Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Having a real crisis here guys, the evil one is calling to me again - another day of carrying a round the 5DMKII and lenses has managed to trap a nerve. I know I'm out of shape so it's my own fault but dam it's a drag..

Anyhow, look what I found:


Some of the most stunning GF1 pictures I've seen so far.
Having a real crisis here guys, the evil one is calling to me again - another day of carrying a round the 5DMKII and lenses has managed to trap a nerve. I know I'm out of shape so it's my own fault but dam it's a drag..

Anyhow, look what I found:


Some of the most stunning GF1 pictures I've seen so far.

<subliminal>Do it, Buy it, Now</subliminal> :LOL:

Aye, that is a great site, think one of us spotted that one about 10 pages back (y)(y)
So, so tempted to get one of these but am also wanting to get into OCF portraits. Would need to get rid of my D200 to fund the GF1 :(
There are good flashes for the GF1 too. Panasonic 360 or Olympus fl36

sure there must be OC leads for them .. or use them in manual with R602's

or cheaper flashes that are manual anyway.. Yongnuo 460/560

I have a Metz 36 which is ttl. You can adjust up or down in camera

A whole world of choice out there! :D
Not sure about a full list but I guess Pentax and Sony/ Minolta as the info for the Novoflex adapters says:

"Nikon, Pentax K and Sony adaptors have a rotating control ring to allow lenses with no manual aperture setting (e.g. Nikon G-series) to be stopped down." from the Speedgraphic link above.

Now that is a game changer - thanks for the link (y)

Seems my wide angle needs could be catered for without spending huge sums of money then!
Congratulations mate. I'm sure you will enjoy it and take many shots with it.

You could start of with one of the dog..lol


Funny you should say that...

Seems to work with pocket wizards pretty well. Well, pretty is probably not the right word...

No comments about owners looking like their dogs...

I love some of the JPEG's. Does anybody know if I can get Lightroom profiles that match the film styles?
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Finally got my GF1 swapped with Jessops after the mix up...

God I love great customer service, when I find some I'll let you know :D

Anyway 1st pic out, a willing model as ever - would have to be my Daughter... just a bit of PP in LR



Have to say it all looks very promising, just one question - can I get an onscreen show of how many images I have left on my card, I don't seem to have that at present...

Think it'll be off with the rest of my Nikon stuff after my holiday and on with more lenses :)

EDIT: For some reason the image doesn't show, I'm not sure why so I'm including the url of the page... any ideas anyone?
GF1 should tell you how many pictures you have left but I think that there are a couple of different display formats, just press the Display button and it should toggle between displays and one of them should have the remain count in the bottom right hand corner.
Aha, found it!

One of those daft options hidden away somewhere... all is well in the world once more :D
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I've just checked on mine and the only time I get the recording time in the bottom right hand corner is when I have the top mode dial set to P(and a picture of a movie camera.) If I move the mode selector to M, S, A or P I get the remain count.
Finally got my GF1 swapped with Jessops after the mix up...

God I love great customer service, when I find some I'll let you know :D

Anyway 1st pic out, a willing model as ever - would have to be my Daughter... just a bit of PP in LR



Have to say it all looks very promising, just one question - can I get an onscreen show of how many images I have left on my card, I don't seem to have that at present...

Think it'll be off with the rest of my Nikon stuff after my holiday and on with more lenses :)

EDIT: For some reason the image doesn't show, I'm not sure why so I'm including the url of the page... any ideas anyone?

Lovely images from the GF1 mate. These are the type I want to achieve with my 7 month old.. (y)

Hope you don't mind but you said the upload wasn't working so had a try for you.

Lovely images from the GF1 mate. These are the type I want to achieve with my 7 month old.. (y)

Hope you don't mind but you said the upload wasn't working so had a try for you.

Thanks mate, how did you manage that?

I've never had much of a problem with uploading to here before! :wacky:
Thanks mate, how did you manage that?

I've never had much of a problem with uploading to here before! :wacky:

All I do is open the image from the selection, click actions and then click all sizes. This then shows all of the available sizes. Select the desired size in this case the max one that is allowed on here and then right click, copy image address (mac) and then paste that into the add image tab. Make sure you don't have 2 x http:// as it won't work.

Have a go yourself mate.


I was wondering if you used RAW for that photo?

I noticed you used 'Landscape'. If you were using jpg then landscape would provide a bit much sharpening. Try portrait and see if this looks better for skin.

Sorry if I have got you wrong... I always use RAW and you may have too, in which case those modes dont do anything!!
Thanks Janice, I'm pretty sure I used RAW.

I usually shoot in colour and then PP in LR, PS or Aperture, dependent on my mood. I tend to sharpen quite a bit - I like B&W as it's nice and simple being colour blind :D
Thanks Janice, I'm pretty sure I used RAW.

I usually shoot in colour and then PP in LR, PS or Aperture, dependent on my mood. I tend to sharpen quite a bit - I like B&W as it's nice and simple being colour blind :D
Righty, I'm almost of the verge of ordering a GF1, with 14-45mm as an alternative to lugging my DSLR up mountains. Any good deals around at the moment? Best I've found is Currys online who can do the kit for a shade under £500 (with discount code SALES6). Oddly, they are 30 quid cheaper than this if I want a grey body, which I don't....

As an aside, was round at my folks yesterday and got chatting with my dad about a Minolta X300 he had back in the 80s. He's still got it, along with a mint Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7. Woohoo, MD to M4/3 adapter here I come.
couple of 3 pics from the past few days.

Charlie this morning.


Another from this morning, B&W IR of Ashton Memorial.

Very nice mate. Charlie can pose..!
Righty, I'm almost of the verge of ordering a GF1, with 14-45mm as an alternative to lugging my DSLR up mountains. Any good deals around at the moment? Best I've found is Currys online who can do the kit for a shade under £500 (with discount code SALES6). Oddly, they are 30 quid cheaper than this if I want a grey body, which I don't....

As an aside, was round at my folks yesterday and got chatting with my dad about a Minolta X300 he had back in the 80s. He's still got it, along with a mint Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7. Woohoo, MD to M4/3 adapter here I come.

I always found Mathers to be cheapest and good service


But since you get the discount then i think Currys is the best bet
Having spent far too long reading this thread, worrying about how I would cope without my D200 and Sigma 24-70 2.8 if I got a GF-1 and 20mm kit. I have realised how little I actually use the D200, and i've not used the 24-70 outside of the house!

So...i'm going to sell it and get the GF-1 to try and get my spark back. Can still use all of my cheap flashes with it if i get some triggers from FITP and if i need TTL I can look at the Metz as mentioned earlier.
Why not sell the expensive lenses and keep the DSLR with a cheapo lens or prime and then it's there if you want to get it out again.

I love my GF1 but I've no intention of selling my DSLR. I think that they compliment each other well.
I've only got one 'expensive' lens for the d200 and it's worth £250 and don't have funds to have over £1k of camera equipment sitting around. I've not used the D200 since my future sister in laws wedding at the end of June (and that was the first time i'd used it since March!)

If I don't get on with the GF-1 I can swap back to a DSLR but at the moment it's not getting used. I walk the dog miles ever dayand always see lovely things to photography, but never have the motivation the take the D200 out with me. I might be coming across as short sighted, but for what I use the camera for I think the GF-1 will be perfect, and if it gets my love for photography back enough to make me want another DSLR in a year or 2... GREAT!, plus I will be in the position that I will be able to afford to keep the GF-1 2 years down the line (once i've stopped saving for the wedding and my car is paid off)
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OK. I see your point.

I have my DSLR, GF1, LX2 and a compact (as well as film gear) and the GF1 and LX2 are great to put in a pocket or bag and take in instances when I don't want to take a DSLR so for what you have in mind I'd say that a GF1 will be great. I only have the 20mm f1.7 and don't intend to get anything else at the moment as this package seems to almost perfectly replace my film compacts, which is why my lovely but now unused Bessa is for sale...
If this wee camera makes me want to take pics again, then I personally think it's going to be better for me than DLSR which is a door stop. I'll keep my Nikkor 50mm 1.8 if I need a little reach (effective 100mm on m4/3's?).

Oops... too late, order has went it with Currys :LOL:
Having spent far too long reading this thread, worrying about how I would cope without my D200 and Sigma 24-70 2.8 if I got a GF-1 and 20mm kit. I have realised how little I actually use the D200, and i've not used the 24-70 outside of the house!

So...i'm going to sell it and get the GF-1 to try and get my spark back. Can still use all of my cheap flashes with it if i get some triggers from FITP and if i need TTL I can look at the Metz as mentioned earlier.

Sold all my dSLR kit last year and have just been using the GF1 + 20mm since.
Love it. May buy another lens at some point.
Currently eying up lightweight tripods.
It will be getting a good work out in Tunsia at the start the month..then Prague and Berlin.Can't wait to get my grubby mitts on it. Now the fun of selling my kit.
The only reason I still have my DSLR is because I like to shoot motorsport and wildlife. The GF1 or any m4/3 just cannot compare in those areas.

That said I'm going to try my 300mm F4 on the GF1 using an adapter - just to see...
The only reason I still have my DSLR is because I like to shoot motorsport and wildlife. The GF1 or any m4/3 just cannot compare in those areas.

That said I'm going to try my 300mm F4 on the GF1 using an adapter - just to see...
Yeah I can see why you would keep a bigger body for sport/wildlife, bit silly having a huge lens on a compactish size body. I'm a people person,like a good portarit or candid,and the closest I get to wildlife is my dog :LOL:
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