WAMT....what annoyed me today!

"We tried to deliver your package but no one was home"....blah blah.
Bull5s***. I caught up and the package wasn't even with him.
That's got to be worth a complaint. I've often suspected that happens but to catch them red handed (empty handed!) is excellent.
RISE. Like we need another bunch of pinko stinko's vying for political power.
Well that's my late afternoon/evening ruined!

Came home early especially to be in for someone this afternoon, they didn't show, didn't message me to let me know they were not coming and didn't respond to messages asking if they were still coming - bloody rude!!

Then whilst finishing off cooking dinner I managed to spill boiling water down my front and by the time I had finished dealing with that dinner was ruined!
you need to do an @Lynton
and email the CEO ;)

Man up and get stuck in... I am getting to the point I am fed up of BT ringing me to see if I am happy? "Want to make me happy? Pay for wife and kids for a long weekend away and then deliver (the real) Rachel Riley, naked, waxed and smoothglaezd in honey....then i will be happy"... Um Sir, I don't think we can do that!
The bullsh!t my ex keeps coming out with everytime I am on a visit with my daughter, always turning a positive day into a negative one

I have had a bloody enough of it, no more Mr Nice guy
I have had a bloody enough of it, no more Mr Nice guy
Fire with fire and all that!

Why do people have to be such arses at times?
Luckily mine were grown and I had no such crap, but I do sympathise as my brother went through hell with his ex
It is like she cant stand everything going OK so she has to create some kind of problem or issue
Police not doing their job.

I'm not having a go at the police as a whole - they do a potentially dangerous job and deserve our full support but this really annoyed me.

We have some road works near us that have reduced the road width so temporary traffic lights are needed.

A few days ago I was waiting in a queue of traffic for the light to change from red to green when a car went along the outside of the queue and entered the width restricted part of the road.

Cars (that had the green light in their favour) coming the other way had to go up on the kerb so they could pass this bloke.
Then he stopped and started reversing out of the width restriction. I was really pleased to see the vehicle that had caused him to reverse was a police car. “Great”, I thought, “He is going to get his comeuppance”.
He managed to find a place to stop clear of the restriction with the police car following him, and then the police car just continued on.

What a great message to send. If you don't fancy stopping at a red light you don't need to because even if the police catch you doing it they will do nothing.

What a great message to send. If you don't fancy stopping at a red light you don't need to because even if the police catch you doing it they will do nothing.
I would have thought that they should have pulled him too,
I'm not sure if its still the "law" or not, but you don't / didn't have to obey temporary traffic lights.
But I would also suspect that is only if you can see the road ahead, and its clear!
"We don't need a reading this quarter we will estimate your bill"! WTF!
Am I not capable of reading my own meter and filling it out on the on line account?
Seems they would like to increase my payments by £20 / month, the estimated reading for this month is already 40 units higher than the actual reading.

I get this every year and every year they end up refunding me quite a bit.
Time to look around I guess.
Even by their own charts I use less than compatible houses in my area.
Having to buy my kids school uniforms from one place that charges over the odds and whoever designs them has never fitted them on a human being! Grrr!!!
My monitor going tits up so I couldn't get onto my PC to print my boarding passes for family flights later this week. Had to rush out and get a new one. That's £170 I never planned on spending.
Having to buy my kids school uniforms from one place that charges over the odds and whoever designs them has never fitted them on a human being! Grrr!!!

Is it a private school?
I didn't think state schools were allowed to dictate where uniforms must be purchased anymore.
My monitor going tits up so I couldn't get onto my PC to print my boarding passes for family flights later this week. Had to rush out and get a new one. That's £170 I never planned on spending.

Could have gone to your local library...
Dark by 20:00 :(
Could have gone to your local library...

Yeh, my daughter suggested that but the monitor still needed replacing.
Got a drip in my lacquer whilst refinishing my alloys, pulled the basecoat with it so there's a weird random dark patch on one spoke. Bugger.
WAMT: Going to Sainsburys this evening to do the weekly shop, and finding out that they had already closed, despite their website saying they were open.


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Cry babies. Boooo hoooo hoooo, it was a big boy wot did it and ran away.
Wamt - hardly any chicken on the menus in restaurants in Copenhagen. Mainly beef, veal and lamb. So being Super Dad I found one for my daughter and guess what, it came out with the middle still raw. Now I know why there is no chicken on the menu. Grrrrr
Un announced rain - weather forecast is showing light cloud and sunny spells all day, and it's currently chucking it down. I have painting to finish (read fix) from yesterday.
Nicholas Spunkgun.
Days are drawing in. Still dark at 06:00.
It was this morning, as I was driving due East, but maybe the torrential rain had something to do with it also :D

Winter is coming ;)
Apparently its the official start to Autumn today, but the Autumn equinox is not for another 22 days.
According the the BBC anyway
WAMT? Sawedawl! 32 degrees in the shade with a gentle breeze to keep it bearable. Even finding the "tic-tac-tic-tac" of that stoopid beach ball game relaxing.
:DApparently its the official start to Autumn today, but the Autumn equinox is not for another 22 days.
According the the BBC anyway

Would be nice to think that Summer was on its way but obviously we are going to have to keep our fingers crossed for next year
The Met Office/BBC weather/et al, say Autumn starts today because straight 3 month blocks are easier for statistics (according to the BBC weather fairy this morning).

The Farmers Almanac says 23 Sept. So if it means for three more weeks I don't have to say it's autumn, I'll side with the farmers on this one :)
The September 1st start of autumn is just how the Met Office do it, although other countries use the meteorological seasons too, which divides the year into four three month groups.

As midwinter's Day is around about 21st Dec and midsummer's Day is about 21st June, then the September equinox should be the middle of autumn. This would put the beginning of start of Autumn sometime in August!

This would put the beginning of start of Autumn sometime in August!
I've always said that Autumn starts in August, I Just knew I was right (y)
Finally get around to buying new office style chair to replace battered and worn old one and I'm struggling to get it comfortable. Even though it is fully adjustable and actually has some kind of padding instead of a worn out foam that was falling off. It just feels weird sitting on it!
Finally get around to buying new office style chair to replace battered and worn old one and I'm struggling to get it comfortable. Even though it is fully adjustable and actually has some kind of padding instead of a worn out foam that was falling off. It just feels weird sitting on it!
Perhaps you just needed a new backside. ;)