I was in the right place for once :)

Picked up a Minolta Uniomat rangefinder in very nice condition, Haven't a clue how it works so will need to do some research

Also a Fujica 35 EE

Never seen one before , sort of quirky as it has the film wind on leaver on the base , again very nice condition

Will upload some photos tomorrow if anyone wants to see them ;)

Cheers :)
I was in the right place for once :)

Picked up a Minolta Uniomat rangefinder in very nice condition, Haven't a clue how it works so will need to do some research

Also a Fujica 35 EE

Never seen one before , sort of quirky as it has the film wind on leaver on the base , again very nice condition

Will upload some photos tomorrow if anyone wants to see them ;)

Cheers :)

Always good to see new gear, the quirkier the better :)
I was in the right place for once :)
Picked up a Minolta Uniomat rangefinder in very nice condition, Haven't a clue how it works ...
Allen I had one of those when i was about 15! Think it cost £30 new.

Selenium cell (no battery needed) match needle metering, programmed shutter (can't adjust aperture / shutterspeed independently). Solid build. Does the meter still work?
Allen I had one of those when i was about 15! Think it cost £30 new.

Selenium cell (no battery needed) match needle metering, programmed shutter (can't adjust aperture / shutterspeed independently). Solid build. Does the meter still work?

The man I purchased it from said not . He used it with a hand held meter
Courtesy of an Internet friend, who offered me this for nothing when I lusted after TLRs on Facebook, a well-worn Yashica-Mat.

Yashica-Mat by Arfonfab, on Flickr

Now I need film (some Portra from ebay I think), a strap, and for South Wales's very own Noah's deluge to stop for a while, and then I can induct myself into the F&C club.
Today my 'new' Nikon F80 arrived I hope tomorrow my 'new' F55 with 28-100 lens arrives so I can go out and play hopefully will be able to take one of them on my trip to Chester with the camera club at the weekend. Will be quite apt as Chester was where I got my first ever camera all I remember of it was it was red and black piont and shoot:LOL:
Oh dear, oh dear, look what I found outside my door this morning (local postie doesn't seem to believe in "signed for"!):

It seems in quite good nick; lenses a little dusty but I've cleaned them up. Shutter speeds seem reasonable up to the point where I can't distinguish (<1/125). I think it's a 1961 RG1 version, with an Optiper shutter (suspect the Seikosha shutters are preferred). No meter; I ran a roll of HP5 through this afternoon with a combination of Sunny 16 and the meter from my X10. It is a right royal pain using a separate camera as a meter! So it's either a cheap Weston, or put the £20-30 towards a smartphone to replace my ancient, cracked clamshell phone...

EDIT: meant to add that it seems fine so far aother than the shutter being a bit stiff. It got me into a conversation with an old fellow (!) on Middle Meadow Walk, and got admiring glances from a lad in a supermarket!
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Wonder if we have the same postie - he likes to put things through the door whether it requires a signature or not too! :LOL:

Nice newbie too :D
Chris, very nice looking TLR, there is something very satisfying about shooting with a 6x6 twin lens!
Nice one Chris, I think you'll love being square. Have a look at the sekonic l208 twinmate, I find it really easy to use and very accurate.

This time I got to the door just as the postie was disappearing down the stair. "Don't I have to sign for this?" says I. "Only if you want to" says he, without stopping!

TBH Adrian, I've not fallen in love with it yet; must have taken me 10 minutes to load the film, as the spools just wouldn't go in. Plus the usual faff trying to get used to framing with the WLF! I'm not certain whether I should be framing with the whole window, or just the smallish bit between the guidelines. Plus the stiff shutter probably means some frames are wonky; we shall see.

But I didn't like the borrowed M645 first roll either, and it's been growing on me. I've decided I don't want it, as the back is not interchangeable; now a M645 Super has turned up in the Classifieds with interchangeable backs!
I know......tempted. But I am constantly tempted.
TBH Adrian, I've not fallen in love with it yet; must have taken me 10 minutes to load the film, as the spools just wouldn't go in. Plus the usual faff trying to get used to framing with the WLF! I'm not certain whether I should be framing with the whole window, or just the smallish bit between the guidelines. Plus the stiff shutter probably means some frames are wonky; we shall see.

Chris, it is a different handling and shooting experience but it is worth persevering with IMHO, keep us posted about how if goes.
Will do, I'm not a flirty, fly-by-night filmie like some! I did sell my Canonet, but I gave it 6 months or so to try to bond:).
That is the nicest Autocord I have seen for some time.
Picked up a Nikon FG from ebay. Saw it listed for £22 buy It now with free shipping & couldn't resist. It arrived yesterday & I am running a test film through it now. It will need the foams doing & is missing the front grip, but apart from a couple of strap marks it is in really good cosmetic condition. I have tracked a grip down on ebay & if the film comes out OK will order it to complete the camera. Initial impressions are that it isn't a bad little thing.
I got an FG a couple of months ago, really nice little camera. All my shots in the North Wales Meet photo thread were taken with it.

Picked up a Nikon FG from ebay. Saw it listed for £22 buy It now with free shipping & couldn't resist..

Yes I saw that and was very tempted with the price but it was UK sale only....good to see it's gone to a TP member who will use it!
Yes I saw that and was very tempted with the price but it was UK sale only....good to see it's gone to a TP member who will use it!

It will have a very leisurely life with me as I have several better Nikon bodies ahead of it that hardly get used as it is, but it will be appreciated. I am as much, maybe more a collector than a user lately. The strap marks have come off with a rub with alcohol which is nice.
The FG is a cracker of a machine it really is my fave, I have an FE2 as well as a pair they have all the bases covered
With me the FG has to compete with an F, an F2, 2 F3's, an F5, FA, FE2, FM2, F80 & an F65 (The F65 is free to a good home if anyone wants it by the way) There is also an OM2 SP & an Zenit EM.
(The F65 is free to a good home if anyone wants it by the way) .

If postage is cheap enough then i'd like to offer it a new loving home although perhaps technically you need to advertise it under the freebies section :shrug:

Edit : just realised freebie section wont be suitable if monies exchanged for postage.

Oh heck maybe i should just scrap this posting :LOL:
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With me the FG has to compete with an F, an F2, 2 F3's, an F5, FA, FE2, FM2, F80 & an F65 (The F65 is free to a good home if anyone wants it by the way) There is also an OM2 SP & an Zenit EM.

So as to keep the right side of our lovely mods and everything out in the open, but just to help out fellow TP'ers as I know Asha doesn't quite have enough cameras yet.

Perhaps I could act as intermediary? Where abouts in Surrey are you David? If you're not too far away I could probably pick it up.
I am in Sutton. Sorry mods for any infraction on my part :(
So it's either a cheap Weston, or put the £20-30 towards a smartphone to replace my ancient, cracked clamshell phone...


Chris does the meter have to be accurate?

Sounds like a daft question doesn't it?? :LOL:....basically I may have a Weston V knocking about that I would let you have ( as a freebie of course!) BUT it may be out by one or two stops........iirc the error is consistent so easy enough to make allowances for that when setting aperture etc

If you can live with the fault then i'll have a dig through and do some testing to see if I can help you out.....
So as to keep the right side of our lovely mods and everything out in the open, but just to help out fellow TP'ers as I know Asha doesn't quite have enough cameras yet.

Perhaps I could act as intermediary? Where abouts in Surrey are you David? If you're not too far away I could probably pick it up.

The one thing I love about this forum is how most folk will do so much to help others out ..... Nick, like me, you're too darned soft! a nice way you understand :D

I am in Sutton. Sorry mods for any infraction on my part :(

I think it's I who needs to offer the appology to mods seeing as i plunged in with mention of postage....I'm sure we'll get "put in our place" by TBY or someone similar soon enough (Asha sits quivering with fear :D: )
Nothing in the rules saying you can't lend a camera to someone surely.
The FG is a great camera. With a 50mm pancake, it is incredibly light shooting pair and covers lots of tasks effortlessly.
Chris does the meter have to be accurate?

Sounds like a daft question doesn't it?? :LOL:....basically I may have a Weston V knocking about that I would let you have ( as a freebie of course!) BUT it may be out by one or two stops........iirc the error is consistent so easy enough to make allowances for that when setting aperture etc

If you can live with the fault then i'll have a dig through and do some testing to see if I can help you out.....

Thanks Asha, but I've won the fleabay auction and one is on its way (from a Colwyn Bay camera shop, just near where we were for the film meet)! (I thought maybe I should get a spot meter... until I saw the prices!!! :eek:)
Thanks Asha, but I've won the fleabay auction and one is on its way (from a Colwyn Bay camera shop, just near where we were for the film meet)! (I thought maybe I should get a spot meter... until I saw the prices!!! :eek:)

No worries Chris...Glad you got sorted.
Yes spot meters don't come cheap:puke:
The FG is a cracker of a machine it really is my fave, I have an FE2 as well as a pair they have all the bases covered

I also have an FG and an FE2. I need to get some more AI lenses as all I have at the moment is a 135mm.

All of my other Nikkors are pre AI for my Nikon Fs.

WThell is CSC

cos somebody's shot a portrait with a CSC camera.

all of a sudden its CSC this CSC that..

and I'm supposed to know its a CSC camera because CSC camera images are.......****knows ??....:shrug:
WThell is CSC cos somebody's shot a portrait with a CSC camera. all of a sudden its CSC this CSC that.. and I'm supposed to know its a CSC camera because CSC camera images are.......****knows ??....:shrug:

They have batteries in. Or something.
Can't Spell Camera?