The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I have a fast TypeB Express card on order which should be here any day. I want to see if it works in my Z7 but it is destined to go in the XH2S.
What grip have you ordered? I like the idea of the more expensive one with all the added features but there seems to be little detailed information available.
Just keep my fingers crossed that finally the Fuji AF speed will match or be close to my Nikons.
Just the basic grip. Can't justify the extra for having the ability to transfer via WiFi/Cat6 cable, seems a little extreme, but hey ho.

Now that new updated firmware is now available for it, I guess its just a matter of time, when other reviews appear.
I've got a 50-140mm f2.8 for the weekend - it has passed the first hurdle, in that it actually fits in my camera bag, but I have got to wait until after work to get out and use it properly.

Love mine Lewis, the only thing I don't like is the close focus distance is a bit more than I would like, but a close focus ring cures that.

The last wedding I went to I left the 90mm at home and used the 50-140 instead, it was a good move.

I shot this on it yesterday...

Barn by Steve Jelly, on Flickr
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I like that. So far I have only been to the local woods, with an uncooperative toddler.

Also got a 35mm f1.4 coming tomorrow it is like Christmas!
Hope this is the right place to post this.
Rumour mill just released details of the XT5 which is basically the same as the XH2R camera but with the control interface of the XT3 et al...
Hope this is the right place to post this.
Rumour mill just released details of the XT5 which is basically the same as the XH2R camera but with the control interface of the XT3 et al...
Here is probably the best place. Personally, I was hoping for the 26MP stacked sensor, rather than the 40MP sensor. I am guessing that it won't be out for a while, as the X-H2 will have to come out first.
I wish I could see a timeline for delivery of XH2S - XH2R - XT5.
In truth since I have used all the Fujis since the X100 I am hoping that this latest generation of cameras brings the AF up to the same speed and accuracy as all the Canons,Nikons et al of the DSLRs and mirrorless eras.
I really enjoy my Nikons and hang onto them purely from the AF performance criteria but I love the Fuji colour and handling of my XT3 and the detail of my GFX100S.
I just like my xh-1. My first and so far only Fuji, but it's the digital camera I've owned longest and would really like an improved version of it. My Nikon D850 and 500 were fab in so many ways but I didn't feel a connection like I do with my Fuji, but a new one that can do what the Nikons did would be so fab.
A timeline would be nice..
Well the next Summit is in September, so I would guess the H2R will be shipping for Christmas, and maybe also the T5, but who knows ;) I`m just keeping an eye on fuji rumours (y)

My one concern with the 40mp sensor, is high iso capability, compared to the 26mp. My H1 still rocks, and fortunately I just don`t like the SPAM dial, so I might have to go back to the XT`s at some stage.
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Well the next Summit is in September, so I would guess the H2R will be shipping for Christmas, and maybe also the T5, but who knows ;) I`m just keeping an eye on fuji rumours (y)

My one concern with the 40mp sensor, is high iso capability, compared to the 26mp. My H1 still rocks, and fortunately I just don`t like the SPAM dial, so I might have to go back to the XT`s at some stage.
I agree with you.
I think the XT3 is superb.
I skipped on the XT4 as I had the XH1 but the XH2S/R looks like a real step forward. I am like you concerned by the 40MP on APS-C sensor as whilst I like the extra crop-ability (not a proper word) the noise does concern me but technology is improving all the time so I am open minded and can be convinced but an XT5 would be my favourite.
I agree with you.
I think the XT3 is superb.
I skipped on the XT4 as I had the XH1 but the XH2S/R looks like a real step forward. I am like you concerned by the 40MP on APS-C sensor as whilst I like the extra crop-ability (not a proper word) the noise does concern me but technology is improving all the time so I am open minded and can be convinced but an XT5 would be my favourite.

From the videos I've seen regarding the tracking. The H2s beats whatever Canon they were testing it against (R6 I think). Links were in FR, If the T5 has that capability, it will be a fantastic bit of kit IMO.
From the videos I've seen regarding the tracking. The H2s beats whatever Canon they were testing it against (R6 I think). Links were in FR, If the T5 has that capability, it will be a fantastic bit of kit IMO.
Yes, it looks very good and apparently the firmware has been improved since then as well.
I have more or less decided to get the XH2S and wait for the XT5 but every photographer has their own use case. Unfortunately I am no longer in Spain shooting flamenco dance photos for publicity brochures but in UK shooting landscapes for myself.
I preordered the X-H2S about 10 minutes after launch. I figured it’d give me plenty of time to work out if I really need/WANT it. Lots of want. Been really hoping Fuji caught up on AF. Currently running Sony Full Frame with fast primes.
Fuji appeals because of the 150-600, also preordered. Loved the Fuji fast primes.
But I’d need to sell my current gear to flesh out a complete Fuji system.
Still lots of thinking to do.
I preordered the X-H2S about 10 minutes after launch. I figured it’d give me plenty of time to work out if I really need/WANT it. Lots of want. Been really hoping Fuji caught up on AF. Currently running Sony Full Frame with fast primes.
Fuji appeals because of the 150-600, also preordered. Loved the Fuji fast primes.
But I’d need to sell my current gear to flesh out a complete Fuji system.
Still lots of thinking to do.
Do you have an ETA yet? I`ll be interested to hear what your thoughts on it all are.

Need vs Want is a very hard battle ;)
I "want" loads, but need hardly anything right now... Well camera wise that is :)
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Do you have an ETA yet? I`ll be interested to hear what your thoughts on it all are.

Need vs Want is a very hard battle ;)
I "want" loads, but need hardly anything right now... Well camera wise that is :)
ETA. No not really. Expecting end July.
Three from a wander round London today. Inspired by some work by Peter Li and Otto Berkeley I'd seen on Instagram I thought I'd try my hand at some extreme vertical panos. All taken with 10mm lens, stitched (with errors) in Lightroom. I may have to invest in PTGui to stitch these better as distortion at such a wide angle gives Lr problems.

1. This was just a test but I am delighted how it came out. Next edit, I will try to clone out the people. Leadenhall Market
Luc by Ian, on Flickr

2. Also just a quick grab, not expecting much - the Batman Building at More London
Batman by Ian, on Flickr

3. My fave, Southwark Cathedral
Southwark by Ian, on Flickr
Three from a wander round London today. Inspired by some work by Peter Li and Otto Berkeley I'd seen on Instagram I thought I'd try my hand at some extreme vertical panos. All taken with 10mm lens, stitched (with errors) in Lightroom. I may have to invest in PTGui to stitch these better as distortion at such a wide angle gives Lr problems.

1. This was just a test but I am delighted how it came out. Next edit, I will try to clone out the people. Leadenhall Market
Luc by Ian, on Flickr

2. Also just a quick grab, not expecting much - the Batman Building at More London
Batman by Ian, on Flickr

3. My fave, Southwark Cathedral
Southwark by Ian, on Flickr

Crazy stuff, but I love `em. Great work (y)
Three from a wander round London today. Inspired by some work by Peter Li and Otto Berkeley I'd seen on Instagram I thought I'd try my hand at some extreme vertical panos. All taken with 10mm lens, stitched (with errors) in Lightroom. I may have to invest in PTGui to stitch these better as distortion at such a wide angle gives Lr problems.

1. This was just a test but I am delighted how it came out. Next edit, I will try to clone out the people. Leadenhall Market
Luc by Ian, on Flickr

2. Also just a quick grab, not expecting much - the Batman Building at More London
Batman by Ian, on Flickr

3. My fave, Southwark Cathedral
Southwark by Ian, on Flickr
Brilliant. Very creative. Love them.
Three from a wander round London today. Inspired by some work by Peter Li and Otto Berkeley I'd seen on Instagram I thought I'd try my hand at some extreme vertical panos. All taken with 10mm lens, stitched (with errors) in Lightroom. I may have to invest in PTGui to stitch these better as distortion at such a wide angle gives Lr problems.

1. This was just a test but I am delighted how it came out. Next edit, I will try to clone out the people. Leadenhall Market
Luc by Ian, on Flickr

2. Also just a quick grab, not expecting much - the Batman Building at More London
Batman by Ian, on Flickr

3. My fave, Southwark Cathedral
Southwark by Ian, on Flickr

Excellent Ian, and technically quite difficult to do as trying to set everything up so that it all remains approx square is challenging, well done.
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Three from a wander round London today. Inspired by some work by Peter Li and Otto Berkeley I'd seen on Instagram I thought I'd try my hand at some extreme vertical panos. All taken with 10mm lens, stitched (with errors) in Lightroom. I may have to invest in PTGui to stitch these better as distortion at such a wide angle gives Lr problems.
Very nice, that last one especially.
Three from a wander round London today. Inspired by some work by Peter Li and Otto Berkeley I'd seen on Instagram I thought I'd try my hand at some extreme vertical panos. All taken with 10mm lens, stitched (with errors) in Lightroom. I may have to invest in PTGui to stitch these better as distortion at such a wide angle gives Lr problems.

1. This was just a test but I am delighted how it came out. Next edit, I will try to clone out the people. Leadenhall Market
Luc by Ian, on Flickr

2. Also just a quick grab, not expecting much - the Batman Building at More London
Batman by Ian, on Flickr

3. My fave, Southwark Cathedral
Southwark by Ian, on Flickr

Excellent. Especially love the big sky effect in no 2.

I have done lots of pans but never included the over heads like this.

Don't know if you used a pano head but it would make life easier with extremes like this.

About the only time that I use mine these days is to 360x 180. But I would for this sort.
PTGui would certainly make stitching easier as it has far more options, but you would probably still need Photoshop for minor stitching errors.
Thanks mate. You obviously know my dilemma. Go Fuji means losing my GM primes. Your comment actually helps. 35f1.4 is a great lens.

Having the same struggles myself. Been using the 50gm for work and it’s fantastic. But it’s size and weight make it a bit of a chore to take out for any personal stuff.
Excellent. Especially love the big sky effect in no 2.

I have done lots of pans but never included the over heads like this.

Don't know if you used a pano head but it would make life easier with extremes like this.

About the only time that I use mine these days is to 360x 180. But I would for this sort.
PTGui would certainly make stitching easier as it has far more options, but you would probably still need Photoshop for minor stitching errors.
All of these handheld in the end. I dragged a tripod along but couldn't get the rotation I needed with just a simple ballhead so I just looked a lunatic trying to limbo dance. I wasn't too bad at keeping things level but they all needed a bit of warp adjustment after stitching. While I knew I should be doing it, I didn't manage to rotate the camera round the nodal point but got away with it as there was nothing in the foreground.

I've no idea how to do corrections to the stitching, so I will have to investigate that.

Thanks for all the positive comments everyone
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All of these handheld in the end. I dragged a tripod along but couldn't get the rotation I needed with just a simple bullhead so I just looked a lunatic trying to limbo dance. I wasn't too bad at keeping things level but they all needed a bit of warp adjustment after stitching. While I knew I should be doing it, I didn't manage to rotate the camera round the nodal point but got away with it as there was nothing in the foreground.

I've no idea how to do corrections to the stitching, so I will have to investigate that.

Thanks for all the positive comments everyone
If you intend to do lots of these, a Pano head would be a good idea, The Nodal Ninjas are probably the best of the bunch, a NN3 mk2 is extremely versatile, accurate and easy to use, and quick to set up.. and often comes up at reasonable prices on Ebay, but might seem costly new.

If you are not in a hurry they can be found as low as £30 but more likely like like this one at £65 that sold this month far more sell for over £100 it is a matter of having patience. I bought a second one to adapt for lens ring mounting last year for under £40.
If you intend to do lots of these, a Pano head would be a good idea, The Nodal Ninjas are probably the best of the bunch, a NN3 mk2 is extremely versatile, accurate and easy to use, and quick to set up.. and often comes up at reasonable prices on Ebay, but might seem costly new.

If you are not in a hurry they can be found as low as £30 but more likely like like this one at £65 that sold this month far more sell for over £100 it is a matter of having patience. I bought a second one to adapt for lens ring mounting last year for under £40.
I suspect this might be a bit of a flash in the pan, never to be repeated but I do take a lot of conventional panos so I'll look out for a bargain NN3. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
I preordered the X-H2S about 10 minutes after launch. I figured it’d give me plenty of time to work out if I really need/WANT it. Lots of want. Been really hoping Fuji caught up on AF. Currently running Sony Full Frame with fast primes.
Fuji appeals because of the 150-600, also preordered. Loved the Fuji fast primes.
But I’d need to sell my current gear to flesh out a complete Fuji system.
Still lots of thinking to do.
You kept that quiet Mr Bray
Well I sold my XH1 with an eye toward eventually picking up an XH2 but as that's going to be Sept by the sounds of it I've picked up an X-Pro 3 off eBay to use in the meantime.
Should hopefully arrive tomorrow, its been a long time since I had an X-Pro 2 but looking forward to using one again!