's. This is the one I kept back, Smith II, but the brain kicked in and he has now gone off to a farm in Wales, bless.


As I mentioned before , we are all different but I wouldn't swap all the graveyard/ bluebell etc photographs in the world for one snap like this. No, I spent too many years on as a judge on the camera club circuit ever to want to see another one. Have I mentioned those wretched silhouette jobbies so beloved of readers of certain well know photographic magazines ?
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As I mentioned before , we are all different but I wouldn't swap all the graveyard/ bluebell etc photographs in the world for one snap like this. No, I spent too many years on as a judge on the camera club circuit ever to want to see another one. Have I mentioned those wretched silhouette jobbies so beloved of readers of certain well know photographic magazines ?

Nice pics guys & nice doggie Brian (y)

I agree there are many clichés in photography, but every single photo will be subtly different.

I like to experiment with every type of shot, cliché or not, but I do prefer the more unusual/unique shots - especially ones that break all the 'photography rules' .
Don't get me wrong. We all at some time or other get suckered into things. I went through a graveyard period, grew out of it fairly promptly and discovered girls.



But as you grow older graveyards become less appealing :thinking:

but every single photo will be subtly different.

Sorry Alan, life's too short.

but I do prefer the more unusual/unique shots

I agree Alan and I have just enjoyed looking through your stuff.

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Don't get me wrong. We all at some timeor other get succoured into things. I went through a graveyard period.

But as you grow older graveyards become less appealing :thinking:

Sorry Alan, life's too short.
I agree Alan and I have just enjoyed looking through your stuff.


2 great graveyard shots there Brian - captures the sombre mood in the 1st one perfectly
Thanks for the comments (y)
Did I mention girls in my previous?

Whilst I was looking for the morbid graveyard things I found this rather nice snap.


The thing is apart from suicide, incest, murder and eating McDonald's I am a firm believer in that you should never criticise anyone until you have walked a while in his Moccasins.

Only 49 Brittany doggies were registered last year. Wesson did his best, 5 were his offspring's. This is the one I kept back, Smith II, but the brain kicked in and he has now gone off to a farm in Wales, bless.


As I mentioned before , we are all different but I wouldn't swap all the graveyard/ bluebell etc photographs in the world for one snap like this. No, I spent too many years on as a judge on the camera club circuit ever to want to see another one. Have I mentioned those wretched silhouette jobbies so beloved of readers of certain well know photographic magazines ?

Isn't the dog pic just a different type of cliche though? Nice pic but I've seen similar pics a thousand times over.

It's the same with music - everything's been done before, no point getting hung about it imo. I'm all for trying new things but I also enjoy doing some stuff that even I consider pretty cheesy.

I really love the great outdoors (and me and Zoidberg live in a fairly nice part of the world) and so I like taking landscape shots - I'm also quite into history and old buildings etc. Personally I can't really fathom the appeal of collecting stamps. ;)

To use another cliche, it's a good thing we are all different or the world would be a boring place!
Isn't the dog pic just a different type of cliché though?

Yes but I would have thought anyone would have realised that it was an aside. It was intended to lighten the mood, obviously wasted. All I was really trying to demonstrate that a boring personal snap is sometimes of infinitely more value than the " Artisic Masterpiece"

Yes it's true everything has been done but I do think a lot has been overdone.

Personally I can't really fathom the appeal of collecting stamps.

I can understand that, well apart from your claim to be interested in history is a contradiction. But as you say we are all different I can't see any point cycling around with a funny streamlined hat on.:)

Another point with collecting stamps, it's such a huge subject that unlike photography it has far fewer experts....................and far fewer take themselves so seriously.
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Did I mention girls in my previous?

Whilst I was looking for the morbid graveyard things I found this rather nice snap.


The thing is apart from suicide, incest, murder and eating McDonald's I am a firm believer in that you should never criticise anyone until you have walked a while in his Moccasins.


I never realised your legs were that smooth. :D

On a slightly different note, has anyone tried the Voigtlander 40mm optical viewfinder with the pancake?
GF1 Video anyone? Me on YouTube

Do you find the 'out of focus' dashboard etc off putting or better? I am using a large aperture and focusing manually just past the end of the bonnet. Would you prefer to see the whole dash in focus?

Wind noise is bearable, however I may try and stick a bit of sponge or fur over it - not sure how yet without being pikey.

As far as the format of the video - I chose AVHCD and to 'import' it, I simply browsed the memory card, went into the following folder


In here were each of the clips, which I copied to the pc hard disk and then was able to open with Windows Media Player , Picasa & Windows Movie Maker. I had a trial of Adobe Premier Elements but that has expired so can't say if it will open the files.

I was able to upload in 720 'HD' to YouTube from Picasa or Windows Movie Maker - incidentally the newest version of Windows Live Movie Maker (for Vista & Win 7 only) seems much better than previous versions I had used. Obviously not upto Premier standards but it is free and allows some editing, transitions, fading, snipping, etc

And crucially it handles GF1 video perfectly (y)

Gonna try some timelapse next.......
Just bit the bullet....

Camera and 20mm will be with me on Tuesday :banana:
Seems this place has died the death............doesn't surprise me.

Off to pastures new.

Seems this place has died the death............doesn't surprise me.

Off to pastures new.


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Hope you'll be happier in your pastures new.(y)
Every time I pick up this little camera I'm pleased I got it.

I snapped this from an upstairs window yesterday as it suddenly began to snow.


I'm very pleased with this camera, colours, dynamic range, quickness of response, everything.
Snap Woof Woof, I feel the same about it......can't see me change this one for a long time unless they upgrade it of course.
anyone got a DMW-LVF1 viewfinder they want to sell?
Sold up all of my SLR gear (D700, D300, D80, D70IR and £10k of lenses) mostly to fund other hobbies but also because since emigrating to New Zealand we just don't want to carry the weight when hiking, kayaking, cycling, etc.

Picked up a GF-1 with 20mm lens and the 14-45 and 45-200 and have been really impressed. Obviously no match for the old gear but I take it pretty much everywhere and haven't missed the SLR kit at all so far :) I've held on to all of my Lee Filters and various flashes so will be experimenting with them soon (just need to find a suitable step up ring for the Lee Filter adaptor).

For us at least, going backwards was a very positive move :D
I'm glad that you're happy with your decision.

I've been impressed so far as the GF1 with 20mm f1.7 seems to pretty much fulfil the role I wanted it to, that of a modern digital replacement for a quality non SLR 35mm film camera.

With an optical viewfinder the GF1 would be pretty much perfect and even without one it's still the best non SLR digital camera I've owned or tried even beating my lovely LX2.
I'm glad that you're happy with your decision.

I've been impressed so far as the GF1 with 20mm f1.7 seems to pretty much fulfil the role I wanted it to, that of a modern digital replacement for a quality non SLR 35mm film camera.

With an optical viewfinder the GF1 would be pretty much perfect and even without one it's still the best non SLR digital camera I've owned or tried even beating my lovely LX2.

See my latest attempts ...I'm learning fast!

I'm glad that you're happy with your decision.

I've been impressed so far as the GF1 with 20mm f1.7 seems to pretty much fulfil the role I wanted it to, that of a modern digital replacement for a quality non SLR 35mm film camera.

With an optical viewfinder the GF1 would be pretty much perfect and even without one it's still the best non SLR digital camera I've owned or tried even beating my lovely LX2.

Ive just done the same to replace my LX3 and Im pretty impressed so far !
I kept my LX2.

I think that the GF1 is a better camera but the LX2 is smaller and can be taken when even the GF1 is too big plus it has the lovely 16:9 ratio and is simply too nice a thing to part with. :)
To be honest I found the LX3 too small and the dial always changed settings - not great when you wanted a quick shot!. The GF1 with a 20mm is pretty portable !
I kept my LX2.

I think that the GF1 is a better camera but the LX2 is smaller and can be taken when even the GF1 is too big plus it has the lovely 16:9 ratio and is simply too nice a thing to part with. :)

All totally true. (y)

So why did I sell the LX2????? :bonk:

The GF1 is a remarkable tool and covers more bases than probably any digi camera before it. The LX2 was just most likable camera I've ever owned. If I had a pound for every time it surprised and impressed me with control and IQ, and 10p for each time it left me smiling after getting a shot I'd be a rich blokey indeed.
I just checked & it is still there Munchkin (y)
Weird, it's working again now - definitely wasn't earlier. I think it would look better with the dash in focus personally.

If anyone is thinking of doing something similar I got my Super clamp from Calumet via Amazon.co.uk (cheaper than Calumet's website!?) here. It's cheaper than the Manfrotto one and includes the spigot, so is about £10 all in...
Guys, I finally got "good to go" from my missus to sell my Sony A300 and buy GF-1:)
Now, I'm still worried if thats a good way to go right now. I am worried about few things:

- lack of IBIS for 20mm pancake lens or any other pancakes without OIS
- lack of viewfinder

If I go for it I will buy with kit lens 14-45. You see only reason my missus let me buy it is video recording option - we need a video recording thing to record our daughter. For me it is also great step forward from having Sony A300 - I think it is...
I believe GF-1 has a lot of better optinos and IQ will be better than Sony a300, I guess?

Now, another question is - should I wait for G2? Builtin viewfinder, swivel touchscreen and stuff... I won't have IBIS so its same for me as getting GF-1, but will have few things I may take advantage of.
I wonder what will be the price for G2 with 14-42 lens.. £600?
What do you guys think?
Just on the IS question... It would be nice but I can't say that it's a deal breaker for me. The 20mm is f1.7 and you get reasonable dof control so I just set "auto ISO" and just get on with things and the camera seems to manage well enough.

Hopefully someone else can answer the other points.
Just on the IS question... It would be nice but I can't say that it's a deal breaker for me. The 20mm is f1.7 and you get reasonable dof control so I just set "auto ISO" and just get on with things and the camera seems to manage well enough.

Hopefully someone else can answer the other points.

I'm only worried about indoors photos with this lens - I have shaky hands and I don't waht to be dissapointed when I buy it and see after few shots I cannot make it working for me.
What about video with 20mm? do you see all shakes during video recording?
Picked up a GF-1 from mathers a few weeks ago and thought I would share some shots... All taken with 20mm Pancake, jpegs then edited in Aperture.




Seriously.. you must be some pro photographer and know all the tricks how to squize all the possible options from this camera + PP magician or this camera is really that good:)

How do you make such a sharp photos great colors amazing framing? I suck in this big time.. I should just sell my A300 and hide under some big rock ...
Video with the 20mm is not great without a tripod imo - it is quite shaky. Much better with the 14-45.

I don't know much about the A300 but I wouldn't have thought you are going to see a big difference in IQ with the GF1. The 20mm lens is great though which certainly helps.
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