Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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I am particularly pleased with this, taken on Saturday in Canterbury with the 20mm pancake:

- flickr

(edited: not Sunday)
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I am particularly pleased with this, taken yesterday in Canterbury with the 20mm pancake:

You can't beat sausages cooked on an open wood fire on sticks :p

Both Superb (y) and welcome Aglet :wave:

I took a couple yesterday too with the GF1 + 20mm




Took quite a few photos yesterday which was nice - most with the 7D though !
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Only joking mate.....like the 7d pics in Flickr

Really must try and get out and take some pics, but its just too hot for us these days, fan going full blast in here already today.
I am stupid, Andy!!! I was forgetting that the crop factor is in camera.. so its a 100mm lens equiv!!

Of course there is a point. nice to have a 100mm 1.7 :)

i know you have to manual focus but does the aperture control work with an adapter.. ie, can you use all the apertures the lenses are capable of?

As Grum says 'yes' as the aperture is manual so if you put the Gf1 on Aperture priority it will choose the shutter speed depending on what aperture you set on the lens (and ISO!). It is a fun part of photography!

It's not too dissimilar to the 40mm 1.8 you've got but I would say it's even sharper. Have seen it described as one the sharpest lenses ever made by anyone!
I thought that was the 57mm f1.2?!?! Anyhoo I think I may go for this lens (if still for sale!) as it would be nice to have more than 1 Konica lens. :D

Edit: ARSE!!! It's sold :(
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As Grum says 'yes' as the aperture is manual so if you put the Gf1 on Aperture priority it will choose the shutter speed depending on what aperture you set on the lens (and ISO!). It is a fun part of photography!

Well looks like i'll be having fun or getting fustrated as just got myself a Carl Ziess Jena 135mm f3.5, Supposed to be a nice lens so they say.

But i have no idea of how well i'll manage with MF and Apeture setting. No time like now to begin to learn.
As Grum says 'yes' as the aperture is manual so if you put the Gf1 on Aperture priority it will choose the shutter speed depending on what aperture you set on the lens (and ISO!). It is a fun part of photography!

I thought that was the 57mm f1.2?!?! Anyhoo I think I may go for this lens (if still for sale!) as it would be nice to have more than 1 Konica lens. :D

Edit: ARSE!!! It's sold :(

With the new standard lens, Konica had a great success. It is much sharper than its already good predecessor – later, some magazines would praise it as one of the sharpest lenses ever built by anyone. Even today, more than 30 years after its introduction, there are not many better lenses to buy on the market.

But not only in sharpness the image quality is first class. Contrast and evenness of illumination are just as convincing as the neutral colour rendition – all in all, the Hexanon AR 50 mm / F1.7 is absolutely a premium, first class lens.


I'm afraid Sandiman off here beat you to it. :(
Looks like there is a firmware hack in the works for the GF1 to improve the video too

By utilizing the same groundwork of this DMC-GH1 hack, a group of crafty coders have devised a way to allow for all sorts of funky tweaks to the beloved Lumix GF1 -- most notably, 1080p video recording. Besides the full HD recording, using a reworked version of the camera's firmware, the micro four thirds shooter has had its video recording bit rates upped, added 4.2.2 color sampling, and looks like it could be getting full manual control and 24p/25p shooting options down the road.


Don't know how interested everyone is in video but to me this is quite exciting!
Very Interesting, Why can't Panasonic support it themselfs, becasue if they gave you everything what would they put in the GF 2 and they all do it restrict hardware by firmware really makes me mad

Good on the Hackers
Can anyone share some thoughts on how focussing works when recording video? With my camcorder it just records and focus is perfect. I assume that's not the case with the gf1? Does it need to be refocussed by half pressing the shutter?
Can anyone share some thoughts on how focussing works when recording video? With my camcorder it just records and focus is perfect. I assume that's not the case with the gf1? Does it need to be refocussed by half pressing the shutter?

It does, and it sometimes 'hunts' a little when refocussing.
Catching up on my 365. Seem to be shooting as much with the iPhone as i do with the GF1. Cant wait to get hold with iPhone 4 and its 5mp camera. Seen some wonderfull images and video from it. But i digress.

Damn new Flickr and changing the page layouts.

Got a pic from today to PP, but have to wait till i get home, no CS3 installed at work.
Found out that the GF1 is receptive to IR light.
Stuck a P mount IR filter infront of it last week and it worked well, so got a 720nm IR filter of flea-bay and time to play.

Setting WB on the GF1 is a piece of cake as well.
Just need to get my head around IR postprocessing now.
The videos look very nice, can I ask how you keep focus on the moving sled? Do you have to continually half press of do you lock focus, release and the camera maintains focus?

your asking something there. I took those video's at christmas. Think i just pushed the button and that was it.
Havent really played with video since then,
would you say it's usable or is the video focus to slow?

Definitely usable - think it just depends what/how you are trying to shoot. I think if the light is good enough it will select a smaller aperture so more things will be in focus anyway.

I've mostly used the video mode fixed with manual lenses tbh though



Robb - I love those IR pics - can you give me a link to the one you bought?
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Robb - I love those IR pics - can you give me a link to the one you bought?

Been desperate to play with IR. The D80 was next to useless, the filter infront of the CCD blocked just about all the IR light.
GF1 on the other hand, you can compose and focus with the IR filter in place.
That was f/1.7 @ 5S, ISO 100. Shot in RAW. Only downside is you really need to use Photoshop to do the channel mixing stuff, Lightroom is slightly lacking that way.

Heres the filter i got.

Gives me a new way of shooting this summer
Been desperate to play with IR. The D80 was next to useless, the filter infront of the CCD blocked just about all the IR light.
GF1 on the other hand, you can compose and focus with the IR filter in place.
That was f/1.7 @ 5S, ISO 100. Shot in RAW. Only downside is you really need to use Photoshop to do the channel mixing stuff, Lightroom is slightly lacking that way.

Heres the filter i got.

Gives me a new way of shooting this summer

Interesting thanks Robb(y)

I see that Pixlamb also does them - stocked in, and posted from the UK (incase anyone dubious about buying from HK etc). I have used Pixlamb several times without problems.
Bit more IR, this time post process using the above mentioned action. Then final tweaking in LightRoom.

Can anyone explain to me the point of IR? I dont quite understand it.. I think it looks horrible!! :D
I just shot this caterpillar of the 'Gypsy Moth' (had to look that up :p) ;)

It's still too warm to really do some proper photography though :|

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That's great!

By the way.. you got one of those brown ever ready cases didnt you? was it the real leather ones for £80 or so, or the imitation ones?

and more importantly.. how are you finding it??
Thanks - one shot out of 15 or so, the rest were all focused on different parts, but this one captured the largest portion of the caterpillar. Thankfully it was not moving :)

Janice - I have one of the cheaper ones (38GBP), but I find it well-made and it fits the camera well. I now use it instead of the Lowepro N1 case for my camera+20mm and I use the separate back-only cover with the bottom-half cover when I have the 45-200mm attached while not in use, so that I won't accidentally damage the back somehow.
its surprising how pretty caterpillars are! I love the first lots of spots being blue and the rest red. Well captured!

And thanks for the info about the case. I must get one soon!
Can anyone explain to me the point of IR? I dont quite understand it.. I think it looks horrible!! :D

Point of IR?
For me its another angle for shooting stuff.
You get to shoot in the mid-day sun when light is crap for anything else and it looks pretty(subjective point i know, but i like the look). ;)
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