The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

The A9 is absolute overkill for non professionals and probably quite a few pro's as well.

I don't get this point of view, being a professional and earning money from photography bears no relation to wanting to use good equipment.
Stick to fishing for likes on Facebook :)

Stick to making an arrogant knob of yourself on a daily basis, it's really working out for you.
There's a piece on The online photographer on big 35mm lenses, which is best and what's good enough...


TBH he comes over as a tool (I know he's not, but the piece is dumb). The lens was designed and made for a particular purpose (and is also available for Sony, which the Tamron he lauds is not). Don't want that lens? Don't buy it. For those who do there is nothing else comparable on the market.

Yes, there's a current trend to make relatively affordable fast aftermarket primes large, probably because it's easier to control distortion and shape in a larger element than a smaller one. There's also plenty of tiny lenses with smaller apertures if you don't want to lug a 35mm lens weighing >1kg around, but at least we have a choice.

Personally speaking, I'm sorely tempted to acquire a 35mm ART in FE mount simply to have available one of the best lenses ever made in that focal length, at a price close to a Sony kit lens.
I'm sure it's a lovely lens but the sheer size of these very good 35mm f1.4's puts me off and I'm happy enough with the ones I have. Mostly. The Sony f1.8 is nice for the close focus ability, fast focusing and f1.8, the Sony f2.8 is amazingly compact and optically perfectly good enough for me and the Voigtlander f1.4 is IMO gorgeous to use and gives a nice look stopped down a bit. So that's three to choose from. I've pretty much stopped using my f1.8 and f2.8 film era 35's since I got the Voigtlander.

An AF 35mm f1.4 more compact than the Sony f1.8 and giving nice bokeh would be lovely but I wont hold my breath.
At DPR you can vote for the most significant camera of the 2010's.

Some of the DPR choices seem to me to be more like efforts to include rather than genuine contenders for the title of most significant. The Nikon J/Vx's? Really? A true contender for the title of the most significant camera of the 2010's? Really? Leica T? Really? The most significant? The Canon 6D? I think I'd also be tempted to say that the Canikon entries into the FF mirrorless market aren't worthy either as they don't seem to break any new ground and instead just seem to be following Sony's lead.

If I was going to vote I'd vote for either the Panasonic G1 or the Olympus equivalent as these were the first MFT mirrorless cameras and morrorless seems significant to me but I think these came out in 2009 so they're too early so instead I'll go for the A7 as it was the first FF mirrorless. AFAIK. Maybe the A7III or A9 could be realistic candidates as they moved the mirrorless game on to the point that they equalled or exceeded DSLR's for the first time.

What do you think? What should get the vote?

Or maybe DPR are right and the likes of the Nikon V1, Leica T and Canon 6D are truly significant and vying for the top slot?
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I’ve been talking to a few friends about this. We were each pro members for a number of years but each stopped due to different reasons. I’ve not used flickr in over a year. I quite liked it back in the day but it’s not moved with the times. It’s like a camera club that does want to change. It doesn’t seem to know what it is either (is it cloud storage or an image sharing platform?). I get why they cut the free accounts down but it didn’t make sense doubling the subscription fee for pro at the same time. If it was $25 a year I’d probably have gone pro again but at $50 it’s not a good value. Like they say it’s similiar in price to Netflix etc but you get much more with Netflix so I don’t see how they can compare.
I’ve been talking to a few friends about this. We were each pro members for a number of years but each stopped due to different reasons. I’ve not used flickr in over a year. I quite liked it back in the day but it’s not moved with the times. It’s like a camera club that does want to change. It doesn’t seem to know what it is either (is it cloud storage or an image sharing platform?). I get why they cut the free accounts down but it didn’t make sense doubling the subscription fee for pro at the same time. If it was $25 a year I’d probably have gone pro again but at $50 it’s not a good value. Like they say it’s similiar in price to Netflix etc but you get much more with Netflix so I don’t see how they can compare.

I always said a two tier system might worth better. The full 50 for more business use, selling prints, etc and a 20-25 for us more general users who want a little more than what the free version offers.

I doubt it'll happen though.
Sorted the tethering. It’s not great that Sony don’t support LR. The workaround is ok to view images, just a little slower to upload as essentially LR is referencing the app software. The imaging software is a bit odd in that it’s separated into live view, image view and edit. The two first options together would make better sense. Ah well, I’ve bought the tethertools kit and will give it a go over the xmas period.

I’ve been a flikr pro user for several years. It’s a handy platform for general image sharing for me like many amateurs I guess, but seeing that in the week looks like the writing could well be on the wall.
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I got an email with this.
If they actually had been good to me I'd have supported them. But their service is terrible.
Me too re the email. Can you migrate across to smugmug or similar easily, keeping all your albums etc if Flickr go under or would it be a long laborious process?
At DPR you can vote for the most significant camera of the 2010's.

Some of the DPR choices seem to me to be more like efforts to include rather than genuine contenders for the title of most significant. The Nikon J/Vx's? Really? A true contender for the title of the most significant camera of the 2010's? Really? Leica T? Really? The most significant? The Canon 6D? I think I'd also be tempted to say that the Canikon entries into the FF mirrorless market aren't worthy either as they don't seem to break any new ground and instead just seem to be following Sony's lead.

If I was going to vote I'd vote for either the Panasonic G1 or the Olympus equivalent as these were the first MFT mirrorless cameras and morrorless seems significant to me but I think these came out in 2009 so they're too early so instead I'll go for the A7 as it was the first FF mirrorless. AFAIK. Maybe the A7III or A9 could be realistic candidates as they moved the mirrorless game on to the point that they equalled or exceeded DSLR's for the first time.

What do you think? What should get the vote?

Or maybe DPR are right and the likes of the Nikon V1, Leica T and Canon 6D are truly significant and vying for the top slot?
I'd have to go back and see what was released. The OMD series springs to mind, but not sure when they were released.
Me too re the email. Can you migrate across to smugmug or similar easily, keeping all your albums etc if Flickr go under or would it be a long laborious process?

No idea. Given the crappy support and mess in recent times I don't have much confidence in them to do the right thing should Flickr go under.
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IMO it's a shame he's been banned. There is too much name calling and sniping here, IMO.

Hopefully it's just for a short period and he'll return although having been banned the temptation might be to not bother.

I've been banned from other forums twice :D Unfairly of course as I was completely right and even restrained in what I posted. I've yet to be banned from here but as someone once said, words to the effect of, I don't know if I want to be a member of a club that would have me.
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My guess would be excessive exposure boost and possibly heavy cropping but we wont know until he posts detsils.
Everyone out on Xmas parties
Everyone out on Xmas parties


We've just sat through "The accident man" which is supposed to be an action thriller but I think it's more an action comedy. Mrs WW liked the fight scenes. I'd rather have watched "Little" which is a body swap comedy.
Dreadful weather, underprepared, no light = very disappointing images :banghead::ROFLMAO:, I'll be trying this again in the future with hopefully better results.

The Flying Scotsman going over Ribblehead Viaduct yesterday morning.

DSC04608-3 by Anthony Andrades, on Flickr
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Afternoon snack, all home made. Almond biscuits, baked cornflake and nut mix, fruit smoothy and bramble juice. Yum Yum :D
