The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

That's the one. I went inside it once during an open day around 1980.
A local told me it was supposed to be blow up last year but it is still there. She also said it is the only PINK coloured cooling towers ever ;-) It's great when you get added info from friendly locals;-)
Thanks for all the best wishes guys :D

It was a great day with lovely weather.

Mrs Woof Woof is currently making a BIG Thai breakfast for us and guests (arriving soon) so I'm banished from the kitchen and told to go and play with my computer :D

I had a play with the photographers 5D. What a beast! I'd forgotten what a lump these relics are :D After the bulk and weight the next thing I noticed was the crud in the VF! She had the focus set to some sort of object detect mode and it kept lighting up the focus points (all cluttered around the centre) on peoples torsos. How limiting... As I've said many times, I'd only go back to these with a gun to my head :D

It did feel funny not taking the pictures :D

Those people who say that there's no size difference between an A7 and a DSLR once you mount lenses must be smoking something :D
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Lovely pics there Jamie :D And you said you didn't have anything worth posting :D

Big Fibber!
Thanks for all the best wishes guys :D

It was a great day with lovely weather.

Mrs Woof Woof is currently making a BIG Thai breakfast for us and guests (arriving soon) so I'm banished from the kitchen and told to go and play with my computer :D

I had a play with the photographers 5D. What a beast! I'd forgotten what a lump these relics are :D After the bulk and weight the next thing I noticed was the crud in the VF! She had the focus set to some sort of object detect mode and it kept lighting up the focus points (all cluttered around the centre) on peoples torsos. How limiting... As I've said many times, I'd only go back to thee with a gun to my head :D

It did feel funny not taking the pictures :D
Did you get married in Thailand?
No. We live in the north east of England just outside Middlesbrough :D

Mrs probably wouldn't have married me if it'd meant a Thai wedding :D
I don't know about you guys but my cameras are always pretty badly affected by alcohol. After a few drinks the photographs are rubbish, and it starts losing lens caps and things.
My pictures look better once I've had a drink.

A trip to London is tempting but if we ever have a thread meet it should be in my part of the world where there's lovely countryside and beaches, the air is clear and breathable and you can cross a road easily.

My pictures look better once I've had a drink.

A trip to London is tempting but if we ever have a thread meet it should be in my part of the world where there's lovely countryside and beaches, the air is clear and breathable and you can cross a road easily.


That's not the Middlesbrough I know :eek:
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We're outside Middlesbrough, between Middlesbrough and Redcar and just a short walk from the Eston Hills.
Met these guys a while ago in a farmers field so I guess they were being fattened up for rather large drumsticks.

Very recently heard there is an escaped Rhea roaming the Somerset Levels and dire warnings not to approach it [as if] so I started wondering if it was one of these guys, which at the time we put down as Emus.

Seems these are indeed Emus - the red eyes and a bit bigger than Rheas
I keep toying with the idea of buying some modern manual lenses but I never do it.

Minolta 35mm f1.8 again...


I thought there was something there worth taking a picture of but once it was on my pc I wondered why I'd bothered... but the more I look the more I like it and maybe there was something there worth taking a picture of.

The detail is ok at 100%...


I think it might make a nice print.

I doubt anyone else will want this but I've decided I quite like it :D
have to say not used Eye AF much but last few Months done a few studio shots and its been a godsend...... QQ to anybody who shoots studio work, is there anyway to make the A7Rii shoot faster, what i noticed was in any action shots IE waving of Hair Jumping you need to time it as there a slight delay compared to my Nikon of it taking the picture...i managed but ive probably not set it up to perfection yet...
have to say not used Eye AF much but last few Months done a few studio shots and its been a godsend...... QQ to anybody who shoots studio work, is there anyway to make the A7Rii shoot faster, what i noticed was in any action shots IE waving of Hair Jumping you need to time it as there a slight delay compared to my Nikon of it taking the picture...i managed but ive probably not set it up to perfection yet...

I missed the Eye-AF when I moved to Fuji, its a vital must have for me now.... I used to use it a lot on the Sony A7RII's but like you mention, anything took quick and it would lose tracking etc.
I doubt Sony will improve it further via firmware, have you tried it in AF-C as it works in that mode also?

The Sony A9 is a step up for Eye-AF...... you could always sell off your Nikon gear and Sony A7RII and get the A9.... ;) :D lol
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Annnnnd, on the subject of modern lenses...

I keep looking at Voiglanders and specifically the 35mm f1.2, 1.4 and 2.5 and the 50mm f1.1. If I got one/some I'd probably go for a close focus adapter but I'm a bit worried about reports I've read about the effect of the thicker (than Leica which I assume the Voigtlanders were designed for) Sony sensor glass and it causing corner smearing, colour shifts and other nastie. I've read that you can get A7's fitted with thinner glass and that the Voigtlanders performance then gets better but I wouldn't want to do this.

Real world reviews of these lenses on Sony A7x cameras seem rare so I wondered if anyone here has used these lenses and if so what nasty effects if any are there and are they real world issues?
Annnnnd, on the subject of modern lenses...

I keep looking at Voiglanders and specifically the 35mm f1.2, 1.4 and 2.5 and the 50mm f1.1. If I got one/some I'd probably go for a close focus adapter but I'm a bit worried about reports I've read about the effect of the thicker (than Leica which I assume the Voigtlanders were designed for) Sony sensor glass and it causing corner smearing, colour shifts and other nastie. I've read that you can get A7's fitted with thinner glass and that the Voigtlanders performance then gets better but I wouldn't want to do this.

Real world reviews of these lenses on Sony A7x cameras seem rare so I wondered if anyone here has used these lenses and if so what nasty effects if any are there and are they real world issues?

Its mainly the older (ultra) wide angle lenses that have a problem. The lenses you mention work fine with A7 series. I was interested in the 50mm f/1.1 myself but unfortunately the bokeh is harsh :(
I thought it was mostly with the wider angles too but I was specifically Googling for those 35/50mm lenses and found the comments about the 35's... they may be right, they may be wrong... dunno yet but after going to page 6 and beyond on my various Google searches to the point of finding nothing but rubbish, foreign language sites and stuff about other lenses I couldn't get much to help me come to a conclusion.

About the harsh bokeh. I suppose it's a personal taste thing. I have the Minolta 50mm f1.2 and it's certainly not problem free at wider apertures :D but problems at least create a look and a look is something to make a decision on.

Once I'm more convinced about the glass issue I can think about the look.
@jonneymendoza have you considered using the Sony A9 in APS-C crop mode with the FE 70-200mm f2.8 G Master for your upcoming F1 outing?
That would give you 304mm?
If you can get the 1.4x TC that would mean 425mm @ f4 yes?
Guys I'm getting annoyed with the auto focus square how the f*** do I keep it on!

How do you mean, when your half-press the shutter the green AF box should appear, then you take the photo and then it vanishes?
@jonneymendoza have you considered using the Sony.

A9 in APS-C crop mode with the FE 70-200mm f2.8 G Master for your upcoming F1 outing?
That would give you 304mm?
If you can get the 1.4x TC that would mean 425mm @ f4 yes?
Yea i was considering that. But the 1.4x is also out of stock everywhere it seems or people selling for same price as the 2x

Might just use the Canon 70-200 with 1.4x as that seems to work fine on the metabones
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