The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Can anyone recommend or does any have any experience of a really cheap fisheye; for super-stylised stuff (like skate videos etc). Less than £50 I'm thinking. Theres quite a few really cheap lenses on ebay with fixed f16 apertures but they basically look like rings of plastic and I can't see how they'd be any good.

Happy to be told otherwise!
Gentle Reminder: if someone is looking for a tripod, use the Wanted ads; if someone is looking to sell one, use the Sale ads. Please don't clutter this thread with negotiations.
Gitzo traveller. Love mine...

I’ve got a Velbon UT-3AR which is pretty good. It’s rated to 3kg and it’s really small and light.

I don’t actually use mine any more, drop me a PM if you’re interested in buying it :)

Peak Design (I have the aluminium version) folds up the smallest and works well with both my X-T2 and my X-H2S. I briefly had the 3LT Travis before and that was fine with the X-T2, but is bulkier.

I've just put one up for sale.

Thanks all, I'll take a look.
I need a small but useful flash, but size is an absolute premium, it has to be small (I don't want to spend much either). It's to illuminate a kneeling person at around 6ft distance (I may use a small LED panel to help). Is the Godox Junior Lux a worthwhile purchase at £60?
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I need a small but useful flash, but size is an absolute premium, it has to be small (I don't want to spend much either). It's to illuminate a kneeling person at around 6ft distance (I may use a small LED panel to help). Is the Godox Junior Lux a worthwhile purchase at £60?
Just a little bit more, but might suit
I was photographing the aurora last night, which was fairly weak around here sadly. I noticed that when reviewing the shots on the rear screen the purple in the sky was clearly visible, whereas it wasn't, or much less so, when reviewing the same shots through the eyepiece. Any idea why there would be a difference? This is on a XH1
Question on the XF100-400 - for those that have one!

Hoe sharp is it at 400mm at F5.6 on distant - 30-50m subjects, I've just got one (s/h) and its not as sharp as I would have expected at this range, stopping it down a little certainly improves it, and at shorter focal lengths it seems fine. Is this typical with this lens or have I got a sub-par copy?
Question on the XF100-400 - for those that have one!

Hoe sharp is it at 400mm at F5.6 on distant - 30-50m subjects, I've just got one (s/h) and its not as sharp as I would have expected at this range, stopping it down a little certainly improves it, and at shorter focal lengths it seems fine. Is this typical with this lens or have I got a sub-par copy?
Mine isn't too bad. But happy to take a couple of test shots for comparison. Will be hand held, if that'll help?
Be useful, when you've posted yours I'll take something similar and compare. No rush, I'm out for rest of day
No worries.
Wife is working from home, so will be later today. SOC jpeg. Back of the garden, light bulb, BBQ and long range is telegraph pole with wires etc. Hopefully it'll give you some Idea. If you want/need anything specific, just let me know (y)
No worries.
Wife is working from home, so will be later today. SOC jpeg. Back of the garden, light bulb, BBQ and long range is telegraph pole with wires etc. Hopefully it'll give you some Idea. If you want/need anything specific, just let me know (y)
I might being a bit picky, I've just shot something approx 70-80m away and its quite sharp, better at F8 than F5.6 though. On subjects 15m away it seems pretty good. I've never owned this lens before (don't look surprised @trevorbray), and actually never shot with anything over 300mm. I know its a zoom and won't be perfect, but it is a Red XF lens so should be optically good.
The heron I posted on the previous page was shot with the 100-400 at full zoom and wide open... Certainly not it's sharpest settings..
I might being a bit picky, I've just shot something approx 70-80m away and its quite sharp, better at F8 than F5.6 though. On subjects 15m away it seems pretty good. I've never owned this lens before (don't look surprised @trevorbray), and actually never shot with anything over 300mm. I know its a zoom and won't be perfect, but it is a Red XF lens so should be optically good.

I know it's apples and oranges, but I found the same with my 70-300. Almost every situation is lovely and sharp, but the combination of being right at the long end and focused at infinity left a little to be desired. Focusing closer, the long end is fine. Stopping down 1 stop sorts it out.

Perhaps that's just what Fuji define as acceptable when designing lenses?
Question on the XF100-400 - for those that have one!

Hoe sharp is it at 400mm at F5.6 on distant - 30-50m subjects, I've just got one (s/h) and its not as sharp as I would have expected at this range, stopping it down a little certainly improves it, and at shorter focal lengths it seems fine. Is this typical with this lens or have I got a sub-par copy?

Mine is fine, and I shoot almost exclusively wide open, sometimes with the 1.4TC. That said, one of the "failings" I have found with the Fuji system is that if your subject is less than 25% of the frame, then it can be hit or miss, no matter what lens you use. The T5 isn't as bad for this and I get many more keepers. It could be the IBIS helping out with my dodgy hands......
Question on the XF100-400 - for those that have one!

Hoe sharp is it at 400mm at F5.6 on distant - 30-50m subjects, I've just got one (s/h) and its not as sharp as I would have expected at this range, stopping it down a little certainly improves it, and at shorter focal lengths it seems fine. Is this typical with this lens or have I got a sub-par copy?

I just shot these out of my bathroom window. SOOC (X-T4) jpeg, I've done nothing to them at all. Link to the full files:

@Paulie-W @skullfunkerry - thanks, its raining here, so I'll have a go tomorrow (when my X-T3 from @Jelster turns up) - I've only tried handheld with an X-T20 so far, which is small in anyones hands! (I did get better results on subsequent shots just after lunchtime, I think I'll try with a tripod as well, just to prove lens v technique)

I had an X-T30 before I got the X-T4, and it does feel a bit small with that lens. I have a grip on my camera too, so it fits in my hand nicely, that definitely helps.
The light bulb is about 26 ish m away. bbq a tad closer, and the telegraph pole about 50m away. Pretty hefty resize fron a T5 ;)

Thanks, I think I'm suffering a perception/expectation issue (with a GFX and a Leica Q3 that might be easily done :ROFLMAO: ) I've just been playing with a target about 80m away, and I'm getting decent sharpness at both F5.6 and F8 - Forecast is whole lot better tomorrow, sowhen teh T3 arrives I'll get to it :)

I had an X-T30 before I got the X-T4, and it does feel a bit small with that lens. I have a grip on my camera too, so it fits in my hand nicely, that definitely helps.

I find the X-T20 challenging to use, it's my wife's!!! Everything is just too small, especially the EVF (I've had X-T1, X-T2 and X-H1 in the past) - looking forward to the X-T3 arriving
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Question on the XF100-400 - for those that have one!

Hoe sharp is it at 400mm at F5.6 on distant - 30-50m subjects, I've just got one (s/h) and its not as sharp as I would have expected at this range, stopping it down a little certainly improves it, and at shorter focal lengths it seems fine. Is this typical with this lens or have I got a sub-par copy?
I have had a a couple of different ones and they where different at @400.
One thing I noticed with mine one of the copies seem to be affected by heat haze more than the other. At the time I was shooting a fair bit of superbikes so it was noticeable especially on hot days with the heat reflected off the tarmac.
I have had a a couple of different ones and they where different at @400.
One thing I noticed with mine one of the copies seem to be affected by heat haze more than the other. At the time I was shooting a fair bit of superbikes so it was noticeable especially on hot days with the heat reflected off the tarmac.

Thanks for the info Graham, if I'm not happy with this one its going back! (theres 14 day money back and 12 months guarantee)
Anyone flirted with a Nikon Zf? In other words, convince me that APS-C is fine and crop sensors are fine and stop wanting new things.

Also still after a fisheye adapter recommendation if anyone has any experience. Theres a Jessops one on ebay for £15...?
Anyone flirted with a Nikon Zf? In other words, convince me that APS-C is fine and crop sensors are fine and stop wanting new things.

Also still after a fisheye adapter recommendation if anyone has any experience. Theres a Jessops one on ebay for £15...?
@trevorbray has one (still I think ;) )
But personally I was put off with the card slot placement, and no apature ring on the lenses. It's also bigger and heavier than the XT's

Maybe I'm biased since the D750 mess, and poor focus on the D810. Do I miss ff? Sometimes in low light maybe. But for what I shoot, I'm more than happy with Fuji :)
@trevorbray has one (still I think ;) )
But personally I was put off with the card slot placement, and no apature ring on the lenses. It's also bigger and heavier than the XT's

Maybe I'm biased since the D750 mess, and poor focus on the D810. Do I miss ff? Sometimes in low light maybe. But for what I shoot, I'm more than happy with Fuji :)
So you're saying I should upgrade to an X-T5? Thought so ;)
Anyone flirted with a Nikon Zf? In other words, convince me that APS-C is fine and crop sensors are fine and stop wanting new things.

Also still after a fisheye adapter recommendation if anyone has any experience. Theres a Jessops one on ebay for £15...?
Zf. Yep me and a few others. @imattersuk @wibbly @Stephen L @addicknchips and more. Most of us have been Fuji shooters. Personally it’s a camera that presses my buttons. The Smallrig grip or similar definitely improves the handling. One of the best cameras for manual focus lenses. Fab image quality. I’ve had most Fuji bodies. Love my Zf
Zf. Yep me and a few others. @imattersuk @wibbly @Stephen L @addicknchips and more. Most of us have been Fuji shooters. Personally it’s a camera that presses my buttons. The Smallrig grip or similar definitely improves the handling. One of the best cameras for manual focus lenses. Fab image quality. I’ve had most Fuji bodies. Love my Zf
Its pretty weighty though right? The real reason i'm even entertaining the idea (not that I can afford anything that we're talking about) is how much I'm enjoying handling the Pentax MX SLR and how big everything is on that; the viewfinder, the extra frame space, etc etc. Although I've not had my first film back from it yet so it could be terrible :ROFLMAO:

No Aperture ring on the lenses is a big turn off though; hadn;t considered that. Its a pretty big factor in enjoying the Fujis I think
No Aperture ring on the lenses is a big turn off though; hadn;t considered that. Its a pretty big factor in enjoying the Fujis I think
I agree. No big deal, but one of those things that makes Fuji, Fuji. I know there's a few without. But I won't even consider them (but silly I know). Same with the third party ones... Great glass, no AR begs the question, why?
The zf feels very much like a full frame Fuji. Most of the viltrox lenses have an aperture ring which helps. Below is a little look at mine with the viltrox 24mm on it, which is a great fit. But yeah, it’s annoying the Nikon glass haven’t yet thought about adding these.
The body is pretty heavy, but it’s due to the build quality.
Competition is great for the consumer, I’m hoping the success of the ZF will kick Fuji to raise their game.