The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

LRCV6731 by Lewis Craik, on Flickr

I liked the look of these poppies whilst riding along the South Downs Way this morning, fortunately I had my X100V with me. I probably could have done a better/neater job with the composition, but it was so hot and I just wanted to get back on the bike and get some wind in my face.
I took my new X-T30 out on a walk this week and the photos seem to have a weird purple tinge which I didn’t notice at the time. Taken with the 18-55 lens and standard Velvia simulation.
Any thoughts on what it might be please?


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I took my new X-T30 out on a walk this week and the photos seem to have a weird purple tinge which I didn’t notice at the time. Taken with the 18-55 lens and standard Velvia simulation.
Any thoughts on what it might be please?
Have you checked the white balance ?
I took my new X-T30 out on a walk this week and the photos seem to have a weird purple tinge which I didn’t notice at the time. Taken with the 18-55 lens and standard Velvia simulation.
Any thoughts on what it might be please?

SOOC jpeg?

As said, possible in camera WB adjustment.
I took my new X-T30 out on a walk this week and the photos seem to have a weird purple tinge which I didn’t notice at the time. Taken with the 18-55 lens and standard Velvia simulation.
Any thoughts on what it might be please?
Looks very much like WB either in the settings or some sort of fault / error.
I took a sample from the grey bit of the sign.
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I took my new X-T30 out on a walk this week and the photos seem to have a weird purple tinge which I didn’t notice at the time. Taken with the 18-55 lens and standard Velvia simulation.
Any thoughts on what it might be please?

As others said, it looks like a white balance issue - specifically the white balance "shift". White balance itself will move from cool (blue) to warm (orange), whereas white balance shift allows you to also shift an additional tint from green to red.

A cool white balance with a red shift will give your photos a purple tinge.

Oh bugger that :ROFLMAO:
Marmite helps... Bugs don't seem to like it ;)

I usually use this:

It seems to work pretty well, and has the twin advantages of a) not needing 100% coverage and b) not smelling like despair.

However, the downside is the constant "Blimey, you must need tiny hands to milk them!" jokes :D
Well I made it to the top of the dealer's list and I'm now the owner of an X100Vi.

One thing I'm trying to do but can't so far is toggle the AEL on and off. (I've set the button to AEL only)

I've read the manual and have it set to apply when I hold down the AEL button (which is default I think) but as soon as I take my finger away it reverts to normal.

What I want to do is press it once and it stays there until I press it again.

Can anyone help with this please?
I was at Brands Hatch yesterday, it was CameraWorld Live. Haven't gone through all 2,000 shots yet, but it looks like I've got a few decent ones. I've never tried planning with a big telephoto lens before, it was harder than doing it with a bridge camera!

This one made me laugh though: one of the first ones where I'd hit the focus and got the shutter speed low enough to blur the wheels & the background... but I didn't pan quickly enough :ROFLMAO:

Well I made it to the top of the dealer's list and I'm now the owner of an X100Vi.

One thing I'm trying to do but can't so far is toggle the AEL on and off. (I've set the button to AEL only)

I've read the manual and have it set to apply when I hold down the AEL button (which is default I think) but as soon as I take my finger away it reverts to normal.

What I want to do is press it once and it stays there until I press it again.

Can anyone help with this please?
Haven't got a V1 but normally you need to go to the wrench menu find the item labelled AE/AF lock mode and it's in there.
Was at a family wedding gathering this weekend up in Oban, Scotland.
Using my elderly X-E1/X-Pro1 bodies - very very slow to focus due to age, the likes of a X-T5 would have been excellent for this style of wedding photography.

Nik & Jen

Nik & Jen by APM Photography, on Flickr

X-E1 -- XF10-24
Was at a family wedding gathering this weekend up in Oban, Scotland.
Using my elderly X-E1/X-Pro1 bodies - very very slow to focus due to age, the likes of a X-T5 would have been excellent for this style of wedding photography.

Nik & Jen

Nik & Jen by APM Photography, on Flickr

X-E1 -- XF10-24
Love this shot,such a story and great colours

Plus a change from bikes :)
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Racers Guild Spring Cup 2024 Round 3 by Lewis Craik, on Flickr

I shot a downhill mountain bike race today, my first since switching to the X-H2S, and I've got home to find less keepers than I was expecting. I think there is an element of user error - as I seem to have better luck when I was shooting at 1/1000th, rather than 1/500th and I could probably have switched out AF modes. I think the face detection was getting confused if riders had goggles on etc. More practice needed for sure...
So as I'm so out of date with modern X bodies as I still use the elderly X-E1 and X-Pro1 bodies (I adore the file/colour output from these sensors).
I would appreciate any advice about upgrading to a modern X body which has the speed/eye detection capabilities to capture wedding events/a little bit of sport and dog photography please.

What might be the contenders I should be looking at?
Do I really need the XT5, or would the likes of a XT3/4 or XH1 suffice my requirements?

Thanks in advance.
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So as I'm so out of date with modern X bodies as I still use the elderly X-E1 and X-Pro1 bodies (I adore the file/colour output from these sensors).
I would appreciate any advice about upgrading to a modern X body which has the speed/eye detection capabilities to capture wedding events/a little bit of sport and dog photography please.

What might be the contenders I should be looking at?
Do I really need the XT5, or would the likes of a XT3/4 or XH1 suffice my requirements?

Thanks in advance.
Honestly, looking at that picture above, and it's counterpart on Flickr... You don't need anything!

I guess it'd be a bit easier on one of the later cameras, but I can't imagine the results being much better than what you did there.
I think the first question that you need to answer for yourself is do you want 40MP or is 26MP enough?
If you want the latest and greatest autofocus performance, you're limited to cameras with IBIS.
@macvisual I am designated family photographer at my neice's Sandhurst passing out parade this week, I only hope I can get some as good as these with my XE1.

I struggle with the small'ish screen on it sometimes, I did not do great with people shots at my somes graduation recently, blew most of them out for some reasn or other.
I might have to get my boys in the garden before Friday and have a bit of a practice