WAMT....what annoyed me today!

The Met Office/BBC weather/et al, say Autumn starts today because straight 3 month blocks are easier for statistics (according to the BBC weather fairy this morning).

The Farmers Almanac says 23 Sept. So if it means for three more weeks I don't have to say it's autumn, I'll side with the farmers on this one :)

28°C here at the moment. Just coming up to 11pm. TFF air con!
Wamt - going back to work. Hmm one more day please :(
f*****g bloody s*** public transport in the UK. First day back, and tube is chaos. Grrr
How long have you had off that you could forget the joys of the tube?
About five weeks away from the tube. It is still annoying though.
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Homebase who quickly took my money yet failed to deliver my products today

And to top if off it could take them 10 working days to issue a refund!

Plus a wasted day waiting on them grrrrr.....

Further to this I got my refund on Tuesday so not to bad

I went to go and check the post for today to find a card from Yodel sat on my mat, funny because I didn't not hear them knock or ring the bell

The card said parcels behind bins as big dog in back garden, which is strange as I do not own a dog

Anyway I go for a look see and low and behold it is all the tools I had ordered from Homebase

So a quick call to Homebase and they were not interested, the woman could not get past the fact that the order had been cancelled and a refund issued and no further orders were showing for my address yada yada yada

So what to do?

Use said tools

Or wait a period for said "tools" to realize there mistake and ask for the tools back
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Further to this I got my refund on Tuesday so not to bad

I went to go and check the post for today to find a card from Yodel sat on my mat, funny because I didn't not hear them knock or ring the bell

The card said parcels behind bins as big dog in back garden, which is strange as I do not own a dog

Anyway I go for a look see and low and behold it is all the tools I had ordered from Homebase

So a quick call to Homebase and they were not interested, the woman could not get past the fact that the order had been cancelled and a refund issued and no further orders were showing for my address yada yada yada

So what to do?

Use said tools

Or wait a period for said "tools" to realize there mistake and ask for the tools back

What delivery from Yodel? ;)
So what to do?

Use said tools

Or wait a period for said "tools" to realize there mistake and ask for the tools back
If you want to cover your bottom, put something in writing to them (email will do), explaining simply what has happened, and ask them to respond, within 7 seven days, with what they want to do. I'd also add, for avoidance of doubt, that if they don't respond within 7 days you will consider the items officially abandoned by them and yours to do with as you see fit.
Further to this I got my refund on Tuesday so not to bad

I went to go and check the post for today to find a card from Yodel sat on my mat, funny because I didn't not hear them knock or ring the bell

The card said parcels behind bins as big dog in back garden, which is strange as I do not own a dog

Anyway I go for a look see and low and behold it is all the tools I had ordered from Homebase

So a quick call to Homebase and they were not interested, the woman could not get past the fact that the order had been cancelled and a refund issued and no further orders were showing for my address yada yada yada

So what to do?

Use said tools

Or wait a period for said "tools" to realize there mistake and ask for the tools back
The big dog ate them ;)
Trying to get rid of rather a large arachnid and cocking it up resulting in arachnid landing on arm

Not a happy chappy
Managed to crack my head on low door beams twice in an hour! More annoyingly I've been there lots of times before and I know to duck...but clearly not low enough.
The damn cat walking across the floor as soon as I wash it!...
Got work tomorrow, first Friday for ages .
Phone call from my mobile phone provider, not trying to sell me anything, just wanted to let me know about some things that may be an advantage
to me and my family, really what does it cost .
Can't tell me anything till we do some security stuff :thinking: , hang on, they phone me, asked if it was me and l said yes, so why would l tell them my security stuff
when they phoned me ? End of conversation
Phone call from my mobile phone provider, not trying to sell me anything, just wanted to let me know about some things that may be an advantage
to me and my family, really what does it cost .
Can't tell me anything till we do some security stuff :thinking: , hang on, they phone me, asked if it was me and l said yes, so why would l tell them my security stuff
when they phoned me ? End of conversation

I usually ask them to confirm my account number, postcode and so on first... after all they have telephoned me in the first place, they never do of course!
I also tell them that I'm recording the call for their own protection o_O calls don't tend to last long :)
Only 3 days off. Just how much rope does it take for it to hang itself forever?
I usually ask them to confirm my account number, postcode and so on first... after all they have telephoned me in the first place, they never do of course!
I also tell them that I'm recording the call for their own protection o_O calls don't tend to last long :)

Much the same as my conversation, except l did point out that we are always warned not to give security details to people
over the phone, she did say they were recording call, hope they listen to it :)
Bus breaking down which meant a 2 hour wait and being late picking my son up from school
Premature WAMT..........I have to go to B and bleeding Q today to get some decorating stuff.
WAMY in my case as this happened last night. Late afternoon sun in the garden after a days work with a can of the good stuff, sounds like bliss, until a bloody wasp decided to share my beverage. I don't think he drank much and I wouldn't begrudge him a little drop anyway but to hide in the can then sting me on the inside of the mouth I thought was a bit unreasonable and anti social. The good news is the little b-turd wont do it again that I can assure you.
WAMY in my case as this happened last night. Late afternoon sun in the garden after a days work with a can of the good stuff, sounds like bliss, until a bloody wasp decided to share my beverage. I don't think he drank much and I wouldn't begrudge him a little drop anyway but to hide in the can then sting me on the inside of the mouth I thought was a bit unreasonable and anti social. The good news is the little b-turd wont do it again that I can assure you.

Premature WAMT..........I have to go to B and bleeding Q today to get some decorating stuff.
Grrrrr...useless,useless,inept halfwits.

Wickes here I come.
WAMT was losing my ear tunnel somewhere on the beach after a swim (or before, didn't know exactly when it went AWOL.)