Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Yup, if I order a camera in the future, they're someone to consider. Hm.. They charger displays a green LED.. I wonder if that means it's already charged ;)

Ah.. found 'The light on the charger will stay green while it's charging and will turn off once the battery is fully charged.'. So I'll have to wait a bit ;)
Yup, if I order a camera in the future, they're someone to consider. Hm.. They charger displays a green LED.. I wonder if that means it's already charged ;)

Ah.. found 'The light on the charger will stay green while it's charging and will turn off once the battery is fully charged.'. So I'll have to wait a bit ;)

Takes about 2 hours to charge, and then your fun starts.

Fotobooms site all in Dutch !
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Ah.. Well, I'll go do some shopping then. Sitting here watching the green LED would become frustrating.

So far, the size seems very similar to the Powershot G9, but it's far less 'brick'-like. It feels a bit less heavy as well. I opened and closed the shutter, it does not seem to be that flimsy afterall, as it does not rattle or wobble and there's a nice solid sound when collapsing it into the body. Same goes for the battery/SD-card hatch - a slider is used to lock it into place and there's no movement when closed.

Attaching the 20mm lens was a bit scary though, I could hear (albeit faint, a hint of the sound, as the room was completely silent) the metal sliding across metal, but upon inspection there's no damage, no 'tracks'. The 'lock into place' as stated by the manual, is less audible than I would like. I gently checked if it would turn back without pressing the release button, but it was firmly attached, so the faint 'click' I heard, must have been the locking mechanism.

The 'mode' and horizontal scroll wheel as well as the tiny 'single-continuous-bracket-timed' lever, rotate and move very confidently through their respective positions.

Hm.. The shutter release button seems a bit wobbly before it reaches the first 'pressed' state, but that's just me nit-picking.
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A big gap there, as the battery finished charging and I made my first shots ;)

After a few pictures I thought 'Let's try manual focus!'... and then I got stuck.. I couldn't figure out how to focus :| I went inside, tried it there, no change.. Then, suddenly, I realized I had to rotate a section of the lens :p

Anyway, here is one of my first pictures (sec.. modifying code):

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Like the pic mate, I like Lupins

Never tried manual focus so might need tuition on that if I decide to do it.
Thanks ;) I'll try to take some more exciting pictures soon.

Manual focus is easier than I thought - you rotate the er.. 'focus ring' (I am not sure what I should call it), and while you rotate, your screen will show you a zoomed section (mid center) of what you are pointing your camera at. Get that area focused and click to take the shot ;)
Cheers NeeNee you've taught me something..

Hope all is going well for you with your new toy:)
My pleasure :) Yup, all is well and I will post some new images very soon.

Here you go ;)

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due to still being unemployed i might be selling my entire kit of GF1 body with EVF 20mm pancake lens & 45-200mm zoom
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prefer to sell the whole kit together if poss....will have a think about it
I could be interested in the 45-200mm ;)
my kit is now for sale in the classifieds...may split if enough interest but would like to sell as complete kit
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Sorry to hear you are having to sell up Trevor.

GF1 and 14-45....jpegs....




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@ NeeNee

The food looks just great, and a great pic of it too.

Thank you. I did some minor post-processing to make the colours stand out a bit more - the room I was in has no daylight lamp or anything fancy, so I tried to get it back to how it would look outdoors in 'neutral' conditions.

I'm now going through all the cameras options/modes to see what does what exactly ;)

Very nice pictures grum - thanks for sharing :)
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Wow Grum.
Like the Ashton Memorial pic.
Got loads when i was shooting with the D80, havent been up there with GF1 yet.
Want to try some HDR of the Memorial.

Today I got my lens-protector in, tomorrow I should have my lens-case, so I'll finally allow myself to take my camera out with me and take pictures of something other than bugs and plants :)
there must be someone looking for some GF1 kit...all must be sold this week guys
Some more pictures - I just learnt how to take the second one (droplet) today - very cool stuff, I'll try to do something with coloured liquid in the near future :D

Part of Dinner (added brown rice, pepper, soy-sauce, egg to it short after) + Droplet in Reverse

Hoverfly having a Break + Different Strawberry

Damselfly + Buttercups
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Robb I will sort out sponsoring you too - nice one.

Lovely pics neenee - you seem to have a good selection of critters in your garden and you have got pretty close to them! Like the droplet shot too.
Neenee love the pictures, have u done photogrpahy before. Makes me want to pull my camera out. Might try some stuff this weekend.

Are you shooting in jpeg or Raw
NeeNee they are brilliant, I really must try taken pics of critters in my garden with my GF1......Tell us how you did it.:)
Thank you for the compliments :D

Nadeem - I've been taking pictures for a few years (started off with a 'simple' point and shoot, then moved on to the Powershot G9, which helped me learn a lot about manual control, and now I'm enjoying my GF1), mainly for the fun of it and to have something other than memories of events/social gatherings.

oldboy2000 - I'm not that close to the bugs as you might think - I did crop the shots and the 'subjects' were more interested in sunbathing/flowers than they seemed to be in me, so they stayed put for the most part.

I start by taking pictures as far away from them as possible, to at least have something in the event they fly off had I tried it close-up straight away. Then, I take a step or two or move an inch or two closer, and take another shot, until I am satisfied I have taken enough usable pictures to leave me with something presentable.
Cheers mate......and thats all with the 20mm lens? and Auto or Manual focus?
Pics keep getting better and better.

Its the Kite Festival in Morecambe this weekend, so should be some decent opportunities to get the camera out.
All with 20mm and Manual Focus.

Here's another I just took, the bumble bee was resting so it was not a difficult shot, but I could not get too close, as it would raise its legs towards me, as a sign it felt threatened.

I may have over-sharpened it a bit.

Thanks, I can't wait until I have my cheap macro filters in to see what can be done with those :D
Well i picked up my GF1 today!! Took a few shots at a local park and some in a derelict haunted Cottage!! not great but ok. It's nice to have the old girl back!!(y)

Not going to be about much as got a few family probs (Health) but I'll post when i can.

1: Sitting in the hire car (mine was being serviced!) just after picking the GF1 up and testing that all was OK.

2: From a local Park


4: From a Haunted Cottage that i'll be spending the night in soon.
Settings were all wrong on these ones.


6:One of the Haunted Cottages!
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