The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Received my camera back from Fuji repair after two weeks, got a fair few keepers during a short walk this evening. X-t30 + xc 35mm, more to follow.

DSCF3694 by Thomas A, on Flickr

Question for you re the 35F2, I have this lens and love the results, for such a cheap lens it has very good end quality, BUT ... I find it hunts terrible in low light, maybe it's how I have my cam set up for focus? But I've experienced this a number of times when shooting indoors in low light [family gatherings, christmas parties etc] where I don't want to use flash. Do you experience any of this in low light? or if not, how have you got your focus set up?
Question for you re the 35F2, I have this lens and love the results, for such a cheap lens it has very good end quality, BUT ... I find it hunts terrible in low light, maybe it's how I have my cam set up for focus? But I've experienced this a number of times when shooting indoors in low light [family gatherings, christmas parties etc] where I don't want to use flash. Do you experience any of this in low light? or if not, how have you got your focus set up?
Hi Keith, most the time it's fine with the focus. I always have it on autofocus, most of the time it'll be on continuous and single setting. The focus square I usually have it one size bigger than the smallest. Hope that helps.
Hi Keith, most the time it's fine with the focus. I always have it on autofocus, most of the time it'll be on continuous and single setting. The focus square I usually have it one size bigger than the smallest. Hope that helps.

Cheers, interesting. I have it set to the smallest AF box and mostly use single shot mode, maybe I'll try continuous, I rarely do but it's worth a shot, heh, literally.
Cheers, interesting. I have it set to the smallest AF box and mostly use single shot mode, maybe I'll try continuous, I rarely do but it's worth a shot, heh, literally.
Just re-read what I wrote and didn't explain it properly. Just to clarify, I use continuous autofocus setting (S,C,M switch), and single for the AF mode/focus area.

I do remember with a different lens having it set to single autofocus setting and a lot of shots being off, so could be that.
Just re-read what I wrote and didn't explain it properly. Just to clarify, I use continuous autofocus setting (S,C,M switch), and single for the AF mode/focus area.

I do remember with a different lens having it set to single autofocus setting and a lot of shots being off, so could be that.
I did wonder, as you said continuous and then single :D but I will try it, have a shoot tomorrow again in low light. it's been hunting like crazy, almost wish it had decent MF control as I swear it'd be quicker , I have a Laowa 65mm macro lens that I also use for getting candids at these things and I can snap a shot quicker using that though I have to be obviously much further back. The XC35 is grand in good light, but just in low light it gets a bit irritating. I've owned the XF35 and that was much the same, just didn't use it as much as I have the XC for indoor shoots. I'll use off cam flash tomorrow see how it goes and try the C mode on body - also I might try changing that AF point to the next one up (y)
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I don't often get images printed that often nowadays, but recently used 'Peak Imaging' (of Sheffield) for a 12"x12" Glossy print of a recent capture of our collie pup 'Alfie' for a Xmas pressie for my wife. Hoping to have it framed asap.....
I've an account with 'Peak Imaging' and find them excellent to deal with, great quality and easy to order from on-line.

Dog print by APM Photography, on Flickr

Photo taken with the Viltrox 85

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"Togger Spotting (2)"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at London UK of a guy with his camera doing a bit of snapping.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

Togger Spotting (2)-03595 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
I pulled out the road this morning and could turn left to work or right to the beach. I chose work but should've detoured via the beach! How many times do you kick yourself when you could've been in a better spot for a photo?
I see these crows lining the power lines every morning, so today at least they had a decent backdrop to stop and capture.
XT3 + 16-80
Social Media-2683-2.jpgSocial Media-2687.jpg
I chose work but should've detoured via the beach! How many times do you kick yourself when you could've been in a better spot for a photo?

I commute through the New Forest, so almost every bloody day! There's a section of road that is just open alongside a golf course - it's kind of surreal watching people tee off 20ft away from the road with no fence or hedges between. The view from there looking down the course is amazing most mornings, especially when frosty/foggy.

There's a small patch of light further up that happens to get through the trees just right and light up a small woodland scene at the exact time I'm passing - makes me bite my fist every time I drive past it, but it's in a spot that isn't good to stop at.

After that it opens up into rolling hills and valleys filled with fog...

One of these day's I'll get there with time to stop and capture it, but I'm not a morning person at all so almost always running late. :(
Anyone using the 18mm f1.4 ?
Thoughts ??
I commute through the New Forest, so almost every bloody day! There's a section of road that is just open alongside a golf course - it's kind of surreal watching people tee off 20ft away from the road with no fence or hedges between. The view from there looking down the course is amazing most mornings, especially when frosty/foggy.

There's a small patch of light further up that happens to get through the trees just right and light up a small woodland scene at the exact time I'm passing - makes me bite my fist every time I drive past it, but it's in a spot that isn't good to stop at.

After that it opens up into rolling hills and valleys filled with fog...

One of these day's I'll get there with time to stop and capture it, but I'm not a morning person at all so almost always running late. :(
Ooh I feel your pain, and there are a couple of notorious roads in New Forest so can imagine there are some unsuitable for stopping quickly. And it is so beautiful especially in the Autumn.
Managed to pick up a 70-300, a big improvement over my faulty 55-200! I definitely recommend it if you can find one. Really nice lens - Feels well built, great hood (not hard to improve on the 55-200 hood), OIS is amazing, and the minimum focus distance blows me away. Oh, and it's effing sharp!

Robin by jimmyjamjoejoe, on Flickr
How does it feel in use compared to the 55-200? Focus speed? The 55-200 is so easy to carry that it's often the lens I leave the house with along with something wide, but I've been idly wondering, so any info would be much appreciated..
How does it feel in use compared to the 55-200? Focus speed? The 55-200 is so easy to carry that it's often the lens I leave the house with along with something wide, but I've been idly wondering, so any info would be much appreciated..

Barely any difference in size or weight. I keep a 12mm, 18-55mm, and 55-200mm in my "take everywhere" bag - I just removed the 55-200mm and put this in it's place without moving dividers etc.

I've got no way to accurately test the AF, but it does feel snappier for what it's worth. It's certainly quieter and seems more "confident". OIS seems much more effective - at 300mm I can handhold at speeds which were my limit on the 55-200mm.

Build quality is excellent. Where the 55-200mm is built from premium materials, it ultimately feels quite delicate - This is the opposite. It's plastic, but feels like you could throw it down the stairs. There's no flexing, creaking, or rattles. It feels solid. The hood is also much better, though the one on the 55-200mm was not hard to improve upon - They appear to have completely redesigned the mechanism, it feels much more sturdy now.

Focus and zoom rings feel much better than the 55-200mm, and the aperture ring is much firmer - I tend to adjust by reaching across and wheeling it with my right middle finger while holding the camera in shooting position, but it's a struggle to do that with this one. That's not a bad thing though. No chance of accidentally changing it, and it just adds to the premium feel.

Optically, I can't compare it since my 55-200mm was faulty. It certainly seems very sharp to me throughout the range even wide open. If I were really pixel peeping, it may be a little weaker at the very limit of the long end (past around 250mm), but still very good even then. I haven't noticed any flaring or CA in any of my shots so far. The only drawback reviews talk about is the onion ring bokeh when specular lights are out of focus. I've just tested against some sparkly tinsel at the other end of the room and while it won't win any awards, it certainly isn't going to ruin your photo's that's for sure. This test shot was at 300mm wide open -


Oh, and an honourable mention to the minimum focus distance. This thing is really good for close up work.


Hope that helps!
"Street Performer (15)" One For @Paulie-W

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at London UK of someone dressed up as Darth Vader.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

Street Performer (15) 03596 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
"Street Performer (15)" One For @Paulie-W

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at London UK of someone dressed up as Darth Vader.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

Street Performer (15) 03596 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
Liking Santa's new outfit!:D
"Togger Spotting (2)"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at London UK of a guy with his camera doing a bit of snapping.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

Togger Spotting (2)-03595 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
Always good to see the hunter become the hunted George ..... Great shot