The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Lots of folk looking for gear are a bit OCD.
Makes you wonder if they ever venture outside with their precious purchases.
A camera is not a fashion accessory. It is a tool used to achieve a result.

Some people would be agast at the way i was swing the XT1 last night whilst clambering over rocks with it still attached to the tripod :D
Lots of folk looking for gear are a bit OCD.
Makes you wonder if they ever venture outside with their precious purchases.
A camera is not a fashion accessory. It is a tool used to achieve a result.

Totally agree but we are what we are !
I promise these will be the last couple of photos for a little while.

These were the two sunset shots I took ahead of doing the car shot. The location is Cockenzie, a place I don't really get to due to being to far away without a car so grabbed the opportunity last night to go further afield.
Hope you all like

Cockenzie Pier by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

Cockenzie by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

Two "Cracking" images Stuart, I'm thinkin' the first shot just edges it for me but only just, purely for the better composition. I'd be well happy with either of these if they were mine.(y)

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On eBay you should be able to clear £350

Also, check your account to see if you have been offered the "Tech sells" promotion. You can sell any tech item (cameras and lenses included) and only pay a £2 final value fee (if listed before end of tomorrow). I'm about to flog my 6D, 300/4L and 20-35 ans pay £6 final value fee rather than £130 :)
Also, check your account to see if you have been offered the "Tech sells" promotion. You can sell any tech item (cameras and lenses included) and only pay a £2 final value fee (if listed before end of tomorrow). I'm about to flog my 6D, 300/4L and 20-35 ans pay £6 final value fee rather than £130 :)

Hmm thanks - how would i find that out ?
Thats got it - thanks once again :)

Just remember that you need to get your listing up by the end of tomorrow. You can still put it up for a 30 day buy it now and only pay the £2 when it sells (don't forget the 3% paypal fee though, which is seperate).
As Graham says the more light the better. The Fuji's can compensate for lack of light by boosting the EVF image but it becomes noisy and harder to manually focus. But any day light shouldn't be a problem. Get out take some nice scenes at f5.6 - f8, don;t worry too much about focus because at those apertures you should be getting good results. Then when reviewing your shots, look at the complete image and if it pleases you then job done! don't start analysing at a pixel level because that leads to financial ruin and the never ending quest for the perfect lens :D

No problem at all with MF on a Fuji in the dark, with a Samyang 12mm too.

Chwaral Hen Llanfair by Alan Jones, on Flickr

Try the 8mm fisheye if you want difficult to focus! It's has nowhere near the resolution of the 12mm so finding what is in focus is quite difficult sometimes, especially if it's something far away. The zone focus idea, set to 1m and f8 and leave it there does work pretty well in situations like that though.
Never done car photography before so thought I would give it a go tonight seen as sunset was to be a good one.
Usual setup, XT1 and 18-55mm

Focus by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

"Excellent" bit of work Stuart, perfectly framed, very nice light, with well controlled exposure.(y)

"Two small nit-picks If you don't mind me saying, the few bright bits of carp on the ground around the car and the reflection in the rear door might look better if they were PPd out".

I promise these will be the last couple of photos for a little while.

These were the two sunset shots I took ahead of doing the car shot. The location is Cockenzie, a place I don't really get to due to being to far away without a car so grabbed the opportunity last night to go further afield.
Hope you all like

Cockenzie Pier by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

Cockenzie by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr
Lovely! Cockenzie never looked so good! There's a great chippie at Port Seton, a mile along the road from there.
I've shot this scene many times before with larger format cameras but this is the first time I've tried it with an X-T1 & 10-24mm lens.

I'm well aware that my landscape type photography leaves a bit to be desired as I'm well out of my comfort zone with this type of photography.:D

X-T1, 10-24mm Lens @ 10mm FL, 1/1000 @ F5.6, ISO-200, Handheld.
Outer Harbour (Folkestone) (2)-02924 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking and any comments welcome.,(y):fuji:

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I promise these will be the last couple of photos for a little while.

These were the two sunset shots I took ahead of doing the car shot. The location is Cockenzie, a place I don't really get to due to being to far away without a car so grabbed the opportunity last night to go further afield.
Hope you all like

Cockenzie Pier by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

Cockenzie by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr
Like the top one a lot, what was the shutter speed on the pier shot.:ty:
I've shot this scene many times before with larger format cameras but this is the first time I've tried it with an X-T1 & 10-24mm lens.

I well aware that my landscape type photography leaves a bit to be desired as I'm well out of my comfort zone with this type of photography.:D

X-T1, 10-24mm Lens @ 10mm FL, 1/1000 @ F5.6, ISO-200, Handheld.
Outer Harbour (Folkestone) (2)-02924 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking and any comments welcome.,(y):fuji:


Well knowing Folkstone harbour, you certainly have made it look very attractive George. My only crit, would have been cropping a bit of the water and having more sky in the shot, but that's just me.
Thank you kindly George
"Excellent" bit of work Stuart, perfectly framed, very nice light, with well controlled exposure.(y)

"Two small nit-picks If you don't mind me saying, the few bright bits of carp on the ground around the car and the reflection in the rear door might look better if they were PPd out".

and feel free to nit pick away. Other people see things that i dont and this is new territory to me so i am grateful for your beedy eyes picking up on these things.
I've shot this scene many times before with larger format cameras but this is the first time I've tried it with an X-T1 & 10-24mm lens.

I well aware that my landscape type photography leaves a bit to be desired as I'm well out of my comfort zone with this type of photography.:D

X-T1, 10-24mm Lens @ 10mm FL, 1/1000 @ F5.6, ISO-200, Handheld.
Outer Harbour (Folkestone) (2)-02924 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking and any comments welcome.,(y):fuji:


Nicely captured George, i have many dond childhood memories from this area so nice to see it in all its glory.....thank you!
Went out with the Samyang 12mm earlier - I think I've sussed out how too focus it - but that doesn't mean I'm enjoying it !

Well knowing Folkstone harbour, you certainly have made it look very attractive George. My only crit, would have been cropping a bit of the water and having more sky in the shot, but that's just me.

Many thanks for that Rob, really appreciate your comments.(y)

"That's a good point re cropping the water as it would have also taken the horizon further away from the centre".

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Nicely captured George, i have many dond childhood memories from this area so nice to see it in all its glory.....thank you!

Many thanks for that Stuart, really appreciate you stoppin' by and commenting.(y)

It was the Miranda 70-210 f4, I'm very pleased with it

Thanks for the kind words :)
Some people would be agast at the way i was swing the XT1 last night whilst clambering over rocks with it still attached to the tripod :D

Same here. There is an advert for Fuji in the RPS journal in which the X Pro 1 is shown all battered and worn round the edges. Looks awesome!
I dropped my XT1 my first proper day out with. On concrete. Deep inside the Chernobyl nuclear exclusion zone. It's fine! :D

Plus you have a seriously cool story behind it! Certainly sounds better than "I forgot my tripod so had to rest my camera on the concrete slipway, which scratched it". I'm gonna start using your story instead :D