WAMT....what annoyed me today!

WAMT was losing my ear tunnel somewhere on the beach after a swim (or before, didn't know exactly when it went AWOL.)

Hmmm... Taking my swimming top off without realising it had extracted my ear tunnel at some point during the donning/doffing process.

WCMUT was Mrs Nod finding the ear tunnel that I had spoopidly pulled out when removing my swim top under the beach shower. Fortunately it had landed in the sand so hadn't washed down the gutter and was easy to find.
Alls well that ends well Eh? ;)
Free Foo Fighters concert :(
They are on at the bowl, some miles away, but I can still them.
The fireworks should be good later though, they usually are :D
Well jel. :D
Did you hear that Whooooooooooshing sound when you posted that Marc ? ;)

Edit, a quick google and I have the answer,
I'll let you sit in my garden for a tenner, free parking too :D
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"rubs hands" that's 20 quid :D
Free Foo Fighters concert :(
They are on at the bowl, some miles away, but I can still them.
The fireworks should be good later though, they usually are :D
I'll be there tomorrow. I'll do my best to shout and whistle as loud as possible so you can hear me too. ;)
Alls well that ends well Eh? ;)


Not a lot to poness me off here other than it being rather hot in town during the afternoons - mid 30s C and no wind. Cooler on the beach ;)
I'll be there tomorrow. I'll do my best to shout and whistle as loud as possible so you can hear me too. ;)
I'll stand on my roof and wave :p
Poxy foo fighters are in full swing, I have an early start in the morning I guess I'm sleeping with the windows shut tonight.
I hope it snows!
Back pain! Got very little sleep because I was in agony most of the night! Paracetamol/ibuprofen didn't touch it. :rage:

Pulled my back this afternoon by lifting the lid off the bin. :mad:
Now in bed & can't get out as I am in agony. :(
Unfortunately I know all about spinal issues as I had a disc removed from my neck a few years back
I don’t ever want to go through that again :(
Well have had to book a day off sick due to my bad back today. However have a good excuse to do a little image editing & chatting on the forum (+ the painkillers are that bad from the doctor) :cool:
Poxy foo fighters are in full swing, I have an early start in the morning I guess I'm sleeping with the windows shut tonight.
I hope it snows!
It didn't although it did turn chilly once the sun went down, but Dave and the gang soon had everyone warmed up. ;) Fantastic evening, Royal Blood and Iggy Pop were great too although I suspect Mr Pop may have been a little inebriated or stoned, at one point he started saying he wished he could fly over the audience and P on us.
lthough I suspect Mr Pop may have been a little inebriated or stoned, at one point he started saying he wished he could fly over the audience and P on us.

No no....that was Chris @Cobra :LOL:
Got myself covered in POR15 - a paint that once is on your skin is there till it sheds.
although I suspect Mr Pop may have been a little inebriated or stoned, at one point he started saying he wished he could fly over the audience and P on us.
No change there then :D
Pulled my back this afternoon by lifting the lid off the bin. :mad:
Now in bed & can't get out as I am in agony. :(
I have an annoying dull pain surrounding my right shoulder blade. Probably a trapped nerve, if I slouch in a chair, all is fine, but if I sit upright I get the pain and it runs into my right arm, even to the point of making me feel nauseous at times. Day off today as got home in early hours after helping Mr Grohl and crew do our best to keep Cobra awake (entertained ;) ) so missing the gym today and hopefully it will all be better by tomorrow. Odd thing is the pain does little to hamper a visit to the gym.
That I was told at my hospital appointment that I'm too young for treatment (for arthritis in hip). They then went on to say I'd be treated if I was 80. Needless to say I'm currently thinking about my options for making an official complaint
That I was told at my hospital appointment that I'm too young for treatment (for arthritis in hip). They then went on to say I'd be treated if I was 80. Needless to say I'm currently thinking about my options for making an official complaint

I have heard of this before, the reasoning behind it is, ( and I don't know your age) that you may well need another as they don't last forever, an 80 year old, the replacement may well out live them ;)
It doesn't make it right though, and I'd kick up a fuss too! ( sorry, no pun intended)
I have heard of this before, the reasoning behind it is, ( and I don't know your age) that you may well need another as they don't last forever, an 80 year old, the replacement may well out live them ;)
It doesn't make it right though, and I'd kick up a fuss too! ( sorry, no pun intended)
Yes that is basically the reason, and effectively it's just for cost saving. They said I'll need to sooner than later. The annoying thing is I'd rather have it now so I actually get to enjoy life and be able to do more, particularly with my kids etc. I know it's because there's potential that I'm going to get through two, three or maybe even four replacements in my life - I've previously been told that they last for maybe 15 years first time, but less each time (I'm currently 35 and have so far had to put up with it for last 2 and a half years).

The annoying thing is that two of my ex work colleagues also had there's done in their 30's and saw massive benefits. It's very annoying that there is no consistency.
Absolutely (y)

Bugger! that's not good at all at such a young age :(
Give'em hell and good luck (y)

It's my dad's fault! He had similar problems but with his knees from a young age. However he never did anything about it and I've seen him struggle over the years.
I have an annoying dull pain surrounding my right shoulder blade. Probably a trapped nerve, if I slouch in a chair, all is fine, but if I sit upright I get the pain and it runs into my right arm, even to the point of making me feel nauseous at times. Day off today as got home in early hours after helping Mr Grohl and crew do our best to keep Cobra awake (entertained ;) ) so missing the gym today and hopefully it will all be better by tomorrow. Odd thing is the pain does little to hamper a visit to the gym.

I used to have a dull pain between my shoulder blades for years. One day I got out of bed & had the worst pain ever. Ended up tearing the disc between c6-c7. The pain in my right arm was terrible (feeling of being broken 24/7 due to pinched nerve).
Ended up having spinal surgery with the disc being removed & titanium plates/screws being put in my back :(
Not even 20:00hrs and its dark out there
Winter be-a-comin' :(
Not even 20:00hrs and its dark out there
Winter be-a-comin' :(
Just back from a walk up the hills.
It didn't get dark till about 20 past 8...

Just back from a walk up the hills.
It didn't get dark till about 20 past 8...

It might have something to do with the fact that you are several hundred miles North of me ;)
Not even 20:00hrs and its dark out there
Winter be-a-comin' :(
It was still daylight at 8:20 last night at Milton Keynes Bowl, the sun had only just gone behind the trees behind the stage and we were up on the top of the banking opposite.