The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Toby - I think its fairly well known how X-Trans images can be processed and get issues. IMO X-Trans is often harder to process than a traditional Bayer, but good results can be had, especially if you go for the softer look (pre or post film simulation recipes). There is a thought in the back of my head that says if you go down this road (again) you may well end up disappointed, especially if you have an image that you compositionally like but needs a lot of manipulation in post to get where you want it. X-Trans is not the best at responding to significant slider manipulation.

If you can live with doing very little to the images then go for it....but...........................

If you want a lighter weight solution, I'd suggest going for a fixed lens solution (although we all know you love a zoom), for the money you are talking about X-T5 and a couple of lenses, you are very close to be able to get a Leica Q2 secondhand, which would give you the resolution you crave and has 'that' lens which IMO is quite special.

As you know I'm been a big fan of the Fuji's (still have 5 - although 2 are currently for sale!), but when it comes to simplicity - the camera getting out of the way of the shot, and images needing very little post processing, the Leica is in a different class. Its also a lovely thing to hold, and feels very well made (but it should at the price).
Yeah as you know I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Fuji for years and well aware of the processing ‘mistakes’ and hence why I keep downloading the raw files rather than looking at others’ processed images and taking them as gospel. I also look at SOOC jpegs, and up until this latest sensor I still saw issues.

I don’t generally do a lot of processing with any camera, for example my Sony preset has only had a few sliders altered and they’re moved a max of 5 from memory, the main thing I’ve tweaked are the colours, mainly hues.

I keep toying with fixed lens cameras, mainly the X100 but I’m not sure it’d be flexible enough, especially as most of my shots out dog walking etc are wide angle. The X-T50 in a way is a bit like an X100 but with interchangeable lens.

Leica Q’s have never been on my radar, the cost is an obvious stumbling block but they’re just too big and bulky for what I have in mind.

Over the past 24 hours I’ve been contemplating the A7cR as I could use the e-mount version of the same lenses I was considering for Fuji (Sigma 10-18mm and 18-50mm) for a lightweight package but then I could also use my current Sony lenses on it.

We’ll see, I’m not going to do anything too hastily, The A7cR has a number of negatives too.
Personally I love the ergonomics of my T5, but then I've had a T1, T2 & T3. I put an L bracket on it (as I do all my bodies) and it feels great. Currently the 33 f1.4 is on the body and hasn't been off in a while, but I hope to do some birding over the next couple of days, so we'll see what gives.

@snerkler, I tend to bring my raw files into Lightroom with all the sharpening turned off. Do anything I need to do, then put them into PS to sharpen (if required), resize and add a border, which seems to work.
Thanks, as above I do very little in my processing 99% of the time (y)
Yeah as you know I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Fuji for years and well aware of the processing ‘mistakes’ and hence why I keep downloading the raw files rather than looking at others’ processed images and taking them as gospel. I also look at SOOC jpegs, and up until this latest sensor I still saw issues.

I don’t generally do a lot of processing with any camera, for example my Sony preset has only had a few sliders altered and they’re moved a max of 5 from memory, the main thing I’ve tweaked are the colours, mainly hues.

I keep toying with fixed lens cameras, mainly the X100 but I’m not sure it’d be flexible enough, especially as most of my shots out dog walking etc are wide angle. The X-T50 in a way is a bit like an X100 but with interchangeable lens.

Leica Q’s have never been on my radar, the cost is an obvious stumbling block but they’re just too big and bulky for what I have in mind.

Over the past 24 hours I’ve been contemplating the A7cR as I could use the e-mount version of the same lenses I was considering for Fuji (Sigma 10-18mm and 18-50mm) for a lightweight package but then I could also use my current Sony lenses on it.

We’ll see, I’m not going to do anything too hastily, The A7cR has a number of negatives too.

Thanks, as above I do very little in my processing 99% of the time (y)

I think you’d be surprised at big and bulky comment!! On my desk now

Leica Q3 with battery/hood v X-T3 with battery + XF18-55mm



Sorry about the cr*p mobile phone images!
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Ok how about the 90mm ,thinking cat and fox photos ,flowers and longer landscape ,this will be for now the xt2.

The 18mm for street and landscape walk about
Can we explore this lens a bit more Trev, been watching Dustin Abbot review and use of it and he was saying even at 1/200th he had some motion blur ,another guy ,forgot his name uses for street and no probs as he’s not shooting so close so any thoughts? Also would the 56mm 1.2 be a decent alternative?( pity you haven’t got a shot with that ).
I have had the 56mm in the distant past ,I remember two options,have they updated it yet like the 23 35 and 50?
Also would the 56mm 1.2 be a decent alternative?( pity you haven’t got a shot with that ).
I have had the 56mm in the distant past ,I remember two options,have they updated it yet like the 23 35 and 50?
There's a 56R, 56R APO and the new weather sealed one (y)
Not sure what this lady was doing or where she was going - This was taken in Meiji Jingu, a shrine in central Tokyo. It's in a huge park and getting from the edge to the shrine itself is a 10min or so walk through the park. Seems an odd place to bring a suitcase.
They seem to host a conveyor belt of weddings there throughout the day though, so perhaps she was there with one of them.
Either way, the light was nice that morning, and the bright red caught my eye.

Meiji Jingu by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr
Not sure what this lady was doing or where she was going - This was taken in Meiji Jingu, a shrine in central Tokyo. It's in a huge park and getting from the edge to the shrine itself is a 10min or so walk through the park. Seems an odd place to bring a suitcase.
They seem to host a conveyor belt of weddings there throughout the day though, so perhaps she was there with one of them.
Either way, the light was nice that morning, and the bright red caught my eye.

Meiji Jingu by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr
I like that (y) I have to say I am jealous of these film presets, I can never create one that I like :headbang: :LOL:
Can we explore this lens a bit more Trev, been watching Dustin Abbot review and use of it and he was saying even at 1/200th he had some motion blur ,another guy ,forgot his name uses for street and no probs as he’s not shooting so close so any thoughts? Also would the 56mm 1.2 be a decent alternative?( pity you haven’t got a shot with that ).
I have had the 56mm in the distant past ,I remember two options,have they updated it yet like the 23 35 and 50?

The 90mm is a great lens...

Here's a couple from me, the first with a set of tubes attached.

Small Copper by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

And it's a brilliant portrait lens too:

DSCF9929 by Steve Jelly, on Flickr
What do you currently do in LR mate?
As little as possible :LOL:

With film like presets I've tried the old VSCO ones, I've then tried tweaking the VSCO ones, I've downloaded other free 'film' ones, and recently I found some for Sony that allegedly replicate the Fuji presets. As yet I've not found anything that I'm truly happy with and works across all genres.
Not sure what this lady was doing or where she was going - This was taken in Meiji Jingu, a shrine in central Tokyo. It's in a huge park and getting from the edge to the shrine itself is a 10min or so walk through the park. Seems an odd place to bring a suitcase.
They seem to host a conveyor belt of weddings there throughout the day though, so perhaps she was there with one of them.
Either way, the light was nice that morning, and the bright red caught my eye.

Meiji Jingu by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr

Or Chinese tourist landed in morning flight and killing time before check in.

Ps nice capture.
As little as possible :LOL:

With film like presets I've tried the old VSCO ones, I've then tried tweaking the VSCO ones, I've downloaded other free 'film' ones, and recently I found some for Sony that allegedly replicate the Fuji presets. As yet I've not found anything that I'm truly happy with and works across all genres.

Yeah, a mate of mine has those Fuji presets for Sony ones and some others - I can't remember what (brand) they are called now, but about £90 I think! I was hoping he'd send me the Classic Chrome or Portra one :ROFLMAO:

In LR, try the Portrait profile, correct the WB and use Calibration and HSL for colour tweaks.
Yeah, a mate of mine has those Fuji presets for Sony ones and some others - I can't remember what (brand) they are called now, but about £90 I think! I was hoping he'd send me the Classic Chrome or Portra one :ROFLMAO:

In LR, try the Portrait profile, correct the WB and use Calibration and HSL for colour tweaks.
Thanks for the info, much appreciated. The Fuji simulations for Sony I've got were free (y)

Can we explore this lens a bit more Trev, been watching Dustin Abbot review and use of it and he was saying even at 1/200th he had some motion blur ,another guy ,forgot his name uses for street and no probs as he’s not shooting so close so any thoughts? Also would the 56mm 1.2 be a decent alternative?( pity you haven’t got a shot with that ).
I have had the 56mm in the distant past ,I remember two options,have they updated it yet like the 23 35 and 50?
If you don't mind the lack of aperture ring you might want to look at the Sigma f1.4 small, light and a very decent performer.
Hey Guys,

Thinking of taking another crack at Fuji with the XT5, had the 1, 2, & 3 previously. Is it far Superior to the XT4 ?

Currently using my Sony a7iv for Street Photography but a little on the big side, so was looking at trading my a9 for either the XT4 or XT5 and picking up the 23mm as the perfect street package.

Would be great to hear real world experiences for people who use on a regular basis rather than the utube stuff.

Hey Guys,

Thinking of taking another crack at Fuji with the XT5, had the 1, 2, & 3 previously. Is it far Superior to the XT4 ?

Currently using my Sony a7iv for Street Photography but a little on the big side, so was looking at trading my a9 for either the XT4 or XT5 and picking up the 23mm as the perfect street package.

Would be great to hear real world experiences for people who use on a regular basis rather than the utube stuff.


I just replied to this in the Sony thread - #war :ROFLMAO:
But I've just had an additional thought.... If you shoot street without AF (which I do) there was someone trying to sell an X100s on here this past week wasn't there ....
Hey Guys,

Thinking of taking another crack at Fuji with the XT5, had the 1, 2, & 3 previously. Is it far Superior to the XT4 ?

Currently using my Sony a7iv for Street Photography but a little on the big side, so was looking at trading my a9 for either the XT4 or XT5 and picking up the 23mm as the perfect street package.

Would be great to hear real world experiences for people who use on a regular basis rather than the utube stuff.

I had an xt4 first and then an xe1, found I was using the xe1 all the time and sold the xt4.
Nothing wrong with the xt4, just didn’t quite gel with it.
Have ordered myself an OM 5 to have a modern camera when required. I did regret selling selling my Olympus e-m1 iii a bit, so looking forward to the OM 5
Trevor,what made you go for the X-H2s rather than X-H2?
Chris. When I bought the X-H2s the X-H2 wasn’t yet released. Really liked the 2S for its stacked sensor. It is a very good action/wildlife camera. Super ergonomics and lovely EVF. I subsequently bought the X-H2 and X-T5. Long gone now…