The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

MPB inspected my X100VI and increased their quote by 25 quid :cool:

Adios amigos (until next time lol)

I'll give it to time buy an older camera (second user), that way you still get the benefit of using a camera without the buyer remorse of all the ££££ tied up.
So I've once again been flirting with the idea of getting a Fuji after looking at files from the 40mp sensor, however I've just been to have a look at the X-T5 and it felt a bit cheap (sorry X-T5 owners :exit:). I expected that I wouldn't like the ergnomics as much due to the small grip, but when I last looked at Fuji I don't remember thinking the build quality wasn't stellar, in fact the opposite. My main complaint was the top dials, they felt quite lightweight an plasticky and just didn't feel as solid as I'd expect/remember. Is this a common complaint, or is it just me? :runaway: The one in store was the black version, I assume the dials on the silver on are made of the same material?

They didn't have the X-T50 in but they did have the X-T30 in and that felt more solid to me, has anyone tried the X-T50 and can comment on build quality please?
So I've once again been flirting with the idea of getting a Fuji after looking at files from the 40mp sensor, however I've just been to have a look at the X-T5 and it felt a bit cheap (sorry X-T5 owners :exit:). I expected that I wouldn't like the ergnomics as much due to the small grip, but when I last looked at Fuji I don't remember thinking the build quality wasn't stellar, in fact the opposite. My main complaint was the top dials, they felt quite lightweight an plasticky and just didn't feel as solid as I'd expect/remember. Is this a common complaint, or is it just me? :runaway: The one in store was the black version, I assume the dials on the silver on are made of the same material?

They didn't have the X-T50 in but they did have the X-T30 in and that felt more solid to me, has anyone tried the X-T50 and can comment on build quality please?

Toby, I've handled the X-T50 and it did feel well made, but I'd caution you against any of the smaller bodies, as you have acknowledged in the past that your hand size is above average. They really are quite small and can be fiddly (my wife's X-T20 I find quite difficult to use and I have quite small hands!, whereas a recently acquired X-T3 feels just right)

There are quite a lot of 'internet' comments about the quality of the X-T5, compared with previous models, but I haven't seen anything to suggest they are not robust in operation.

Is this just to have a smaller body with a single lens type system, or do you expect to build a lens collection as well?
So I've once again been flirting with the idea of getting a Fuji after looking at files from the 40mp sensor, however I've just been to have a look at the X-T5 and it felt a bit cheap (sorry X-T5 owners :exit:). I expected that I wouldn't like the ergnomics as much due to the small grip, but when I last looked at Fuji I don't remember thinking the build quality wasn't stellar, in fact the opposite. My main complaint was the top dials, they felt quite lightweight an plasticky and just didn't feel as solid as I'd expect/remember. Is this a common complaint, or is it just me? :runaway: The one in store was the black version, I assume the dials on the silver on are made of the same material?

They didn't have the X-T50 in but they did have the X-T30 in and that felt more solid to me, has anyone tried the X-T50 and can comment on build quality please?
Fuji do free 48 hour loans, so you could possibly try a few. If you want a solid feeling camera, the X-H2 would be a good bet.
Toby, I've handled the X-T50 and it did feel well made, but I'd caution you against any of the smaller bodies, as you have acknowledged in the past that your hand size is above average. They really are quite small and can be fiddly (my wife's X-T20 I find quite difficult to use and I have quite small hands!, whereas a recently acquired X-T3 feels just right)

There are quite a lot of 'internet' comments about the quality of the X-T5, compared with previous models, but I haven't seen anything to suggest they are not robust in operation.

Is this just to have a smaller body with a single lens type system, or do you expect to build a lens collection as well?
Thanks, yeah I've been going down the internet rabbit hole and it does seem that the build quality of the X-T5 has disappointed quite a number of people.

I do have large hands but the odd thing is that I generally prefer smaller bodies, as lond as there's enough room between the grip and the lens. I think my favourite cameras I've used from an ergonomic point of view are the EM1-II and Z7, one of the worst for me is the Z8. I also preferred the D750 over the D850 ergonomically.

No I'd build a full system, I'm more than happy with the Sony stuff I have, it's just for a lighter setup. I was looking at the Sigma 10-18mm f/2.8 and Fuji 16-50mm f2.8-4.8, both of which are much lighter than my current 16-35mm f4 and 20-70mm f4, and then the X-T5 is 180g lighter than the A1, and the X-T50 is 299g lighter.
Fuji do free 48 hour loans, so you could possibly try a few. If you want a solid feeling camera, the X-H2 would be a good bet.
Do they, that could be worth doing :cool: The X-H2 is a bit heftier and not what I'm after (y).
They didn't have the X-T50 in but they did have the X-T30 in and that felt more solid to me, has anyone tried the X-T50 and can comment on build quality please?

I had the opportunity to pick up and play with a X-T50 a few weeks ago.

The size difference probably isn't that much bigger than a X-T30 but it feels larger to me in the hand - and at the same time in my hand feels almost as large as a X-T5. It also feels a bit cheap (which is subjective). I also think it's a bit pricey.

Personally I'd pay a bit more and go with the X-T5 if looking for 40Mp - or look at the X-S20 if 26Mp is OK. (I'd skip the X-T30ii these days because of the lack of IBIS).
I had the opportunity to pick up and play with a X-T50 a few weeks ago.

The size difference probably isn't that much bigger than a X-T30 but it feels larger to me in the hand - and at the same time in my hand feels almost as large as a X-T5. It also feels a bit cheap (which is subjective). I also think it's a bit pricey.

Personally I'd pay a bit more and go with the X-T5 if looking for 40Mp - or look at the X-S20 if 26Mp is OK. (I'd skip the X-T30ii these days because of the lack of IBIS).
Thanks for the info.
So I've once again been flirting with the idea of getting a Fuji after looking at files from the 40mp sensor, however I've just been to have a look at the X-T5 and it felt a bit cheap (sorry X-T5 owners :exit:). I expected that I wouldn't like the ergnomics as much due to the small grip, but when I last looked at Fuji I don't remember thinking the build quality wasn't stellar, in fact the opposite. My main complaint was the top dials, they felt quite lightweight an plasticky and just didn't feel as solid as I'd expect/remember. Is this a common complaint, or is it just me? :runaway: The one in store was the black version, I assume the dials on the silver on are made of the same material?

They didn't have the X-T50 in but they did have the X-T30 in and that felt more solid to me, has anyone tried the X-T50 and can comment on build quality please?
I had a brief play with an X-T5 on the Fuji photowalk I did in Oxford recently. The top dials had a different feeling to the ones on my T4, but I didn't think they felt particularly cheap. I've seen a review on YouTube (Andrei Dima I think) where he mentioned that people had complained, but said that after a lot of use his was still rock solid and he had no complaints.
I had a brief play with an X-T5 on the Fuji photowalk I did in Oxford recently. The top dials had a different feeling to the ones on my T4, but I didn't think they felt particularly cheap. I've seen a review on YouTube (Andrei Dima I think) where he mentioned that people had complained, but said that after a lot of use his was still rock solid and he had no complaints.
I don't doubt that they're solid enough, I just don't like things that feel cheap. I've also seen several complaints that the drive mode dial is too easy to get knocked when you're changing ISO which has caught people out. One guy reckins it changed by itself just walking aorund but I doubt this, more likely he caught it and didn't notice.
Still cant get away from those Fuji colours.

XT-5 and XF 33mm F/1.4 R LM WR - Classic Chrome

Loving the new sensor in this compared to my old XT-2


My T5 is fine (for me). Although I have got the Fuji hand grip. Never had any issues with the buttons and dials, other than user errors (forgetting which way the command dials spin).
But that's coming from a T2 and H1.
Camera's been sent today, fingers crossed I'll get it tomorrow :clap:Although they've sent it to my home address not my work address so hopefully my wife's in when it's delivered. Pointless having a delivery address on the form if they just ignore it :rolleyes:

Edit: realised I posted this in the wrong thread, I'm talking about getting my Sony back from repair :exit:
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Camera's been sent today, fingers crossed I'll get it tomorrow :clap:Although they've sent it to my home address not my work address so hopefully my wife's in when it's delivered. Pointless having a delivery address on the form if they just ignore it :rolleyes:
Typical :rolleyes:
But most likely it's your card address for the deposit, I'm guessing.

Make sure she's not out shopping :)
I've been looking for a smaller camera setup for when I don't want to lug the A1 and lenses around and have been looking at Fuji, however I had a look at the X-T5 today and was disappointed in how cheap it felt, especially the top dials. So I thought I'd look at the A7c's however none appear to have a rear joystick meaning to move the AF point you've still got to press a button to activate the D-Pad like the older camera bodies and I found this a pain. Don't any of the A7c series have a joystick for direct access to moving the AF point? I don't use the touchscreens as always activate something with my nose :LOL:
First thing I do is turn the damn thing off ;)

Don't forget you're coming from an A1, so I would imagine almost everything else is gonna feel a tad on the "cheap" side.
lol after getting the xe4 I came into a little bit of money and decided I might get the xt50.
So sent the xe4 back and got an …………….
OM5 with 12-45. Still got my xe1 so not leaving you yet
Camera's been sent today, fingers crossed I'll get it tomorrow :clap:Although they've sent it to my home address not my work address so hopefully my wife's in when it's delivered. Pointless having a delivery address on the form if they just ignore it :rolleyes:

Typical :rolleyes:
But most likely it's your card address for the deposit, I'm guessing.

Make sure she's not out shopping :)

She'll be out shopping once she knows he's bought another camera ... :ROFLMAO:
First thing I do is turn the damn thing off ;)

Don't forget you're coming from an A1, so I would imagine almost everything else is gonna feel a tad on the "cheap" side.
Yeah, there's that but I've used Fuji before and don't remember it being like that. I just thought it didn't feel like a £1600 body, but maybe my goalposts have been moved (that's not the right phrase, but you know what I mean :LOL:)
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lol after getting the xe4 I came into a little bit of money and decided I might get the xt50.
So sent the xe4 back and got an …………….
OM5 with 12-45. Still got my xe1 so not leaving you yet
Do tell ;)
She'll be out shopping once she knows he's bought another camera ... :ROFLMAO:
Not yet I haven't ;)
Typical :rolleyes:
But most likely it's your card address for the deposit, I'm guessing.

Make sure she's not out shopping :)

She'll be out shopping once she knows he's bought another camera ... :ROFLMAO:

I've just realised I've been posting about my Sony in the wrong thread :runaway: :headbang::mad: It's my A1 that's been in for repair that's been sent today not a new camera. Honestly, I do have to worry about myself sometimes :LOL:
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Yeah, there's that but I've used Fuji before and don't remember it being like that, plus as discussed on the Fuji thread there's plenty of people saying the same thing online and that the X-T4 is better built and dials feel better quality and more precise. I just thought it didn't feel like a £1600 body, but maybe my goalposts have been moved (that's not the right phrase, but you know what I mean :LOL:)
The XT-5 does feel very different to my old XT-2 but then again my R3 certainly isn't built like a brick compared to my 1DX MKII.
I dont actually use a camera for work in all honesty now that needs to be out in all weathers so am enjoying all the bits of the XT-5 like battery life and the sensor is just so good.
Biggest gripe for me is i cant turn that bloody screen round against the body and the complete lack of a grip that would carry a second battery.
The XT-5 does feel very different to my old XT-2 but then again my R3 certainly isn't built like a brick compared to my 1DX MKII.
I dont actually use a camera for work in all honesty now that needs to be out in all weathers so am enjoying all the bits of the XT-5 like battery life and the sensor is just so good.
Biggest gripe for me is i cant turn that bloody screen round against the body and the complete lack of a grip that would carry a second battery.
Yeah, maybe I'm being over picky, it's not as though it'd be a work camera for me either :thinking:
Yeah, maybe I'm being over picky, it's not as though it'd be a work camera for me either :thinking:
Don't think your being over picky to be honest.
Think the materials they use now either to save money or weight just make them feel less robust.
Bit like new cars now days with plastic bumpers rather than the old solid ones you could knock a house down with and not get a dent or scratch.
So I've once again been flirting with the idea of getting a Fuji after looking at files from the 40mp sensor, however I've just been to have a look at the X-T5 and it felt a bit cheap (sorry X-T5 owners :exit:). I expected that I wouldn't like the ergnomics as much due to the small grip, but when I last looked at Fuji I don't remember thinking the build quality wasn't stellar, in fact the opposite. My main complaint was the top dials, they felt quite lightweight an plasticky and just didn't feel as solid as I'd expect/remember. Is this a common complaint, or is it just me? :runaway: The one in store was the black version, I assume the dials on the silver on are made of the same material?

They didn't have the X-T50 in but they did have the X-T30 in and that felt more solid to me, has anyone tried the X-T50 and can comment on build quality please?

Good price I was looking at that myself,be interested with your thoughts once used a bit
Good price I was looking at that myself,be interested with your thoughts once used a bit
I've got doubts about buying one at the moment, if I'm paying that kind of money I need to be completely happy with it.
Toby from your previous X-Trans excursion, I would be thinking doubly carefully - the lab coat is hanging behind that door.............................
I've downloaded sample raws from the 40mp sensor and they look OK. That being said I saw an image from an X-T5 on flickr and it still had the rendering that puts me off, although of course I've no idea how these were processed.
I've downloaded sample raws from the 40mp sensor and they look OK. That being said I saw an image from an X-T5 on flickr and it still had the rendering that puts me off, although of course I've no idea how these were processed.

Toby - I think its fairly well known how X-Trans images can be processed and get issues. IMO X-Trans is often harder to process than a traditional Bayer, but good results can be had, especially if you go for the softer look (pre or post film simulation recipes). There is a thought in the back of my head that says if you go down this road (again) you may well end up disappointed, especially if you have an image that you compositionally like but needs a lot of manipulation in post to get where you want it. X-Trans is not the best at responding to significant slider manipulation.

If you can live with doing very little to the images then go for it....but...........................

If you want a lighter weight solution, I'd suggest going for a fixed lens solution (although we all know you love a zoom), for the money you are talking about X-T5 and a couple of lenses, you are very close to be able to get a Leica Q2 secondhand, which would give you the resolution you crave and has 'that' lens which IMO is quite special.

As you know I'm been a big fan of the Fuji's (still have 5 - although 2 are currently for sale!), but when it comes to simplicity - the camera getting out of the way of the shot, and images needing very little post processing, the Leica is in a different class. Its also a lovely thing to hold, and feels very well made (but it should at the price).
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Personally I love the ergonomics of my T5, but then I've had a T1, T2 & T3. I put an L bracket on it (as I do all my bodies) and it feels great. Currently the 33 f1.4 is on the body and hasn't been off in a while, but I hope to do some birding over the next couple of days, so we'll see what gives.

@snerkler, I tend to bring my raw files into Lightroom with all the sharpening turned off. Do anything I need to do, then put them into PS to sharpen (if required), resize and add a border, which seems to work.